Chapter 32:

The sound of unfamiliar footsteps is getting smaller and smaller.

Zhu Wenshu was still in a daze, trying to find the strength to support his body in the narrow space formed by Ling Chen's arms and chest.

Chen heaved a sigh of relief until the figure of the man completely disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"I thought it was a sneak shot."

He let go of his hand, froze in the air for a moment, and patted Zhu Wenshu's head again.


Oh, I see.

Knowing the reason, Zhu Wenshu still couldn't get away from the intimate contact just now, and stood for a few seconds before turning his head and following Ling Chen into the box.

After sitting down, neither of them spoke.

Zhu Wenshu lowered his eyes, and the tip of his nose seemed to still be lingering with the smell of Ling Chen.

If there is nothing, it smells a little nice, but it's not a perfume smell.

"Hello, this is the menu."

The waiter made a sound, interrupting Zhu Wenshu's thoughts.

A full five minutes passed.

The waiter stood by the table and wanted to speak several times, but was blocked by the weird atmosphere in the box.

The man didn't speak, he was still wearing a mask, and his hat was pushed down very low. He occasionally flipped through the menu and didn't say what to order, looking absent-minded.

The **** the opposite side was not much better, she carefully flipped through the menu, but didn't order anything, as if the superior came to inspect the work anonymously.

It's just that the waiter didn't know, and the silence of the two people was different.

One has not recovered from the episode just now, and the other clenched his fists looking at the menu price.

"Excuse me," the waiter finally couldn't help but ask, "Do you need to introduce the dishes?"

Ling Chen glanced at her, then simply closed the menu and asked the person opposite: "Mr. Zhu, do you need it?"

"Ah? No need."

Zhu Wenshu took a closer look, quickly turned two more pages, looked at it carefully for a while, pointed to a set meal and said, "How about this set meal for two?"

Ling Chen: "OK."

The waiter came forward to accept the menu, and said at the same time: "The main dish of this set meal, Jamón Serrano, has been naturally air-dried for more than a year. It is only seasoned with coarse salt. It is simple and natural. It will be cut by the chef later..."


Zhu Wenshu only heard one important point, "What legs?"

Waiter: "Spanish mountain ham."

"Oh." Zhu Wenshu nodded, "Then this is it."


After the waiter left the box with the menu, Ling Chen began to take off his hat and mask.

Zhu Wenshu looked at his slow movements, and in just a few moments, he had expected that the two of them would fall into silence again after he finished all this.

It's not the first time we met, and there were times when we ate alone before.

It was just because of the episode just before entering the door that broke her preset peace and calmness.

"Is the Spanish mountain ham raw?"

After a while, Zhu Wenshu decided to find something to say, "I rarely eat raw food."


Ling Chen folded the mask carefully, without looking up at her, "Then why didn't you order chicken legs just now?"

"... What chicken legs cost five hundred and five."

Zhu Wenshu muttered, "The price in our school cafeteria is only five yuan and five."

"Not three dollars and five?"

Ling Chen followed suit.

"I'm talking about the teachers' cafeteria of the Experimental Primary School, not the cafeteria of our No. 1 Middle School."

Zhu Wenshu smiled, "I didn't expect you to remember such a trivial matter."

Ling Chen still didn't look up, but just said "um" in a low voice.

A few years ago, before prices soared, the braised chicken legs in their high school cafeteria only cost 3.5 yuan.

In the third year of senior high school, the study tasks were heavy, and evening self-study was added. Every day, lunch and dinner were settled in the school cafeteria. The stewed chicken legs in the cafeteria at noon every Wednesday were almost the few remaining pleasures in Zhu Wenshu's boring study life.

One morning, Zhu Wenshu got up late, and hurried to school without eating a few bites of breakfast.

After a few classes, she was very hungry, eating the relief buns Zhong Ya gave her outside the corridor, and said vaguely that she needed to buy two chicken legs at noon today to make up for her hunger today.

Unexpectedly, in the last math class, the teacher dragged the class to explain the test paper.

The students in other classes left the class lively, and when they passed by their class, they still laughed and played without quality, which made people's hearts itch.

After a while, a few art and sports students in the back row began to sneak out of the classroom from behind, but the teacher ignored them and continued to talk about the topic in a leisurely manner.

"So what collection is this?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't expect that no one in the class would answer, so she touched her belly and said in a weakly elongated tone: "Kong—Ji—"

There was a lot of laughter underneath.


The teacher heard that the person who answered was Zhu Wenshu, and finally there was some emotion in his voice, "Everyone is so sluggish, they even forgot the content of the first year of high school, how do you take the college entrance examination like this?"

A few innocuous lessons won't do much.

Zhu Wenshu watched one classmate after another slip away from the glass reflected in the door and window, feeling very uncomfortable, and scratched his fingers on the seat without listening to a word, his mind was full of chicken legs.


When the teacher finished his lecture and school was over, when she and Zhong Ya rushed to the cafeteria, the braised chicken legs were already sold out.

After eating a few leftovers until he was half full, Zhu Wenshu walked back to the classroom full of complaints.

She was seated in the first row. As soon as she entered the door, she saw a transparent plastic bag on the table, which contained the braised chicken legs she had been thinking about.

"Whose chicken leg?"

Zhu Wenshu asked.

The students in the classroom were either taking a nap or doing a quiz, but no one responded to her.

"If no one claims it, I'll eat it."

The boy at the back table finally spoke.

"Didn't you buy it? I saw it when I came back."

"I still don't know which hero donated it."

At the dinner table, Zhu Wenshu finished talking about the matter and concluded.


Ling Chen picked up the water glass, "What about it?"

"As for, I had a happy day at that time." Zhu Wenshu said, "If you want me to know which boy released it, I will definitely treat him to ten chicken drumsticks now."

"...How do you know it's a boy."

Zhu Wenshu brushed his hair, and sighed pretendingly, "At that time, Zhong Ya said that someone who had a crush on me might have bought it for me."

The cup shook slightly, Ling Chen took half a sip of tea, and responded in a low voice.

"Maybe so."

"But thinking about it now, it shouldn't be."

Zhu Wenshu shook his head, "Which boy would give a girl a crush a big chicken leg? At that time, it was always a Ferrero or something."

While talking, the waiter opened the door and came in to serve the food.

Ling Chen skillfully turned his back to the person, picked up his phone and swiped.

When the person went out, Zhu Wenshu saw that he turned back again, thinking that the topic he had worked so hard to find had finally survived the embarrassing period of waiting for food, so he picked up the knife and fork and prepared to eat.

"Then have you eaten?"

Ling Chen asked again abruptly.


Zhu Wenshu's knife and fork stopped in the air, "Of course I ate it."

Ling Chen stared at her and asked, "You don't know who put it there, how dare you eat it?"

What he said makes sense, and the current Zhu Wenshu will definitely be cautious.

But I was only a teenager at that time, and I hadn't stepped out of the simple campus, so I didn't think so much.

"I was a little worried at the time, but I thought that the classroom is monitored anyway. If there is a problem with eating, I will adjust the monitoring and ask that person to pay for it."

"It seems that there is no problem with eating."

Ling Chen smiled perfunctorily, then scribbled a summary, and pushed the raw ham in front of Zhu Wen's writing, "This ham is not anonymous, so feel free to eat it, Teacher Zhu."


It seems that the big star is not interested in these trivial things she said, so it's better to shut up and eat.

But this meal was actually a bit tormenting for Zhu Wenshu.

She chewed carefully and slowly, tasted again and again, wondering why this ham cost her a month's wages.

Is the pig worth more than her?

Finally, she looked at the plate of what the waiter said were oranges from Australia.

After taking two bites, Zhu Wenshu wiped his mouth and stared at them speechlessly.


Seeing Zhu Wenshu's strange expression, Ling Chen asked, "Too sour?"


Zhu Wenshu took a breath, picked up his bag and prepared to go out to pay the bill.

Before stepping forward, she said, "It's just that they told me honestly just now that they have never been to Australia at all."

Ling Chen: "..."

He looked at Zhu Wenshu's back as he looked at death like home, and it took him a long time to look away.

Staring at the exquisite dinner plate in front of me, the greasy chicken legs in the high school cafeteria appeared in my mind.


He chuckled, talking to himself.

A few minutes later, the door of the box was pushed open, and a head poked in.

"Have you paid the bill?"

"not me."

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

Ling Chen looked back at her.

"It may have been bought by a hero who did not want to be named."

Knowing that he was joking, Zhu Wenshu was speechless for a few seconds, then asked again: "...How much is it?"

I don't know that there is no service fee for the meal.


Ling Chen said while wearing a mask, "Want to have an AA with me?"

Zhu Wenshu thought that I didn't mean that, and what came out of his mouth was: "It's not impossible."

Ling Chen seemed to laugh, and didn't say anything, just put on the mask and hat, got up and walked towards her.

When passing by, he patted Zhu Wenshu's head, "Okay, let's go."

Since becoming an adult, few people have made such an intimate gesture towards Zhu Wenshu.

She stood still, watching Ling Chen's fingers inadvertently lift up a strand of her hair, slipped behind, and was blown to the tip of her nose by a gust of wind.


That faint scent.

Ling Chen found that Zhu Wenshu, who had been chatting at the dinner table, fell silent again after getting into the car.

A person sat quietly in the co-pilot, neither looking at his phone nor at him.

So Ling Chen didn't rush to start the car.

He sat for a while, seeing that Zhu Wenshu still didn't speak, he asked, "You—"

As soon as a word was said, the phone rang untimely.

Ling Chen glanced at the caller ID and picked it up immediately.

Zhu Wenshu, who was originally wandering, was gradually drawn back by his voice.

After listening for a long time, I realized later that he was talking about work, lighting effects and the like.

After he hung up the phone, he saw that he started the car without delay, so he asked, "Are you going to do something?"


Ling Chen responded, turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"


I just thought that since he was so busy, why did he still have a leisurely dinner with her.

Suddenly, Zhu Wenshu's cell phone rang, but it was just a WeChat message.

[Shi Xueer]: Teacher Zhu, did I bother you? Why didn't you reply to my message? [Poor]

Zhu Wenshu quickly flipped through and found that she did not reply to the message from the day before yesterday.

[Zhu Wenshu]: No, no, too many people sent me messages that day, so I forgot.

[Shi Xueer]: Oh, do you have time to chat now?

[Zhu Wenshu]: I'm free, what's the matter?

【Shi Xueer】: It's nothing serious, just gossiping with you.

[Shi Xueer]: Didn't Lingchen come to your grade's sports meeting that day? Sensen said that he almost kicked Ling Chen out as a bad guy, what about you? Have you seen Ling Chen? Is he the same in real life as he is on TV?

Zhu Wenshu glanced at the man beside him.

Well, same.

Even better than on TV.

[Zhu Wenshu]: He was wearing a mask and sunglasses, and I didn't pay much attention.

【Shi Xueer】: Oh, what about his nephew? Be good or not? Does it look like him?

[Zhu Wenshu]: She's quite obedient, but not very similar.

[Shi Xueer]: I'm so envious of you, I'm a teacher, why don't I have the luck to teach his nephew, maybe you can see him at school in the future.

[Shi Xueer]: Woooooo, you must help me look at him more.

Zhu Wenshu turned his head to look at Lingchen again.

I thought not only could I see him at school, but I'm still sitting in his car now.

Probably because she was too engrossed in her thoughts, when she suddenly met Shang Lingchen's gaze, she was inexplicably panicked, so she just froze.

"Why do you keep looking at me?"

Ling Chen asked.

Zhu Wenshu blinked and said humorously, "A fan of yours asked me to help her see you more."

Ling Chen didn't have any other expressions, and said casually: "I'll charge others to read it."

Does that mean I don't have to pay for it?

Zhu Wenshu was touched by his own thoughts.

Shi Xueer's messages were still coming in continuously, but Zhu Wenshu didn't have the mood to reply.

Night had already enveloped the city.

When getting off the car, Zhu Wenshu was a little absent-minded.

It's not accurate to say that. For example, she just walked a few steps now, and she didn't hear the sound of the car driving away behind her. She had a premonition that Ling Chen would definitely stop her.

Sure enough, the next second.


The evening wind passed through the treetops, carrying Ling Chen's voice, making Zhu Wenshu's hair flutter.

After a while, she turned around.

"What's wrong?"

Through the car window, Ling Chen lowered his jaw.

"You forgot your phone."


Zhu Wenshu walked over in silence, without opening the door, and directly reached out through the car window to pick up his mobile phone.

When she was about to pull out her mobile phone, she raised her eyes and met Ling Chen's eyes.

Such a night, such a moonlight, they stared at each other for several seconds in the dim light of the carriage.

She also felt that Ling Chen had something to say.

But he refused to speak.

Finally, Zhu Wenshu couldn't help asking: "Is there anything else?"


Ling Chen said without a tone.

Zhu Wenshu: "Oh..."

After saying goodbye, she walked towards the gate of the community.

But as soon as she turned around, she took out her mobile phone and glanced at Shi Xueer's message.

Probably because she never dreamed that the distance between her and her idol was only a child and a teacher. She was very excited, and even though Zhu Wenshu didn't reply, she sent several messages to herself.

[Shi Xueer]: He actually went to participate in his nephew's parent-child sports meeting. What kind of peerless uncle is this?

[Shi Xueer]: Hey, you don't know that Ling Chen usually doesn't even participate in variety shows, and doesn't show up unless necessary. You all know that he is a very indifferent person.

[Shi Xueer]: I'm so envious of his nephew, what does it feel like to be doted on by Ling Chen, woo woo woo.

【Zhu Wenshu】: Then what do you think

[Zhu Wenshu]: What kind of girl would someone like Ling Chen like?

[Shi Xueer]: Huh?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Just chatting, I'm curious too.

[Shi Xueer]: First of all, make sure, will he like ordinary people?

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

[Shi Xueer]: It must be those female stars who are as beautiful as fairies on TV that can catch his eyes.

[Shi Xueer]: Wait a minute, Teacher Zhu, have you discovered anything?

【Shi Xueer】: Did he bring any other female stars with him that day?

[Shi Xueer]: Who, who, I'm so curious!

Zhu Wenshu: "..."


She felt that what Shi Xueer said made sense.

In a living environment like Ling Chen's, people who usually come into contact with are all glamorous and incomparable stunners.

How could it be possible, set your sights on a female elementary school teacher.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu suddenly smiled.

She felt that she probably received more pursuits in this small circle, so she was always prone to imagination.

That's Ling Chen!

Not a little boy who has never seen anything in the world!

You can't think so much because people care about your nephew coming to school a few more times and being polite to treat you to a meal!

Maybe as soon as they turn around and go home, they will go out with some female star.

Who remembers who you Zhu Wenshu is?

Just thinking about it, the phone suddenly vibrated again.

Thinking it was Shi Xueer asking, Zhu Wenshu didn't click on it in a hurry, and was still remembering if he had any peacock opening today.

It wasn't until he entered the elevator that Zhu Wenshu was sure that he hadn't shown his self-indulgence too obviously, so he turned on the phone.

A new message pops up.

[c]: Are you free on weekends?