Chapter 33:

The elevator had already reached the floor, and the double doors opened, but Zhu Wenshu stood still, staring at the screen of the phone that had been turned off.

Is this Ling Chen's date invitation?

Zhu Wenshu was startled suddenly by the word "dating" that popped up in his mind.

But these two words were like sparks, burning in the air little by little, making Zhu Wenshu's cheeks hot and his heart beating faster.

After a while, Ling Chen probably saw that she hadn't replied to the message for so long, so he sent another question mark.

Zhu Wenshu settled down and replied with one word.

[Wishing Letter]: Yes

Then, with hesitation and nervousness, he added a word.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Right

The elevator doors closed again, and the descent had already begun.

But Zhu Wenshu didn't notice it, and stared at the phone, looking at the "the other party is typing" at the top of the WeChat dialog box.

After a few seconds.

[c]: Ling Siyuan celebrates his birthday and wants to invite the teacher to dinner.

In the scorching hot air just now, it seemed as if a basin of cold water was suddenly poured down.

[c]: Are you free?

【c】: Just forget it if you don’t have time.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Yes...

【c】: At 7 o'clock on Saturday night, at home, not many people.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Oh, good.

If you don't love the teaching profession, Zhu Wenshu thinks, it's fine to devote yourself to the acting career.

If she doesn't win an Oscar, she will be sorry for the scenes she added to herself.

She took a long breath, looked up and saw that the elevator had descended to the first floor.

After pressing the floor again, Zhu Wenshu drooped his head, conducting deep self-reflection.

It must be because I have been single for too long, and I have to get rid of this problem of too much thinking.

Suddenly, the phone thought again.

[c]: When the time comes to pick you up?

Zhu Wenshu was like a frightened bird at this moment, and he was very cautious about every word Ling Chen sent.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Are you coming to pick me up?

After a while.

[c]: It's not impossible.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She frowned and took a deep breath before typing.

[Zhu Wenshu]: That's not what I mean.

Ling Chen didn't bother her with such a trivial matter.

【c】: Go to bed early.


Zhu Wenshu thought, it's better to wash up and go to bed early.

I don't know if it's a little guilty, but on Saturday, Zhu Wenshu deliberately dressed very plainly.

No make-up, dressed simply, I picked a few extra-curricular books as gifts in the bookstore downstairs.

"Another children's book?"

The bookstore cashier knew Zhu Wenshu very well. Seeing that there were no customers at the moment, they chatted, "There are a lot of new books here, do you want to have a look?"

The bookstore's new books were displayed on the display stand at the entrance. Zhu Wenshu glanced at them casually, but was not interested, so he went out with his bag.

Just a few steps away, a new message suddenly entered on her mobile phone.

[c]: Are you at home?

Zhu Wenshu thought, the bookstore at the gate of the community is considered home, right?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Yes, what's the matter?

【c】: I'm going home, I'll pick you up on the way.

Zhu Wenshu felt a little embarrassed when he thought of all the scenes he added yesterday, so it's better not to bother him.

But before she had time to refuse, Ling Chen's next sentence had already come.

【c】: Already downstairs.

ah? So fast?

Zhu Wenshu immediately looked left and right, but did not see Ling Chen's car.

[c]: Turn back.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Ling Chen's commercial vehicle on the side of the road at the corner.


Then there is no way to shirk it.

Although there were not many people on the road at the moment, Zhu Wenshu looked around cautiously before getting into the carriage.

The weather was already very cold, and some passers-by had already put on down jackets, but Ling Chen probably only wore a light gray sweater because he didn't spend much time outside.

His hair has grown a bit longer, and now he is leaning against the seat, with his head slightly lowered, and the ends of his hair just cover his eyebrows, making his eye sockets even deeper.

Zhu Wenshu heard people say that people with deep eyebrows and eyes will make their gazes have the effect of affection.

It happened that Chen turned his head to look over, half of his face was hidden in the dim sunlight, and the expression in those eyes was particularly soft.

So Zhu Wenshu felt that she couldn't be blamed for her self-indulgence.

Sometimes even if Ling Chen doesn't do anything, a look in his eyes can easily make people think too much.


Zhu Wenshu sighed lightly.

"What's wrong?"

She didn't expect Ling Chen to hear so well, so she quickly lowered her head and fastened her seat belt, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, I just feel a little cold."

Ling Chen glanced at the cashmere coat wrapped around her body, then turned around and told the driver to turn on the air conditioner.

I always feel that she is a bit abnormal today, Ling Chen glanced at her several times from the corner of her eye, but didn't see anything wrong with her.

After a while, the phone rang in the quiet car.

Zhu Wenshu took a look, it was Shi Xueer calling.


Zhu Wenshu picked it up, "What's the matter?"

"Teacher Zhu, do you have any plans for the evening?"

Shi Xueer's background sound was a bit noisy, like on the street, "Do you want to come out and eat hot pot?"


Zhu Wenshu wanted to say that he had something to do today, but he wondered why Shi Xueer was looking for her every week, why didn't he date Zhu Qisen?

With a sip of the mouth, it becomes——

"I have a date today."

As soon as the words fell, the air in the car seemed to freeze suddenly.

Zhu Wenshu sucked in a cold breath and directly sucked into Tianling Gai, not daring to turn his head to see the reaction of the man beside him.

"Ah? A date, hahaha, ok ok."

Shi Xueer laughed happily, "Then I wish you a good time, teacher~ Let's meet again next time."

Until the busy tone sounded from the receiver, Zhu Wenshu didn't tilt his head, kept his eyes fixed all the time, and slowly put down the phone.

Several seconds passed, and the man beside him remained silent. Zhu Wenshu couldn't sit still any longer, and turned his head to look at him furtively.

Seeing this, they were caught off guard and looked at each other.

His gaze changed several times with the passing dim daylight.

Zhu Wenshu didn't understand what he wanted to express in his eyes, but felt uncomfortable being stared at by him, and then heard him say it.

"You're going to make today a date,"

He paused, "I have no objection either."


Zhu Wenshu turned his head stiffly, twitching the corners of his mouth dryly, "I'm actually...there's a second show tonight."


Ling Chen sat back, leaned loosely on the back of the chair, and said solemnly, "Then you are quite busy."


Zhu Wenshu cleared his throat without hearing what Ling Chen said, and picked a topic to change the atmosphere in the car.

"Who are there today?"

"A few friends of my brother."

Ling Chen said, "There are two other children of the same age coming to play."

It was fine, just an ordinary birthday party.

Zhu Wenshu nodded: "Just have a meal at home, right?"


Ling Chen turned his head and said word by word, "Don't worry, Teacher Zhu's appointment will not be delayed."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Over the years, many parents have devoted themselves to establishing a good relationship with their teachers, and they will invite teachers during festivals or children's birthdays.

This is nothing new, and Zhu Wenshu often listens to the teachers in the office talking about it, so she treats it as an ordinary birthday dinner, let alone at home.

And as soon as she came in—

The room is no different from usual, except that there are many cakes and snacks on the table, and a bunch of colorful balloons are posted on the TV wall.

And those guests sitting in the living room watching TV...

Why are they people who can only be seen on TV?

Zhu Wenshu froze at the door, looking over one by one.

In addition to a few well-known actors and children's channel hosts sitting on the sofa, there were actually two or three talented talent singers who had just become popular playing with Ling Siyuan and the other two children in the living room.


Ling Siyuan was the first person in the room to see Zhu Wenshu. He was staring at the birthday hat on his head, wearing Captain America's clothes, and waving at her excitedly.

Everyone in the living room looked over.

In an instant, Zhu Wenshu's legs went numb.

What's it like to be stared at by a group of celebrities?

Zhu Wenshu couldn't tell, he just felt like he was dreaming.

She turned her head to look at Ling Chen with a dazed face, the inquiry in her eyes was obvious.

—Why didn’t you tell me that they are all this kind of customers?

Ling Chen shrugged, and the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

—I said they are all my brother’s friends, is there a problem?

no problem.

Zhu Wenshu just felt that if he had known, he would dress up well today!

So, under the eyes of a group of stars, she walked towards the living room step by step, and handed the things in her hand to Ling Siyuan.

"Yuan Yuan, happy birthday."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Ling Siyuan saw that what she sent was a book, half of her smile disappeared, "Teacher, please sit down."

"it is good…"

where to sit Zhu Wenshu looked back, was he sitting between the two hosts or beside the actors?

While she was in a daze, someone grabbed her wrist hanging beside her leg.

With very light force, not even clenched tightly, but loosely hooked, Ling Chen led her to the sofa, and then let go.

"Sit down first, I'll pour water."

He spoke in a low voice, and the guests on the sofa didn't pay much attention to Zhu Wenshu, but nodded to her politely.

On the other hand, an actress in her thirties saw that Zhu Wenshu was uncomfortable, so she took the initiative to pat the seat beside her, "Teacher, come and sit here."

Zhu Wenshu was still watching her drama a few days ago, now when she heard her talking to him, he felt his whole body drifting off, and he didn't notice Ling Chen's small movements at all.

She only looked at the female star, and nodded with bright eyes: "Okay, thank you."

As soon as he was seated, Ling Xingyan, who was busy in the kitchen, poked his head out.

"Here you come? Sit down first and rest for a while."

At this moment, a young man came out from the aisle and stared at Zhu Wenshu for a few moments.

Zhu Wenshu felt this gaze, turned around, and felt that this person looked familiar.

After a closer look, I suddenly remembered.

Isn't this Ye Shaoxing who was discussed in the group of colleagues a few days ago?

After their gazes crossed for a moment, Ye Shaoxing turned his head and saw Ling Chen pouring a cup of hot water, and before handing it to Zhu Wen, he touched the wall of the cup with his index finger, as if to check the temperature of the water.

In fact, when he came out of the bathroom just now, he saw Ling Chen walking over holding Zhu Wenshu's hand, and now he saw him doing these things again, so he asked, "Brother Chen, is your girlfriend?"

Zhu Wenshu almost missed the water that Ling Chen handed over, and the embarrassment of being self-indulgent last night instantly permeated his whole body.

"No, no." She quickly denied, "I'm Ling Siyuan's head teacher."

"It's just taking time to have a meal."

Ling Chen glanced at Ye Shaoxing, then put the water on the table, "I have a date tonight."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Just when Zhu Wenshu and Ye Shaoxing didn't know how to answer the conversation, Ling Siyuan on the side raised his hands: "This is the number one beauty of Jiangcheng Experimental Primary School, our goddess with excellent temperament, Teacher Zhu!"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

shut up!

Then Ling Siyuan slipped his arm and pointed directly at Ling Chen.

"My uncle can't climb high!"

The child's two words attracted the attention of all the guests when they just uttered them. Everyone turned their heads to look at Zhu Wenshu and Ling Chen with teasing smiles in their eyes.

I didn't take it seriously, I just thought it was a child's nonsense.

But Zhu Wenshu couldn't turn a deaf ear to it. Thinking of her self-indulgence last night again, she blushed to the back of her ears.


Just as he wanted Ling Siyuan not to say that, Ling Chen suddenly spoke.


He complied with Ling Siyuan's words.

When Zhu Wenshu was stunned, he turned his head to look at her again, with a faint smile on his lips.

"So who climbed up tonight?"