Chapter 34:

When Ling Chen responded to Ling Siyuan's joke, the guests thought he was making fun of himself and were about to laugh in accordance with the atmosphere.

But when he uttered the next sentence, the aura that permeated the room changed quietly, one pair of eyes glanced at Zhu Wenshu one after another, and walked back and forth between her and Ling Chen.

How do you think, there is something weird between these two.

Isn't she Ling Siyuan's head teacher?

Under the siege of a room full of stars, Zhu Wenshu felt like a suckling pig that had been roasted repeatedly.

"No, no, it's because I can't climb high." She tried hard to be calm, and when she reached out to hold the water glass, she took a peek at Ling Chen's expression. Seeing that the corner of his mouth was still half a smile, she pondered for a moment, and added, "Before I only taught new words in a few days, and the children use them indiscriminately, I didn’t teach them well.”

The guests around laughed, but the curvature of Ling Chen's mouth completely faded.

He bent half sideways, with one hand in the bag, and the other hand reached out to Zhu Wenshu to take away the used cup.

When the body approached, Zhu Wenshu heard him say lightly: "How could that be."

All around talked and laughed at Yanyan, but Zhu Wenshu's fingers holding the cup tightened, and he remained silent.

It may be that in a very strange environment, Zhu Wenshu couldn't intervene in other people's chats. He sat quietly by himself and could only think silently.

His three words were denying what she said.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the meal time.

There were a lot of people today, so everyone moved to the big table in the restaurant. Zhu Wenshu didn't feel embarrassed to be too active when she saw the crowd of big names gathered at the scene. She found an empty seat to sit down when everyone was almost seated.

The actress on the right was still there, and the seat on the left was empty. After Zhu Wenshu sat down, he looked around and saw that there were still four vacant seats on the table. Ling Siyuan was answering the phone on the balcony, and Ye Shaoxing was washing his hands, while she looked back at the kitchen , the nanny was still busy, so Ling Chen stood aside to help arrange the dishes.

At this time, Ling Chen seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned his head. After his eyes and Zhu Wenshu met briefly in the air, he lowered his eyes to the empty seat beside her, and then raised his eyebrows.

Zhu Wenshu blinked, and followed his gaze to look at the seat beside him.

After a while, she saw Ling Chen, who was half busy, put down the things in his hands, went to the living room to pick up the water glass he had drunk, and put it on the seat next to Zhu Wenshu.

The man didn't look at her, and said to all the guests: "Eat first."

"Wait a minute." Someone said, "Brother Xingyan is still answering the phone on the balcony."

"He doesn't know how long he will talk on a phone call, so there is no need to wait."

As he said that, Ling Chen also took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and placed it next to the bowl and chopsticks.

When he turned around and went back to the kitchen, Zhu Wenshu buried his head very low. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the water glass and mobile phone he used to occupy the seat, and his heart was full of twists and turns.

She just looked at him, really just out of restraint, and wanted to see what acquaintances were doing.

Not suggesting that he sit over!

Suddenly, a shadow fell, Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes, and saw Ye Shaoxing sitting down next to her.

Before he could speak, Ling Siyuan on the opposite side suddenly said, "You can't sit with the teacher!"


Ye Shaoxing raised his eyebrows, glanced at Zhu Wenshu from the corner of his eye, and asked, "Why?"

Almost everyone at the table focused their attention on Xiao Shouxing, waiting for him to say something amusing.

Only Zhu Wenshu's breathing was a little tight, and he didn't look at Ling Siyuan, always thinking that he would say something earth-shattering again.


Ling Siyuan said angrily, "You just said that you will be my subordinate today, and you will peel shrimp for me!"


Zhu Wenshu heaved a sigh of relief, his head muffled and he didn't make a sound.

"That won't work." Ye Shaoxing propped his chin and said, "The subordinates are going to slay demons and demons, how can they peel shrimps for you? This is called overkill."

"It doesn't matter what you say! I don't care! I am the oldest today, you have to come and peel the shrimp for me!"

"No, I will sit next to the beautiful teacher."

The two were talking, making Siyuan get up and run towards Ye Shaoxing to drag him.

Ye Shaoxing also deliberately wanted to amuse the children, and as the two tugged, Ling Chen came over with a plate of curry beef.

He was already prepared to dodge it, but Ye Shaoxing's movement was bigger than he imagined, and when he pushed his elbow back, it hit his arm.

The plate tilted, and two or three pieces of beef with curry sauce were sprinkled on Zhu Wenshu's chest impartially.


The actress next to her yelled and quickly handed over a tissue.

Zhu Wenshu herself didn't think there was anything wrong with it. She was used to teaching primary school students and had already developed emotional immunity to such accidents.

When she took the tissue and was about to wipe it casually, she felt that the atmosphere around her was not right.

When he looked up, he saw Ling Chen frowning at Ye Shaoxing and Ling Siyuan, with anger floating all over his body.

Even if the guests here are not very familiar with Ling Chen, they are in the same circle and know him somewhat.

He usually looks calm, but his temper is really not good.

No matter if you are a big guy or a small guy, as long as you don't provoke him, he will treat you equally and treat you politely.

But if you really want to ignite his anger, no matter who you are, he won't give you face.

For the sake of a gimmick, some media asked questions without a limit, and it would be fine if others avoided talking about it, but Ling Chen was able to leave on the spot.

There was also a red carpet live broadcast of an awards ceremony. The host made a dirty joke about him and a female singer. Facing the camera, Ling Chen didn't show any sympathy, which made the host look ashen.

So far, that video clip is often dug out and savored.

But even though he has a big temper, the situation where he gets angry is really not a trivial matter.

So everyone didn't expect that at this birthday party, just sprinkled some curry, he could change his face as if he changed his sky.

"Ling Siyuan."

He said in a deep voice, "You don't know how to eat well, do you?"

Ling Siyuan was terrified by Ling Chen's expression, and didn't know where to put his hands, so he quickly said, "Yes, I'm sorry."

Ye Shaoxing's expression on the side was not very good either, he was an adult, he knew that although Ling Chen was talking about Ling Siyuan, he was actually expressing his dissatisfaction with him.

It's too disrespectful to him.

When the audience was in a daze, a gentle voice sounded.

"Don't kill him."

Seeing that Ling Chen's face was still stiff, Zhu Wenshu subconsciously stretched out his hand to tug at the cuff hanging by his trousers, "He didn't do it on purpose, just wipe it off."

Maybe it's because I'm used to being a primary school teacher, Zhu Wenshu unconsciously took on the tone of coaxing children at such a time.

Then, everyone saw Ling Chen's awe-inspiring energy suddenly melt away.

He pursed his lips and looked down at Zhu Wenshu.

"It's not hot, is it?"

Zhu Wenshu shook his head: "It's not hot, the sweater is thick, I don't feel it."

At this time, Ling Xingyan, who had finished the phone call, came over and saw that the atmosphere on the table was not right, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Zhu Wenshu said, "I spilled some soup."


Ling Xingyan was dazed, and when he wanted to ask something, Ling Chen said, "Come and change clothes with me."

The two got up and walked towards the room.

Seeing that the eyes of the people at the table were fixed on their backs, Ling Xingyan suddenly came to his senses, and said quickly: "Sister Ya just said that she will come over later, and she is already parking the car."

Xing Ya is the president of a top magazine in the Asia-Pacific region. She has a considerable status in the fashion industry. She has always maintained a cooperative relationship with Ling Chen, and Ling Xingyan also has a good relationship with her.

As soon as everyone heard her name, their attention was drawn away.

Ye Shaoxing asked: "Then wait until she arrives before serving dinner?"

"Need not."

Ling Xingyan said, "She has eaten, and she has to go to the airport when she comes to see Yuanyuan."

inside the room.

Zhu Wenshu stared at a guitar in the corner, only to realize belatedly that this was Ling Chen's room.

Just now, in order to ease the atmosphere, she got up as soon as Ling Chen said that she was changing clothes.

Only now did I remember to ask: "Wait a minute, do you have any women's clothes at home?"

Ling Chen who was standing in front of the closet looked back at her, "What do you think?"

There was a hint of a smile in his voice, which made the meaning of the sentence seem plausible.

What the **** is—of course not.

Or—Isn't it normal to have women in my family?

He didn't answer clearly, Zhu Wenshu had no choice but to give an ambiguous answer.

"Then it's not suitable for me to wear it?"

"It's really not suitable."

Ling Chen's voice was flat, as if he was saying something that should be taken for granted.

Zhu Wenshu's heart sank heavily because of his answer.

"Then I still..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Ling Chen say again: "My clothes are too big for you."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

I beg you, finish what you have to say in one breath!

"never mind."

Thinking of the aftermath of wearing his haute couture suit last time, Zhu Wenshu felt that he couldn't afford to borrow it, so he quickly said, "I can't wear it, so let it be."

"It's not good."

Ling Chen didn't look at her, and moved the clothes in the closet with his hands, "How can you go on a date wearing this?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Why hasn't this matter been turned over yet?

She said sullenly: "Then I can't wear boys' clothes to go on a date."

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly sank again.

The lights in the room were not turned on, Ling Chen paused for a while in front of the dark wardrobe, put his tongue against his cheek, nodded, and then said: "Wait a minute."

He closed the closet door and walked out.

After a while, Ling Chen pushed the door open again and came in, holding a lady's white sweater in his hand.

"This is your size."

Zhu Wenshu glanced at him, but didn't answer.

The two stared at each other for a long time, Ling Chen saw that she didn't intend to wear it, she frowned awkwardly, and said, "New one, don't worry about wearing it."

Zhu Wenshu didn't care about this either.

She opened her mouth and said in a low voice, "Your girlfriend's?"

"...Don't spread rumors."

Ling Chen turned his head and said lightly, "I'm single."


Zhu Wenshu's shoulders felt slack, and he slowly reached out to meet them, "Then this is...?"

"Ling Siyuan's mother's." Ling Chen said, "I didn't take it with me when I divorced."

It sounds pretty miserable.

Zhu Wenshu nodded, and after taking the clothes, Ling Chen turned and walked outside.

Just as I opened the door, I suddenly thought of something and asked again.

"Would you like me to take you on a date later?"


Zhu Wen Shu really regretted answering Shi Xueer's call today.

"This will not bother you."

Ling Chen was leaning against the door frame, facing the light outside, his eyes were very dim by contrast.

"Actually, it was an appointment made by a colleague."

Zhu Wenshu blurted out, "It's not good for you to be seen."

In the dim light and shadow, Ling Chen's expression could not be seen clearly, but he felt that the surrounding air was not as tight as before.


He lazily straightened up and said loosely, "Okay."

Zhu Wenshu always felt that there was a strong sense of regret in his words.

When he turned and left the room, he suddenly said, "You—"

Ling Chen raised his eyes: "Huh?"

Do you have any plans for the evening?

Zhu Wenshu almost asked this sentence, but fortunately she looked up and saw the aisle laser light above Ling Chen's head, like a follow spot light on a stage, which brought her back to her senses.


She whispered: "It's nothing, you can go back to eat quickly, remember not to be fierce."

Ling Chen didn't leave, but stood in the aisle and stared at her for a while, then asked, "What time is the dinner party?"

Zhu Wenshu made up a random time.

"Nine o'clock."

"It's late."

After turning around, Ling Chen said, "I'll ask the driver to take you to a date later."

It sounds like there is a feeling of being forced to be generous.

After the door was closed, Zhu Wenshu grabbed the hem of his clothes, ready to take them off.

Turning around and looking, the quilt on the bed was a bit messy, it seemed that he had just woken up in the afternoon and hadn't made it up, as if it still carried his residual warmth.

Facing such a bed and undressing, Zhu Wenshu always felt that something was wrong, so he turned his back and walked to the closet.

When Zhu Wenshu changed his clothes and came out, Ling Xingyan was talking with a woman in the aisle.

Her facial features are tough, her makeup is exquisite and bright, and she is wearing a velvet suspender skirt. Although she is old, she still looks like a female star.

She probably didn't expect a young woman to come out of Ling Xingyan's room, and seeing that Zhu Wenshu was so good-looking, she subconsciously raised an eyebrow at Ling Xingyan teasingly.

"Who is it?"


Ling Xingyan quickly explained, "It's Ling Siyuan's head teacher."

"Oh, that's how it is."

The strange woman lost interest and politely nodded to Zhu Wenshu, "Hello."


Zhu Wenshu didn't stay long, and continued to walk towards the restaurant.

The guests at the table became lively again, but Zhu Wenshu was still cautious, so he walked slowly.

"You two brothers are really single. Why, the girl I introduced to you is not satisfied?"

The aisle was not short, Zhu Wenshu didn't go far, and the voice of the woman behind him came clearly.

"Don't worry about me, do you think I have time to fall in love?"

"You haven't, what about Ling Chen?"

The woman asked, "It's been a while since I've asked, how is he with his White Moonlight Goddess?"

Hearing this, Zhu Wenshu's footsteps stopped suddenly.

When she realized that she was eavesdropping on someone's conversation, she quickened her pace like a thief.

But she still heard Ling Xingyan's answer.

"Hey don't, don't mention this tonight."

Back at the dinner table, the guests had returned to a happy and harmonious situation. Ling Chen also took the seat next to Zhu Wenshu, while Ye Shaoxing squeezed next to Ling Siyuan, peeling shrimp for him wearing gloves.

Just as Zhu Wenshu took his seat, Ling Chen glanced at her sideways, frowning.

"What’s wrong with you?"


Zhu Wenshu was a little confused, "I'm fine."

Ling Chen wanted to say something else, when Xing Ya came over, picked up his coat, and said to a table of people: "Then I'll go first, you eat slowly."

Most of the people at the table got up to say goodbye, and Ling Chen was no exception.

He is the master, and together with Ling Xingyan, he sent him to the elevator.

When he came back, he stared at Zhu Wenshu and wanted to finish what he had just said, but saw that she was talking to Ling Siyuan with a smile all the time, so he didn't interrupt.

About an hour later, the guests were full of wine and food, and cut a cake for Ling Siyuan.

Zhu Wenshu lost his appetite after two mouthfuls, so he put down his spoon.

Ling Chen didn't like sweets, so he got up and went to the room to answer the phone without taking a bite.

Not long after he left, the actress on the other side of Zhu Wenshu also got up with her child, explaining that she had to go home for equestrian lessons.

When Ling Xingyan sent the person to the door, Zhu Wenshu thought for a while and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

Ling Xingyan glanced at the door of Lingchen's room, and wanted to say something, but Zhu Wenshu had already got up and put on his coat.


Ling Xing said, "Then I'll see you off."

"No, no, you are busy."

Zhu Wenshu's tone was very firm, it sounded like he really didn't want him to send it.

"Okay, thank you Teacher Zhu for coming today."

Ling Xingyan said, "I will ask you to take more care of me in the future, Ling Siyuan is very skinny."

"It should."

After picking up his bag and his own clothes, Zhu Wenshu glanced at the empty seat next to him, and went out in silence.

Since the actress had just left and the elevator was still going down, Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and stared at the numbers jumping on the display.

After a while, there was the sound of the door lock being opened behind him, followed by the sound of footsteps.

Zhu Wenshu had a hunch that Ling Chen had come out, and his limbs suddenly became stiff.

But she didn't look back, pretending she didn't notice anything.

The footsteps were getting closer and faster.

When there were still a few steps left, the elevator door suddenly opened.

Zhu Wenshu's heartbeat was as fast as his steps, but he ran into the elevator as if fleeing.

Just as she stepped in with one leg, someone grabbed her wrist suddenly.

"What are you running for?"

Zhu Wenshu froze for a while, then turned around slowly.


"Isn't the dinner party at nine o'clock?"

Ling Chen asked, "Going so early?"

He left the door open when he came out, and everyone's laughter could be faintly heard in the aisle.

The words "Goddess of White Moonlight" echoed in Zhu Wenshu's mind.

Originally, I wanted to say that I had something to do temporarily, but when the words came to my lips, it turned into—

"Do you tube."