Chapter 35:

Zhu Wenshu had never spoken to Ling Chen in this tone.

As the words fell, both of them were stunned for a moment.

Ling Chen was still holding her wrist, not quite understanding why she had this sudden change of mood.

Until the silence in the elevator room was interrupted by the reminder sound of the elevator machinery, Zhu Wenshu's eyebrows jumped, and he realized that what he said was inappropriate.

She was very annoyed, and she couldn't pretend that she hadn't said anything, so she could only say awkwardly: "I mean... there are still many guests inside, don't worry about me, I have something to do."

After finishing speaking, he didn't hear Ling Chen's response, but found that his wrist was still held by him.

Ling Chen's palm was very hot, and the temperature penetrated into her skin through the light sweater fabric on her wrist, and spread along her arm to her whole body.

Zhu Wenshu wanted to pull out his wrist, but he struggled without breaking free, and it was not easy to make too much noise.

While they were in a stalemate, the door suddenly sounded from the other side of the aisle, Zhu Wenshu tensed up, and immediately pulled out his hand forcefully, and took a step back.

When she looked over intently, she found that just a door next door opened and a cardboard box came out, and she didn't pay attention to the situation on the elevator side.


Zhu Wenshu heaved a sigh of relief, and when he raised his head again, the man in front of him was still staring at her.

"Why are you panicking?"

Ling Chen's eyes were heavy on Zhu Wenshu, and she subconsciously glanced at her wrist.

"I... don't panic."

He still looked straight at her, as if there were many things to explore in his eyes.

But in the end he didn't say anything, just sighed.

"Aren't you panicking?"

He raised his hand and hooked the coat hanging on her arm, "Run without clothes."

That's what I meant...

Don't tell me, I don't think so, when I mention it, the elevator room seems to be really cold.

Zhu Wenshu was in a trance for a moment, his arms loosened, and the heavy coat suddenly covered his body.

Ling Chen was a head taller than her, and wrapping her in a coat was a breeze.

Holding the collar of the coat with his fingers, he slid it down, gathered the clothes around her chest, and wrapped them tightly.


Ling Chen lowered his hand, "Then you go."

Zhu Wenshu's gaze had focused on his hands when he was helping her cover her coat. At this moment, she stared blankly at his fingers hanging by the edge of his trousers for a few times before regaining her senses.

"Oh well."

Ling Chen watched her enter the elevator.

Before the door was about to close, Zhu Wenshu saw that he was wearing old everyday clothes, with the cuffs rolled up to his forearms, and slippers were still on his feet, and he tilted his head and told her.

"Tell me when you get home."


At that moment, Zhu Wenshu had a feeling——

Ling Chen's life doesn't seem to be very far away from her.

Food and sex, **** also.

Even Ling Chen has to eat and sleep, and also needs to add clothes in winter to cool off in summer, and also needs emotional comfort.

Isn't it normal for him to have a white moonlight?

On the way home, Zhu Wenshu kept thinking about this question.

She didn't understand why she always felt a heavy breath in her chest after hearing Ling Xingyan tell the lady that Ling Chen had a "White Moonlight Goddess".

All the emotions that were on the top of the head were also extinguished because of this, and I couldn't get excited about doing anything.

Until now, she was walking on the side of the road and blowing the cold wind for a while, and suddenly woke up.

Why bother with this, she's not an entertainment reporter.

Moreover, the primary school students in their class have all begun to fall in love. Is it normal for Ling Chen, a man in his twenties, to have been thinking about someone?

It's just that when she thought of this, the faces of many female stars still flashed across her mind like flipping through a photo album.

Although there are many beauties in the entertainment industry, there should not be many goddesses who can be called Ling Chen.

Back home, Zhu Wenshu found that Ying Fei was unpacking the package in the living room, and came out with a pillow with a big head printed on it.

Due to the squeezed shape, Zhu Wenshu couldn't see who was on it.

But thinking of Ying Fei usually chasing stars, she asked casually: "Feifei, which female celebrity do you think is the most beautiful?"


Ying Fei embraced the pillow and turned her head to read Zhu Wen's book, "A female star?"

Zhu Wenshu nodded: "Just actors, singers, or models."

"This...that beauties are too many."

Ying Fei thought for a while, "Shao Yong, I like her looks the most."

Isn't this the actress who came to celebrate Ling Siyuan's birthday tonight?

She is so pretty, Zhu Wenshu felt dizzy when she sat next to her.

But their children are more than six years old, it is definitely impossible.

"It's really beautiful, what about the others?"

Zhu Wenshu added, "Younger, unmarried."

Ying Fei was a little suspicious, Zhu Wenshu would never take the initiative to tell her these things.

But she didn't think much about it, anyway, she had nothing to do at night, so she just chatted casually.

"Tian Youqing!" Ying Fei said, "You may not know her. There was a little sweet drama aired last month, and it's getting a bit hot recently."

Zhu Wenshu felt that the name was a little familiar, but it didn't match his face.

"I'll go watch a show when I have time."

"It's pretty, it's delicious! And I've always had a good eye, so she'll definitely be popular."

Ying Fei said, "I was originally a graphic model. It's her first show, but her acting skills are much better than those popular actors. These days, there are very few people who can play the role of Silly Baitian so well."

Zhu Wenshu nodded, "Is there anything else?"


Ying Fei thought that Zhu Wenshu had committed an occupational disease and was picking her to answer the questions?

"If you want to ask this question, I have to make a list for you. There are bright styles, cool styles, and sweet styles. They can't be compared horizontally."


Zhu Wenshu smiled and went back to his room.

She originally planned to wash the dirty clothes quickly, but as soon as she entered the room and sat down, she unknowingly took out her mobile phone again.

When she remembered the dirty clothes soaked in the basin, the screen of her mobile phone was still on the interface of the Weibo search box, with the first three words——Tian Youqing.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

I am really, too! Eight! Gua! up!

But now that you've searched everything, let's take a second look.

The first few posts were clips of Tian Youqing in the new drama released by the marketing account. Zhu Wenshu was too lazy to click on the video and wanted to see some photos directly.

Swipe down, but keenly saw the word "Ling Chen".

[@娱乐新银: Recently, Tian Youqing has been very popular. Apart from the just-aired "Heart to Heart", does anyone know that she used to be the heroine of Ling Chen's "Little Silkworm Classmate" MV? 】

There are six accompanying pictures, four of which are MV screenshots.

Since there are not many frontal shots of the heroine in the MV of this song, the screenshots are basically the back view similar to the album cover.

However, the remaining two photos are very clear.

Indeed... very nice.

Zhu Wenshu's desire to gossip stopped abruptly, and he exited the search interface.

Although there was not much curry spilled on my body today, it felt as if it had taken root in the sweater. Zhu Wenshu washed it over and over again, and there was still a yellow trace after soaking in the water.

I haven't worn the clothes a few times, so it's a pity to just throw them away, so Zhu Wenshu went downstairs to buy some bleach, and after a while carefully cleaned it up.

When she came out of the shower, the alarm clock to remind her to go to bed just rang.

Since she always stayed up late recently, Zhu Wenshu felt that this was not going to work, so she set an alarm clock for ten o'clock at night a few days ago.

The ringtone was annoying, so Zhu Wenshu walked over to press it in two or three steps, and saw unread messages on the phone at the same time.

【c】: Not home yet?

Posted twenty minutes ago.

The faint sense of boredom that had just been pressed down was provoked again, and it took a long time for Zhu Wenshu to reply two words.

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's here.

But thinking that he left at 8 o'clock, and only replied to people at this moment, Zhu Wenshu added another sentence.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I was a little busy just now, I forgot to say, sorry.

[c]: Hmm.

[c]: What are you doing?

Zhu Wenshu stared at the words sent by Ling Chen, his gaze was a little erratic.

It's not that she doesn't have friends of the opposite sex, like Zhu Qisen, who always talks about things, and doesn't ask her what she is doing, except to put on a show when she needs something from her.

But it was obviously impossible for Ling Chen to ask her anything.

[Wishing Book]: Wash clothes, take a shower, and get ready for bed.


[Zhu Wenshu]:?

【c】: Not going to a dinner party?

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

my brain.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I was temporarily pigeonholed...

After posting this sentence, Zhu Wenshu was afraid that if Ling Chen asked something again, it would become more revealing, so she quickly changed the subject.

[Zhu Wenshu]: All the guests have left?

[c]: I left early.

[c]: The birthday star has had two dreams.

[c]: Only I am still waiting.

[Zhu Wenshu]: What are you waiting for?

[c]: nothing.

[c]: I have waited.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She stood up suddenly and took two steps. Inexplicable emotions were entangled in her chest, churning, and she sat back down again, but she still couldn't suppress it.

If she gets rich, she will definitely spend money to treat Ling Chen's disease of not being able to speak clearly.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then you should rest early.

He didn't say anything else, but sent a photo.

The bed he had just seen tonight was full of clothes, and there was a suitcase next to it, and a short sleeve was missing inside.

[Zhu Wenshu]: What are you doing?

【c】: I'm going to Australia tomorrow, and I'm picking clothes to wear.

In fact, Zhu Wenshu's mood was not so calm at the moment. Holding her mobile phone, she didn't know how to talk about such an ordinary topic with someone for the first time.

After thinking for a long time, she finally said a word.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Haha, you actually do this kind of thing yourself.

[C]: Otherwise?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Just... don't you have an assistant?

【c】: I am a singer, not an emperor.

Zhu Wenshu originally thought that Ling Chen's trip to Australia in the southern hemisphere would take away the faint, inexplicable emotions in her heart these two days.

But they are separated by thousands of kilometers and in completely opposite seasons, but the word "Ling Chen" always appears in Zhu Wenshu's life.

For example, on Monday, when Zhu Wenshu arrived at the office, he heard a teacher watching a small video, and the bgm was Ling Chen's song.

When I went to the classroom for class, I found a few senior students lying by the window, pointing at Ling Siyuan and saying, "It's him! He is Ling Chen's nephew!"

These voices that clearly appeared in her ears would always intersect with Ling Chen, who frequently appeared in front of her these days, in her mind.

Like parallel montages, they contrast each other and make her feel like she is living in a dream.

This afternoon, after sending all the students away, she planned to go to the fast food restaurant across the street to have something to eat.

Looking up, I found that the figure sitting in that shop was somewhat familiar.

Zhu Wenshu watched it intently for a while, then walked over.

Before going in, Shi Xueer, who was looking up with her head up, also saw Zhu Wenshu.

"Congratulations teacher?" she asked, "Are you out of school?"

"Well, I just finished sending off the students."

Zhu Wenshu glanced at the noodles in front of her, "Are you waiting for Zhu Qisen?"

Shi Xueer: "No, he's been training in other places these days."

Zhu Wenshu originally planned to eat here, so he sat beside her.

"Then why are you here?"

"I don't have class this afternoon, I'm shopping near here."

Shi Xueer lowered her voice a little in the middle of speaking, "Then I thought, I'm idle anyway, why don't I come to your school to try my luck, maybe I will meet Ling Chen who came to pick up my nephew from school."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

It was Ling Chen again.

She scanned the menu with her mobile phone, and said casually, "Then you are busy, he is in Australia these days."


Shi Xueer's exclamation of regret turned a corner halfway, and the end sound was raised high, "How do you know? I didn't even see the itinerary."

I wish Wen Shu a meal.

"...his nephew said it."

"Oh, yes."

Shi Xueer suddenly sobbed, her tone was very exaggerated, "That's great, I really envy you."

Suddenly, her tone turned 180 degrees, "Why is he going to Australia?"

"I don't know that."

Zhu Wenshu lowered her head, letting her hair cover her cheeks, lest Shi Xueer see that she was lying, "I don't care about this."


Shi Xueer lowered her head and ate two mouthfuls of noodles, suddenly lost her appetite, took out her mobile phone to check the time, and decided to call Zhu Qisen to check the post.

Zhu Wenshu sat on the sidelines waiting for her dumplings, listening to the young couple's whining, and seeing the hustle and bustle of traffic and pedestrians.

Everything was normal, ordinary, like most of her evenings in the past twenty years.

Until a message from a person came suddenly.

【c】: Dumplings or noodles?

Zhu Wenshu was startled, subconsciously turned to look at Shi Xueer, and was relieved to make sure that her attention was not here.

When I looked at the phone again, I felt that I was really a weapon.

With just such an ordinary profile picture and nickname, even if Shi Xueer saw it, she wouldn't think much about it.

[Zhu Wenshu]: What?

【c】: I'm thinking about what to eat, but it's difficult to choose.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Are you not in Australia? Don't eat western food to eat these?

[c]: Even if I am on Mars, I still have a Chinese stomach.

Zhu Wenshu first bent his lips, stared at the words for a while, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Just when the waiter brought her a plate of dumplings, Zhu Wenshu buried himself in typing three words.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Let's make dumplings.

After waiting for a while, Ling Chen sent another photo.

There was really a plate of dumplings, but it looked a bit out of place on a Western-style dining table.

Zhu Wenshu took another look, and suddenly pressed his fingers on the screen to zoom in on the photo.

In the lower left corner of the picture, Ling Chen showed his hand, holding a knife and fork, looking a little stiff and helpless.

"Is it really just to eat hot pot? No alcohol?"

Shi Xueer's voice floated into her ears, "Then when you get there, take a picture and show me, remember to compare with your"

While looking at the photos, Zhu Wenshu smiled and said, "Why is the investigation so strict?"

"Hey, their group of gym teachers go out like a drunkard's party."

Shi Xueer glanced sideways at Zhu Wenshu's phone, and sighed when she thought of her date two days ago, "If he reported as honestly as your boyfriend, I wouldn't have to worry so much."

"Their sports group actually..."

Zhu Wenshu froze suddenly, his brain tensed up instantly, "No, he is not my boyfriend."