Chapter 36:

"Huh? Isn't it?"

When Shi Xueer heard this answer, she just wanted to be a little surprised, and her attention was quickly drawn back by Zhu Qisen's voice on the phone, "It's nothing, I'm having dinner with Teacher Zhu."

Zhu Wenshu looked at the photo on the phone screen again.

It was clearly an ordinary photo that couldn't be more ordinary, not even showing a face.

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked like Shi Xueer.

Suddenly I wanted to ask her why she said that.

But obviously Shi Xueer has no time to talk to her now.

When Zhu Wenshu was hesitating, Ling Chen sent another sentence.

[c]: It's so unpalatable.

Probably because Shi Xueer's "boyfriend" had too much impact, Zhu Wenshu looked at Ling Chen's words and was in a daze, his heart beating faster than usual.

Sitting in the noisy snack bar, I seem to hear Ling Chen whispering to her in the smoke and fire all over her body.

[Zhu Wenshu]: After all, it is a foreign country.

[Zhu Wenshu]: In fact, the taste of the dumplings is not bad, and I don't think any of the dumplings are particularly delicious.

[c]: When I return to China, I will take you to eat something delicious.

Zhu Wenshu fell into a daze again.

Holding the phone in her hand, she took a while to reply.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Yuan Yuan wants to eat?


【c】: It's none of his business if I invite you to dinner.

After a while.

[Zhu Wenshu]: ... Oh!

Ling Chen didn't speak any more, and Zhu Wenshu didn't put down his phone either.

When Shi Xueer hung up the phone, she turned her head and looked over, feeling a little confused.

"Mr. Zhu, why are you in a daze?"

"Huh? Nothing."

Zhu Wenshu came back to his senses, just as he was about to get the chopsticks, he stopped halfway through his hand, looked sideways at Shi Xueer, and whispered, "By the way, you just...why did you say it was my boyfriend?"

Shi Xueer held her mobile phone to send a message, and laughed when she heard the words, but she didn't look at her, didn't speak, and pressed her fingers quickly.

"say something."

Zhu Wenshu poked her arm, "Stop talking to Zhu Qisen."

Shi Xueer really stopped her movements, but she just turned her head and stared at her, smiling like a god.

Then he looked down at the dumplings in front of Zhu Wenshu.

"The dumplings are almost cold and still chatting there," Shi Xueer slowly raised her eyes, raising her eyebrows at Zhu Wenshu, "What is it if you're not a boyfriend?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She immediately grabbed a dumpling and said vaguely, "It's still hot."

Shi Xueer thought it was funny, and looked at Zhu Wenshu with her chin propped up.

"It's not a child anymore, why is Teacher Zhu so shy." She said, "You are so beautiful, it's normal to have a boyfriend or suitor, why are you hiding it?"

It is normal to have boyfriends or suitors.

But if this person is Ling Chen, it's very abnormal.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu's cell phone placed by the table vibrated twice again.

Before she could move, Shi Xueer at the side gave her a teasing look.

Although he didn't speak, he seemed to be joking a lot.

It made Zhu Wenshu a little nervous when holding the phone.

Open it and look, it's not Ling Chen's news.

It seemed that he should breathe a sigh of relief, but that breath was too thorough, feeling empty.

[Xu Guangliang]: Teacher Zhu, are you busy recently?

[Xu Guangliang]: I've finally finished my work recently, and I didn't entertain everyone well at the wedding before. Do you have time to have a meal on the weekend?

[Xu Guangliang]: Just a few of our high school classmates in Jiangcheng, how about I organize a small class reunion?

Zhu Wenshu and this group of high school classmates are not strictly natives of Jiangcheng. Their hometown is Huiyang, a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Jiangcheng 70 to 80 kilometers away.

Over the past few years, everyone has traveled from place to place, from place to place, some stayed in Huiyang, and some came to Jiangcheng.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Okay, no problem.

[Xu Guangliang]: OK, on ​​Saturday night, I will contact you after the restaurant is booked.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Okay.

After eating two mouthfuls of dumplings, Zhu Wenshu remembered something and picked up his phone again.

Shi Xueer buried her head in eating noodles, didn't look at her, but pursed her lips to hold back a smile.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Xu Guangliang invites everyone to dinner this Saturday, are you going?

After a while.

【c】: I can't make it in time.

[c]: I don’t come back until Sunday.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Alright.

Putting down the phone, Ling Chen stared at the half-baked dumplings in front of him, thought for a while, and decided to make do with it.

Australia is two hours faster than China, and it is already dark at this moment, and the number of customers in the restaurant is gradually increasing.

Ling Xingyan sat opposite him, glanced at Ling Chen while cutting the steak, and said "tsk".

"If you can't eat it, don't eat it. Later, people will think I abused you. Order another steak."

"Need not."

The waiter just happened to bring the chopsticks. After Ling Chen took them, he buried his head in eating, "What a waste of money."

Ling Xing was speechless.

When he was a child, the conditions at home were average. Although he didn't starve and freeze, he had just reached the food and clothing line, and he didn't eat anything good. He has made a lot of money over the years, so he is very willing to reward himself, and he has tasted all kinds of precious ingredients in the world.

He thinks this is human nature, and he wants to make up for his childhood regrets when he has the conditions.

However, Ling Chen's conditions were much worse than his family's before, but the phenomenon that things must go against each other did not appear as he imagined.

Now a little famous artist, which one is not being coaxed, the hotel must be five-star, the clothing must be famous, not to mention the food, not long ago, he heard a colleague in the industry complaining about the requirements of an actor when he was filming. The crew had to provide lunch at a Michelin restaurant every day, and the abalone they ate one night was a bit stale, and the next day they turned their faces and stopped filming.

It turned out that Ling Chen was fine, he could eat delicacies from mountains and seas, and he didn't dislike porridge and small dishes, and he was even more casual when he was alone, one or two dishes could be handled with a bowl of white rice.

There is basically nothing left, and if this is said, others may think that Ling Chen is manipulating the character.

At first Ling Xingyan felt that he was used to it, but later he felt a little distressed.

After the disaster, the ruins may not necessarily be rebuilt, and the extremes of things may not necessarily be reversed, and it may become an indelible brand.

But seeing that he himself has no complaints, it is hard for Ling Xingyan to say anything more.

Just at this moment, Ling Siyuan called him a video.

"What are you doing?"

The child's face appeared in the camera, Ling Xingyan smiled, "Have you eaten yet?"


Ling Siyuan responded dully, and stopped talking.

Ling Xingyan saw that his son was unhappy, so he asked, "What's wrong? Was he criticized by the teacher?"

"No, the teacher rewarded me with cookies today."

Ling Siyuan pouted, and said aggrievedly, "I just went downstairs to play on the slide, and I haven't waited for a seat."

"If you don't have a place, go play something else."

Ling Xing smiled, "It's worth your displeasure."

"Guoguo has been occupying the slide and won't let me play! I went to find his father, and his father is like a fool—"

The knife and fork in Ling Chen's hand suddenly stopped.

Ling Xingyan, who was originally chatting with his son relaxedly, was subconsciously looking at Ling Chen's reaction when he heard this sentence, and when he saw it, he yelled out almost without thinking.

"Ling Siyuan!"

The child was taken aback by his father's sudden anger, and his little face behind the camera turned red, not knowing what was wrong with him.

Ling Xingyan breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and stared at the person on the screen.

"How can you say that about other people's father?! Who taught you?"

The child on the phone was too scared to speak, and the nanny behind her was also silent.

Ling Chen looked up at Ling Xingyan, then reached out and took his cell phone away.

"I'm not angry at all, what are you doing to him?"

Turning over the screen, he raised his chin towards the child in the picture.

"When uncle's house is finished, I will set up a slide for you. You can play alone, and no one will grab you."

"Go do your homework, or your teacher will be angry again tomorrow."

After hanging up the video, Ling Chen returned the phone to the person opposite.

"Look at what I'm doing, don't you eat?"

After a while, Ling Xingyan saw that Ling Chen lowered his head and continued to eat, he seemed to be fine and didn't say anything else.

"Go back upstairs to rest early after eating, you haven't slept since you got off the plane."

"it is good."

He hurriedly filled his stomach, seeing that there were still salt-baked snails and grilled foie gras in front of Ling Xingyan, so he said, "Eat slowly, I'll go back to sleep first."

"I'll accompany you, you wait a moment."

Ling Xingyan hurriedly put down the knife and fork, and stood up without even wiping his mouth.

But Ling Chen turned around and left with his hat on.

He stared at Ling Chen's back and sighed heavily, then sat down again.

Ling Chen kept his eyes down, his expression was normal, but his footsteps were fast.

Even if they are of different races, people have a keen perception of the appearance of extremely outstanding figures.

Many guests cast their eyes on Ling Chen.

Yet he didn't feel it at all.

Until I passed by a group of people with Asian faces and heard a familiar mother tongue.

"That just now...was it Ling Chen?"

"I feel the same way, is it him?"

"Ah? Ling Chen? Is he here?"

Hearing his name, Chen's attention was drawn back for a moment, and when his eyes fell, he realized that the mask was still pinched in his hand and he forgot to put it on.

He frowned, and subconsciously quickened his pace.

If he is recognized in public places, he will not refuse to take a group photo.

But right now he was really in no mood and couldn't hold back his laughter.

But this group of people is not what he wants.

Just when Ling Chen's figure was about to disappear from the sight of the group of people, he heard a deep male voice, which was somewhat familiar.

"Ling Chen?"

Ling Chen's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned around.

Australia in November is spring and summer, which is the most comfortable time of the year.

The man was wearing loose short-sleeved trousers, with a handsome face, which was clearly different from the group of fashionable people around him.

"It's really you." He took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand towards him with a smile, and teased, "Big star, I told Xu Guangliang just now that if you don't come to the class reunion, I thought I wouldn't have a chance to see you."

When Zhu Wenshu finished eating the dumplings and was about to pay the bill, he found that Shi Xueer had already paid.

She felt a little embarrassed and planned to transfer the money to her, but when she opened WeChat, she was caught by the message Xu Guangliang sent her a few minutes ago.

[Xu Guangliang]: By the way, I think I still have to ask you, Yin Yueze is coming too, do you mind?

Zhu Wenshu sent a question mark over.

Why did Yin Yueze come?

【Xu Guangliang】: He was in Australia before, so he didn't catch up with my marriage. He is coming back this week, so he insisted on treating me to dinner.

[Xu Guangliang]: I was thinking that I was going to invite everyone to dinner this week, so it would be a bad idea not to call him, right?

[Xu Guangliang]: But I'd still like to ask for your opinion. If you don't mind, it shouldn't be a problem for me to invite you separately.

Oh, like this.

Zhu Wenshu typed a few words expressionlessly.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Have you asked him?

[Xu Guangliang]: I asked, and he said he was okay.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

In fact, she could tell Xu Guangliang that she would not go.

But on second thought, why bother.

How many years have passed, and Yin Yueze said that it doesn't matter, maybe the memories of her have long since dissipated in the wind of a foreign country.

She didn't need to be coy and trouble Xu Guangliang to leave the treat.

[Zhu Wenshu]: That's OK, I'm fine.

[Xu Guangliang]: Then...see you on Saturday?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Good.

"Oh, what money do you give me?"

Shi Xueer packed her things and got up and said, "Just buy me a cup of milk tea later."

"it is good."

Zhu Wenshu didn't insist anymore, but just a few steps away, her phone rang again.

She was suddenly a little annoyed, why is there something else.

As soon as I turned on the phone, I saw a message from Ling Chen.

【c】: Wait for me at home on Saturday.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Huh?

【c】: I'll come to your house to pick you up.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Wait...why pick me up?

[c]: Not a class reunion?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Aren't you not coming?

[c]: It's coming now.

[Zhu Wenshu]:? ?

【c】: See you on Saturday.