Chapter 37:

The reason why Ling Chen came to Australia this time was that an internationally renowned composer who settled here invited him to visit his Rose Manor.

For this reason, Xingyan was excited for several days.

This master's style of music is weird and weird. He was ignored by no one in his youth and was buried for several years. Now the fertile fields are being cultivated by tens of thousands of people, and he has stole the limelight at various international music awards.

Inviting Ling Chen to visit the flower manor, isn't it an olive branch of cooperation?

However, as far as Ling Xingyan knew, all ghosts have no good personality.

When he came, he was still worried that Ling Chen's personality would not get along with the master, and the two of them turned around before booking a plane ticket to return home without speculating.

Unexpectedly, the two had a very happy chat. When the chat was full of fun, the master tore up several pieces of manuscript paper and spoke his native language German incoherently.

At that time, Ling Xingyan was still a little nervous, and he didn't know if what Ling Chen said had angered him.

As a result, the next morning, the master's assistant called, saying that the original arrangement had been temporarily changed, and he wanted to invite Ling Chen to go to Western Australia to see the black swan.

At that time, Ling Xingyan was so happy, as if the international award was already waving to his cousin.

In the end, Ling Chen turned around and said that he was going back to China.

Leave on Friday and don't stay a day longer.

Even though Ling Xingyan was furious at the time, he couldn't stop Ling Chen's footsteps, and angrily told him to explain to the master himself.

That night, Ling Xingyan was sitting in the living room of the hotel suite, staring at the murals on the wall with ashen face, unable to hear what Ling Chen was talking to someone on the balcony.

In short, the trip to Western Australia is gone, making Xingyan feel that the cooperation he has been thinking about has also disappeared.

Until Friday morning, before they set off for home.

There is a call from the front desk of the hotel, and there is a visitor.

It was a young man, the master's assistant, who came.

He held a bouquet of fresh roses and said that the master picked them from his manor early in the morning and gave them to Ling Chen.

This incident scares Ling Xingyan quite a bit, and I want to say that my younger brother, our current achievements are not bad, so don't just make compromises for the sake of a bigger international stage.

As a result, the next sentence of the assistant is, the master has another sentence for you—

"All your wishes come true."

In the bright morning light, Ling Xingyan dragged his large suitcase to the airport, feeling very heavy all the time.

Time was urgent, he only booked two first-class tickets, while Lu Manman and the others stayed in Australia and returned home as originally planned.

After getting on the plane, Ling Xingyan was exhausted, so he put on slippers and put down the seat.

Before closing his eyes and going to sleep, he turned to ask the person next to him.

"So why are you going back?"

The fresh roses were placed in the space beside Ling Chen.

He looked at the runway outside the window and whispered, "Student reunion."

Ling Xing said: "..."

He glanced at the flowers beside Lingchen, and almost acted out a criminal case on the plane.

"What's the matter? Are you going to propose at the class reunion or something? You can take everyone home and you are missing this class reunion?! I didn't realize you were so in love before—"

In the middle of speaking, Ling Xingyan noticed that a man who had just boarded the plane turned his head to look at him, so he immediately shut up.

"Ling Chen?"

The man said, "Coincidentally, we met again. Are you going back to China today?"

Ling Chen turned his head and met Yin Yueze in front of him.



Ling Xingyan asked quietly from the side.

"High school classmates."

Ling Chen replied to him in a low voice, and watched Yin Yueze sit in the aisle away from him from the corner of his eye.

"I heard from Xu Guangliang that you have time to attend the class reunion. It seems that the students will be happy for several days."

After Yin Yueze sat down, he fastened his seat belt and said, "I have to have two drinks then."

"Feel sorry."

Ling Chen said, "I don't drink alcohol."

Yin Yueze froze for a moment, then nodded, "Oh yes, you have to protect your throat."

Speaking of this, Yin Yueze lowered his eyes and saw the roses beside Ling Chen, "Hey, you brought these flowers back to China so far, and gave them to your girlfriend?"

Ling Chen was silent for a moment, and then said lightly, "Not yet."

Yin Yueze paused for a moment when he heard the words, before realizing what Ling Chen meant.

He immediately smiled and said: "This flower is so beautiful, and it has been brought back from thousands of miles, so it must be a girlfriend after sending it out."


Ling Chen lowered his eyebrows, "I accept your good words."

"You're welcome."

The conversation between the two ended here, Yin Yueze turned his head and went to do his own thing, and didn't care about Ling Chen's lukewarm attitude.

After all, the two of them had a little overlap in high school, so I knew he had always had this kind of personality.

On the other hand, Ling Xingyan felt something was wrong.

Having been with Ling Chen day and night for so many years, I am very sensitive to his emotional changes.

Ling Xingyan clearly felt that since this high school classmate came over, although Ling Chen next to him kept his original posture and spoke indifferently, the breath around him quietly tightened.

So he sneaked a few glances at Yin Yueze over there.

After the other party was settled, he talked to the companion beside him, and there was nothing unusual.

And Ling Chen leaned his head against the window, as if in a daze, so Ling Xingyan didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, the plane began taxiing.

Through the reflection of the glass, Ling Chen looked at Yin Yueze talking and laughing happily with his friends.

He doesn't seem to have changed.

Sunny, warm, and likable.

When Ling Chen was most embarrassed, Yin Yueze treated him like this.

When Ling Chen was at his most dazzling, he didn't flatter or curry favor at all. The rich environment and proud family background gave him such calmness and confidence since he was a child.

Just like in a basketball game in high school, when he made a three-pointer, he would turn around and raise his eyebrows at Zhu Wenshu to show off.

Even if the cast was crooked, he just patted his head and grinned with big white teeth.

And what was he doing at that time?

Ling Chen pursed his lips and let out a deep breath.

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane landed at Jiangcheng International Airport.

When I set off, the morning glow was still golden, and when I got off the plane, it was already dusk.

Ling Xingyan and Ling Chen were each dragging a suitcase, but the distance grew wider and wider.

Ling Chen walked so fast that Ling Xingyan almost had to trot dragging the box to keep up.

He didn't know what he was in a hurry for, was it a while away?

After a long walk, the two finally arrived at the customs office.

Due to the quick movement, there was hardly anyone in front of them. It's just that the staff didn't seem to be ready yet, and they didn't know what they were dawdling about.

After a while, there was also a long queue at the window next to it, and the staff began to check and release.

Coincidentally, Yin Yueze was in the team next to them, not far away.

Sensing his gaze, Ling Chen turned his head and looked at him for a moment.

Yin Yueze just nodded and said nothing, then looked down at the phone, as if there was something urgent.

At this moment, Ling Chen's cell phone rang.

[Mr. Zhu]: Well, you don't have to pick me up tomorrow, I have a friend who will drop by.

Ling Chen did not reply for a long time.

He squeezed his phone and looked back at the man again.

Yin Yueze pressed the on-screen keyboard with his fingers leisurely, his gaze was much gentler than before.

"Hello, this rose cannot pass through customs."

After the staff finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment when he met Shang Lingchen's gaze, and immediately lowered his head to confirm the certificate again. His voice suddenly became a little nervous, "According to the regulations, in order to prevent alien species, agricultural products cannot..."

"it is good."

Ling Chen didn't say anything, just sighed, "You guys deal with it."

Zhu Wenshu originally wanted to take a shower after posting this message, but she saw that Ling Chen didn't reply immediately, so she added another one.

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's Zhong Ya, you still remember, she wants to watch a movie with me tomorrow, she bought a car, and we will go there together after watching.

Just after sending it out, Zhu Wenshu felt a little regretful again.

Is she too meticulous?


She didn't know why she had to explain so much.

Maybe it's because Ling Chen promised to come pick her up, but she broke the appointment temporarily, so I feel a little sorry.

After a while.


Really speechless.

[Zhu Wenshu]:...

【c】: Next time you have something to say, please finish it all at once.


Is there any inversion of these two sentences before and after?

Zhu Wenshu shook his head, thinking that big stars really demand a lot.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I didn't learn from you.

[c]: I met Yin Yueze on the plane today.

"You always talk to yourself—"

Zhu Wen was in the middle of typing, staring at the message that Ling Chen had just sent, and then deleted that half sentence.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Huh? Isn't he in America?

[c]: I don't know.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Oh...

very strange.

Zhu Wenshu felt something was wrong when talking about his first love boyfriend with Ling Chen.

In the past, a classmate came to ask her about Yin Yueze's situation. Although she wasn't emotional at all, she didn't feel the same resistance at the moment.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I'm going to take a shower first.

[c]: Hmm.

The next day, Zhong Ya came to Zhu Wen Shujia to pick her up as promised.

Not long after Zhong Ya got her driver's license, there were bumps and bumps along the way, the movie was a few minutes late, and when she went to the restaurant, she was forced to turn left because she went the wrong way, and it took a long detour to reach the destination.

Fortunately, Zhu Wenshu had expected it a long time ago. She didn't ask her to buy milk tea after watching the movie, and dragged her directly to the parking lot, so she wasn't late.

Perhaps because of the presence of classmates like Ling Chen and Yin Yueze, Xu Guangliang ordered a very high-end Chinese restaurant.

When Zhu Wenshu and Zhong Ya entered, apart from Xu Guangliang and the two boys who attended the last wedding, there was also a female classmate Xiang Gefei who hadn't seen for several years.

Zhu Wenshu had heard that Xiang Gefei was working in the imperial capital, but he didn't expect to see her here today, which was quite a surprise.

"Yeah, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see." Xiang Gefei looked at her with his chin propped up, "Why haven't you changed at all, you still look like a high school student."

Zhu Wenshu admits that Xiang Gefei has changed a lot in recent years. His makeup is exquisite and his clothes are fashionable, and his hair is also charming and wavy. He is completely different from his plain face in high school.

But Zhu Wenshu also wore high heels today, so he doesn't look like a high school student!

"Maybe I spent a longer time with children, and my mentality is younger."

He smiled at Ge Fei and said nothing.

In fact, Zhu Wenshu just said it in passing, without any other meaning.

She saw that the seat next to Gefei was vacant, and sat directly there.

It was a big round table for ten people, three boys and Xiang Gefei sat down next to each other, plus Zhu Wenshu and Zhong Ya, there were only four empty seats facing the windows.

Several people chatted for a while, Xu Guangliang glanced at the phone and said, "They are almost here."

Everyone here knew who Xu Guangliang was talking about. Except for Xiang Gefei, everyone else had seen Ling Chen at the wedding not long ago, but they were all a little nervous at the moment.

In addition, there is also an old classmate who is Zhu Wenshu's ex-boyfriend. Today's party at the table has a lot of elements, and everyone tacitly stopped talking.

Instead, Xiang Gefei got up suddenly and said to everyone, "It's a bit crowded, let me change seats, everyone relax."

She sat in the middle of the four rows of seats with a natural expression, one seat away from Zhong Ya, and two seats away from Xu Guangliang at the other end.

As soon as he was seated, the door of the box was pushed open.

When everyone's eyes were on the door, Zhu Wenshu was a little late, and before turning his head, he hoped that it was Ling Chen who appeared first instead of Yin Yueze.

But when she turned her head, her eyes froze.

The two actually came together.

"You two together?"

Xu Guangliang was surprised.

"Yeah." Yin Yueze glanced in, stopped for a moment when passing Zhu Wenshu, and smiled at her, "I met you at the door."

Ling Chen on the side didn't speak, and stepped in first.

Just approaching the table, Xiang Gefei got up and pulled away the chair beside him.

"Oh, student Ling Chen, long time no see."

Ling Chen turned his head to look at her, with a little confusion in his eyes.

But he didn't ask the phrase "Who are you", but just nodded politely: "Long time no see."

Immediately, he kept walking and passed Zhong Ya.

The action mark is obviously the vacant seat next to Zhu Wenshu.

At this time, Xiang Gefei suddenly pointed to the seat and said, "Yin Yueze, why don't you come over? There is a seat specially reserved for you!"

When the voice fell, Ling Chen just opened the chair, and the sound of the chair's feet rubbing against the ground was particularly ear-piercing in this box.

Xu Guangliang never thought that a party of eight people could be so quiet.

In the box, as if the pause button was pressed, even the air seemed to stop flowing.

Except for Xiang Gefei who didn't know why, everyone else's expressions were stiff, and they didn't know what to say when they wanted to speak.

Ling Chen did indeed stop because of Xiang Gefei's words.

With his hands still on the chair, he glanced at Yin Yueze and then at Zhu Wenshu.

"For him?"

Because of his words, all eyes were on Zhu Wenshu.

In this awkward atmosphere, Zhu Wenshu finally understood why he wanted Ling Chen to come in first.

She intuitively expected that Ling Chen would sit next to her, and occupying this position could also cut off the possibility of Yin Yueze sitting over.

Unexpectedly, such an embarrassing scene still appeared.


With the attention of the audience, Zhu Wenshu raised her head and glanced at Ling Chen. The moment her eyes met, she almost subconsciously said, "I left it for you."