Chapter 38:

At the beginning, the old classmates who knew about it in the box were embarrassed by Zhu Wenshu and Yin Yueze, and the toe project started quietly.

But when she said that sentence, the atmosphere changed quietly. Some people looked at her and Ling Chen quietly, while others looked directly at her, almost writing the question "what's the relationship between you two" on their faces.

But now is not the time to explain her relationship with Ling Chen.

Xiang Gefei's face was not very good, and she didn't know whether she realized that she was nosy or something else. In short, she stared at Zhu Wenshu closely, looking very complicated.

"Yin Yueze and I..."

Zhu Wenshu looked at Gefei and said, "We are friends now."

The wording is very euphemistic, but the meaning is very direct.

If Xiang Gefei still can't understand it, all these years will be in vain.

In fact, although she had no contact with her old classmates these years, she already had this guess when she found out that Zhu Wenshu and Yin Yueze were not present together. It's just that her attention was taken away by Ling Chen at that time, she didn't think about it that much in a hurry, she just thought that she came back from a long distance to attend such a class reunion, and she couldn't gain anything.

Fortunately, Zhu Wenshu's reply didn't save her face.

So she said with a smile: "Oh... that's it... sorry, I don't know, I thought..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xu Guangliang suddenly interjected, "Then I'll let the waiter serve the food. I've ordered everything. Let's see if it suits your appetite. You can add whatever you want. You don't have to save money for me."

With him saying this, the others quickly joined in to break the deadlock.

Zhong Ya also said: "Come on, I'm going to starve to death, what are you doing standing up?"

"Well, let's eat, it's all a thing of the past."

Yin Yueze smiled, walked to Xu Guangliang and took a seat, "I'm so sorry that I missed your wedding and asked you to spend money."

Xu Guangliang: "Where is the cost, you all gave red envelopes, haha, I actually made a lot of money."

Amidst the chatter and laughter on the other side, Ling Chen also pulled out his chair and sat down.

In this instant, the most embarrassing thing was resolved, but Zhu Wenshu clearly felt that several classmates were looking at her and Ling Chen as if they were not there.

Especially Zhong Ya, who was next to her, secretly glanced at her, wanted to say something, but tried her best to hold back.

And the other side.

When Ling Chen took his seat, there was clearly an arm's distance between the two of them, but Zhu Wenshu felt as if he was wrapped in his body temperature and breath, wandering outside the atmosphere of the dinner party.


Just now, I said that sentence without thinking.

She subconsciously felt that Ling Chen might be very concerned that this position was reserved for Yin Yueze.

In fact, they might just follow Xiang Gefei's words and ask.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu quietly glanced at Ling Chen.

Ling Chen didn't look at her, and stared at the water glass in front of him with lowered eyes, wondering what he was thinking, but he pursed his lips tightly, and his jaw line was tense.


Zhu Wenshu slowly looked away.

Looking up again, he caught Yin Yueze's gaze unexpectedly.

The two haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. Compared with Ling Chen, Yin Yueze doesn't seem to have changed much.

Except for the longer hair and a slightly tougher silhouette, it still feels the same as in high school.

But his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, and he looked preoccupied.

Zhu Wenshu didn't know what to say, so he nodded.

At this time, Zhu Wenshu felt another line of sight shot over.

She turned her head and saw Ling Chen was staring at her.


Zhu Wenshu felt inexplicably guilty of contacting his ex-boyfriend and being caught. He muttered bluntly and pushed the water glass in front of Ling Chen, "Drink water, don't look at me."


Ling Chen picked up the water glass and took a sip, his jaw was still tense, but the corners of his mouth were raised.

Zhu Wenshu discovered that when Ling Chen's cheek muscles were exerted very hard, a shallow depression would form on the side of his cheek.

It didn't reach the level of dimples, but it made his whole face come alive.

After a few seconds.

Zhu Wenshu felt that she was being watched by many eyes, and she watched Ling Chen's behavior.


Inexplicably, she began to rejoice that Yin Yueze was present today—

The classmates will not tease her.

But also because Yin Yueze was present, and Ling Chen was not familiar with everyone, so the meal was quite reserved.

There were not many people drinking, so Xu Guangliang only ordered a bottle of red wine.

Everyone chatted a few words in a neutral manner, and it wasn't until the topic turned to high school memories that the scene heated up a little.

It's a pity that Ling Chen didn't have much participation in this group. He just drank water glass after glass and listened to everyone's memories of the past.

"Speaking of which, besides Ling Chen, the biggest change is Old Xiang."

A boy drank a few glasses of wine, blushed and said, "If I knew you were so beautiful now, I would have chased you as a potential stock in high school."

Glancing at Ge Fei, he replied with a smile, "It's as if you could catch me in high school."

"Oh, yes, yes, I am the one who climbed high."

The boy didn't take her words to heart, after all, Xiang Gefei is indeed very beautiful now, "Then do you have a boyfriend now? You can't be single, right?"

"How is it impossible? I have been busy with my career these past few years, so where is the time?"

He didn't look at the boy when he was talking to Ge Fei, and returned a message with his mobile phone in his hand.

During the period, Yin Yueze went out to answer the phone. After she watched him go out, she turned to look at Zhu Wenshu, "What about you? Let's gossip while Yin Yueze is away. I heard that you are a primary school teacher. It should be easy to find a boyfriend, right?"

It sounds like she is saying that she is a career woman and has no time to fall in love.

And when Zhu Wenshu became a primary school teacher, he should have married and had children early.

Zhu Wenshu, who has always been honored as a "teacher", felt for the first time that his profession would be looked down upon.


She said, "I'm a class teacher, very busy."


Xiang Gefei's tone was quite regrettable, "Oh, but it's true. The profession of teacher used to be very popular, but now many people are more inclined to match their strengths in all aspects."


Zhong Ya, who had been eating sullenly, wanted to refute a few words, but before she could think of what to say, her train of thought was interrupted by a crisp sound next to her.

Although Ling Chen didn't speak much, his sense of presence was the most important in the audience.

So when he put the water glass on the table with a cold face, the atmosphere in the box suddenly became tense.

Even Xiang Gefei's heart hangs for a moment.

She didn't expect Ling Chen to react at this time.

Ling Chen: "Indeed."

Hearing these two words, Xiang Gefei breathed a sigh of relief.

But the breath was not over yet, and I heard Ling Chen say it again.

"I wish the teacher graduate from a prestigious school and teach in the best school."

"If it weren't for the fear that she would dislike me, I would be a bad second book—"

He turned his head slowly and looked at Zhu Wenshu, "I want to chase after Teacher Zhu."

The box that finally became lively fell silent again.

The atmosphere is very delicate, no one speaks, but it seems that there are thousands of words floating in the air.

Only Zhu Wenshu's mind went blank, and he stared at Ling Chen blankly.

I don't know if he said this to save her.

Still speaking from the heart.

No one knows the answer to this question except Ling Chen.

Zhu Wenshu could only hear his heart beating faster and faster.

At this moment, someone suddenly spoke and broke the silence.

"Koshizawa? You—"

The man's voice was a little flustered, "You, have you finished your phone call? Come and eat quickly, the black chicken soup just served is going to be cold."

Zhu Wenshu turned his head abruptly, and found that Yin Yueze, who had gone out to answer the phone, was standing at the door at some point.

Ling Chen also looked towards the door with everyone.

But he just glanced at it, and then his eyes fell on Zhu Wenshu's uncomfortable back, and he lowered his eyes heavily.

"Just came here."

Yin Yueze looked normal, and said with a smile, "Are you all focused on eating? It's so quiet."

It seems that he didn't hear Ling Chen's words.

The host, Xu Guangliang, breathed a sigh of relief, "It's about the school."


He sighed heavily again, "Now the child is really too busy studying. I think all the relatives in the family are overwhelmed and want to send the child to a good school."

He turned to look at Zhu Wenshu again, "Mr. Zhu, you may not know how difficult it is to get into your school. Damn, going to primary school is like taking the college entrance examination. If my child can go to your school in the future, I have to trouble you to take care of it." take care of."


Zhu Wenshu smiled absently, "For sure."

"With your words, I will be exhausted and have to send my child to your school to be taught by you. I don't feel at ease giving it to others."

Xu Guangliang turned the topic here, and someone naturally took it up.

"Do you know why everyone wants to send their kids to good schools? Because you never know who is the teacher in those bad schools."

A boy said, "I was looking at Moments the other day, do you still remember Liu Haoyi? He is now a middle school physical education teacher. This kind of person can be a teacher too, so he shouldn't teach bad kids?"

Xu Guangliang: "What the hell? He's a teacher? Which junior high school? Let me guard against it."

The Liu Haoyi they were talking about, everyone had the impression that he was a well-known gangster in the sports class in high school.

Skipping classes, fighting and smoking is still a trivial matter, but what everyone despises is that he changes girlfriends like changing clothes, coaxes everyone to open a room, and shows off the details when it is over.

These things may not have reached the teacher's ears, but the students have heard these remarks more or less.

"This kind of person can be a teacher..."

Zhong Ya was about to make some comments when she suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Ling Chen, "By the way, have you ever fought with him before?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone remembered it.

Many people had forgotten about this incident, until a few years ago, when Ling Chen became popular, marketing accounts were pointing at him to increase traffic, and someone came to submit an article, saying that he was an arrogant gangster in high school and fought with others at that time. He almost made an appointment, but he didn't know what he did in private, the teacher insisted on covering him up.

At that time, Ling Chen was in the air, and any black material would be magnified.

Xu Guangliang remembered very clearly that he fought with others for 300 rounds at the time, saying that there was no such serious incident as killing someone, and he was not a gangster, it was just that one fight, and is it normal for high school boys to fight with others?

But the matter was settled in the end. After all, Xu Guangliang himself didn't know why Ling Chen fought with him.

Ling Chen didn't clarify it directly. People who like him don't care, and people who don't like him still treat it as black material.

"Is it?"

Ling Chen lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "I don't remember."

"Huh? You were almost expelled from school, can you forget that?"

Zhong Ya asked, "Why did you fight with him? Do you have any holidays?"

When she asked, everyone looked at Ling Chen with curiosity.

In fact, when this incident happened, the students were all shocked. They did not expect that Ling Chen, who is usually taciturn, would have conflicts with such a person.

It's a pity that Ling Chen didn't say anything at the time, and no one could ask.

After so many years, and Ling Chen's identity has changed, everyone's curiosity has been aroused again.

Even Yin Yueze looked at Ling Chen.

Ling Chen back then would not tell the reason, and now he is sitting with Zhu Wenshu and Yin Yueze, let alone.

But he never forgot about it.

That was the third year of high school.

In the early spring of April, the school holds a spring sports meeting.

This has always been a grand event for the first and second year of high school. The senior high school students who are facing the college entrance examination just take a formality and join the square team of the opening ceremony.

Everyone didn't even practice the formation, let alone custom-made class uniforms, they just put on last year's clothes.

The same is true for Zhu Wenshu, who is the card holder. He dug out the white shirt and black skirt customized for the sophomore sports meeting.

But I don't know if she has grown taller or the clothes have shrunk. The skirt looks a bit short.

After the opening ceremony, senior high school students returned to the classroom one after another.

Ling Chen walked at the back of the line, creating a long distance from his classmates.

At that time, Yin Yueze and Zhu Wenshu were already in a semi-public state in the eyes of the students, and no one was surprised that they walked side by side at the front.

"You said, did Yin Yueze sleep and wish Wenshu?"

In the bright spring playground, Ling Chen suddenly heard such a sentence.

"Look at those legs, they are white and long. Is he still a man if he doesn't sleep?"

Ling Chen stopped and looked back.

But Liu Haoyi's attention was all on Zhu Wenshu's lap, and he didn't realize that Ling Chen was looking at him at all.

"It's so pure, it's a place."

"That's hard to say."

"And you know, the purer it looks, the more coquettish it is on the bed, maybe it can be in any posture."

"Tsk, it's cheaper Yin Yueze, it's very exciting to fuck."

"What you said made my heart itch. Her voice is so sweet. It sounds better when she's crying at the same time."

As they walked further and further away, Ling Chen stood still.

If Yin Yueze heard these words, what would he do?

Maybe he didn't need to go to war at all.

His father is a high-ranking official of the city government, and his mother also comes from a scholarly family. When the school leaders see him, they wish they could treat him like their own son.

He was so protective of Zhu Wenshu, maybe he only needed a word, and the family members called the principal, and Liu Haoyi couldn't bear it and walked around.

If it were more ruthless, it wouldn't take much effort to find an excuse to fire him.

But Ling Chen was not capable of such a decent solution.

That night, Liu Haoyi and his brother escaped from the evening self-study as usual.

When they climbed out from the back wall, they were lighting a cigarette, and through the faint light, they saw Ling Chen standing in the dark.


Without saying a word, he hit his head with a stick.

At first they thought that Ling Chen had found the wrong person, but the two usually dominated the school, so they would not explain it at this time, it was their character to fight back.

Liu Haoyi and his brother have been fighting with others since junior high school, and they are also sports students. They have never lost in singles.

What's more, what they were facing was Ling Chen who was skinny.

But no matter what, these two people couldn't hold back Ling Chen's desperate efforts.

At first they had the upper hand, but later they realized that this man seemed to want their lives, and they began to feel guilty.

For a moment of trance, Liu Haoyi was pinned to the ground by Ling Chen, whose face was covered in blood.

He pressed one leg on Liu Haoyi's stomach, pinched his neck with one hand, and pinched his cheek with the other.

His fingers were about to tear his face apart, and his eyes were darker than the black clouds that destroyed the city.

Blood choked in his throat, and his voice was hoarse like a murderer's whisper.

"No matter how cheap your mouth is, I'll tear your mouth apart."

That night, Ling Chen never told Liu Haoyi why he beat him.

He also knew that they couldn't swallow this breath, and the current confession was only temporary.

Chen himself didn't know how long this vicious fight would last, until they were discovered by a passing teacher and taken to the Political and Education Office.

Although people like Liu Haoyi usually do bad things, but today they are not at fault, and with the support of their parents, their tone is very aggressive, and Chen must be expelled from school.

Moreover, no matter how much the director of the political and educational department yelled, Ling Chen only admitted that he was the one who made the first move, but he didn't say the reason, and only said "I don't like them" from the beginning to the end.

According to this development, Ling Chen knew that it was a certainty that he would drop out of school.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, his head teacher stood up.

Teacher Zhang is a 50-year-old old teacher who is nicknamed "Ghost Seeing Sorrow". Usually, students from other classes will take a detour when they see her.

I thought that such a stern and selfless teacher would be severely punished, but she didn't say much the whole time, and finally told the director of the Political and Education Department that she wanted to talk alone.

Ling Chen didn't know how she managed to mediate with the school. He only knew that on Monday a few days later, he didn't wait for the notice of withdrawal, but was criticized by the whole school and recorded a major demerit.

Most insiders thought that was the end of the matter.

But not long after, Liu Haoyi, who couldn't swallow his breath, appeared in front of him again carrying a wooden stick and leading someone.

"Then did they trouble you later?"

Zhu Wenshu's words interrupted his thoughts.


Ling Chen came back to his senses, turned to look at her, and said in a low voice, "It's really not a big deal, it's just that we had a quarrel when we met."


Zhu Wenshu believed it. After all, with Lingchen's character, he really wouldn't have any trouble with someone like Liu Haoyi.

It's nothing more than high school boys who are full of energy and blood, and it's not uncommon for them to fight when they disagree.

Ling Chen has said so, and no one else has the nerve to ask whether they believe it or not.

Only Yin Yueze looked at Ling Chen seriously, with a complicated look in his eyes that was different from others.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Ling Chen got up and said, "You guys continue to eat."

There were quite a lot of people in the restaurant's public restroom, so Ling Chen went out wearing a mask.

While washing his hands, he looked up and saw Yin Yueze standing behind him in the mirror.

The two just stood one after the other, using the mirror to look at each other, but no one spoke.

After a while, Yin Yueze stepped forward and turned on the faucet.

Ling Chen lowered his head, wiped his hands with a paper towel, and then threw the paper ball into the trash can.

When he turned around, he heard Yin Yueze say, "how is uncle all these years?"

His voice was quiet, but sympathetic.

Ling Chen paused and didn't look back.


Ever since Ling Chen came back from the bathroom, Zhu Wenshu noticed that something was wrong with him.

But I can't say why.

If it's because of Liu Haoyi, it shouldn't be.

When everyone mentioned it just now, he didn't have a big reaction.

In a word, Ling Chen, who was not talkative in the first place, didn't participate in the topic very much, but just poured a glass of wine when everyone had a drink for three rounds.

This awkward and inexplicable class reunion finally ended with the topic of Xu Guangliang's sweet married life.

"Then...we're about to break up?"

Xu Guangliang said, "I didn't get anything delicious today, let's get together next time."

Everyone stood up and prepared to leave.

Xiang Gefei, who didn't say much in the second half, saw that everyone was really leaving, and didn't know if they would meet again next time, so he summoned up his courage and said, "Ling Chen, let's add a WeChat."

She took out her phone and opened the QR code.

"I'm doing self-media now, and I can cooperate with you when I have the opportunity in the future."

Ling Chen sat on the inner side, and just now walked in front of her.

"What do you do from the media?"

Guffy choked.

"On the fashion side."

Ling Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Beauty blogger! Ling Chen, don't you know?"

A boy at the door turned around and said, "Lao Xiang is quite famous now."

"I'm sorry."

Ling Chen said, "This field has no intersection with my work."

"Oh, okay, I'll talk about it later when I have a chance."

Nodding to Ge Fei, he didn't say anything else.

On the other hand, Zhong Ya who was on the side said "Damn it", which startled Xiang Gefei.

"What's wrong?"

"You are a beauty blogger!"

Zhong Ya opened her eyes wide, "No wonder the makeup is so awesome!"

To Ge Fei: "..."

Although this is a tool for her to eat, it is really not a comfortable thing to be praised by a girl as "great makeup".


"Is your eyelashes pasted?"

As Zhong Ya spoke, she leaned in front of them, "I didn't see it just now, I thought your eyelashes are so long naturally, it's too awesome! Teach me when you have time, every time I put on false eyelashes, people say it can stab people to death .”


Xiang Gefei's complexion was obviously very bad, and Zhong Ya didn't seem to notice it.

Brother Zhong's performance today is also very stable.

Zhu Wenshu was speechless for a while, and wanted her to stop talking.

Just when she was about to speak, Ling Chen tugged on her sleeve.


A group of people arrived at the door of the restaurant one after another.

Xu Guangliang first called a taxi for a few boys who had been drinking, and then asked the girls how to get there.

Telling Ge Fei that she was going back to the hotel, Zhong Ya offered to drive her off as soon as she heard the address.

Regardless of the refusal to Gefei, she dragged him by the arm and walked away. Zhu Wenshu could still hear her asking him how to put on makeup after several meters.

In this way, only Ling Chen, Zhu Wenshu, and Yin Yueze were left as guests who hadn't sent them off.

Xu Guangliang glanced at it, and suddenly felt that the scene seemed awkward.

"Then... I called a substitute driver."

Xu Guangliang looked at Zhu Wenshu, "How about..."

Ling Chen: "I'll send it off."

Yin Yueze: "I'll send it off."

The two spoke almost in unison.

As soon as the words fell, Xu Guangliang's expression froze on his face, and he was about to pretend to be drunk and fall to the ground.

There is no next time.

He will definitely no longer organize the Broken Classmates Reunion!

The two men did not move after speaking, and looked at Zhu Wenshu one after another.

It has rained tonight, there are still traces of wet water on the ground, and faint traces of rain are floating in the air.

Seeing these two men looking at her together, Zhu Wenshu suddenly felt that it wasn't cold anymore.

It's like being roasted on the fire.


Zhu Wenshu turned to look at Xu Guangliang.

Xu Guangliang immediately avoided her eyes, looking around the scenery.

"Where do you live now?"

Zhu Wenshu had no choice but to ask Yin Yueze.


Yin Yueze said, "Waldorf."

Hearing this, Ling Chen's fingers stuck in his pocket suddenly trembled.

The Waldorf Astoria Hotel is less than one kilometer away from Zhu Wen's home.


Zhu Wenshu said, "I live far away, if I don't go along the way, I won't bother you."

"I'm on my way!"

Xu Guangliang, whose home was completely in another direction, suddenly answered, "Yue Ze, let me see you off!"

Yin Yueze didn't respond.

It was dark at night, but the lights of the restaurant were as bright as day.

He looked at Zhu Wenshu deeply, for a long time, he just sighed.

In this weather, there is already a faint white mist in the air.

"Let's go."

He went down the steps, and when he passed by Xu Guangliang, he gently said a word.

When the two got into the car, Zhu Wen Shumu sent the taillights away before turning around.


She tugged on Lingchen's sleeve, "It's so cold, why are you standing there?"

After a while, Zhu Wenshu walked a few steps away, and Ling Chen stepped forward to keep up.

The driver was already waiting on the road, and Zhu Wenshu got in with ease.

After fastening her seat belt, when she saw Ling Chen coming up, she immediately turned her head to the window.

After Ling Chen got into the car, he didn't speak again, and the two arrived at their destination in silence.

Seeing that he was about to get out of the car, Zhu Wenshu took a long time to untie his seat belt.

In fact, along the way, she was a little afraid of what Ling Chen would say.

At the same time, she was vaguely expecting him to say something.

He didn't move until he unbuckled the seat belt, Zhu Wenshu's hanging heart sank, and when the door beside her opened, she had already stepped down with one leg.

"Then I'll go home first, and you should go to bed earlier."

Ling Chen stared straight at her.

His eyes were different from his previous ones, the street lights on the side were reflected in his eyes like twinkling stars.


He suddenly opened his mouth.

Zhu Wenshu's heart beat faster.


"Are you disgusted?"


Zhu Wenshu doesn't know why.

"Two bad books."

Ling Chen lowered his eyes, covering the twinkling stars in his eyes, "I didn't read much."

The sound of whistles in my ears suddenly floated far away, as if isolated from a vacuum.

Zhu Wenshu heard the thumping sound of her chest, which was so deafening that he couldn't hear what he said.

"...Don't dislike me."