Chapter 39:

The night after the rain was particularly gloomy, and the neon lights on the street were covered by the moisture in the air.

With this faint light, Zhu Wenshu noticed that Ling Chen's face was covered with a thin blush after drinking.

As a result, Zhu Wenshu finally recalled what his phrase "don't dislike" expressed.

She turned her face away and let the cool wind blow by her ears, no matter how soft it was, it made a whistling sound.


It took a long time before Ling Chen responded, "Understood."

"Then I'm going back."

Zhu Wenshu turned to leave, but was stopped by him again.



Ling Chen turned around, leaned over and took out something from the back seat.

When it was handed over to Zhu Wenshu, I saw it was a heavy dark blue box.

"what is this?"


Ling Chen said, "The airport picks them at random."


Zhu Wenshu didn't look at the chocolate or Ling Chen, "I'm going back, you should go to bed early."

"it is good."

After turning around, Zhu Wenshu took a few steps, turned his head slowly, and found that Ling Chen's car door was still open.

His figure was hidden in the night, and his expression could not be seen clearly, only his eyes were dotted with shredded light spots in the dim light.

Zhu Wenshu coughed twice, and quickly quickened his pace.

After entering the community and getting on the elevator, she lowered her head and carefully looked at the box in her hand.

With the light of the elevator, she could clearly see that the dark blue box was still printed with dark fonts.

"I will think of you every step of way."

She hooked her lips slightly.

Why is there nothing new about being a celebrity chasing people, just knowing to give some chocolates or something, no different from high school students.

When the elevator reached the floor, Zhu Wenshu hugged the chocolate to his chest and reached out to open the door.

I don't know if there is sweat on the fingers, but the fingerprints have not been successfully recognized several times.

When she was about to press the password, the door suddenly opened.

"Scare me!"

Seeing that she was outside, Ying Fei patted her chest, "I heard the sound of the door lock, and thought it was a thief."

"You thought it was a thief and you still opened the door?"

Zhu Wenshu stepped in, "If it is really a robbery, don't you open the door of my house for you?"


Ying Fei glanced at the things she put on the cabinet in the entrance, and said with a smile, "Oh, I have to prepare to find a new roommate."


Zhu Wenshu was halfway through changing shoes, then raised his head and said, "You want to move?"

"No, I live pretty well."

Ying Fei patted her on the shoulder, "It's cold, remember to close the window when you sleep."

"it is good."

When Zhu Wenshu put on his slippers and reached for chocolates, he saw Ying Fei was pouring water in the kitchen, so he asked, "Um... do you eat chocolate?"

In my impression, Ying Fei likes to eat this kind of food, and she usually asks Zhu Wenshu when she buys snacks, so it seems a bit stingy to be rude when she is seen holding something in her hand.


Ying Fei turned her head and smiled at her, "This chocolate is too expensive, I'm sorry."


Is it expensive?

"It's okay, I can't finish eating so much..."

"Really not." Ying Fei returned to her room with a water glass in her hand, "I'm off to finish the draft."

The first thing Zhu Wenshu did when she returned to her room was to turn on her phone and search for this brand of chocolate that she had never heard of.

Checked the price, it's really expensive.


She sighed softly.

If she returns the gift in the future, how can she afford it.

After staring at the chocolates for a while, Zhu Wenshu still picked out one and peeled off the wrapping paper.

The next day, Zhu Wenshu was awakened by a rush of whistles.

She opened her eyes sleepily, and belatedly remembered that she still forgot to close the window at night.

Being woken up like this on a rare weekend, Zhu Wenshu sighed heavily, but got up slowly.

She originally planned to finish writing the lesson plan this morning, but it wasn't until the lunch delivery was delivered to her door that she realized that she was a little distracted and only finished half of it.

She looked at the phone and stretched out her eager fingers.

It just so happened that new news jumped out at this time.

Zhu Wenshu quickly turned on his phone, only to find that it was Ling Xingyan's message.

[Ling Xingyan]: Teacher Zhu, did you recommend KFC to Ling Siyuan at the class food sharing meeting next week?

[Zhu Wenshu]:...

[Zhu Wenshu]: I recommend the salt-baked chicken.

[Ling Xingyan]: I'll just say it.

【Ling Xingyan】: This brat, I'll take care of him.

[Zhu Wenshu]: What is Yuanyuan doing today?

[Ling Xingyan]: To learn the violin, you still have to cultivate your sentiment.

Zhu Wenshu lingered on the keyboard for a while, then asked again.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Ling Chen taught him?

[Ling Xingyan]: Where does Ling Chen have time? He went to the piano room last night and hasn't come back yet. He's so busy.

Zhu Wenshu nodded inwardly, he was so busy that it seemed that Ling Chen's life should be.

This afternoon, Zhu Wenshu didn't get distracted anymore, and finished the work seriously.

It was 4:30, and the weather outside the window was okay, so she changed her clothes and went to a nearby supermarket to buy some daily necessities.

For a distance of seven or eight hundred meters, it is not cost-effective to take a taxi, and it is a bit tiring to walk with a big bag of things.

When Zhu Wenshu was standing at the entrance of the supermarket, hesitating whether to ride a shared bicycle, someone behind her suddenly called her.

Hearing that voice, her eyes paused for a moment, and she adjusted her normal and natural expression before turning around and pretending to be quite surprised, "Why are you here?"

"The hotel is near here."

Yin Yueze said.

When he said this, Zhu Wenshu remembered that the hotel he was staying in was indeed across the street.

It would be unreasonable for her to appear here.

So she laughed dryly and said, "Oh, I'm shopping here, and I'm going to buy something by the way."

Yin Yueze glanced at the daily necessities in her hand, but said nothing.

"Are you free for a cup of coffee?"

Yin Yueze asked, "I didn't have a chance to talk about the old days yesterday."

If he wanted to be an ex-boyfriend who broke up with him, Zhu Wenshu would definitely turn around and leave.

But facing Yin Yueze, she didn't want to refuse again and again, lest she seem to care about the past.


Zhu Wenshu said, "Near here?"


Yin Yueze came over and reached out to help her hold the things in her hands.

Zhu Wenshu took a step back subconsciously, she was very familiar with this place, she turned her head and pointed to a coffee shop behind her.

"There just happens to be a coffee shop here."

Yin Yueze withdrew his hand with a smile, "Let's go."

The two sat facing each other by the window, each holding a cup of coffee. After a long time, Yin Yueze spoke first.

It was nothing more than talking about the current situation in recent years. Zhu Wenshu felt that his life was peaceful and boring, and he didn't take the initiative to chat. It was Yin Yueze who asked her to answer.

More than half an hour later, she felt like a frog, poking and jumping, so she took the initiative to ask: "Are you going back to China this time to visit relatives, or...?"

"Settled down." Yin Yueze said, "The work has also been transferred to the country."

"Oh..." Zhu Wenshu nodded, "Very good."

"It's just that I don't have any friends." Yin Yueze said, "I haven't had much contact with my former classmates, so Xu Guangliang occasionally chats with me."

Zhu Wenshu didn't know how to answer, so he lowered his head and took a sip of his coffee before saying, "We're all pretty much the same."

Yin Yueze pondered for a moment, "But, have you been in touch with Ling Chen since graduation?"


Zhu Wenshu didn't expect Yin Yueze to mention her and Ling Chen, as if some secret had been exposed, his tone was not as calm as before, "No...We haven't seen each other for seven or eight years, and we only got in touch this year."

"Then you are together now?"

Zhu Wenshu was dumbfounded for a moment, and immediately said: "No, we are not together."

Yin Yueze nodded.

"I can rest assured that."

Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes and looked at Yin Yueze, the meaning on his face was obvious.

The man on the opposite side was a bit slow in reacting. Seeing that her expression was wrong, he smiled and said, "I don't mean anything else."

"I have also met many celebrities in my work over the years."

The waiter served desserts and waffles. Yin Yueze pushed them in front of Zhu Wenshu, and said at the same time, "Actually, falling in love with a celebrity is quite tiring. Not only do you have to bear huge pressure from public opinion, but you are also vulnerable to external harm. It is difficult for an ordinary person to resist." .”

His tone was Chen Ken, it sounded like he cared from his old classmates.

So Zhu Wenshu also nodded: "Well, I have a measure."

Not wanting to continue talking about this topic, Zhu Wenshu asked: "What about you? It seems that you have posted a photo with your girlfriend in Moments before. Are you going back to China together this time?"


Yin Yueze shook his head, "I had two relationships in the past few years, but they didn't reach the end."


In the subsequent chat, it was still Yin Yueze who asked, and Zhu Wenshu who answered.

And she saw that it was getting late, she didn't want to drink coffee, and she didn't want to sit dryly, so she ate waffles one by one.

Afraid that he would propose to have dinner together again, after he finished drinking the coffee at the table, Zhu Wenshu said, "Then I'll go back first?"


Yin Yueze got up, "I'll see you off."

"no, I'm fine-"

"I know your home is nearby." Yin Yueze directly picked up the supermarket shopping bag she put beside the sofa, "Let's go."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Originally, Zhu Wenshu was quite calm, but he was made guilty by Yin Yueze's words, and didn't say much along the way.

At the gate of the community, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, took the bag and said, "Then I'm leaving."

"it is good."

When Yin Yueze turned to leave, Zhu Wenshu also walked towards the gate.

Just after taking two steps, she frowned and turned to look towards the road.

It was not yet seven o'clock, but it was completely dark. In the thick night, she saw a black car going away, with its taillights flashing, and the license plate could not be seen clearly.

For some reason, she always felt that the car just now looked familiar.

But she quickly denied it. I can't, he must be in the piano room right now.

She must be dazzled.

While affirming his thoughts, Zhu Wenshu took out his mobile phone and called Ling Chen.

After connecting, he didn't speak.

Zhu Wenshu: "Where are you?"

The other side was silent.

So Zhu Wenshu stopped: "You just... came to my house?"



I thought he would deny it, but I didn't expect him to answer so frankly.

"Going away again?"

Ling Chen: "Yes."

Zhu Wenshu: "Then you drive back."

He didn't speak, and the phone didn't hang up.

Zhu Wenshu heard the whistling wind on the phone, and said, "Slow down."


Two minutes later, the car drove to the opposite side, turned around at the intersection ahead, and finally stopped in front of Zhu Wenshu.

She looked around and made sure no one was paying attention, so she opened the car door and got on it.

"How did you come?"

Zhu Wenshu asked, "Aren't you busy?"

Ling Chen wore a mask, expressionless.

"Passing by."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Did he see something?

Zhu Wenshu was silent for a moment, took out his phone and looked at it.

Sure enough, more than twenty minutes ago, Ling Chen sent her a message asking if she was at home.

Seems like an explanation.

But Zhu Wenshu felt that the two of them were not boyfriend and girlfriend, so it would be strange if she explained it.

"Have you got a meal yet?"

Ling Chen asked suddenly.

The waffles in my stomach are still full, and if I drink a glass of water, it will bubble up to my throat.

But Zhu Wenshu still said, "I haven't eaten."

Ling Chen "tsk", "He didn't even bring you a meal?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Sure enough, I saw it.

He was a little speechless due to his eccentricity, but when he turned his head, Zhu Wenshu saw that Ling Chen's eyes were bloodshot, and thought of Ling Xing saying that he had been busy working in the piano room all night, and his emotions suddenly disappeared.

"Have you got a meal yet?"


Ling Chen asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Zhu Wenshu: "It's all fine."

"fasten your seatbelt."

After saying this, Ling Chen saw a large bag of things on her lap, so he raised his hand to take it away and put it in the back.

The space in this car is actually not too small. Ling Chen didn't want to put Zhu Wenshu's things on the floor mat. Given his size, he had to turn around with all his strength to put the bag on the back seat.

So, when his sweater was pulled up, Zhu Wenshu saw an obvious scar on his left waist.

It looks quite old, but the hideous scars are still a bit shocking.

After condensing for a long time, the scar was suddenly covered by the torn clothes.

Before Zhu Wenshu had time to come back to his senses, he heard the people beside him say.

"I'm very expensive."

Zhu Wenshu: "...Huh?"

Ling Chen: "There is a fee to see the abs."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Who saw your abs.

The car started and slowly merged into the traffic flow.

Zhu Wenshu was silent for a while, but still couldn't help asking, "How did you get the scar on your waist?"

Ling Chen blinked lightly while turning the steering wheel, looking at the dark night outside the windshield.

It must have been such a night, Liu Haoyi actually made trouble for him once that year.

In the dilapidated alley near his home, five people surrounded him. At first, they just beat and kicked with wooden sticks, and there were only unheard curses all around. Occasionally, passers-by passed by, but they thought it was a fight between gangsters, and no one stepped forward to stop them, but walked away far away.

Later, he bumped into the old glass that someone's house put on the side of the road. He didn't feel much pain, but the air began to smell of blood.

Finally, Liu Haoyi stepped on his face and smiled at him.

"I've finally come to my senses, are you venting your anger on behalf of the goddess?"

"Why, you also want to sleep with the goddess?"

Liu Haoyi took a breath of smoke, and the people on the ground suddenly became violent again.

Liu Haoyi knocked him down again with a stick, pressed his neck, and patted his face with the other hand, "Are you worthy?"

Someone behind him suddenly pulled Liu Haoyi's sleeve, "Look."

Liu Haoyi lowered his eyes and found that his left waist was bleeding profusely.

The man panicked suddenly and let go of his hand, but he couldn't stand up.

Facing the scarlet eyes of the boy on the ground, Liu Haoyi pouted and said, "Let's go!"

Wearing a mask, no one could see Ling Chen's tightly pursed lips.

The car stopped at a red light, Ling Chen reached out and touched the scar, and said lightly, "I cut my appendix."


Zhu Wenshu nodded, and muttered, "Which hospital did the cut, leaving such a long scar."

After a few seconds.

Zhu Wenshu suddenly turned to look at Ling Chen: "Isn't the appendix on the right? Your scar is on the left!"

With one hand on the steering wheel, Ling Chen slowly turned his head to look at Zhu Wenshu, raising his eyebrows.

"Why do you think I cut it off?"

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

Ling Chen: "Because it grows to the left."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."