Chapter 41:

At first, Ling Xingyan stood alone at the door and waited.

Later, it was dark, and he waited at the door with his son and nanny.

"Dad, why can't we go home?"

Ling Xingyan crouched in a corner, hugging his knees, his upper and lower eyelids fighting with sleepiness.

"hold on."

Ling Xingyan hugged his son into his arms, "Let's wait a little longer, maybe your uncle will move out soon."


Ling Siyuan suddenly opened his eyes wide, "I don't want my uncle to move away."

Ling Xingyan choked, and said perfunctorily: "You don't understand now, but you will understand when you grow up."

"Daddy always says that."

Ling Siyuan grumbled, "I've grown up, I'm eight years old, not a three-year-old anymore."

Ling Xingyan hit Heqie and didn't want to talk any more, so he took out the spare phone and showed Ling Siyuan a cartoon.

Probably hearing the noise, the neighbor who had just returned home took two steps to this side.

"Why are you squatting here?"

Ling Xing said, "The lock is broken, wait for someone to fix it."

There are only two families on the first floor of this building. The two families often meet in the elevator, and both have children of the same age, so they have a good relationship.

"Then you come to my house and wait, it's very cold today."

Thinking of having a child, Ling Xingyan did not refuse.

When opening the door, the neighbor suddenly remembered something and asked, "Where are your relatives?"

Ling Xing said, "What relative?"

The neighbor said "Oops" with surprise on his face, "Don't you know? In the evening, there was an old couple asking one by one on the slide. They said that they were distant relatives of your family who came to seek refuge and asked where your house is. Floor."

The adults suddenly became quiet, and they all smelled danger.

Ling Xingyan originally rushed back today because he received a call from the nanny. Hearing this, he glanced at the nanny, motioned her to take care of the child, and then walked towards the property monitoring room of the community.

There was only one small light turned on in the living room, which could illuminate a corner of the sofa.

With the faint light, Zhu Wenshu leaned against the door, with Ling Chen's palm on his back, and gradually felt his body temperature warming up.

I don't know how long I hugged him like this, but Zhu Wenshu still couldn't relax, and his feet began to feel numb.

But what's the point of going on like this? How would Zhu Wenshu explain it when Ling Siyuan saw him in a while?

Me and your uncle having a physical friendly exchange?

Thinking of that scene, Zhu Wenshu's heartbeat, which had finally calmed down, began to speed up again.

At this time, Zhu Wenshu heard that there seemed to be movement outside the door, and quickly pushed Ling Chen.

At this moment, Ling Chen seemed to be defenseless, so he was pushed away.

He staggered back a few steps, still with his head down, his crumpled clothes loosely covering his body, like a fragile patient.

Zhu Wenshu had the illusion that she was using too much force just now.

Wanting to make amends a little bit, she stretched out her hand, but retracted it a second before touching Ling Chen.

"Did you drink too much?"

After Zhu Wenshu finished asking, he sniffed vigorously, but he didn't smell a trace of alcohol.

But Ling Chen's state at this time is really like a drunk.

He hung his head, put his hands in his pockets, and his shoulders were slumped. He no longer had the usual tall and straight figure, but he looked like he was nestled in the back row of the classroom all day long when he was back in high school.

"Yeah." He replied in a low voice, "I drank too much."

"Oh, then... You should rest early."

Just as Zhu Wenshu was about to touch the doorknob with his backhand, someone grabbed his outstretched wrist.

"Are you going to leave just now?"

"I'm just here to see—"

"Is this the end?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

"Then..." After a moment of silence, Zhu Wenshu asked sincerely, "What else should I think?"

While saying this, Zhu Wenshu caught a glimpse of some red scraps of paper on Ling Chen's hair.

Subconsciously, she stepped on her feet and leaned towards him, trying to see what it was.

When the two faces gradually approached, the breathing intertwined, making Chen suddenly lean back like a spring.

"You don't have to look at it that way."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

What's the matter with this man.

Just now she was pulling her into his arms, but now she is like a chaste woman, running 800 meters away if she gets a little closer.

"Things in your hair."

Ling Chen said "oh", grabbed his hair, and a few fishes that slipped through the net fell down.

Zhu Wenshu took a closer look, and it seemed to be the debris of a hundred yuan bill.

Even if Ling Chen is rich, he will not be a person who plays around with money at home.

Zhu Wenshu's heart sank, and he felt that something bad had happened in this house just now.

But seeing Ling Chen's appearance at this time, she didn't want to, and she didn't have the position to ask.

Just thinking that there are children in this family, Zhu Wenshu couldn't help reminding.

"It's against the law to destroy RMB." She looked down gradually, looking at the big hand that was still gripping her wrist, with a rustle in her heart, "It's also against the law to moleste the people's teacher."

Ling Chen: "..."

He let go of his hand quickly, and slowly stood up straight, "Understood, I wish the teacher."

In fact, Zhu Wenshu was also a little uncomfortable by his nonsensical words, so he quickly changed the subject.

"I met an old couple at the school gate today. They said they were Ling Siyuan's great-grandmother and great-grandfather. Yuanyuan was a little scared. I saw that they were following in a car again, so I was worried."


Ling Chen said, "It's my grandparents."

Thinking of hearing the old couple's cursing downstairs and Ling Chen's previous failure, Zhu Wenshu stared into his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Then are you okay?"

Ling Chen tilted his head, stretched out his hand to touch his cheek, "If you have the strength to break the law, it should be fine."

What does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot?

Zhu Wenshu: "...I'm leaving, I have to go to work tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ling Chen to respond, he grabbed the bag on the porch and left.

Ling Chen really didn't speak anymore, just glanced at the bag in her hand, then leaned against the wall and watched her open the door, go out, and then close the door.

Seeing that he was so calm and calm, Zhu Wenshu also pretended to be calm and calm, and walked out with his chest raised.

Until she Zhu Wenshu met Ling Xingyan who had just come up in the elevator.

He didn't seem surprised at all, and said, "Are you going back?"

Zhu Wenshu: "...Well, I came here because of what happened after school."

She repeated the story of the old couple, and said: "I don't think Yuanyuan knows them at all, so I will confirm with you. If they come to school again next time, I will have a bottom line in my heart."

"It's such a relationship, but..."

Ling Xingyan scratched his head, "Anyway, thank you for today, but next time, please don't hand over the child to them, and please call me as soon as possible, or Lu Manman It’s okay to call, I’ll send you her number later.”

Zhu Wenshu nodded: "Okay, then nothing happened today?"

"It's okay, Yuanyuan is at the neighbor's house, I'm going to pick him up now."

Mentioning this matter, Ling Xingyan looked unhappy, "They sneaked in with the decoration workers of the community, it's really hard to guard against."

Thinking that this was a family matter, Zhu Wenshu didn't ask any further questions, "Then I'll go first."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

When Zhu Wenshu stepped into the elevator, Ling Xingyan suddenly stopped her again, "You were at my house just now—"

"Let's chat."

Zhu Wenshu answered immediately, "We just chatted for a few words."


Ling Xingyan nodded, pointing to the bag in her hand, "But you are carrying my nanny's bag."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She ran back in a hurry, and just as she was about to knock on the door, the door opened.

One hand was outstretched, her bag dangling from the index finger.


Zhu Wenshu took his own bag and hung the nanny's bag on his finger, as if completing some invisible transaction, without saying a word the whole time.

In the taxi, Zhu Wenshu stared at the bag on his lap, wondering what he was thinking.

Until a ringtone interrupted her thoughts.

She glanced at the incoming call and answered it with drooping eyebrows.

"It's definitely not a good thing to find me so late, right?"

"As expected of my family, the teacher knows what I want to fart as soon as I open my mouth."

Zhu Qisen laughed twice, "I want to trouble you."

Zhu Wenshu sighed: "Speak."

"It's Xue'er. The water pipe in her bedroom and bathroom burst. Now the workers have repaired it, but the sheets and bedding are all soaked."

Zhu Qisen hesitated and said, "I'm sure I won't be able to sleep tonight, she has to go to class tomorrow, and I'm on a business trip, and she doesn't dare to stay in a hotel alone, and she doesn't have many friends in Jiangcheng..."

"So can I trouble you to take her in for a night?"

Originally, when Zhu Qisen talked about the first half, Zhu Wenshu thought that he wanted her to help dry the bedding.

Hearing that it was only kept for one night, Zhu Wenshu breathed a sigh of relief, "No problem."

"Okay." Zhu Qisen said, "Then I told her to go directly to your house?"

After hanging up the phone, before Zhu Wenshu took the initiative to ask, Shi Xueer sent a message.

[Shi Xue'er]: woo woo woo teacher, thank you so much, I almost thought I was going to sit on the bedside all night.

[Zhu Wenshu]: You're welcome.

Shi Xueer's house is only three or four kilometers away from Zhu Wen's house.

When she arrived at the door, Shi Xueer happened to be there too.

On such a cold day, she was wrapped in a down jacket, and her face without makeup looked pitiful.

"Mr. Zhu!" Carrying her makeup bag, she hurried towards Zhu Wenshu, "You live so close to me."

She took a look at the neighborhood and asked, "Do you live alone?"

Zhu Wenshu led her in.

"I have a roommate."

Shi Xueer paused, "Ah...will that disturb others?"

"It's okay, it's a girl, I told her on the way."

Zhu Wenshu swiped open the door, "Let's go, it's cold outside."

When the two arrived at the door, Shi Xueer was still a little uneasy.

It just so happened that Ying Fei had just woken up at this time, and was cooking instant noodles in the kitchen.

Smelling the smell, Shi Xueer said as soon as she entered the door: "It smells so good!"

Ying Fei turned her head, looked at Shi Xueer, and then at Zhu Wenshu: "Are you back?"


Zhu Wenshu gave a brief introduction, and the two nodded with a smile.

Originally wanted to rest early, Zhu Wenshu took two steps, but saw Shi Xueer stopped in the hallway, staring at the instant noodles in Ying Fei's pot.

Ying Fei also noticed Shi Xueer's gaze, and turned around to ask, "Have you eaten yet?"

Shi Xueer shook her head.

Ying Fei: "Would you like some? I'll cook an extra pack."

"What a shame..."

As Shi Xueer said, she walked towards the kitchen and looked down at the instant noodles in the pot, "I also added fried eggs, tomato and ham sausage..."

Ying Fei: "I also added Lao Ganma."

Shi Xueer almost swallowed her tongue, "Then, let me eat a little."

Ying Fei turned her head and asked Zhu Wenshu again: "Are you eating?"

"I just had dinner."

Seeing that Shi Xueer was gone, Zhu Wenshu said, "Then you eat first? I'm going to take a bath."

The friendship between girls is really amazing.

Because of instant noodles overnight, when Zhu Wenshu came out of the shower, he saw Shi Xueer and Ying Fei having a lively chat.

After listening carefully, it turned out that they were exchanging 108 fairy ways of instant noodles.

Shi Xueer: "Oh, but I have restrained myself in the past two years, and I am no longer at the age where I can't get fat."

"Instant noodles don't make you fat."

Ying Fei said, "It's just not nutritious. Who do you think eats instant noodles and gets fat?"

"Is it…"

Seeing that Shi Xueer was skeptical, Ying Fei said, "But I also ate a kind of highland barley instant noodles, which were not fried. They were slow carbohydrates, and they didn't raise sugar quickly after eating."

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Zhu Wenshu really wouldn't know that Ying Fei knew this knowledge.


When Shi Xueer heard the word "non-fried", she immediately became excited, "Then you send me the link, let's add a WeChat, and you also send me the instant noodles tonight, it's too chewy !"

She took out her mobile phone, opened the QR code and handed it to Ying Fei.

Ying Fei didn't refuse, but after she clicked on the friend request, her expression froze suddenly.

Fishing for Han Jiangxue, Mei, Niang alone?

Over there, Shi Xueer happily passed the friend application, and was about to change a note when her finger suddenly froze on the screen.

There was an eerie silence at the dinner table.

Zhu Wenshu, who came out of the kitchen after drinking water, saw that the atmosphere was not right, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The two were in a stalemate, neither of them spoke, but there seemed to be sparks shooting from the four pairs of eyes.


Zhu Wenshu looked around, "What happened?"


Shi Xueer suddenly stood up and dragged Zhu Wenshu to the room, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Zhu Wenshu was dragged away by her, and when she turned around, Ying Fei also went back to her room with a cold face, without clearing the dining table.

As soon as the door was closed, Shi Xueer tore off the prudent mask, covered her head and said in a low voice, "Mr. Zhu! Do you know who your roommate is?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

Shi Xueer suddenly clenched her fists and pounded the table again: "She is yoki fat! Ling Chen's black fan!"

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh??"

"do not you know?!"

Shi Xueer took two steps in the room, picked up her phone and frantically sent messages, "Yesterday I scolded her on Weibo for three hours!"

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh???"

A few seconds later, Shi Xueer frantically went to pull her bag again.

"I'd better leave. She didn't scold me yesterday. I'm afraid she will assassinate me at night."

"...No, this is a society ruled by law."

Zhu Wenshu held her back, and turned to look at the door.

It's nothing.

Although she doesn't know much about the fans in the entertainment industry, it's amazing that these two people can meet under her help.

"Where can you go now?"

Shi Xueer was torn between staying in a hotel alone, or living under the same roof with her fans, her eyebrows almost twisted into twists.

"It's okay."

Zhu Wenshu patted her on the shoulder, "My roommate is pretty nice, did you admit your mistake?"

"How could you admit your mistake!"

Shi Xueer said, "Didn't you see the way she stared at me?"


Zhu Wenshu's mind was muddled, and he still didn't quite understand the current situation.

"It doesn't matter, I'll go to the hotel."

Shi Xueer grabbed her bag and left, "Mr. I wish you trouble, I'll treat you to dinner another day!"


Seeing that he couldn't stop her, Zhu Wenshu forgot her on the phone and picked her up to send her over.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Shi Xueer opened the door, she ran into Ying Fei who also came out of the room.

During the silence, Zhu Wenshu felt for the first time what a battlefield without the smell of gunpowder was.

There will be an example when explaining to students next time.

The two gazed at each other for a while in the narrow aisle.

In the end, it was Ying Fei who spoke first.

She raised her eyebrows, "Why, are you leaving?"

"Which way should I go? I haven't done anything wrong. Anyone who turns right and wrong knows it."

After finishing speaking, he retreated to the room and closed the door with a "bang".

Zhu Wenshu trembled twice in fright, and watched Shi Xueer sit down beside the bed with a dazed expression.

"No... not leaving?"

"Not leaving."

Shi Xueer raised her chin, "I don't feel guilty."

After she finished speaking, she nodded affirmatively, and walked towards the bathroom arrogantly.

Seeing that she started brushing her teeth, Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips, walked out lightly, and knocked on Ying Fei's door.

Ying Fei opened the door with a cold face.

"Sorry, I don't know..."

Zhu Wenshu muttered, "Why don't I go out and stay in a hotel with her."

"It's none of your business."

Ying Fei glanced at her room, "Let her live, I'm a big guy."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

After Ying Fei closed the door, Zhu Wenshu sighed, and went to the dining room to wash the pots and dishes they had finished eating.

Back in the room, Shi Xueer was already lying on the bed with a red face and frantically sending messages.

Zhu Wenshu sat on the other side and said, "Do you know why she is Ling Chen's black fan?"


Shi Xueer sneered, "I'm jealous, her brother's performance in all aspects was beaten by Ling Chen."

Zhu Wenshu: "Oh..."

"Oh, don't mention this, it's all trivial, and I don't take it to heart."

Shi Xueer thought that she was already in trouble to congratulate her tonight, and she didn't want to speak ill of her roommate in front of her.

After all, the two will live together in the future.

"Ms. Zhang is going to broadcast live, I'll go and have a look."

Zhu Wenshu: "Well, then I'll check my phone for a while."

At this point in time, it was basically news from the parents. After Zhu Wenshu replied one by one, seeing that it was getting late, he wanted to rest a little bit.

But Shi Xueer next to her was still playing with her mobile phone, with the volume turned down, Zhu Wenshu didn't know what she was looking at, and when she turned her head, she found that the person on the screen looked familiar.

The middle-aged man was wearing a light-colored Zhongshan suit. When he got close to the camera, Zhu Wenshu suddenly remembered, isn't this the Zhang Yuhuang she saw last time?

Some memories popped up in my mind, Zhu Wenshu got a little closer to Shi Xueer.

Shi Xueer noticed Zhu Wenshu's movements, and said, "This is Zhang Yuhuang's live broadcast room, you should know, right? Song Lelan and Ling Chen's albums are all produced by him."

Zhu Wenshu nodded: "Yes, I know."

At this time, Zhang Yuming was sitting idle in front of the camera, with his home in the background. He was very relaxed at the moment, and his face was still a little flushed.

Someone asked him in the barrage if he had drunk, and he said he had a few drinks.

Then he picked up the guitar beside him and started singing.

Seeing that there was nothing special, Zhu Wenshu gradually lost interest, and picked up the phone again to read the new notifications in the work group.

The background sound in the ear gradually changed from singing to talking, and Zhu Wenshu didn't care.

It was only nearly an hour later, Zhu Wenshu saw that it was getting late, and wanted to remind Shi Xueer to sleep.

As soon as I turned my head, I heard the man in the live broadcast room say:

"Student Xiaocan, this is a song written by Ling Chen when he was a teenager. It is written for his first love. Of course the love is surging."