Chapter 42:

Before Zhu Wenshu could react to what happened, the barrage that was already swiping quickly multiplied.

In a few seconds, from the initial full screen "??????" to "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Like dense black dots, refreshing continuously, occupying the entire screen.

Shi Xueer opened her mouth halfway, and it took a while before she said "Damn".

She sat up straight and stared at the screen with wide eyes.

Zhang Yuming in front of the camera was aware of his mouth, but at his age, with his prestige and status at stake, he didn't take it seriously.

"Which man didn't cherish spring when he was young." He smiled, "I can't write any songs without regrets that are unforgettable and unrequited."

The live broadcast suddenly freezes here.

The whole room seemed to echo the words "Unforgettable".

When Shi Xueer stretched out her finger and was about to click to refresh the screen, Zhu Qisen's call jumped out.

"What are you doing?" Shi Xueer picked it up impatiently, "I'm watching the live broadcast!"

"What live broadcast is more important than me." Zhu Qisen said nastyly, "I haven't seen you for two days, do you miss me?"

"Speak well, Teacher Zhu is by your side... Are you done with your work?"

After all, she was at someone else's house, so Shi Xueer didn't have the nerve to say anything too disgusting.

After a brief chat with Zhu Qisen, she saw that Zhu Wenshu was huddled in the quilt with his back to her, so she said, "Stop talking, we're going to sleep, hang up."

Then he covered his phone and whispered "mua".

Putting down the phone, Shi Xueer also shrank into the quilt.

"Teacher Zhu, are you asleep?"

The person next to him made a muffled "hmm".

"Good night."

Shi Xueer reached out to turn off the bedside lamp, but continued to play with her phone.

The room suddenly fell into thick darkness. Zhu Wenshu opened his eyes and could feel the light of Shi Xueer's phone.

After a while, feeling that Zhu Wenshu moved, Shi Xueer quickly said, "Did my light dazzle you?"


Zhu Wenshu turned over to face her, covered half of his face in the quilt, and after a while, said, "The live broadcast you just saw..."

Shi Xueer actually wanted to go to bed early, but she was too busy tonight. First, she told her friends in the same fan group that she had encountered Ling Chen's black fans, and then excitedly chatted about the live broadcast just now. The finger of the news never stopped, but raised his eyebrows in time.

"what's wrong?"

Zhu Wenshu was a little speechless, and it took him a long time to hold back a few words.

"is that true?"

"Ah?" Shi Xueer didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

"That's... is what he said true? Ling Chen's... first love."

"It must be true!"

Shi Xueer's voice was trembling, "That album was made by Mr. Zhang, he must know everything, I said, I know it! Xiaocan must have a prototype, it turns out that it is all true."

"I said it before, they still don't believe it, you know all of this." Shi Xueer became more and more excited as she spoke, and made frequent mistakes when typing, "What should I do if "Little Silkworm Classmate" is more touching in the future, I really want to Crying, wishing teacher, how could this happen, do you know that Ling Chen actually seldom sang this song during performances, especially in the past two years, he only sang it during concerts, I said it must be because it was true There is classmate Xiaocan, he doesn't want to bring up sad things, they all say I think too much."

Later, Shi Xueer babbled a lot, and didn't care that Zhu Wenshu didn't respond, she just wanted to share her excitement at the moment.

I don't know how long it took, but she noticed that Zhu Wenshu had closed her eyes, then she stopped, dimmed the light of the phone, put on the earphones, turned her back and continued the heated discussion with her friends.

The wall clock on the wall ticked softly.

Zhu Wenshu closed her eyes for a while, and opened them for a while. The duvet on her body seemed to weigh a thousand catties, making her even have to breathe extra hard.

In fact, on Ling Siyuan's birthday, Zhu Wenshu knew that Ling Chen had a white moonlight in his heart.

At that time, she was just inexplicably stuck, and after a gust of cold wind, she thought about it a lot, knowing that most adults have emotional experiences, and Ling Chen, like everyone around her, has nothing to worry about, just a little curious about that person who is it.

can be tonight.

It may be the "surging love" and "unforgettable" in Zhang Yuxuan's mouth, or it may be the details mentioned by fan Shi Xueer.

I thought of every word in the lyrics again, just as Zhang Yuxuan said, all of them are full of regrets that cannot be loved.

Zhu Wenshu was no longer even curious.

It would be fine if he changed girlfriends as frequently as Zhu Qisen.

Now as soon as Zhu Wenshu closed his eyes, an image of Ling Chen's obsession with a woman appeared in his mind.

With the dead of night, the picture became more and more concrete under the depiction of Zhu Wenshu's thoughts.

She wanted to restrain herself, but she couldn't help but imagine whether Ling Chen would miss that woman bitterly when she sang that song again.

Zhu Wenshu felt that he was really tacky.

When she felt that Ling Chen was different from her, she quietly fell into a blissful mood, enjoying the secret contact with him, even a box of chocolates could make her happy for a long time.

Now that he knows that the most secret and deepest place in his heart is properly treasured the figure of another woman—

Maybe it's not just the figure, it's every smile of hers, every time she looks back.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu felt as if her chest was filled with sour water, which pressed her lungs and made her feel uncomfortable.

She even thought pessimistically that maybe she was just a whim when Ling Chen couldn't ask for it.

If that woman reappears one day, will everything in the past few months turn into an empty joy.

Shi Xueer next to her didn't know when she put down her phone and fell asleep slowly, her breathing was long and steady.

Zhu Wenshu had to breathe deeply to let the air fill his chest.

The next morning, when Shi Xueer was woken up by the alarm clock, she felt her brain was going to explode.

Turning his head to look at the sleeping person on the other side, hesitating for a moment, then stretched out his hand to push her.

"Congratulations to the teacher? Congratulations to the teacher? Your alarm clock is ringing."

After a while, Zhu Wenshu opened his heavy eyelids.


She saw the woman in front of her clearly, but didn't react for a while, and looked at her in confusion.

Seeing Zhu Wenshu's tired face, it was obvious that she didn't sleep well, Shi Xueer almost immediately decided it was her fault, and said guiltily, "Did I snore at night? Did it affect you?"


Zhu Wenshuren was not fully awake yet, when she sat up, the rustling voice on the bed was as soft as her voice, "I'm thinking about things by myself, it has nothing to do with you."

Seeing Zhu Wenshu's vain footsteps, Shi Xueer thought that she would not disturb others even if she stayed in the hotel for one night.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Zhu, may I treat you to dinner on weekends?"

Zhu Wenshu stood in front of the sink, looking at himself in the mirror, the emotions from last night came back.

She looked at it for a long time before letting out a deep sigh.

"It's really okay, I do this every day. What about you? Do you have class in the morning? If you don't have class, sleep more."

Shi Xueer thought to herself that "yoki fat" lives in the next room, how could she stay here alone again.

Maybe Zhu Wenshu left her roommate before rushing in.

"If there is class, I'll get up right away."

As soon as her feet touched the ground, Shi Xueer suddenly remembered something, turned her head to look at Zhu Wenshu, "Mr. Zhu?"

Zhu Wenshu was washing his face with his head down, and he answered vaguely.

Shi Xueer: "Didn't you say that your roommate helped buy Ling Chen's concert tickets?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

The water was still flowing, but Zhu Wenshu's hand stopped.

Shi Xueer: "How could she, a black fan, help buy Ling Chen's tickets?!"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She took out a soft cotton towel and wiped her face carelessly but procrastinatedly. After a while, she didn't think of how to prevaricate.

If it had been a day earlier, she might have recognized that she had directly approached Ling Chen to get the tickets.

But now, she doesn't want to mention her intersection with Ling Chen.

"Actually..." Shu Wen stammered, "Well... you know that Ling Chen's nephew is in my class."

Shi Xueer rolled her eyes several times before she understood Zhu Wenshu's meaning.

"I understand!" She ran over in two or three steps and whispered, "We are all teachers, I understand, you don't want others to say that you use your position to find students' parents to buy things, right?"

Zhu Wenshu: ""

"Don't worry, I will never say anything."

Shi Xueer really put up two fingers, "Hey, I just suddenly feel that one meal is not enough to repay you, why don't I treat you to Japanese food this Saturday?"

Zhu Wenshu lowered his eyes, and his eyes flickered.

"No, let's talk about it after the holiday. I've been too busy recently."

"Oh..." Shi Xueer also stood aside and took out a toothbrush, "Hey, the tickets are for joint seats, right? Can we sit together then?"

"I don't know."

Zhu Wenshu bowed his head and spat out the mouthwash, "I don't necessarily have to go either."

Shi Xueer: "Huh?"

Zhu Wenshu said: "After the New Year's Day holiday, I will almost prepare for the final exam. I may not have time."

The noise of the electric toothbrush was quite loud, and Shi Xueer said a few words indistinctly, but Zhu Wenshu didn't hear clearly, so he said "um" twice casually.

When the two were about to leave, Shi Xueer deliberately leaned against the door and listened to the movement outside, making sure that no one would open the door and go out in the living room.

The weather was very cold, so they didn't stay long and said goodbye at the intersection.

Today's bus rarely has vacant seats. Zhu Wenshu sat in the back row staring out the window for a while, then took out his phone and looked through it.

The top work group has a few messages, but none of them are important.

It has been silent for a long time, and the high school class group that is only a little more active during the holidays has dozens of new messages.

She clicked in and glanced. As expected, the topics discussed by the students focused on the live broadcast event last night.

Looking at the words "Lingchen" and "first love", Zhu Wenshu sighed and backed out.

Zhong Ya's news just popped up at this moment.

[Zhong Ya]: Have you checked the trending searches? Ling Chen was on the hot search again.

Zhu Wenshu immediately opened Weibo, and sure enough, he saw the entry "Student Xiaocan" listed on the hot search list.

But she didn't click in to see it.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Do you mean classmate Xiaocan? I saw it, what's wrong?

[Zhong Ya]: Nothing... Just chatting.

[Zhong Ya]: What do you think?

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

This steel straight girl is really a pot that can't be opened or lifted.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I didn't think much about it.

[Zhong Ya]: Huh? Don't you even care?

[Zhu Wenshu]: I have nothing to care about.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I am not boyfriend and girlfriend with him, so what right do I have to care about.

[Zhu Wenshu]: And even if it is, this kind of thing is normal.

[Zhong Ya]: That's right.

[Zhong Ya]: I didn't expect Ling Chen to be such a long-term lover, but it's hard to say, it's a song from many years ago, maybe he has changed several girlfriends in private, and he must have forgotten it long ago La.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

I really want Zhong Ya to go back to school to learn how to comfort others.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Stop talking, I'm going to school.

Exiting the dialog with Zhong Ya, Zhu Wenshu swiped down to see if any parents were looking for her.

But I saw Ling Chen who was pushed to the back by all kinds of messy news.

[c]: Are you asleep?

Posted at ten o'clock last night.

Since seeing Zhang Yuhuang's live broadcast, Zhu Wenshu hasn't touched his phone again.

The bus was stopping at a familiar stop, and the old man who got on the bus was already familiar, and he appeared at this time and point every day.

This unchanging life is like a transparent protective film, wrapping Zhu Wen's book and giving it a sense of reality. But the side effect of this sense of reality is that she feels that the owner of this message is right in front of her eyes, as if she cannot touch it.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I went to bed early last night, what's the matter?

Opposite seconds back.

【c】: Are you free on Saturday?

[Zhu Wenshu]: I have something to do on Saturday.

[c]: OK.

Although Huiyang is not far from Jiangcheng, Zhu Wenshu hasn't been back in the past few months since he became the substitute head teacher.

When I called a few days ago, I said that I would come back for dinner on my birthday, so my parents and friends made an appointment for a surrounding tour.

As a result, she decided to go home temporarily, and her parents had no time to change the plan, so they threw her to stay at the grandparents' house for one night.

Grandpa and grandma were naturally rejoiced, and got up early to go to the vegetable market to buy chicken, duck and fish to prepare meals.

On Saturday afternoon, Zhu Wenshu arrived at his grandparents' house in a hurry for dinner, and was dragged to the dinner table before putting down his things.

If the parents' home is the eternal safe haven, then the grandparents' home is a place that feels more secure than the safe haven.

After eating a cramming-style meal at his grandparents' house, Zhu Wenshu's stomach was stuffed to the brim, and those low emotions were quietly squeezed out.

It's a pity that not long after putting down the chopsticks, Zhu Wenshu was about to stand up to digest, when grandma asked, "Why did you come back suddenly today? Didn't you say you would come back on your birthday?"

Zhu Wenshu was silent for a long while, he really didn't want to admit that he was a coward defeated by his own emotions.

In fact, the two days on Thursday and Friday were not bad, she had no time to think about other things due to her busy work, except for the occasional trance when she saw Ling Siyuan.

But on Saturday, when she was alone, she couldn't help but think wildly, and couldn't think of where to go, so she decided to go back to her hometown on the spur of the moment.

"I miss you."

Zhu Wenshu managed to pull out a smile, "Don't you always talk about me?"

Grandpa, who has been busy cooking all afternoon, said now: "Trouble, my birthday is half a month away, what are you going to do when you come back temporarily, you know what to do with me."

"You don't think it's troublesome now, why don't you think it's troublesome when you serve your flowers and birds?"

Grandma glared at him, "Go wash the dishes."

When grandpa went to the kitchen muttering, grandma sat next to Zhu Wenshu and said.

"Shushu, tell grandma, have you encountered any troubles?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't expect that he had tried his best to pretend, but his grandma still saw that she had something on her mind.

But what would she say?

Say, I seem to like a boy, and that boy seems to like me too.

But there is someone in his heart who he likes more and cannot be replaced.

"Hmm." Zhu Wenshu said, "Work is stressful."

"Normal, young teachers are like this."

Grandma is also a middle school teacher. After retiring, she was hired back for several years, and she finally retired not long ago. Having taught for a lifetime, she is full of experience and talked with Zhu Wenshu for a long time.

When the grandfather came out after washing the dishes, the three of them went for a walk in the nearby park. When they got home, the two old people were ready to wash up and rest.

Being alone now, Zhu Wenshu's mood has improved a lot.

She lay on her childhood bed and looked at her mobile phone for a while.

She hadn't looked at Moments all day, and she flicked through them, but none of them had the desire to make her like and comment.

Until she saw what Shi Xueer posted at noon today.

The accompanying text is very simple, it is the expression of several cakes and balloons.

The accompanying picture is Ling Chen's photo, which says - "Happy birthday to Ling Chen 1210!"

Today, unexpectedly, is Ling Chen's birthday? !

So, he suddenly asked her if she was free on Saturday that night, because he wanted to celebrate her birthday with her?

Zhu Wenshu stared at this photo for a long time, and his mood fluctuated again after he finally calmed down.

For a moment, Zhu Wenshu regretted why he didn't let Ling Chen say anything, so he rejected him first.


It's a birthday once a year.

But thinking of that incident, Zhu Wenshu had mixed feelings in his heart.

After a long time, Zhu Wenshu suddenly sat up from the bed.

Clicking on Ling Chen's dialog box, edited the content over and over again, and finally sent only four words.

[Wish Wenshu]: Happy birthday.

After sending it out, Zhu Wenshu threw away the phone and lay flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

I thought it would be better if I went home, but it seemed to be in vain.

She didn't know when she became so narrow-minded, so stubborn.

After waiting for a while, Zhu Wenshu turned his head and found that the phone was silent.

In fact, Ling Chen didn't always reply to messages in seconds.

But tonight, Zhu Wenshu couldn't control his wild thoughts.

To guess, is he missing someone else on this special day.

At this time, every minute and every second seemed to be broken into several parts.

After waiting for only five or six minutes, Zhu Wenshu felt like hours had passed, so he could only comfort himself. At this moment, Ling Chen should be celebrating his birthday with a feast of gold and jade, and he had no time to look at his phone.

Thinking of this, she forced herself to stop thinking and sleep with her head covered.

Unexpectedly, just after turning off the desk lamp, Ling Chen called.

Staring at the caller ID, Zhu Wenshu was stunned for a long time.

She was expecting a message from him obviously, but when she did call, she didn't know how to respond.

Until the call was about to hang up automatically, she finally picked it up.

"Hello..." Zhu Wenshu whispered, "What's the matter?"

"Can't I call you if it's okay?"

His voice was the same as usual, but Zhu Wenshu felt that there was something else in his tone.

It seemed that she was dissatisfied with her question, but also seemed very happy.

"Oh, yes."

Hearing Zhu Wenshu's voice was a little heavy, Ling Chen asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's alright."

Zhu Wenshu said, "It's just a little tired after a busy day."

After a moment of silence, Ling Chen asked again: "Then how do you know that today is my birthday?"

Zhu Wenshu replied truthfully: "I have your fans in my circle of friends."


Ling Chen's voice sank, replaced by a series of chaotic piano sounds.

It seemed that his fingers were carelessly brushing over the keys.

Wanting to know what he was doing, but afraid of getting an answer he didn't want to hear, Zhu Wenshu pondered for a moment before asking, "Didn't you go to your birthday?"

Ling Chen: "Aren't you free?"


Although his mood was very low, Zhu Wenshu's heart still missed a beat uncontrollably.

She sighed silently, looking at the dim light outside the window, not knowing what to say.

After a brief silence, Ling Chen felt that she didn't seem to want to talk much, so he changed the topic.

"Where are you?"

"I'm back to Huiyang."

Zhu Wenshu was afraid that his emotions would be too obvious, so he added, "Grandpa and grandma miss me very much, so come back to be with them."

Ling Chen didn't speak any more, and there was no noise on the other end of the phone.

"And you?"

Zhu Wenshu still couldn't help asking.

"I'm in the piano room."

"A person?"


Zhu Wenshu let out a muffled "Oh".

"Then I won't bother you."

"Don't worry."

Ling Chen said, "I'm just free to practice the piano."

"Okay, then you can practice."

Zhu Wenshu didn't know what to say anymore, as if there was nothing to talk about, "I'll just..."


"Just spend my birthday with me."

His voice also sank.

But the phrase "spend my birthday with me" is really hard for Zhu Wenshu to say no.

"it is good."

Ling Chen's fingers slid across the keys again, and the tone was lighter than before, "Is there anything you want to hear?"

Zhu Wenshu shook his head against the wall, "You can do whatever you want."

After a while, a somewhat familiar prelude came over the phone.

Ling Chen asked her in the sound of the piano: "Student Xiaocan, are you listening?"


Zhu Wenshu closed his eyes, covered the microphone, and sighed heavily.

"I don't want to hear it."