Chapter 43:

The sound of the piano on the other end of the phone stopped abruptly, and suddenly there was only Zhu Wenshu's own breathing in his ears.


After a long time, Ling Chen said, "What's the matter with you?"


The melancholy that was stuck in his chest suddenly turned into an unknown fire after Ling Chen said those four words.

When Zhu Wenshu realized that his tone was very harsh, and he was not in the mood to make amends, after pondering for a moment, he lowered his head and said, "You should rest early, I am tired and want to sleep."

After waiting for a while, Zhu Wenshu seemed to hear Ling Chen sigh.

"When will you return to Jiangcheng tomorrow?"

"I don't know." Zhu Wenshu restrained his emotions a little, but his voice was still deep, "It depends on the situation."


Ling Chen's voice was like frost on the branches, thinly layered, "Go to sleep."

After hanging up the phone.

Zhu Wenshu was still holding the phone, turned over slightly, and squeezed into the quilts stacked beside the bed.

Grandpa and grandma's house is quite small, and she lived in this room when she was a child, and now there are many sundries piled up in it.

But she was in such a crowded place, but she still felt empty around her.

The next morning, my grandparents got up at six o'clock and went to the vegetable market to buy the freshest ingredients.

It was only eight o'clock when breakfast was ready, and grandma went into the room to wake up Zhu Wenshu.

"Why do you get sleepy more and more as you get older?" Grandma tidied the bed sheets, "You are not late for class, are you? This is not good, the students will say it behind their backs."

"Will not."

Zhu Wenshu yelled, "I've never been late once."

"That's good."

Grandma looked back at Zhu Wenshu, frowned and said, "Did you get enough sleep?"

"Playing with the phone at night."

Zhu Wenshu hurriedly answered a few words before going out to have breakfast, and then went back to the room to catch up on sleep with the excuse that he didn't sleep well.

Until the afternoon, grandparents were going to play cards, and before going out, they asked, "When are you going back to Jiangcheng today?"

Zhu Wenshu glanced at the sky, the warm winter sun reflected the flowers and plants raised by grandpa shiny. Thinking of the gloom in Jiangcheng these two days, she lowered her head and said, "Let's go back after dinner."

"Can you make it?"

grandma asked.

"It's too late." Zhu Wenshu took out his mobile phone and looked at it, "The last bus is at 7 o'clock, and there are still tickets."

"Seven o'clock..."

Grandma muttered, "It's getting dark, and it's already nine o'clock when we arrive in Jiangcheng. I don't worry, you should go back early."

"It's okay, the bus is not a black car, I often take a taxi alone at night in Jiangcheng."

Zhu Wenshu bought the tickets and held his grandma's arm, "Let's go, I'll accompany you to play cards."

I spent the whole afternoon in the chess and card activity room. After dinner, my grandparents sent Zhu Wenshu to the bus stop.

The winter night came early, and the grandparents and grandchildren walked slowly under the street lamps.

Grandma walked slowly, nagging Zhu Wenshu about the trivial things in life along the way. Zhu Wenshu sometimes listens to a few sentences, sometimes distracted.

Until they passed through a small alley, grandparents saw someone selling oranges on a small truck by the side of the road, so they insisted on buying some called Zhu Wenshu to take back to Jiangcheng.

The cart was filled with yellow oranges, and grandparents picked and picked for a long time before loading a few.

Standing on the side of the road, Zhu Wenshu wrapped his scarf tightly, looked around casually, and saw the street sign on the side of the street - "Baihua Lane".

When negotiating with Ling Chen's grandparents that day, they seemed to have mentioned it.

Zhu Wenshu often came to live with his grandparents when he was a child, and he knew this alley, but he never noticed its name.

Unexpectedly, Ling Chen lived so close to her grandparents before.

Huiyang has undergone earth-shaking changes over the years, and this old city is a forgotten corner. The ground has not been repaired for many years, and the houses are still self-built by farmers more than 20 years ago. On the other side, the tables of the Fly Cafe are also placed in a mess along the street, and it is barely enough for a car to pass in one direction.

Zhu Wenshu passed this road many times before, and Xinhui Plaza, where she often goes, is at the other end of the alley.

It’s just that after many years, Huiyang has a new modern square, and Xinhui Plaza has been completely reduced to a square dance base, with few young people gathering.

Zhu Wenshu's bus stop tonight is Xinhui Plaza.

When passing through Baihua Lane, she looked at this place carefully for the first time, but there was always another figure that was incompatible with this place in her mind.

Until a familiar sound of music came from the noisy alley.

I don't know which store's low-quality stereo played "Little Silkworm Classmate" at an inappropriate time, like a rough and rusty needle, it was suddenly inserted into Zhu Wenshu's heart.

She suddenly quickened her pace and hurried forward.

Until the sound of the music was left behind, she stopped and looked back to see her grandparents hurrying towards her carrying oranges.

Zhu Wenshu looked at the figures of his grandparents, but his thoughts drifted to another place.

She finally understood why she couldn't let go of it for so many days.

As long as this song still exists, it will always be a thorn in her heart, reminding her that there is a place in Ling Chen's heart reserved for others.

"Why are you walking so fast all of a sudden?"

Grandpa gasped a little when he caught up, "When I looked back, I saw that the person was gone, which surprised us."


Zhu Wenshu said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to catch the bus."

"I told you to go back early. You insist on taking the last bus. If you are late, I will see what you will do!"

In the thoughts of grandparents, the three of them arrived at Xinhui Plaza ahead of schedule.

Half an hour before the departure time of the last bus, they sat down on a roadside bench.

Watching the sky getting darker and darker, the two old men began to talk about Zhu Wenshu's ignorance, how unsafe the road was if they had to go back so late.

Zhu Wenshu didn't listen much, and said yes, yes, I won't do it next time, but he was lazily leaning on the back of the chair, his eyes wandering aimlessly.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure.

I don't know if she saw it wrong, she looked carefully, and the man standing on the railing seemed to feel her gaze, and suddenly turned around.

Seeing Yin Yueze walking towards her, Zhu Wenshu sat up straight, "Why are you here?"

Yin Yueze looked up at the sky, then lowered his head.

"I haven't been here for many years, come and walk."

Zhu Wenshu froze for a moment, and looked away from him.

Seven or eight years ago, this square was the favorite place for students. It was also here that Yin Yueze set off a grand and romantic fireworks for Zhu Wenshu, making her his girlfriend.

Now that he is here alone, it is easy to attract people's imagination.

Fortunately, Yin Yueze has no intention of continuing this topic.

He turned to Zhu Wenshu's grandparents and said hello to them.

"Grandma, Grandpa, long time no see, do you remember me?"

The two old men looked at Yin Yueze carefully, but they didn't expect to come for a while.

Until Yin Yueze reported his name, they suddenly realized, and quickly laughed: "Ozawa, you have grown up so much, you are taller and more handsome than when you were a child."

Seeing his grandparents happy, Zhu Wenshu was a little helpless.

There is evening self-study in the third year of high school, and Yin Yueze will send her off almost every day, and he will go back to his grandparents' house on Friday, as usual.

Over time, it will naturally be bumped into by grandparents and other neighbors.

After a few times, the adults tacitly agreed, and only grandma quietly asked Zhu Wenshu if this person was her boyfriend.

Zhu Wenshu denied it at the time, and grandma just thought she was shy.

Later, I didn't see the two of them interacting much for several years, and grandma knew it in her heart, and it probably didn't work out in the end.

After exchanging pleasantries with the old man, Yin Yueze looked at Zhu Wenshu again.

"Aren't you going to class tomorrow? Why are you still in Huiyang?"

"Oh...I'll be back soon."

Zhu Wenshu pointed to the stop sign, "Waiting for the bus."

"this late."

Yin Yueze said, "I'm going back to Jiangcheng tonight too, I'll see you off."

Before Zhu Wenshu could speak, the two elders agreed.

"It's just right! We were worried that it would be inconvenient for her to ride alone at night, so we can rest assured if you send her off."

"Don't worry, I'll just take the bus."

Zhu Wenshu glanced at the time, "It's only a few minutes."

"No trouble, I was going back too."

Yin Yueze said, "My car is parked over there."

"They're all classmates, so why isn't it more convenient than taking the bus by yourself?"

As if she was afraid that Yin Yueze would regret it, grandma stuffed the orange into Zhu Wenshu's arms and pushed her up, "Let's go early, and let us know when we get home, so we can sleep in peace."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She glanced at Yin Yueze, and then at her grandparents. The two old people were really happy to have an acquaintance see her off, and they wished they could put her in the car immediately.


Zhu Wenshu got up and said, "Then I will trouble you."

The topics that can be talked with Yin Yueze have almost been discussed in the coffee shop last time.

After getting in the car, Zhu Wenshu basically didn't speak much, only Yin Yueze occasionally asked a few words.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu opened his mouth when he realized that his phone was running out of battery.

"Do you have a charging cable in your car?"


Yin Yueze pointed to the armrest box behind the center console, "Look for it."

Zhu Wenshu opened the box as he said, and found a data cable.

At the same time, she saw a cigarette case with only a few cigarettes left.

"Are you going to smoke now?"

"My dad's."

Yin Yueze reached out and closed the lid of the armrest box, "This is my dad's car, borrow it to drive in Jiangcheng for a few days, otherwise it would be inconvenient to always take a taxi."

Zhu Wenshu nodded, "Oh."

After getting on the highway, there were suddenly fewer cars on the road, and Yin Yueze relaxed a little.

When he was about to change lanes, he glanced at the rearview mirror and suddenly frowned.


Yin Yueze's voice sounded suddenly, "Do you remember what I said before?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

"You said that we will still be good friends in the future."

He glanced sideways at Zhu Wenshu, his eyes dim, as if lost in memory, "But you are...too unfamiliar to me now."

Zhu Wenshu thought to himself that he was unfamiliar after not being in touch for so many years, let alone his ex-boyfriend.

"Have you?" She smiled, "Maybe it's been a long time since I saw you."

Yin Yueze: "After that, let's have a chance to get together more."

Zhu Wenshu choked for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Seeing her dumbfounded, Yin Yueze said again: "In the past few days since I came back, except for the class reunion, I basically stay alone except for work."

He sighed heavily, "When I'm studying, I call out to friends, but when I'm working, I don't have many friends, and I always eat alone."

In this regard, Zhu Wenshu also has a deep understanding, "Yes, everyone is in different places, and they don't have the energy to make new friends after work."

"Let's have a meal together when you have time."

Yin Yueze answered, "It's between friends. Call Xu Guangliang and the others. Would you like to show me your face?"

In the past, Yin Yueze never used respectful words like "appreciate face", and was always straightforward.

Listening to what he said now, Zhu Wenshu finally felt the changes that time and experience had given him.

"No problem." Zhu Wenshu smiled, "It's just that I'm the head teacher now, and I'm too busy, so I may not be so free."

"It doesn't matter, winter and summer vacations are always empty."

After that, the two didn't continue chatting much, and Yin Yueze turned on the stereo to sing.

He likes European and American country music, the melody is light and moving, and Zhu Wenshu is not ashamed to keep playing with his mobile phone in other people's passenger car. During the silence, her eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Zhu Wenshu didn't know when she fell asleep. When she woke up, she found that the car had parked at the gate of the community.

She rubbed her eyes, wanted to thank Yin Yueze, looked down at her phone, and found that it was already half past nine.

According to her past experience, driving a private car should arrive at nine o'clock at the latest.

"How long has it been?"

"Just arrived."

Yin Yueze said with a smile, "The intersection of the highway entering the city was blocked for a while."

"Oh, that troubles you."

Zhu Wenshu opened the car door, "Be careful on the way back."

After watching Yin Yueze's car drive away, just as Zhu Wenshu turned around, the phone in his bag rang.

Subconsciously, she felt that it was Ling Chen calling, so she stopped in place.

After a few seconds, she took out her phone.


An intuition led her to turn around, and when she saw the black car across the street, Zhu Wenshu's mind suddenly went blank.

She was holding the phone, her blood was rushing, and her breathing rate was getting faster and faster.

It took a while before she answered the phone.

There was only one street apart, but it was like a galaxy, neither of them spoke.

Standing in the cold wind, Zhu Wenshu listened to his heavy breathing and counted the numbers in his heart.

When he counted to ten and he didn't speak, she hung up the phone and went home.

one two Three…


After counting to "nine", his somewhat hoarse voice finally came from the receiver.

Zhu Wenshu looked at the car and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Have you been with Yin Yueze these days?"


Hearing this sentence, Zhu Wenshu felt angry again.

You have already written songs for Bai Yueguang, what happened to me taking a ride with my ex-boyfriend?

She held her breath and remained silent for a long time without answering.

After a while, Ling Chen's voice fell together with the dead leaves on the side of the road, hitting her ears.

"Forget it, it's okay."

never mind?

What does forget it mean?

Zhu Wenshu tried his best to hold back, so he didn't ask, but just let out a hard "oh".

The call fell silent again.

Zhu Wenshu looked at the car across the street motionless, she didn't know how long she would stand in the cold wind, and she didn't know what she was expecting.

A few minutes later, there was a busy tone from the handset that the phone was hung up.

The tip of Zhu Wenshu's nose suddenly became sore and sore. Holding her phone, she turned around and strode towards the community.

the other side of the street.

Ling Chen watched Zhu Wenshu's back disappear into the night, and then started the car.

After driving a few hundred meters, he pulled over again, opened the car window, and stared at the neon lights on the side of the road in a trance.

The last time he saw Zhu Wenshu and Yin Yueze paired up was the day he graduated from high school.

Different from the bitter cold wind tonight, it was extremely hot that day, and the meal was full of parting breath.

Ling Chen sat at a table in the far corner of the hot pot restaurant, and there were empty wine bottles in front of him that his classmates had finished drinking.

The air was full of the smell of butter and wine, and the boy lit up a cigarette for the first time.

Amidst the noise, he saw Yin Yueze leaving the meeting early with Zhu Wenshu.

Their actions were not low-key. Many students noticed and booed at their backs.

After a while, someone revealed that Yin Yueze was going to make a big show tonight, setting off a fireworks confession for Zhu Wenshu in Xinhui Plaza.

The news quickly spread from table to table, and soon, someone got up and followed, intending to watch the fun.

Later, the students in the store all left one after another, curiously and excitedly heading in the same direction.

Ling Chen sat in the hot pot restaurant until everyone left, only a few boys who were completely drunk were lying on the table talking nonsense.

Just this once.

Ling Chen thought, going to watch the fireworks is like saying goodbye to Zhu Wen.

Otherwise there is no chance.

He got up and walked towards Xinhui Plaza.

At first I walked, and then I started running. I was sweating in the hot summer night, and my wet clothes were stuck to my back.

When he arrived at the gate of the square, he could vaguely see the students who had come by taxi gathered around, and there was restless noise floating in the air.

Just then, he received a call from a neighbor.

The uncle's rough voice came from the inferior mobile phone receiver, almost breaking his eardrums.

"Your father has been bullied! Come and bring him home, boy!"

The sweat on the clothes suddenly turned cold, making Chen feel cold all over.

He looked at the surging crowd in the square, and he could see the corner of Zhu Wenshu's skirt, but it caught his attention and lingered.

after a long time.

Maybe it didn't take long before Yin Yueze's figure broke into his sight, waking Ling Chen up like a blow to the head.

He immediately turned around and ran towards home.

Baihua Lane was not far from Xinhui Plaza. A few minutes later, he entered this crowded and dirty alley and stepped into another world, a world that belonged to him.

The neighbors along the road seemed to be watching him, pointing and whispering.

Ling Chen didn't stop at one step, passed the eyes of the neighbors, and ran all the way home.

Unfortunately, he found his father before he got home.

When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

In this alley where people come and go, three shirtless drunks are kicking his father around like a rubber ball.

And that "ball" was naked.

Those familiar clothes were pinched in the hands of those drunk men.

They laughed loudly and held their clothes up high. Every time his dad got up to grab the clothes, they left the other one behind.

Like teasing a dog.

However, there are many people around.

Some were laughing, some were frowning, and some were covering the children's eyes but were reluctant to walk away.

In short, no one went up to stop these three drunks with murderous faces.

Ling Chen rushed up like crazy, and when he threw his first punch, his hands were still shaking.

Until the smell of blood was in the air.

Some people came up to help, some came up to fight, and some finally took out their mobile phones to call the police.

The three drunk men ran away in embarrassment, and Ling Chen was still chasing after them, as if he wanted to kill them.

Finally he was stopped by the sound of his father crying.

When the farce dissipated, Ling Chen gritted his teeth tightly under the eyes of the crowd, put on his father's worn clothes, and took him home.

When the crumbling iron door downstairs was pushed open, there was a loud noise not far away.

He looked up and saw dazzling fireworks blooming in the night sky.

Looking down again, he saw his forty-something father crying in his arms.

At that time, Ling Chen thought that that midsummer night was the coldest night he had ever experienced.

But he didn't expect that today, many years later, he would know that it was the cold wind in winter that was really cold.

In fact, when he felt that Zhu Wenshu's mood was not right last night, he guessed whether it was because of what Teacher Zhang said during the live broadcast.

He wanted to ask, but couldn't open his mouth.

From high school to now, his identity has undergone earth-shaking changes, but his state of mind remains the same.

Don't dare to surge, even the ripples are very restrained.

But this afternoon, he still put aside his heavy work and drove to Huiyang.

He knew where Zhu Wenshu's grandma's house was.

The car parked on the side of the road and waited for a long time. It was not until dark that he saw Zhu Wenshu walking out with his grandparents.

After silently driving for a while, he didn't go up to bother her.

Until Zhu Wenshu sat on the bench beside the platform.

Seeing her breathing on her hands, Ling Chen sighed, turned on the heater in the car, and unfastened the seat belt at the same time.

When he opened the car door, he saw Yin Yueze walking over.

It's still Xinhui Plaza, and it's still the same people.

Ling Chen just watched Zhu Wenshu get into Yin Yueze's car.

Up to this moment, Ling Chen is still comforting himself, they just met by chance.

He followed Yin Yueze's car all the way to Zhu Wenshu's home.

When he stopped by the side of the road, he was still thinking, just drop by.

Ling Chen stared intently at the car parked on the side of the road with double flashing lights on, but he didn't wait for the co-pilot to get off.

Zhu Wenshu finally got out of the car until the vendors on the side of the road began to close their stalls.

Ling Chen looked down at the time.

39 minutes have passed.