Chapter 44:

The neon lights on the side of the road suddenly went out.

The owner turned off the lights in the store and came out to remove the shared charging treasure placed at the door.

Without the brilliant light, the street suddenly looked very withered, and even pedestrians quickened their pace and hurried home.

The cold wind was blowing in from the window, and it took a while for Ling Chen to notice someone knocking on his car window.

He turned his head and saw a little girl in a furry hat leaning against his car window, with a basket straddled across her body.

"Brother, do you want to buy flowers?"

Ling Chen glanced at her flower basket, and when his eyes fell on her face again, he saw that her cheeks were flushed from the cold.

"Aren't you coming home so late?"

"My house is upstairs."

She started acting coquettishly, "Brother, buy it, I earn pocket money, so you can buy some and give it to your girlfriend."

"You are not a rose."

Ling Chen looked down at her flowers, "How can I give it to my girlfriend?"

The little girl held the flowers in front of Ling Chen: "The roses are sold out, and roses are as beautiful as roses!"

Ling Chen stared at her flowers for a long time.

It had been so long that the little girl thought he would not buy it, and when she was about to leave, she heard him sigh softly.


He whispered something, then took out his mobile phone to pay, "Give it all to me."

A large bouquet of bright Chinese roses was placed in the co-pilot.

In fact, if you don't look carefully, it is really not much different from roses.

Everyone wants to be a rose, but not everyone can do so.

It's not impossible to be a second choice.

At least it's an option.


Did Zhu Wenshu choose roses?

Back home, Zhu Wenshu lay on the bed for a long time.

He obviously didn't do anything, but he felt as tired as if he had fallen apart.

It wasn't until the clock on the wall pointed to twenty past ten that she realized that she was about to freeze, so she got up to take a bath.

As soon as he walked to the door of the bathroom, the phone by the table vibrated twice.

Until the new news from the mobile phone came in, Zhu Wenshu's attention was drawn back.

[Shi Xueer]: Teacher Zhu, have you slept yet?

[Shi Xueer]: Give me a like in my circle of friends^^

[Zhu Wenshu]: Good.

[Shi Xueer]: Thank you~ Remember to tell me when you are free, I will treat you to dinner!

Zhu Wenshu agreed, but he didn't click into Shi Xueer's circle of friends for a long time.

She stared at the dialog box for a long time, and then sent another line.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Teacher Xue'er, I have a friend who has encountered a problem recently. I would like to ask you for advice.

[Shi Xueer]: Huh?

"if your boyfriend"

After thinking about it, Zhu Wenshu deleted those three words and edited again.

[Zhu Wenshu]: If a boy chases you, but he has white moonlight, would you mind?

[Shi Xueer]: Damn, Zhu Qisen's Bai Yueguang can't be counted on one hand, did I say anything?

[Shi Xueer]: Take it easy, Mr. Zhu, as long as he likes you now, it's fine, don't care about people in the past.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Oh...

[Shi Xueer]: But the premise is that Bai Yueguang is a living person.

【Shi Xueer】: In case of death, I will vomit blood.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Why?

[Shi Xueer]: Because the dead are really the white moonlight of a lifetime! It's hard to forget!

[Zhu Wenshu]: ...Oh.

Then she can't ask Ling Chen, are you, Bai Yueguang, still alive?

It's also impolite.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Just after exiting the chat interface with Shi Xueer, Zhu Wenshu received another message from Ling Chen.

[c]: Have you got back together?

Seeing this sentence, Zhu Wenshu's eyebrows jumped, but he didn't realize what he meant.

Her mind didn't seem to turn around tonight. It took a long time to realize that he was asking about her and Yin Yueze's situation.

I thought he wouldn't ask.

Turns out he still cared.

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head, rubbed his nose, and typed two words.

[Zhu Wenshu]: No.

After sending these two words, before Zhu Wenshu could figure out what to say next, two more messages came from the other side.

[c]: Hmm.

【c】: Which building and which floor do you live in?

This conversation came too fast, and Zhu Wenshu didn't have time to react. She walked towards the window almost subconsciously. It wasn't until her eyes swept across the quiet path that she realized that this is not a building facing the street, and she couldn't see the situation outside.

Is that what she meant?

After hesitating for a moment, Zhu Wenshu still asked.

[Zhu Wenshu]: You didn't leave?

[c]: Hmm.

She stared at the phone blankly, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Originally thought that a star-studded person like Ling Chen would leave after hanging up the phone call.

Unexpectedly, he didn't leave, but was still downstairs.

After a few minutes, Zhu Wenshu didn't reply, and Ling Chen didn't urge him either.

It wasn't until her window was creaked by the wind that she hung her head and typed a line.

【Wishing Letter】: Building 4, Room 1203

After posting, I felt that I looked too obedient, so I added a sentence.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I go to bed on time at 10:30, otherwise I will be late tomorrow.

Ling Chen didn't reply.

Zhu Wenshu was holding the phone and sitting straight at the desk.

Two minutes later, she glanced at the door, picked up her phone and walked into the living room.

The light in Ying Fei's room was still on, Zhu Wenshu pondered for a moment, then picked up his phone and sent Ling Chen a message.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Otherwise, if you have something to say, just talk about it on your phone.

As soon as it was sent out, there was a knock on the door.

She stared at the door, her heart beating with the knock.

I don't know what will happen after opening this door.

After a long time, Zhu Wenshu walked slowly to the door, only opened a crack.

The voice-activated lights in the corridor had already been turned off, and Ling Chen stood in the darkness in all his clothes, only his eyes were shining.

Zhu Wenshu stared at him for a long time before saying, "You—"

"Do you like rose flowers?"

he asked suddenly.

Zhu Wenshu was dumbfounded for a moment, not knowing why he asked this suddenly, and staring at him for a long time, then whispered: "It's okay."

She doesn't particularly like any kind of flower, it's not because of who sent it.

If you don't like it, it's also meaningless to send diamond flowers.

I like it, it feels romantic to send dog tail flowers.

Suddenly, Ling Chen stretched out his hand behind his back.

A large bouquet of pink roses was stuffed into Zhu Wenshu's arms. She had small hands and couldn't hold them. She subconsciously hugged them to her chest with both hands so as not to scatter all over the floor.


She looked at the rose flowers in her arms, and then at Ling Chen, "You came here just to give flowers?"

Ling Chen let out a "huh".

Feeling the air-conditioning on his clothes, Zhu Wenshu looked away and whispered, "I'm too easy to support."

"What did you say?"

"I said,"

Zhu Wenshu didn't want to admit that he softened his heart so easily, so he muffled, "I'm going to sleep."

Ling Chen looked down at his watch.

"Two minutes, I—"

Suddenly, the latch of Ying Fei's room door rang.

Zhu Wenshu's heart beat violently, and he closed the door as soon as he stretched out his hand. He turned around and pressed his back against the door when he heard a muffled groan.

"What are you doing?"

Ying Fei heard the voice and walked over to take a look. Seeing Zhu Wenshu standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, she immediately took two steps back and held back her urine.

"Go ahead, I'm going back."

After Ying Fei closed the door again, Zhu Wenshu turned around slowly.

After opening the door, she turned her head sideways to look out, and saw Ling Chen half-hunched, covering his nose with the back of his hand.

Seeing her reappear, Ling Chen raised his eyes to look at her, and said in a muffled voice after a while: "What are you doing?"

Zhu Wenshu realized that he had just hit the bridge of his nose when he closed the door, and touched his nose unconsciously.

"Sorry, my roommate is out, I'm afraid of being seen..."

"I'm not afraid."

After he finished speaking, Zhu Wenshu realized that he just came up with flowers, without even wearing a mask.

Really not afraid of being seen.

After a long silence, she didn't know what to say, so she could only repeat mechanically.

"I'm going to go to bed."


Ling Chen glanced at the flowers in her arms, and said in a low voice, "I'm going to be busy with the concert in the next half month."

After a long time, Zhu Wenshu said "Oh".

"Then go for it."

Looking up again, she found Ling Chen staring at her.

"will you come?"

His voice echoed deep in the darkness of the corridor.

I don't know if it's because the weather is too cold, Zhu Wenshu felt a hint of pleading from his tone.

There is a piece in my heart, and it collapses very disappointingly.

Zhu Wenshu moved his lips several times, but still turned his head away, not looking at him.

"That day…"

"It was Saturday."

Ling Chen almost expected that she would say that she was very busy, "You don't have classes."


Zhu Wenshu suddenly asked, "Isn't it Zhou Tian?"

Ling Chen sighed lightly.

"It's the 24th, Saturday."


Zhu Wenshu blinked.

Isn't it a Christmas concert? Why on Christmas Eve?

"But that day is my birthday, if I go to the concert, how will I spend my birthday..."

"I've given it to you."

He answered quickly.

But these four words played back in Zhu Wenshu's ears.

Every time it is played back, it hits the soft place in her heart.

I have given you.

Zhu Wenshu read it silently several times in his heart.

" depends."

These four words seemed to have magical powers. For the next few days, Zhu Wenshu kept hearing these words in his ears.

Especially when the concert was getting closer and closer, when she saw the promotional pictures in the subway station and on the big screen in the shopping mall, some ideas slowly sprouted in her mind.

While inviting her to the concert, Ling Chen said he would celebrate her birthday.

If she didn't think much about it, she could almost predict what would happen that day.

Saying that I don't expect it is too much against my will.

But she was not ready either, wondering if she could accept Ling Chen on the premise of knowing that Ling Chen had an unforgettable Bai Yueguang.

After all, she's not Shi Xue'er, she hasn't experienced such a thing, what if she doesn't have such a calm mind.

It's Christmas Eve.

Zhu Wenshu walked out of the room with her bag in her hand. Ying Fei was unpacking the courier. Seeing her coming out, she handed her a lipstick that had just been unpacked.

"Happy birthday."


Zhu Wenshu took it and sat in front of her.

"Aren't you going home for your birthday?"

Ying Fei said, "Still leaving?"

Zhu Wenshu whispered, "I'll think about it."

Ying Fei: "What do you think?"

"I have a today..."

Zhu Wenshu thought for a while and said, "A date."

Ying Fei laughed when she heard this.

"Why, I don't know whether to go on a date or go home for my birthday?"

Zhu Wenshu drooped his head and let out a "hmm".


Ying Fei took out a commemorative coin from the package, "I just bought it, why don't you give it a try."

Zhu Wenshu felt that this method was too naive, and she hadn't used it since she was ten years old.

But after thinking for a while, she still took it.

Ying Fei said, "Go if it's heads, and go home if it's tails."

"it is good."

Zhu Wenshu held the commemorative coin, took a deep breath, and threw it into the air.

After landing on the table, she stared intently.

Zhu Wenshu blinked when the commemorative coin stopped spinning and was placed in front of him.

negative side.

Ying Fei sighed beside her.

Suddenly, Zhu Wenshu said again: "Let me throw it again."

Before she could reach out, Ying Fei snatched her commemorative coin first.

She was carrying a bunch of things and was about to go back to the room. When she got up, she smiled and said, "Come on, you already have the answer when you plan to toss it for the second time. Why are you torturing my commemorative coin?"

When Ying Fei closed the door, Zhu Wenshu was still sitting at the table without moving.

The mobile phone in the bag suddenly vibrated repeatedly, Zhu Wenshu was a little irritable, opened it and found that it was a high school class.

She wasn't in the mood to see what her classmates were talking about, so she cut out WeChat, not knowing why, so she opened Weibo and swiped.

Ling Chen's concert this year has cooperated with the video platform, and the whole process will be broadcast live.

The platform has put a lot of thought into promoting popularity, so Zhu Wenshu, a non-star chaser who opens Weibo, can see many marketing accounts warming up.

The topic of "Student Xiaocan", which was already silent, was filled with her Weibo homepage because of today's concert.

I would have known not to watch it.

Zhu Wenshu closed Weibo again.

When I opened WeChat again, I received a message from a neighbor’s sister in my hometown.

[Zhou Sisi]: Sister, I want to ask you something.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Huh?

[Zhou Sisi]: Didn't Auntie say that you and Ling Chen were classmates in high school? Do you know who Bai Yueguang is?

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

How come there is an illusion that the whole world is mentioning this person today.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I don't know.

[Zhou Sisi]: Huh? Aren't you classmates?

[Zhou Sisi]: Then you should know which girl he has chased before, or which girl he got close to?

[Zhu Wenshu]: No.

Zhu Wenshu thought about it for a while, but he really didn't have any impression.

[Zhu Wenshu]: It may not be from our school.

【Zhou Sisi】: Well, I'm so curious, I didn't expect that even you didn't know.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Putting down her phone, she leaned over to the table.


It seems that she still can't let go.

Not only can't let go, but when she thinks that Ling Chen will sing this song for Bai Yueguang in front of everyone tonight, she has a heart attack.

Or don't go.

Zhu Wenshu sighed heavily, got up and walked out the door, taking out his mobile phone at the same time, intending to have a showdown with Lingchen.

Opening WeChat, she found that in just a few minutes, the high school class at the top actually had 99+ new news.

The last time it was so lively was when Ling Chen had just debuted.

There was too much news, Zhu Wenshu read very sloppily, and didn't understand what they were talking about for a while.

She was trying to flip through the chat history when a call popped up.


Zhu Wenshu asked.

"Have you watched the group?"

Zhong Ya said.

"I'm watching."

Zhu Wenshu asked, "What happened, I think they are talking about hacking or something."

"Laughing, did you know that Ling Chen's account was hacked?"

Zhong Ya's laughter was about to pierce Zhu Wenshu's eardrums, "Those who hacked the account would never have imagined that he would steal Ling Chen's account hahahahaha."

It was Ling Chen again.

Zhu Wenshu let out a muffled "Oh".

"Oh, I can't do it anymore. Wang Junguan said that if it wasn't for hacking, he didn't even know that the note Ling Chen gave him was Wang Champion hahahahahaha, and Ling Chen never remembered his name. I laughed so hard hahaha."

Through the screen, Zhu Wenshu felt that Zhong Ya seemed to be crying from laughter.

After a while, Zhong Ya laughed enough, and said: "Hey, I have downloaded QQ, I'll go and see what Ling Chen gave me—"

Zhong Ya's voice stopped abruptly.

Two seconds later.

"Damn it, the note he gave me was number six in the fifth row."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Although he was in a bad mood, Zhu Wenshu couldn't help laughing.

"Laughing fart."

Zhong Ya said, "Go and see yours."


Zhu Wenshu clicked on QQ, and sure enough, he saw the account hacking message from Ling Chen.

It's just that she didn't click in to see her note immediately.

Although it's a bit mediocre to think so, Zhu Wenshu couldn't help thinking about it.

If the teenage Ling Chen couldn't even remember her name, but was writing songs for Bai Yueguang...

"Did you see it?"

Zhong Ya urged, "What's the note for you? Tell me quickly!"

Forget it, just take a look.

Zhu Wenshu stretched out his finger and clicked on the message.

[c]: Xiaocan's classmate Shu Qi takes a job, and earns 500 yuan in Qingsongberry days! Come quickly + Ewei letter: JzB1551

Zhu Wenshu, who had just walked to the elevator, didn't move his eyes when he saw "Classmate Xiaocan".

The air seemed to stop flowing, and the voices in my ears suddenly approached and then moved away.