Chapter 45:

The elevator went up and down several times, and the people outside the door didn't notice, they stood there with their heads down, as if they had forgotten the passage of time, and they didn't even know when they hung up Zhong Ya's phone.

"Are you coming down?"

The neighbor in the corridor got into the elevator and saw Zhu Wenshu standing for a long time, so he couldn't help reminding him.


Before the elevator door closed, Zhu Wenshu hurried in.

The floor numbers jumped silently, and the elevator descended at a constant speed as always.

However, Zhu Wenshu felt an unprecedented sense of weightlessness, and the world was spinning, as if he would step on the air in the next second.

But the elevator stopped on the first floor, but she didn't notice it either.

The neighbor had already walked out, and when he saw this, he asked a little worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Oh... I'm fine."

Zhu Wenshu stepped out of the elevator mechanically, and stopped on the side after two steps.

how could be?

how could be.

When Zhu Wenshu pulled out of the dizzy state, this question gradually came to mind, grew slowly, and then flew around in her heart like a flock of disturbed sparrows.

Her ears were buzzing, and her thoughts, which were as messy as twine, entangled her like crazily growing branches, making her unable to move.

It's an illusion.

She lowered her head, turned on her phone again, and stared at the stolen number message over and over again.

She saw that the four common words were deformed, and she almost didn't recognize them.

I even felt that I had taken the wrong phone.

My brain went blank for a while, and then I went back and forth again and again, and I still couldn't believe it was true.

Until Zhong Ya's message came again.

[Zhong Ya]:?

[Zhong Ya]: Where are you?

[Zhong Ya]: After talking well, she suddenly hung up on me.

Zhu Wenshu's fingers were a little out of control, and it took him a long time to say a word.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I just answered a phone call.

[Zhong Ya]: Oh, did you see, what is the note? Hahahaha, tell me quickly?

Small, silkworm, classmates, students.

The four words were typed wrong several times before they were fully edited.

The moment before it was sent out, Zhu Wenshu regained consciousness as if waking up from a dream, and quickly deleted it.

If she is mistaken.

Isn't it embarrassing.

[Zhu Wenshu]: That's my name.

[Zhong Ya]: Harm, all right.

[Zhong Ya]: Although I also guessed it, I have to say that Ling Chen is still a bit partial.

[Zhong Ya]: Why do you have a name and I am the sixth in the fifth row! Just because you are beautiful!

Is it because of beauty?

Zhu Wenshu always knew that she was pretty.

But her life trajectory has always been very ordinary, and she has never left school even for work. Ling Chen, a star classmate, is the only exception.

She has never been in the sensual circle, even when she attended Ling Siyuan's birthday party, in the ordinary house, because of the appearance of several celebrities, she felt out of place, and never felt that she would be better than Ling Chen. female stars are more beautiful.

So I don't think that I can become the "unforgettable" and "unable to love" first love in Zhang Yuhuang's mouth.

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and looked at the chat records in the class.

After all, it is a matter of account hacking, and there is a high possibility of mistakes.

The students had a lot of heated discussions, and the topic had already shifted from the notes to other things.

Zhu Wen flipped through the book for a long time, and looked over one by one, and there were quite a few names like Wang Junguan whose names were mistaken.

Could it be that she got it wrong too?

But if she made a mistake, she should have written her name as "Zhu Shuwen" or something. How could she make a mistake into four irrelevant words.

Before he knew it, Zhu Wenshu had already reached the gate of the community.

A taxi passed by and saw her standing on the side of the road, and slowed down when driving over.

The driver turned his head to look out the window, met Zhu Wenshu's eyes, saw that she hadn't turned his head away, and thought she was going to take a taxi, so he stopped.

"Girl, do you want to go?"

Zhu Wenshu responded in a daze, and got into the car like a robot without self-awareness.

The taxi drove for a while, but the driver didn't wait for Zhu Wenshu to speak, so he asked, "Where are you going?"

Zhu Wenshu's mind suddenly went blank again, and for a moment he forgot where he was going.

After struggling to find a clue, she opened her mouth, and the words "Xicheng District Passenger Transport Station" swirled around her lips, before being swallowed back.

After a while, the driver was about to pull over, and finally heard Zhu Wenshu whispered in the back row: "The concert, Ling Chen's concert."

"Oh, it's a little far away."

The driver saw the huge poster hanging in the Provincial Gymnasium a few days ago, so he didn't need to ask the specific address, "Go on the highway or go around the city?"


"If you drive at high speed, you have to pay tolls."


After nearly 30 minutes of driving, the taxi stopped at the entrance of the Provincial Gymnasium.

Zhu Wenshu looked at the time when he got off the car, and realized that it was not yet three o'clock.

But the huge square in front of the museum has already gathered a lot of people. In addition to some vendors selling fluorescent sticks and surrounding areas, there are also a group of people who look like fans gathered together in groups, holding a lot of things in their hands, and standing signs in various places. before taking pictures.

Zhu Wenshu appeared here alone, feeling a little confused for a while, not knowing if he should find another place to go, or just wait here.

Looking up at the large LED screen on the venue, Zhu Wenshu finally found a flower stand and sat down.

Looking around, there were advertisements of different sizes all around, some with Ling Chen's photo, some with his name, and even these fans who came a few hours in advance seemed to have the label "Ling Chen" with them.

Everything that came into view dragged Zhu Wenshu, who was already dizzy, into a more turbid state.

She could no longer imagine that she was that person.

Regardless of whether Ling Chen, who is in the entertainment industry, will never forget a high school classmate.

Even if it was, that person shouldn't be her.

When Zhu Wenshu recalled her high school days, she didn't feel that she and Ling Chen had any memorable intersections.

Ling Chen didn't even take the initiative to talk to her.

When she was in high school, Zhu Wenshu was very popular, not only because she studied well and looked good, but also because of her approachable personality, without the aloofness of a bully, she often gave lectures to her classmates.

Zhu Wenshu, who has basically never been treated coldly, can be considered a relatively proactive person. She generally does not have the sensitive idea of ​​"talking to this person actively will make her face hot and her **** cold". From childhood to adulthood, when she met more introverted classmates, she They can all get along with ease.

Ling Chen is one of the very few exceptions.

Zhu Wenshu tried to find out the details of Ling Chen's liking for her in high school, but found that it was futile to dig out his brain.

She took out her phone again, turned to Ling Chen's WeChat dialog box, and stared at the chat record in a daze.

Their conversation stopped two days ago, and Ling Chen sent her a rehearsal photo.

It was the night before the concert, but he didn't ask again.

Zhu Wenshu sighed, fingers repeatedly on the screen keyboard, but still didn't know how to speak.

How dare she ask such a thing.

Suddenly, a call interrupted Zhu Wenshu's confusion.

She was breathing hard, and was relieved when she saw the caller ID clearly.

"Teacher Xueer, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Zhu, are you coming? You haven't replied to me yet."

Shi Xueer asked.

Shi Xueer asked Zhu Wenshu some time ago, but she never gave a definite answer.

She probably found out about the news not long ago, but Zhu Wenshu didn't see it, so she didn't have the heart to look it up now.

"Sorry, I'm a bit busy and didn't see your message."

"Oh, it's okay, so have you been home for your birthday?"


Zhu Wenshu looked down at his knees, "I'm still in Jiangcheng."

"Ah! Then you want to come to the concert?"

Zhu Wenshu was embarrassed to say that he had arrived.

"Well, coming."

"Very good!"

Shi Xueer asked again, "But you won't go back for your birthday? Didn't you say that your relatives are waiting for you?"

After pondering for a while, Zhu Wenshu said, "I misremembered the date, I thought the concert was Christmas."

Shi Xueer was dressing up at the moment, and didn't study logic carefully, so she laughed twice.

"I'm really convinced, don't you check the ticket dates carefully?! Ling Chen's Christmas concert has always been held on Christmas Eve."

In the busy backstage of the venue, everyone was busy shuttling around like flying people.

Only a place centered on the lounge was silent.

Today, the cooperation video platform’s own media brought people to do interviews before the concert. When all the staff passed by here, they tacitly walked lightly and kept their mouths shut, fearing that it would affect the radio inside.

Ling Xingyan led Lu Manman to stand behind the camera, glancing at his watch from time to time, his expression getting worse and worse.

This host is also too unprofessional, he just narrates the script according to the script, it seems that he has not done his homework at all, and many times he cannot follow Ling Chen's answer and dig deeper.

Ling Chen was originally a person who spoke cautiously and restrainedly in front of the camera. Looking at the whole interview, it was like a boring game where you ask me to answer.

And with such an answering process, the host still couldn't grasp the rhythm well. Seeing that the agreed interview time was coming to an end, there was still a lot of content left.

He turned his head and gave Lu Manman a look. Lu Manman understood and found a suitable position to remind the host to pay attention to the time with body language.

When the host saw it, he panicked for a moment, and his speech became stiff.

"Then let's move on to the last question." She glanced at the script quickly, skipping some foreshadowing, "You only held today's Christmas concert this year, do you have any plans for a world tour next year?"

Ling Chen hadn't changed yet. He was wearing a gray sweater, resting his hands on his temples, and his speech became slower and slower because of the host's boredom.

"A new album will be released next year, and there is no plan for a tour at the moment."

The host got stuck again, Ling Chen glanced at him lazily, and added: "But the Christmas concert is still the same."

"Oh... what a pity, then..."

The host sneered, "But will Christmas be on the weekend next year? What if it falls on a working day?"


Hearing this question, the atmosphere in the lounge became more dignified, and even the photographer behind the camera couldn't help but raise his forehead.

Sensing the change in the air around him, the host coughed in embarrassment and wanted to remedy it, but his mind didn't turn the corner for a while, and he subconsciously continued to talk along the topic.

"Since it is a Christmas concert, why not hold it on Christmas Day, but on Christmas Eve?"

Ling Chen, who had been looking at the host politely, suddenly lowered his eyes after hearing this question, not knowing what he was looking at.

After waiting for a few seconds, when the host thought that Ling Chen would not answer this question, he heard him whisper.


His eyes were cloudy, and his eyes didn't have a clear focus, "Today is my Christmas."

Shi Xueer and Zhu Qisen had dinner together, and arrived at the venue at 5:20.

On the way, Zhu Qisen kept thinking about it, complaining that Shi Xueer came so early, the concert didn't start until 7 o'clock, is it interesting to have a wind outside in such cold weather?

Unexpectedly, Zhu Wenshu was earlier than them.

The two held hands and walked towards Zhu Wenshu, bypassing the crowd, and waved to her amidst the festive noise.


At this time, the square has gathered a lot of people, unorganized and undisciplined, and it is extremely crowded.

But Zhu Wenshu was sitting by the flower table in a daze, completely ignoring their shouts.

"What are you doing!"

Shi Xueer quickly patted Zhu Wenshu's shoulder, "What are you thinking about!"

Zhu Wenshu came back to his senses suddenly, his eyes were still ignorant.

"Ah, you are here."

"I've seen you from afar, and I haven't responded to calling you!"

Shi Xueer squeezed to sit next to Zhu Wenshu, and asked, "Why are you here so early?"

"It's nothing to do now."

Just after finishing speaking, a gust of cold wind blew past, and Zhu Wenshu sneezed unexpectedly.

Zhu Qisen: "..."

I really don't understand women.

"Sit down, I'll buy you some hot milk tea."

There were too many people nearby, and even the traffic police were dispatched to control the traffic.

Zhu Qisen went away for a long time and didn't come back, Shi Xueer dragged Zhu Wenshu around in front of various vendors.

Seeing Zhu Wenshu staring at the headband on the floor stand, she whispered in her ear, "Don't look at it, you can't put it on."

Zhu Wenshu didn't speak.

Shi Xueer pulled her to the side again, "Did you prepare a fluorescent stick yourself? If you don't have any, buy one."

After a while, Shi Xueer tugged on her sleeve when she didn't hear a response.

"Mr. Zhu? Why are you out of your mind?"


Zhu Wenshu stared at the light stick on the street stall, and suddenly remembered the post-it note he received a long time ago.

"buy it."

She picked one and turned her head to look around again.

"Is there... a flower seller?"


Shi Xueer laughed, "No way, Teacher Zhu, do you think we can give flowers on stage?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't know if he could.

She lowered her eyes and considered for a moment, then said, "Buy a bunch."

Shi Xueer looked at Zhu Wenshu's expression, and suddenly understood.

"That's right, you are his nephew's teacher, what if you sell your face?"

After she finished speaking, she herself became excited, "I'll buy a bunch too! I can also send flowers by your light!"

But the two of them glanced around, but they didn't see the flower seller.

So Shi Xueer called Zhu Qisen and asked him to bring back two bouquets of flowers.

Nearly twenty minutes later, Zhu Qisen came over with two bouquets of flowers and three cups of milk tea.

Thanks to his height, someone else might not be able to hold such a large bunch of flowers in one hand.

When handing it over, Zhu Wenshu looked carefully and frowned slightly.

"Why is it a rose?"

Zhu Qisen said: "There are only roses, or chrysanthemums, that would be unlucky."


When the three of them returned to the flower terrace, there was no place left, so they just found an open space to stand.

Seeing that the time was getting closer, Shi Xueer's excitement began to show on her body, and she took pictures everywhere with her mobile phone.

"Congratulations teacher?"

Suddenly, Shi Xueer waved the ticket in front of her eyes, "Mr. Zhu, are you there?"

Zhu Wenshu blinked, "Huh?"

"You take out the tickets, let's take a picture."

"oh, OK."

The moment Zhu Wenshu lowered his head to take the bag, Zhu Wenshu's mind suddenly exploded.

She hadn't planned to come today.

Later, when I received the news of account hacking, I got into the car again in a daze.


She didn't bring tickets at all!

Seeing Zhu Wenshu's face turned pale, Shi Xueer was also taken aback.

"You wouldn't... didn't bring it?!"

"Wait a minute."

Zhu Wenshu called Ying Fei immediately.

But it was the time when her roommate was sleeping, and she made several calls in a row but no one answered.

Zhu Wenshu's heartbeat suddenly became unreasonably fast, she exhaled heavily, and looked up at Ling Chen on the LED screen.

"I'll go back and get it now."

"Ah? Is it too late? It's almost six o'clock!"

"There's nothing I can do if it's too late."

Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips, left these words and ran out of the arena.

Because of the traffic jam, she went to the subway station with little hesitation.

When I got to a place with good road conditions, I came out to take a taxi again.

After tossing and turning for forty minutes to get home, she ran all the way upstairs, panting and opening drawers.

She has kept it in her notebook since receiving the tickets.

After opening the book and seeing the tickets, she stopped her movements unconsciously.

Only the beating heartbeat remained in my ears.

After watching quietly for a long time, she grabbed it.

It was the evening rush hour, so Zhu Wenshu still chose the subway to go back.

The carriage was extremely crowded, and after a few stops, the space around me became a little looser.

It was already six fifty by now.

Seeing that there were still three stops, Zhu Wenshu hastily took out his phone.

But found that Ling Chen had sent her a message half an hour ago.

[C]: Are you here?

The heartbeat that had finally calmed down accelerated wildly at this moment.

Standing in the crowd, Zhu Wenshu took a deep breath.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Here I come.

But Ling Chen didn't reply again, probably put down the phone.

Zhu Wenshu frowned tightly and sent Shi Xueer a message.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Have you started?

【Shi Xueer】: Not yet, but soon! Everyone is full! I wish the teacher where have you been?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Get out of the subway immediately.

The arrival time of the subway was just stuck at seven o'clock.

Zhu Wenshu quickened his pace and ran out. On the way, Shi Xueer sent another message to remind him.

[Shi Xueer]: The lights are off! It's time to start! I wish the teacher, have you arrived yet!

Zhu Wenshu didn't reply again, but just started to run.

[Shi Xueer]: The musicians are all on stage! I wish the teacher!

Seven or eight minutes later, she finally stood in front of the arena again.

The close-fitting clothes were soaked in sweat, and Zhu Wenshu's heartbeat didn't slow down because she stopped.

Shi Xueer's news is still pouring in.

【Shi Xueer】: The countdown is on!

【Shi Xueer】: Teacher, please hurry up!

She was still a few steps away from walking in, but she was inexplicably a little restless, and there was an inexplicable feeling of being close to home in her heart.

At the moment when the original expectation was about to hit the door, a layer of fear actually surfaced.

I'm afraid that everything is superficial, a dream.

Until hearing the cheers of tens of thousands of people in the venue, Zhu Wenshu finally took a deep breath and walked in.

Just as the staff opened the door for her, Zhu Wenshu was nailed to the spot by a wave of cheers, and her whole body was wrapped in tension and apprehension.

The originally dark sky was illuminated by a fluorescent sea.

And she stood at the entrance, watching a follow spot light on the stage in the distance.

It was so far away that she couldn't see the stage at all, only a black grand piano could be seen.

And the silhouette of Ling Chen sitting in front of the piano.

All the audience fell silent.

Zhu Wenshu didn't step forward either, and stood at the farthest place, looking at the people on the stage.

Every second at this time was stretched out to be extraordinarily long.

Holding his breath, Zhu Wenshu watched Ling Chen raise his arm and land his fingertips on the keys.

The sound of the piano floated from far away.

The syllables echoed in the air, splicing little by little into tunes. It is a song "Happy Birthday" that everyone is familiar with, but because there is only a monotonous piano sound, it seems a little lonely.

Zhu Wen Shuan looked at the figure on the stage quietly, his chest rose and fell slightly, and all hesitation dissipated in the notes.

She seemed to finally have a definite answer.