Chapter 46:

Zhu Wenshu originally thought that this was a simple "Happy Birthday".

But after the prelude, the notes flow smoothly into an unfamiliar tune.

The tune is mournful and ethereal, and even the strings that quietly blend in are deep and dull.

The main theme is still the familiar music, but Ling Chen's voice is completely different.

When the libretto came out, Zhu Wenshu's figure was hidden in the vast crowd, stepping forward step by step.

She walked past the crowd waving fluorescent sticks, and when she got to the end, she realized that even the front row was about 20 meters away from the stage.

In the overcrowded gymnasium, the vacant seat in the middle of the second row seemed very abrupt.

Shi Xueer listened intently, the first time she saw Ling Chen at such a close distance, she had already entered a state of ecstasy.

Until a song enters the final stage, the melody slowly changes back to the piano solo.

"Congratulations teacher?"

Shi Xueer didn't know when Zhu Wenshu sat next to her, she raised her fingers and pressed the corners of her eyes, and said with a tear in her voice, "You're finally here, luckily you only missed one song."

Zhu Wenshu stared at the people on the stage, and said in a low voice, "You didn't miss it."

The song ended, but the music didn't stop.

The syllables jumped out one by one, without adaptation and ensemble, just like the simple and pure "Happy Birthday" I heard in childhood.

Zhu Wenshu's voice was very low, "What song is this?"

The surrounding area was so quiet that there was only the sound of the piano in the distance. Shi Xueer heard it, moved closer to Zhu Wenshu, and whispered, "Happy birthday to you."

Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes and turned to look at Shi Xueer.


"I mean, this song is called "Happy Birthday to You"!" I don't know if it's too cold, Shi Xueer sniffled, "This song has not been included in any album, only the concert Arrived. Teacher Zhu, I thank you so much, you don’t even know how long I’ve been thinking about the concert.”

Zhu Wenshu didn't speak any more, as if the wind was blowing by his ears.

She looked at Ling Chen on the stage, the music had stopped for a long time, but he was still sitting under the spotlight, there was no singing or piano sound, as if he hadn't been separated from the song yet.

At this time, someone from the audience area on the left shouted hoarsely: "Ling Chen! I love you!"

The applause and cheers and screams sounded together, as if waking up Ling Chen who was sitting sideways in front of the piano.

He raised his head, took a deep breath, and pulled out the microphone on the piano.

Unfortunately, before Zhu Wenshu saw him get up, the stage fell into darkness again.

The lights went out, but there were waves of cheers in my ears.

A few seconds later, the large LED screen on the stage lit up, and a dancing girl appeared in the middle of the stage.

Zhu Wenshu's eyes followed her, but he didn't hear Ling Chen's voice again.

But when she heard the prelude, Shi Xueer grabbed Zhu Wenshu's hand excitedly.

"Ahh! All your wishes come true! I didn't expect the second song to be this! When will I sing "Little Silkworm Classmate"!"

Hearing those four words, Zhu Wenshu suddenly sped up, and the cold wind in the stadium seemed to have turned into heating.

Suddenly, cheers erupted from the auditorium on the right.

The whole group of people looked sideways.

Sure enough, at the corner of the stage on the right, Zhu Wenshu saw a vague figure.

Still wearing the same clothes as before, he walked along the edge of the stage towards the center while singing.

Seeing him approaching step by step, Zhu Wenshu's heart beat suddenly.

This short distance seems to have become very long, and Zhu Wenshu felt that he had waited for a long, long time before Ling Chen came over.

I don't know if he can see the auditorium—

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Zhu Wenshu saw Ling Chen's footsteps stop diagonally ahead.

He was still holding the microphone in his hand, but his head was tilted to this side.

The bright lights on the stage dazzled Zhu Wenshu.

She didn't know if Ling Chen saw him, but felt that his gaze seemed to stay for a long time.

Amidst the cheers and screams all around, his eyes seemed warm, and Zhu Wenshu trembled. At a loss, he quickly grabbed the fluorescent stick and waved it with the people around him.

Gorgeous stage lights cast from overhead, extremely dazzling.

Ling Chen's gaze swept across the front row of auditoriums again and again. Under the strong light contrast, the auditorium seemed to be the sea in the middle of the night, and it was completely dark. Only the waving fluorescent sticks and deafening cheers could be seen.

In fact, before the show started, the stage lights had not yet been turned on, and almost all the audience had already entered the venue. He stood behind the scenes and looked towards the auditorium, and he clearly saw that there was an empty seat in the front row.

Zhu Wenshu has never been to other concerts. I don't know if other singers, like Ling Chen, have little interaction with the audience, one song after another.

After thinking about it, after a two- to three-hour concert, no matter how good a voice is, people probably won't have the strength to speak anymore.

But the audience in the audience is probably not much better than Ling Chen.

Their screams became louder and louder each time. If it wasn't for the open-air gymnasium, the roof might have been toppled over.

Even people like Zhu Qisen who just came with his girlfriend were infected by the atmosphere and applauded and cheered with everyone.

But Zhu Wenshu remained silent.

The seats in the gymnasium were not very comfortable. She was sitting upright, the scarf covering half of her face had already been taken off and folded on her lap.

Most of Ling Chen's music is very quiet, with a low voice and a natural sadness in his voice.

Like a gurgling stream in a deep mountain, there are seldom rough moments.

However, Zhu Wenshu felt that he was ups and downs in this stream, and would gently shake his head with his voice.

Later, Shi Xueer's voice was almost hoarse, and finally realized belatedly that the people beside her hadn't moved at all.

She thought it was outrageous, how could anyone keep calm at Ling Chen's concert.

But when she turned her head, she saw Zhu Wenshu resting his chin on one hand, tilting his head, looking quietly and intently at the man on the stage.

There seems to be a light in her eyes that is different from other audiences, gentle and tender, with an indescribable sense of familiarity.

Shi Xueer thought for a while, this seemed to be the way she looked at Zhu Qisen.

When the music stopped, Shi Xueer poked Zhu Wenshu's arm, and asked in her ear, "Teacher Zhu, have you fallen?"

Zhu Wenshu sat up straight as if waking up from a dream, and stared at Shi Xueer in a daze.

Under the swirling lights and the biting cold wind, Shi Xueer saw a suspicious blush on her cheeks.

"Oh, Teacher Zhu, you can be ashamed, everyone is like this, who is not a fallen person who came to the concert?"


Zhu Wenshu responded in a low voice, but before she could say anything else, Shi Xueer screamed and turned away again.

Zhu Wenshu was still immersed in her words and didn't come back to her senses. She just had an intuition that drew her attention to the stage.

At this time, the lights in the venue were almost all off, and there were no colorful dancers or dancers.

Ling Chen, wearing a white shirt and carrying a guitar, walked quietly to the middle of the stage.

With the spotlight turned on, he stood in the beam of light and reached out to adjust the height of Limai.

The audience in the arena showed more enthusiasm than at the beginning. Zhu Wenshu was a little confused until she saw cherry blossoms falling from the LED screen behind Ling Chen.

Her heartbeat accelerated again at this moment.

In the next second, Ling Chen's fingers slid across the strings, playing a familiar melody.

The frantic screams in his ears didn't overwhelm the sound of the guitar, but Zhu Wenshu, who didn't know much about music, felt that this melody sounded particularly low.

Just like at this time, the follow spotlight ordered Chen's lonely figure.

Suddenly, the cheers of the stadium changed.

Before Zhu Wenshu could react, Shi Xueer pulled his right hand up.

"I wish the teacher! You watch the big screen!"

Following Shi Xueer's line of sight, Zhu Wenshu saw the face of a female audience appear on the big screen at the top of the center of the venue.

The audience was also very surprised, and after the surprise, he quickly kissed the husband next to him.

The camera continued to switch, and two seconds later, another girl with dimples in her smile appeared on the big screen.

"this is…"

Zhu Wenshu murmured.

"Audience capture!"

Shi Xueer said excitedly, "Every concert has this link at the end!"

One face after another flashed across the big screen, and Zhu Wenshu found that they had one thing in common—all of them were girls, and they were all pretty good-looking.

"Damn it, they're all beauties!"

Zhu Qisen also realized something, "What is this for, a beauty pageant?"

"Shut up if you can't speak!"

Shi Xueer hit him on the shoulder with a fluorescent stick, "I'm going to sing "Xiao Cang Classmate". Of course, I want to capture the audience who has the face of my first love. If you don't look at beauties, do you look at you?"

first love face...

As soon as Shi Xueer finished speaking, Zhu Wenshu saw an unusually familiar face appear on the big screen.


"Ah!! I wish the teacher!! You are on camera!!" Shi Xueer grabbed her hand and danced wildly.

Like a marionette, Zhu Wenshu suddenly pulled out his hand after recovering, not knowing where to look for a moment.

Unlike other viewers who were on camera, Zhu Wenshu was completely in a state of nervousness and confusion, and didn't even know where to put his hands.

Moreover, I don't know if it's because she is in it, and she always feels that the camera stays on her face longer than others.

On the screen, only half of her face was exposed, Shi Xueer's face flushed red with excitement, her lips opened and closed, as if she was saying something.

It took a while for Zhu Wenshu to notice her voice.

"I wish the teacher! You have a smile!"

She bent her lips slightly.

The camera moved away, and her smile flashed across the screen, and soon turned into another girl's face.

Zhu Wenshu slowly looked away, only to find that the music on the stage stopped at some point.

She looked towards the center of the stage. Under the spotlight, Ling Chen's arm was hanging beside the guitar, looking up at the big screen.

The sound waves in the stadium came and went, but Ling Chen stood there for a long time without moving his eyes.

After a long time, the picture on the screen returned to the stage.

Zhu Wenshu clearly saw that Ling Chen pursed his lips, his jawline was tense, but the center of his brows trembled slightly.

His eyes were not very clear under the light, and he looked in another direction hazily.

Zhu Wenshu also retracted his raised chin and turned to look at the stage.

From a distance of 20 meters, Zhu Wenshu could only see his silhouette clearly, but he knew that his eyes were passing through the fiery trees and silver flowers, looking at her far away in the vast crowd.

After a while, she saw Ling Chen dragging Li Mai walking towards her.


He stopped at the edge of the stage, a deep voice sounded, and the auditorium was suddenly quiet, as if the pause button was pressed.

"Student Xiaocan is at the scene."

When these words fell, the scene became even quieter.

However, only two seconds later, the scene suddenly burst into screams, which were more violent than any previous one.

Zhu Wenshu sat in the crowd, as if in a vacuum, and couldn't tell whether it was the screaming in his ears that was louder, or the beating of her heart.

In the frenzy, she saw the people on the stage bow their heads.

He hid his expression, but his voice trembled slightly, with a hint of choking.

"She came to my concert."

Some were shocked, some were sad, some cheered enthusiastically, some cried in disbelief, and some turned their necks restlessly to look around at the people around, looking for the "classmate Xiaocan" that Lingchen said.

Zhu Wenshu was probably the only one in the audience, looking at the stage motionlessly.

She is a person who is afraid of the cold, but she has never felt the temperature of her blood in the severe winter like today.

Even the heartbeat became heavier every time, and it broke through the shackles of the chest several times.

Until Ling Chen spoke again, he couldn't hold back the momentum of the scene.

"The last song "Classmate Xiaocan," he raised his hand to pluck the strings, and the interrupted music played again, "For my classmate Xiaocan."

All around her ears were screams and roars, almost breaking Zhu Wenshu's eyes and ears. Even the cameraman, who kept moving in front of him looking for a camera position, raised his head from behind the lens.

Maybe no one is listening to this song anymore, even Shi Xueer was talking incoherently, and then took out her phone to take pictures, and after a few seconds she frantically shook Zhu Wenshu's arm.

"I wish the teacher! I wish the teacher! Did you hear that! Why are you not excited!"

Seeing that Zhu Wenshu didn't speak, she went mad again in front of Zhu Qisen.

Among the clamor of thousands of people, Zhu Wenshu was the only audience.

Only Ling Chen's voice could be heard in her ears, hitting her heart every word.

Her heartbeat and breathing calmed down in Ling Chen's voice.

But he couldn't control a sour feeling welling up in his eyes.


I have been waiting.

I have been waiting.

Waiting for the sun to rise to the moon, waiting for the snow to fall in midsummer.


Upon hearing this sentence, Zhu Wenshu felt a chill on his face.

She looked up and saw snowflakes falling in the night sky.

"Look at me, I've reached the finish line."

She looked towards the stage again, the snowflakes on her face melted in the heat.

Until the musicians on the stage also left the stage, the lights of the audience were as bright as day, the stage was empty, and the auditorium was noisy.

The audience in the back row left one after another, and the people in the front row got up one after another, and crowded into the aisle in a mess.

Zhu Wenshu still maintained his original posture, staring at the stage where no one was left.

It wasn't until there were other voices in her ears that her consciousness gradually returned, as if she had returned to the world.

"Congratulations teacher?"

Shi Xueer put her satchel on her back and got up to leave, but found that Zhu Wenshu was still sitting, wondering what she was thinking.

She thought she was devout enough to sit there for so long after the concert, but she didn't expect anyone to be more devout than her.

"Come back to your senses! It's time to go home, I wish the teacher!"

Zhu Wenshu turned his head suddenly, his eyes wandered around her, and finally stopped.

"oh, OK."

Shi Xueer wanted to help her pick up the scarf on her lap, but she froze all night.

"Master Zhu, are you crying?"

Intuition that there is a big secret about to be revealed, but Zhu Wenshu didn't know how to respond for a moment.

She opened her mouth, some words lingered on her lips, before she could think it through carefully, she saw Shi Xueer stomping her feet and turned around to say Zhu Qisen.

"Look! Teacher Zhu is crying and you still laugh at me, what if I cry a little?" She stretched out her finger to poke Zhu Qisen's chest, "You have the nerve to laugh at others!"

Zhu Qisen didn't speak to her, just held her hand, then tilted his head to look at Zhu Wenshu.

The two looked at each other, Zhu Wenshu quickly looked away and pretended to straighten his clothes.

Zhu Qisen frowned suspiciously.

He has known Zhu Wenshu for so many years, and he never thought that she was someone who could cry when listening to songs.

"Let's go."

Shi Xueer said, "Hold the flowers well."

The two bouquets of flowers did not have a chance to be sent out in the end, Shi Xueer was neither surprised nor regretted, she asked Zhu Qisen to lead the way, and stretched out her hand to lead Zhu Wenshu to leave the venue along the crowded crowd.

Without the shelter of the building, the cold wind wrapped in snowflakes and greeted people's faces.

Zhu Wenshu still had a feeling of euphoria, Zhu Qisen was already holding the flower and stomping his feet: "It's too cold, and there are so many people, I don't know how long it will be blocked."

He looked around and said, "Why don't you go back and wait, and I'll drive the car out, so that you two young ladies don't freeze to death on the road."

"It's too troublesome."

Shi Xueer said, "The parking lot is not far away, why don't we go there together."

While the two were talking, Zhu Wenshu's phone vibrated suddenly.

She was in a hurry to get her phone, and in a panic, she dropped all the lipstick out of her bag.

Seeing this, Shi Xueer felt that her Amway sale was an unprecedented success.

She bent down to pick up the lipstick and handed it to Zhu Wenshu, "Mr. Zhu, you—"

"I won't be with you anymore."

Zhu Wenshu stared at the phone and whispered, "Go back first."


Shi Xueer was puzzled, "It's okay, anyway, he drove the car and dropped you off on the way, it's so late, and it's still snowing."

Zhu Wenshu shook his head: "I still have to go...for my birthday."

"It's so late to celebrate your birthday?"

Zhu Qisen turned half of his body and came over, "Aren't you cold? You should go home early."

"I want you to manage!"

Shi Xueer thought of something, patted Zhu Qisen, then turned her head and smiled at Zhu Wenshu, "Okay, then Zhu Qisen and I will go home first, Teacher Zhu, don't play too late."

The two of them walked towards the parking lot. After a long while, the figures of the two of them had completely disappeared from sight. Only then did Zhu Wenshu remember—

Zhu Qisen took away the flowers she prepared!

Zhu Wenshu sighed angrily, and was hesitating whether to chase after her when the phone rang again.

【c】: Lu Manman will pick you up at the door.

She turned around and saw the familiar girl.

Zhu Wenshu ran over in two or three steps, wanting to say hello, but Lu Manman looked at Zhu Wenshu with a shocked and curious look.

"Little..." She changed her words temporarily, "Miss Zhu, you, you come with me first."

At this time, only the cleaning workers are cleaning the venues that have faded from the bustle. Accompanied by the falling snowflakes, it is extraordinarily lonely.

Seeing all this, Zhu Wenshu lost his sense of reality again.

It was as if today's concert was a dream, everyone had left, but she hadn't woken up yet.

The two walked through the empty passage, pushed open a door and walked in, where various staff members were busy shuttling.

Lu Manman stood in front of Zhu Wen's book, looked around, and said in bits and pieces: "Where is he...Miss Zhu, please wait, I'll go—"

There was a sound behind him, and Lu Manman turned around, only to find that Zhu Wenshu was gone.

She glanced at the safe passage next to her, and pursed her lips to tighten the door.

Inside the door, Zhu Wenshu was leaning against the wall, his chest undulating slightly, staring closely at Ling Chen in front of him.

He was still wearing that white shirt, and when he looked down, there seemed to be some snow particles hanging on his eyelashes.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "I thought you weren't coming."

I don't know if it's because he sang for too long, but his voice is hoarse than usual.

"You didn't mean to celebrate my birthday."

Zhu Wenshu said softly, "Of course I'm coming."

Ling Chen lowered his head, his eyes slowly shifted to her hands.

"Why are you empty-handed?"

"I bought flowers, but my friend—"

Zhu Wenshu's voice stopped abruptly when her palm was wrapped in warmth. She lowered her head and saw Ling Chen holding her hand.

Suddenly, a string of shiny things wrapped around her wrist.

It was clearly something cold, but it made Zhu Wenshu feel like his whole hand was getting sugary.

She stared at it for a long time before murmuring, "What is this?"

"birthday present."

Seeing her silent for a while, Ling Chen asked, "Don't you like it?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

How could she not like it, she was just thinking, how could she have the nerve to accept it if it was an expensive item.

"Or," Ling Chen's eyes fixed on her face again, "do you like fireworks more?"


Zhu Wenshu moved his neck, "It's too precious."

"Not expensive."

Ling Chen took a long breath, "I didn't spend any money."

Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes suddenly, "Huh?"

Seeing her like this, Ling Chen twitched his lips.

"do not worry."


"I said that I sell my art but not my body."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

The hand was still held by him, and Zhu Wenshu didn't take it out.

She looked away awkwardly, the fingertips of her other hand curled up in her cuff.

The two fell into silence for no reason, but the air in the safe passage was very hot, as if the air conditioner was on.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu heard Ling Chen ask: "Then do you like it?"

Just as Zhu Wenshu was about to speak, a strange voice suddenly came from the corridor beyond the wall, causing Chen to subconsciously look to the other side.

"It's over, I don't think I can get out of the pit, and I'm stuck in his hands for the rest of my life."

"Woo... Me too."

"Help, I really like Ling Chen, I really like this concert"

After the two passed by, the sound gradually disappeared.

Under the dim light, Ling Chen turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Zhu Wenshu.

"And you?"


Zhu Wenshu's voice was small but clear, "Me too."