Chapter 47:

Ling Chen was stunned, as if he didn't expect Zhu Wenshu to be the answer.

"It's a concert..." He paused for a long time before asking the next sentence, "Or me?"

Zhu Wenshu's heart was beating fast, but his words were still clear.


All of a sudden, Zhu Wenshu felt that the hand holding her was clenched tightly, and the eyes of Ling Chen in front of him became very dark.

He didn't speak for a long time, but his dark eyes seemed to be churning with waves.

Zhu Wenshu was pulled into his arms at some point.

When he came back to his senses, he felt that his shoulder was about to be strangled by him.

Different from the previous two hugs, Ling Chen seemed to have lost the ability to control his strength tonight.

In his body temperature, Zhu Wenshu gradually found the real feeling of tonight.

She fell into a gentle palm like a fluttering snowflake.

Then, it slowly melted in his palm.

I don't know how long it has passed, but my feet already feel sore and numb.

Zhu Wenshu adjusted his breathing over and over again, wanting to say something, but afraid of breaking the atmosphere at this time.

At this time, Ling Xingyan's voice rang outside the door, accompanied by a sudden ringing of the mobile phone.

"Sorry, I wanted to call you." His tone was weak, "I forgot that your phone is with me."


The voice-activated light of the safe passage went out at some point, and in the darkness, Zhu Wenshu could only feel Ling Chen's embrace pulling away a little bit.

He turned around and opened the door, not in a hurry to go out, leaning against the door frame to block the wishing letter inside.

"Is there something wrong?"

Ling Xing said: "?"

He laughed angrily, brushed his hair randomly to calm down, and then leaned against the door frame on the other side, looking at Ling Chen wearily and helplessly.

After he hesitated to speak for a while, he just shook his head, then looked up at the people inside.

"Good evening, teacher."

Zhu Wenshu's voice came from behind Ling Chen's shoulder.

"Good evening, Mr. Ling."

Guessing that the two of them had something to talk about, most of which were related to him, Zhu Wenshu took the initiative to say, "You guys are busy, so I'll go home first."

She took two steps forward and wanted to go out, but found that Ling Chen was still blocking the door tightly, showing no tendency to give way.

The man's body blocked her tightly, so she couldn't see what was going on outside.

She stretched out her hand and tugged on Order Chen's cuff, and said in a low voice, "I have to go home."

The sound grated over Ling Chen's eardrums.

After a long while, he turned around, and moved his gaze from Zhu Wenshu's hair to her face inch by inch.

"I'll ask someone to take you off."

Before Zhu Wenshu had time to speak, he heard him call Lu Manman to the other end.

Lu Manman, who had been standing quietly by the side, hurried over and motioned for Zhu Wenshu to follow her.

"Be smart." Ling Xingyan reminded Lu Manman.

"Okay." Lu Manman said OK, "I won't send our car, but borrow Teacher Wang's."

Zhu Wenshu didn't quite understand what the two of them were saying.

Extruding through the door and passing by Ling Chen, the bracelet on Zhu Wenshu's wrist was hooked by his fingers.

Immediately, Zhu Wenshu's footsteps froze for a moment.

I don't know whether he did it on purpose or not, but when his fingertips ran across his palm along the bracelet, Zhu Wenshu heard him say in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Happy birthday."

"I heard it."

The two brothers each leaned on a door to watch Zhu Wenshu leave.

When her figure completely disappeared in the corridor, Ling Chen and Ling Xingyan looked at each other, and then walked towards the lounge one after the other.

Seeing Ling Chen approaching, the staff who were busy packing and carrying things stopped in unison and looked at him.

Ling Chen didn't look sideways, and his footsteps didn't stop. Wherever he passed, everyone's necks followed him like sunflowers.

The picture is very weird.

The lounge was temporarily separated, and it was full of makeup props.

Ling Xingyan closed the door to prevent the stylist from coming in again, and then sat down on the only vacant chair, regardless of Ling Chen who was tired all day still standing.

Ling Xingyan stayed behind the scenes the whole time today, he was too busy to touch the ground. It was near the end of the concert that he took a breath and walked slowly down the stage, and found a corner to watch quietly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took out his mobile phone to take two photos and send them to Moments, Ling Chen gave him a big surprise.

Before he could react to what happened, the erupting sound from the auditorium almost knocked him unconscious.

Until now, there was still buzzing in his ears, and he didn't know if his hearing was affected.

"You just tell me in advance." He sighed heavily, "I wouldn't be so at a loss."

Ling Chen stood with his back to him and didn't speak.

The cell phone in the bag kept ringing, Ling Xingyan was not in the mood to answer the phone, and stared at Ling Chen's back.

"Do you know that today is not only a concert, but also a live broadcast on the platform?"


Hearing Ling Chen's unusually calm voice, Ling Xingyan didn't know how to answer, and blocked all the words he thought of.

After a long time, he pointed at the door and said sharply: "Then do you know how many people are still stuck outside?"

Ling Chen's answer was still the same.

"I know." He turned around and looked at Ling Xingyan calmly, "But I don't care."


Ling Chen's voice was as clear as ever, but now it was like a basin of cold water, extinguishing Ling Xingyan's impatience.

In fact, Ling Xingyan has long been used to Ling Chen's attitude of going his own way over the years.

They have also reached a consensus long ago. A serious singer does not follow the traffic route, and has never set up a boyfriend profile.

That set is a youth meal, it won't go far, and it's not Ling Chen's direction.

Ling Xingyan never thought of preventing his younger brother from embarking on a normal love and marriage life, and even the newly signed artists during this period, he did not interfere too much with their private lives.

But that's just their opinion and doesn't control the wishes of certain fan groups.

In addition, Ling Chen has never had a pink scandal in these years, and even if there was, it was just the other side's unilateral hype and it couldn't be successful.

It doesn't even need Chen Fang to come forward to clarify, just look at his attitude, the scandal will be self-defeating.

Therefore, the proportion of girlfriend fans has only increased a lot in recent years.

So he knew very well what kind of turmoil Ling Chen's actions would cause today.

He wasn't worried that what happened tonight would affect Ling Chen's future. In terms of popularity, this kind of thing would only make Ling Chen gain unprecedented attention.

It's just that no one can guarantee the final direction of this explosive entertainment public opinion.

I don't know if the programmers of the various network platforms are doing well, and whether they cursed Ling Chen behind their backs on this beautiful snowy night.

"too suddenly…"

Ling Xingyan rubbed his face vigorously, "Is it really him? It's too sudden, no matter what you think, it happens all at once."

Ling Chen looked at Ling Xingyan, with an understatement, "It's not that I suddenly want to do this today, but I can't help but want to do it today."

Ling Xing said: "..."

He took a deep breath, got up and walked outside.

On the way home, the snow didn't stop.

Zhu Wenshu was walking on the road, feeling like a snowflake fluttering and spinning in a lamp post.

Her steps are very light, and every step feels like stepping on the void.

It wasn't until I opened the door and saw the familiar house that I felt down-to-earth.

The light in Ying Fei's room was not turned on, and Zhu Wenshu didn't hear the sound, so he took off his coat lightly and shook off the remaining snow particles.

"You're back?"

After a while, the door of Ying Fei's room suddenly opened, "I just woke up, saw you calling me so many times, and was about to call you back when the door opened, what's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing, I forgot to take something."

Zhu Wenshu hung up his coat and said, "I'm fine now."

"That's good, I was taken aback. I thought something was urgent."

After speaking, seeing tiny white particles on Zhu Wenshu's hair, Ying Fei asked in surprise, "Is it snowing?"

Zhu Wenshu walked past her with a smile, carrying a burst of cold fragrance.

"You can really sleep, you don't even know what's going on outside."

Ying Fei is a native of the south and rarely sees snow. Hearing what Zhu Wenshu said, she looked out the window and saw the rustling snow.

So she immediately took out her phone and wanted to take some photos.

However, at the moment after she swiped open the screen, she fixed her eyes on the hot push on Weibo, and couldn't help but let out a cry of "I'm stupid!"

This night is destined to be restless.

During the period when Zhu Wenshu left the gym and returned home to take a shower in the bathroom, online social media platforms are experiencing an unprecedented feast.

It may be that everyone has been bored in the entertainment industry for a long time. This evening, those who like Ling Chen, those who hate Ling Chen, those who are related and irrelevant, and those who know each other, all participated in this topic one after another.

Forum posts opened one after another, and the screen was filled with the words "Ling Chen" and "Classmate Xiaocan", and it was hard to tell the difference unless you looked carefully.

Every time Weibo is refreshed, there are marketing accounts and self-media uploading and editing video clips one after another. Topic searches such as #定晨小珀学习#, #小珀学习走在任智诺音# are even more airborne hot searches. Row.

Naturally, the video platform that benefited the most was the video platform we collaborated with tonight, and the number of viewers increased linearly. The official quickly changed the name of the previous "Lingchen Christmas Concert" to "Lingchen Concert Live Confessions for Classmate Xiaocan".

It's a pity that before they had time to launch more advertisements, the platform collapsed to the point where they couldn't enter the homepage.

Various short video platforms are pushing related videos in full swing, and the song "Classmate Xiaocan" also appeared on the soaring list, hot search list, and hot song list in an instant.

Even people who only play WeChat can see various swiping messages in Moments.

In this Internet era, almost everyone who has a mobile phone is surrounded by this topic.

The voices of all parties are not the same, shocked, curious, excited, sad, cursing, envious, watching the excitement...

Of course, some people questioned that this was Ling Chen's hype. Perhaps it is the cooperation with the video platform, or it may be to create momentum for the new album.

The more important reason is that Ling Chen has had no real scandals in the past few years since his debut, and even the fans who have personal relationships with the staff around Ling Chen can't find out the news, as if they have made up their minds to **** a single person for a lifetime. Coming out of nowhere is really not in line with his usual style.

And until more than an hour after the concert ended, there were still a large number of fans staying at the scene.

But the "classmate Xiaocan" who was said to be at the scene never really showed his face from the beginning to the end.

Zhu Wenshu also expected this situation on the way home, so she hardly looked at her phone along the way.

But even so, her phone on the table never stopped vibrating.

When she came out of the shower, the number of messages on the WeChat page was an unprecedented level for her in many years.

There were unsuspecting friends who came to gossip with her, and news about the work of colleagues and parents. The most common thing was that friends discovered that she appeared on the big screen of Ling Chen's concert during the excitement tonight.

In addition, most of them come from discussions in various groups and high school class groups.

In fact, Zhu Wenshu knew what everyone was talking about without reading it, but someone in the class group liked her, so she opened it and took a look.

There were too many messages for her to read one by one, and the topic was nothing more than what happened tonight.

In the beginning, Aite Zhu Wenshu was because he wanted her, the person present at the scene, to come out and talk about the situation.

Seeing that she didn't reply, everyone started guessing who "Student Xiaocan" was.

After many messages, someone said: Didn't Zhu Wenshu go to the scene? Could it be her?

Immediately after, someone replied: Probably not, they are not familiar with each other at all.

Amidst the chatter, a person came out and bubbled: Not necessarily, I saw Ling Chen staring at Zhu Wenshu when I was sweeping the trash in the back row, haha.

After this news, Ban Qun suddenly fell silent.

Then Zhu Wenshu was hit crazy.

Zhu Wenshu sighed and did not respond.

As for other messages, she thought, if she replied one by one, she wouldn't have to sleep tonight.

So she dealt with the work news first, and then simply replied to a few close friends.

Among them, only Zhong Ya's painting style is different from others.

After a heated discussion in the group, Brother Zhong, who is usually carefree and bluffing, only sent a question mark at this time.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, Zhu Wenshu also cautiously replied with a question mark.

[Zhong Ya]: Is that you?

[Zhu Wenshu]: What do you mean?

[Zhong Ya]: Don't pretend.

[Zhu Wenshu]:.

[Zhong Ya]: ...

[Zhong Ya]: Why are you so calm?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Probably because things must be reversed when they are extreme.

After sending this message, Zhu Wenshu looked down at the bracelet on his wrist.

In fact, she didn't know why she was so calm, there was clearly a fire burning in her heart, but when she thought of Ling Chen, that fire turned into a fireplace in the room in winter.

Although it was hot, it couldn't burn her.

She seemed to be sinking a little bit in an unusually warm room.

[Zhong Ya]: ...Then what is your situation now?

[Zhong Ya]: Did you get together?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Word well.

What does it mean to get together.

But Zhu Wenshu doesn't know, is she and Ling Chen sure of each other now?

Snow is rare in Jiangcheng, and after several hours of accumulation, the green plants on the roadside have been covered with a layer of snow.

Many adults and children in the community went downstairs to play in the snow and take pictures, and the sound of laughter came from time to time.

Zhu Wenshu's phone kept getting new messages, and because of work reasons, she didn't dare to turn on the Do Not Disturb mode, so she could only let it vibrate on the table.

Listening to the voice outside the window, Zhu Wenshu sat quietly at the table with thousands of thoughts echoing in his heart.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu picked up his phone and looked again.

Ling Chen's news jumped out at this moment.

[c]: Are you asleep?

Zhu Wenshu stepped on the chair with his feet on the chair, leaned his cheek on his knees, and tilted his head to type.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Nope.

[c]: What are you doing?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Think about things.

[c]: What do you think?

Zhu Wenshu snorted softly.

What about Chagang?

[Zhu Wenshu]: What are you doing.

[c]: Watching a movie.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

How stupid to fail to see that she was answering his question.

Two seconds later, she stared at the screen suspiciously again.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Huh?

[Zhu Wenshu]: At this time, you actually watch a movie?

【c】: On the way home.

【c】: Ling Xingyan is busy.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Oh...

[Zhu Wenshu]: What movie are you watching?

【c】: Summer full moon and you.

[Zhu Wenshu]: You actually watch this kind of pure love movie?

【c】: I have a cameo in this movie.

Zhu Wenshu turned on the computer at hand and searched for the movie.

After a while.

Ling Chen seemed to have guessed what Zhu Wenshu was doing.

[c]: Did you find it?

[Zhu Wenshu]: ... Oh, where are you?

[c]: 52 minutes and 01 seconds.

Zhu Wenshu immediately fixed the progress bar exactly there.

Where is Ling Chen? It's clearly a rivalry between the hero and heroine.

The two were walking on a busy street, with a mess of passers-by in the background.

Zhu Wenshu looked at it seriously for a few seconds, thinking that Ling Chen would not be a guest at a street vendor.

She was about to send a message to ask Ling Chen if he remembered wrongly.

I heard the hero in the movie say—

"I like you too."