Chapter 48:

Zhu Wenshu's gaze was frozen on the computer screen for a long time, until the screen had jumped to a new plot, and her mind was pulled back by the notification sound of the mobile phone message.

[c]: Did you see it?

Zhu Wenshu said "Oh" to himself, and replied with curved lips.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I see it.

[c]: Did you see me?

[Zhu Wenshu]: No.

【c】: Then you open the door.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

She suddenly turned her head to look at the closed door of her room.

One second, two seconds—"boom boom".

Sure enough, there was a knock on the door.

Zhu Wenshu almost jumped up from his chair, and when he opened the door of the room, his cuff was hung by the doorknob.

So much so that the short distance of ten meters from the room to the porch felt like she was on a long journey, and she had to stand and pant slightly to calm down her breathing.

The knock on the door did not continue, Zhu Wenshu waited for a while, and gently opened the door.

She stood behind the door, showing her head.

"Why are you here?"

In the dark corridor, Ling Chen wore a peaked cap to cover most of his face, without saying a word, he just raised his right arm and shook the cake in his hand.

"There is still half an hour, isn't it too late?"

"Oh..." Zhu Wenshu opened the door even further, just enough for one person to pass, Ling Chen squeezed in.

Next to the porch is the dining table, and when Ling Chen was about to put the cake on it casually, Zhu Wenshu glanced at the light coming from the door of Ying Fei's room, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Don't let it go!"

Ling Chen paused, raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhu Wenshu.

But Zhu Wenshu couldn't care so much anymore, late at night was Ying Fei's active time, she dragged Ling Chen into her room in a hurry.

When closing the door carefully, she put her ear to the door and listened for a while, making sure that there was no movement outside, and then turned around with confidence—

There was only one floor lamp on in the bedroom, leaning against the desk, the silhouette of a man fell in front of his eyes.

Zhu Wenshu leaned against the door without saying a word, staring at Ling Chen blankly.

She had lived here for more than a year, and it was the first time a man appeared in the room, so she felt a little awkward for some reason.

The faint smell of aromatherapy at the head of the bed seemed to be suddenly covered by his breath, and the room was filled with a strong hormonal breath.

The eyes of the two met for a long while in the dark light, and neither of them had the intention to speak.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu cleared his throat.

"I have a roommate, it's not very convenient."


Ling Chen tilted his head to the side, and said in a low voice, "I thought I was shameless."

That does have a bit too.

Zhu Wenshu moved two steps forward, pointed at the chair in front of the desk, "Sit first."

Ling Chen had already rested his arms on the back of the chair, glanced around, and put the cake on the table before sitting down.

The moment he bent down, Zhu Wenshu noticed fine snow particles falling from the brim of his hat and shoulders.

Just now she was tense all over, only then did she realize that Ling Chen was wrapped in a wave of cold air, and she must have come here in the snow.

"Let me go get you a cup of hot water."

"it is good."

Ling Chen was not polite at all, and even asked, "Don't be too hot."

Zhu Wenshu: "...Oh! I know the big star."

Walking lightly to the kitchen, Zhu Wenshu picked up the thermos and shook it, but there was still half a bottle left.

However, she opened the bottle cap and sniffed it closer. It wasn't hot, but it was almost cold.

So Zhu Wenshu took out the kettle and reheated a pot.

After turning on the fire, she stood in the kitchen, her eyes following the flames on the stove.

It wasn't until the water boiled that Zhu Wenshu came back to his senses. He quickly dug out a bottle of mineral water from the cabinet, turned the boiling water into warm water, and went to the room after carefully checking the temperature.

When I opened the door, I found that the light in the room was off.

There was only the cake on the table, and two candles were burning.

By the faint candlelight, one could vaguely see the words "eight" mounted on the cake.

"Happy Birthday Xiaocan."

The cake is not big, and the available space is barely available, so these eight characters are crookedly squeezed together, which looks a bit childish.

Zhu Wenshu stood by the door with a glass of water in his hand, without making a sound for a long time.

"Aren't you coming to make a wish?"

Ling Chen stood up at some point and gave up the only chair in the room.

Zhu Wenshu put the water glass by the table and sat down on the chair upright.

She straightened her back and stared at the candlelight without moving.

Although the lights in the room were off, nothing could be seen. But because of this, she could feel that Ling Chen was standing beside her, and she became more and more nervous.

I don't know how long it has passed, Zhu Wenshu has many thoughts floating in his mind, but none of them are wishes.

Until Ling Chen reminded him aloud.

"Is your wish a bit long?" Ling Chen said, "How about I take a note?"

Zhu Wenshu smirked, and quickly clasped his hands in front of his chest.

After silently chanting two very old-fashioned wishes in her heart, she belatedly realized that this action was a bit silly.

She turned her head slightly, trying to see Ling Chen's expression, but found that in this dim room, only his outline could be seen clearly.

But I don't know if it's because the sight is limited, and the hearing and smell become extra sensitive.

She seemed to hear Ling Chen's breathing clearly and feel his warmth.

After a long time, Ling Chen asked, "Have you finished making the three wishes?"

"Two..." Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and smiled, "I don't have any wishes, why don't I give you one?"

Faintly seeing that Ling Chen seemed to be smiling, Zhu Wenshu gritted his teeth in annoyance.

What's wrong with me, the things I do are getting more and more childish.

Not wanting Ling Chen, he didn't smile, but bent down and approached the cake.

His side face brushed against Zhu Wenshu's neck, and when she stared at the candle and closed her eyes, her senses instantly magnified a hundred times, and she felt that every breath of his was brushing against her cheeks.

Then she heard him say, "My wish is..."

Zhu Wenshu: "It won't work if you say it."

"No." Ling Chen's voice was very weak, "Whether it works or not, it's all up to you."

"I hope—" he said word by word, "Zhu Wenshu can be my girlfriend."

Her eyes seemed to lose focus in the candlelight, and her body seemed to be nailed to a chair, unable to move.

Amidst the rapid heartbeat, she almost blurted out an answer.

She opened her mouth and stopped the car just in time.

When she was extremely nervous, the questions that had been lingering in her mind today came up one after another. She picks and chooses from it in a daze, and asks the question she wants to ask the most.

"Lingchen, you... When did you start liking me?"


In the dark, Ling Chen's answer threw Zhu Wenshu into chaos again.


The person beside him seemed to straighten his back, and after taking a few breaths, he said, "Do you still remember the convenience bookstore at the end of Baihua Lane?"

Zhu Wenshu lowered his eyes and thought about it carefully, it seemed that such a place did exist in his faded memory.

When she lived at her grandma's house, she occasionally went to buy some casual books and magazines.


"August..." The candlelight danced in Ling Chen's eyes, as if caught in a distant memory, "That August before the first year of high school."

Zhu Wenshu's fingers suddenly curled up on his lap, annoyed that his memory was so poor and he didn't have any impression.

"Did we talk then?"



"So." Ling Chen's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he looked straight at Zhu Wenshu in the dark, "I fell in love with you at first sight."

love at first sight?

Zhu Wenshu couldn't find her way as her heart was beating like a drum. She glanced at the words on the cake and asked whatever came to her mind.

"Then why is Xiaocan classmate?"

Ling Chen suddenly smiled.

"You don't want to know."

Zhu Wenshu: "?"


In the winter of his freshman year in high school, Ling Chen was on duty, cleaning the blackboard when the class bell rang.

Zhu Wenshu was wearing a long white down jacket and sleeping on the table.

The teacher opened the door and came in, staring at her figure and said with a smile, "Oh, how do you look like a silkworm baby?"

The sleeping Zhu Wenshu didn't respond, and the students around him laughed muffled.

When Ling Chen walked down, he took a second look and stumbled slightly.

The teacher glanced at him again, "Be careful, don't wake up our silkworm baby, it will stop spinning in spring, it all depends on you."

The laughter in that corner was even worse, and Ling Chen also pursed the corners of his lips.

After Ling Chen finished speaking, he did not hear Zhu Wenshu's response.

He couldn't see in the dark, but he could imagine Zhu Wenshu's expression.

"Am I that fat?"

Zhu Wenshu's voice sank.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have asked, but now it's all right, the filter for a song is completely broken.

After a while, she said sullenly again, "Since this is the case, you have seen so many female stars and so on..."

Zhu Wenshu didn't finish his sentence, but the lack of confidence in his tone was obvious.

"I've seen a lot."

Ling Chen is like a person waiting to be judged. In this darkness, he has nothing to hide. "But compared to you,"

He said lightly, "It's just normal."

Hearing this, Zhu Wenshu's curled fingers trembled slightly.

Neither of them spoke anymore, the candle was burning little by little, and it was about to go out.

"Then—" Ling Chen stood beside Zhu Wenshu, without bending down again, at an arm's length from her, "Can my wish come true?"

Zhu Wenshu still didn't speak, she clenched her hand and blew out the candle.

Then there was a very soft "hmm".

The only light source in the room was extinguished, leaving only the faint street lamps outside the window shining in.

The breathing of the two people echoed in the room.

How to do?

What's next?

Should there be some ritual behavior?

Zhu Wenshu tightened his pants, and after waiting for a while, Ling Chen did not make any further moves.

Why is he staring blankly?

At this time, Zhu Wenshu heard that Ling Chen's cell phone had been vibrating.

Anyway, he didn't know what to say, Zhu Wenshu swallowed, and said, "Then we'll..."

Ling Chen: "Huh?"


The room suddenly fell silent again.

Zhu Wenshu's temples twitched, realizing that what he said seemed to be a little ambiguous, and quickly said: "I mean, you have been busy all day today, go home early and rest."

But at this moment, Ling Chen didn't seem to have anything to say.


The two went out in silence.

The aisle is very narrow, and the sleeves are rubbed from time to time.

But when he felt the contact with his body, Zhu Wenshu subconsciously tightened his arms again, and pulled a little distance away nervously.

It wasn't until Ling Chen was sent to the elevator and when he turned around, did his eyes meet.

But he just looked at Zhu Wenshu, and Zhu Wenshu also looked at him.

But his mouth seemed to be sealed, he couldn't think of what to say for a long time, and even a simple goodbye was hard to come out of his mouth.

Seeing that the elevator doors were about to close, Zhu Wenshu suddenly felt unreal.

This is my...boyfriend?

How do you feel, they are even more unfamiliar now than before?

Ling Chen finally said, "Go to bed early."


Even the farewell, but also less talk.

In the next second, his tightly pursed lips moved slightly again.


Zhu Wenshu froze suddenly, looking straight at him.

It wasn't until the gap between the elevator doors was only one finger wide that she curled her lips and let out a "hmm".

The door was completely closed, but Zhu Wenshu still stood still.

She reached out and touched her cheek, which was as hot as a fever.

Alas, where are the vocabulary I usually learn?

Why is she like a mute at such a critical moment, unable to say anything.

Even Ling Chen was calmer than her.

When I got home, it was half past twelve.

When standing at the door, Ling Chen reached out to press his fingerprints.

The familiar sound of opening the door did not sound, but the sound of "Didi" reporting an error.

Why did the identification fail again.

Ling Chen switched hands, but the result was still the same.

Just as he was about to push up the case and press the password, he raised his head and stared at the unfamiliar house number in silence for a while.

Then he turned and walked towards his home.

This time the fingerprint lock recognition was very sensitive. When the door was pushed open, Ling Chen rubbed his face before stepping in.

The light in the study was still on, and Ling Xingyan's voice on the phone could be heard intermittently.

Ling Chen walked straight through the aisle and was about to go back to his room when Ling Siyuan came out of his room rubbing his eyes.

Seeing Ling Chen, he froze for a moment.

"Uncle, are you back?"


Ling Chen stopped in front of him, "Why are you still up so late?"

"The heater is too hot and I'm thirsty."

"Go and sit on the sofa."

Ling Chen turned around and went to the dining room to pour a glass of warm water, and turned on the light in the living room.

Ling Siyuan took it obediently, took two sips of it, stared at Ling Chen and blinked.

"Uncle, why didn't you come back with Dad?"

Ling Chen: "It's really smart."

Ling Siyuan: "?"

Ling Chen knelt down and patted his head.

"How do you know that uncle has a girlfriend?"

Ling Siyuan: "..."

When it was a little faster, Zhu Wenshu was still asleep.

She tossed and turned on the bed, laughing at the rotating ceiling for a while, and covered her head with the quilt for a while.

Every time he recalled the three words Ling Chen said when he left, Zhu Wenshu felt like he was floating in the air and shaking.


She is now Ling Chen's girlfriend.

But thinking of his performance that he couldn't say a word tonight, Zhu Wenshu felt that he was completely a headless chicken.

I don't know if I can handle this role.

Sure enough, I still blame myself for having too little experience.

Zhu Wenshu rolled on the bed for a while, picked up his phone and wanted to find someone to ask for advice seriously.

But she counted the girls she had a good relationship with, and it seemed that they were not as good as her.

It just so happened that Zhongya was still forwarding various Weibo and posts to her, all related to today's concert.

Zhu Wenshu had the mentality of treating a dead horse like a living horse doctor, and sent her a message back.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Tell me, what should you pay attention to when you are in a relationship?

[Zhong Ya]:?

[Zhu Wenshu]: To be precise, what should you pay attention to when dating a celebrity?

[Zhong Ya]: Zhu Wenshu, don't force me to slap you.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Oh, I'm serious.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I'm worried that if I don't do well, it will affect his work.

[Zhong Ya]: Oh.

[Zhong Ya]: I have experience with this.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

[Zhong Ya]: Call?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Yes.

[Zhong Ya]: Let me tell you about the years when I fell in love with Dou Sen.

[Zhu Wenshu]:...

She gave up Zhong Ya, a dead horse, and was about to put down her phone when she suddenly heard slight footsteps in the bathroom outside the door.

It seems that Ying Fei hasn't slept yet.

Zhu Wenshu thought about it, Ying Fei knew more about the entertainment industry, so she might have an idea.

So she sent the same question to Ying Fei again.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Feifei, what do you say you should pay attention to when dating a celebrity?

Ying Fei was squatting on the toilet with her mobile phone at this time, and returned quickly.

[Ying Fei]: Make sure to close the windows and cover the quilts.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

【Ying Fei】: Don't be woken up by the wind.