Chapter 49:

early morning.

Because of the snow, the sky outside the window was very bright.

When Zhu Wenshu opened his eyes, he thought it was high in the sun, but when he looked at the clock, it was not yet nine o'clock.

She didn't know what time she fell asleep last night, but she only knew that her mind was still a mess at the moment, and it wasn't enough for her to get out of bed. So Zhu Wenshu turned off the alarm clock and fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, he was awakened by a ringing bell.

She reached out and touched the pillow for a while before finding the phone, and looked at the incoming call in a daze.

"Hello..." Her voice dragged on for a long time, and there was a hint of anger, "What are you doing, it's so early in the morning."

"Early morning? It's almost eleven o'clock, Zhu Wenshu, you haven't woken up yet!"

Zhong Ya's voice was so loud that Zhu Wenshu's head was buzzing, "When did you start—"

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Zhong Ya lowered her voice again, "Um... did I disturb you?"

Zhu Wenshu froze for a moment before realizing what she meant.

"What are you thinking, we're not together."

"Huh? Didn't you ask me yesterday..."

"No, I mean we're together."

Zhu Wenshu was halfway through speaking, and broke the jar, "But we didn't stay together! We went back to our respective houses and found our respective mothers!"

"Oh, tsk tsk, it's true, I don't believe it, everyone is an adult, how could it be—"

The voice on the phone suddenly cut off.

Zhu Wenshu waited for a few seconds and didn't hear the sound for a long time, then looked at the phone, it showed that the call had been disconnected.

[Zhong Ya]: Wait a minute, the boss will call me.

Zhu Wenshu put down his phone, opened his eyes and stared at the sky, and the ceiling started to turn again.

Thinking back on what he just said to Zhong Ya, Zhu Wenshu even had the illusion that he hadn't woken up yet?

The upper and lower eyelids started fighting again, and just as Zhu Wenshu was about to fall asleep, the bell rang again.

She picked up the phone again, glanced at the screen and picked it up.

"I didn't sleep with him! I slept alone!"


A familiar male voice rang out from the phone, "Who...didn't you sleep with?"

Zhu Wenshu was in a daze, thinking that at this time, some people estimated that she would be single in the next second.

"You... huh?"

"You didn't sleep with me..." he said, "Are you, very, pissed?"

Zhu Wenshu blinked his eyes, and after regaining consciousness, he suddenly sat up.

"No, I'm not angry, I'm very happy now."

Ling Chen: "Are you happy that you didn't sleep together?"

Zhu Wenshu: "... Shouldn't you? How expensive are you?"

"...We are in this relationship now."

Ling Chen made a "tsk", "It's not impossible to give a couple's price."

Zhu Wenshu took a deep breath, not knowing why the topic became like this.

But her mouth doesn't seem to be controlled by her brain.

"How much is the price for a couple?"

"I'll do the math."

Ling Chen's voice froze for a moment, and he said without beginning or end: "I'm hungry, please treat me to a meal."

"Huh?" Zhu Wenshu couldn't keep up with his jumping thinking, "Is it over after a meal?"

"Oh, I haven't taken over this business, I'm not proficient."

Ling Chen sighed, "Besides, in order not to spoil the atmosphere at this time, you should say, what are we going to eat?"

"Oh..." Zhu Wenshu copied his words, "Then what shall we eat?"

Ling Chen on the other end of the phone smiled.

"Mr. Zhu, who had a puppy love in high school, actually wants me to teach."

Zhu Wenshu: "'s not puppy love, don't talk nonsense."

"If the teacher says no, then it's not."

Ling Chen agreed, but didn't intend to let go of the topic, "Then what kind of relationship are we?"

That's when I knew it was love.

Why didn't you mention love when you were talking about money just now?

Ling Chen didn't wait for a response for a long time, "Huh?" Zhu Wenshu didn't have any suitable words in his mind, so he blurted out, "Love at Twilight?"

Ling Chen seemed to choke for a moment, and then said, "Not really."

When Zhu Wenshu was thinking about how to answer, Ling Chen said again: "But if you don't get up again, I really have to wait until dusk."

"oh, OK."

Zhu Wenshu quickly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, "Aren't you busy today?"

"Busy, so busy."

Ling Chen said, "But the Prime Minister can write love letters every day, how can I be busier than the Prime Minister?"

Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips and smiled, holding his phone under his shoulder to get his toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Where shall we meet?"

"I'm already at the gate of your community."

"Woo... vomit!"

Ling Chen: "You...vomited?"

Zhu Wenshu: "...I swallowed toothpaste."

In fact, Ling Chen didn't intend to go out so early.

The phone rang all night, he turned on the Do Not Disturb mode before going to bed, and when he woke up, messages and missed calls piled up like a mountain.

Only there is no wish warm book.

Then he sent a message to Zhu Wenshu, but there was no response for more than an hour.

Looking up at the time, it was not yet eight o'clock.

But he couldn't fall asleep anyway, so he got up and rummaged through the cabinets to pick out a piece of clothing.

Just packing up and getting ready to go out, I ran into Ling Xingyan coming out of the study.

He obviously hadn't slept all night, his eyes were bloodshot and his voice was hoarse.

"Are you going out?"

Ling Chen said "hmm".

Ling Xing said, "What are you going to do?"

Ling Chen looked at him, with an impatient expression of "Why do you know what to ask?" on his face, but he still patiently answered each word.

"fall in love."

Ling Xing said: "..."

Ling Xingyan really didn't understand how Ling Chen managed to be so calm.

He kept answering and making calls all night, and the three mobile phones were charged in turn. The outside world seemed to be in chaos, but the instigator, Ling Chen, said calmly that he was going out to date.

Who the **** went out to fall in love at 8:30 in the morning!

Ling Xingyan felt that he was about to be fried, but he couldn't turn off his phone like Ling Chen, and let the rumors from the outside world flow.

He took so much money and had to bear so much pressure.


Ling Xingyan almost choked out a sentence: "Can you consider my feelings?"

"Sorry, I forgot that you have been single for many years."

Ling Chen patted him on the shoulder, "I'll pay attention next time."

Ling Xing said: "... Get out!"

Ling Chen rolled to the door and was called back again.

"Is that how you went?" Ling Xingyan said with a dark face, "You **** took off your pajama pants for me!"

After I changed my clothes and went downstairs, the driver's car was already parked downstairs.

Seeing Ling Chen getting into the car and alone, the driver was a little puzzled: "Where are you going?"

When Ling Chen was pondering what to say, the driver thought of something and asked hesitantly, "Where is Guanghua Road?"

The man in the back seat raised his eyebrows and slowly tilted his head to his temples, as if surprised.

"How did you know I was looking for a girlfriend?"


"Who told you that?"


"Brother Zhou, you are not young anymore, have you found a girlfriend?"


The originally taciturn driver hated himself for having to talk so much today.

"Thank you for your concern. I have been married for three years."

Zhu Wenshu originally wanted to brush his teeth, wash his face, and then go out, but when he came to the door, he felt that it was impossible. After all, they were boyfriend and girlfriend now, so he had to pay more attention to his image.

So Zhu Wenshu turned back to change clothes, searched all the wardrobes and found the right one.

She was anxious that Ling Chen was still waiting downstairs, but the more anxious she was, the more she couldn't find it. Seeing that twenty minutes had passed, she gritted her teeth and decided that it was more important to meet first, so she changed into a sweater, put on a coat and went rushed out.

Sure enough, the familiar commercial vehicle was parked on the side of the road.

Zhu Wenshu stopped running ten meters away from him, straightened his hair, calmed his breathing, and walked over reservedly.

"Have you been waiting long?"

After getting in the car, Zhu Wenshu asked.

"Not long."

Ling Chen replied, "I just arrived when I called you."

The driver suddenly turned his head and looked at Ling Chen in disbelief.

Ling Chen raised his eyes, "What's wrong?"

Driver: "'s okay."

It's just that they both have a different concept of time.

On the way to the restaurant, the driver couldn't help looking at the man behind him from the rearview mirror frequently.

Didn't you talk a lot just now?

Why don't you say a word now?

Zhu Wenshu also felt a little uncomfortable.

She thought a lot when she went out. It was the first time she formally met Ling Chen as a girlfriend. What would she say?

Forget it, let's wait for him to talk, after all, he is quite good at teaching on the phone.

As a result, when this time really came, Ling Chen seemed to be no different from usual.

Even when they got to the dining room box, the two of them were still sitting face to face as before, separated by a long distance.

Alas, this won't work, Zhu Wenshu feels that he must find something to talk about.

So, after ordering, Zhu Wenshu thought for a long time before he said, "Which school did you say you went to for the second book?"

Ling Chen lowered his eyes and said, "It's much worse than your school."

Zhu Wenshu remembered that Ling Chen asked her if she disliked her education before, so she wanted to add that she didn't mean that.

In the end, I heard him say again: "But it's too late for you to regret it now."


Zhu Wenshu said, "Mr. Zhu is a model teacher. If you keep your promises, you won't be able to pull back eight horses."

"Then I don't have to worry about being abandoned."

Ling Chen raised his eyes and smiled, "Licheng College of Commerce and Industry."


In fact, it's okay.

Zhu Wenshu asked again: "What major?"

Ling Chen: "Tourism management."

It really has nothing to do with music.

"Then how did you sing?"

"I was stationed in a bar near the school. Someone took a picture and posted it on the Internet, and then a music company contacted me."

"Oh... have you got your diploma yet?"

After listening, Ling Chen touched his chin.

"Are you on a blind date with me?"

Zhu Wenshu: "...Blind date is not counted."

There was a bird flying in her heart, so she couldn't control her mouth, "At most it's love."

Seeing that Ling Chen was stunned after speaking, she curled her lips.

Is this embarrassing?

"Understand, the Chinese teacher has a lot of vocabulary."

Ling Chen brushed his fingers over his lips and pressed the corners of his mouth.

"Well, understand, then we continue to love each other—"

Zhu Wenshu looked up.

Ling Chen: "Continue with the blind date."

Zhu Wenshu smiled off his face, then turned around, and found that this man had sat next to her at some point.

The pants are connected, and through the fabric, you can feel the muscles in his legs.

Zhu Wenshu suddenly felt a little hot, but he didn't want to distance himself.

"let me see."

She looked up at him for a while, and looked away for a while, and the eyes of the two collided back and forth in the quiet space.

Later, Zhu Wenshu couldn't bear it any longer, so he lowered his eyelashes in embarrassment, but couldn't bear to take his eyes off him.

His eyes moved inch by inch from his face to his neck...chest...waist...

Then saw the calluses on his fingertips.

It is the trace of years of honing.

"Have you been studying music since high school?"

Ling Chen lowered his head and smiled.

"Where is the money in high school?"

The reason why Zhu Wenshu asked this was because he thought of Zhang Yuxuan saying that "Classmate Xiaocan" was written by Ling Chen when he was a teenager.

Thinking of this, she was a little shocked, "Then how did you find out that you can write songs?"

It was originally just an ordinary question, but Ling Chen looked away and touched his earlobe.

How to say this kind of thing.

When he graduated from the third year of junior high school, he worked in a convenience bookstore near his home.

During that time, he had been in a state of extreme entanglement. His father's condition was getting worse and worse, and he would go to the door of the clinic every morning to squat.

A squat is a whole day.

Sometimes I go home in the evening, and sometimes I don’t see anyone in the middle of the night.

Especially when winter comes and the sky gets dark late, often he hasn't seen his father after school.

A normal adult will worry his family members in the long run, let alone a person whose mind is similar to that of a child.

Accidentally happened many times.

Either he was tricked by pranksters, or he was scammed by people with malicious intentions. The most dangerous thing was that my father fell into the small river by the road several times on the way. Fortunately, he was saved by a kind person who lived by the river. stand up.

He didn't know whether his father was unintentional or committed to death.

Every time he rushed to the scene, his lips turned white with fear.

He had already lost his mother and couldn't bear the pain of losing another close relative, or being abandoned.

Moreover, the financial situation of the family really cannot afford the life of two people.

When he goes to high school, he will spend less time watching his father.

During that time, at the age of 15, he was always tossing and turning for countless nights.

If he drops out of school to work, he can not only subsidize the family, but also guard his father.

Later, not only at night, but even during the day, this idea popped up every now and then.

Even the neighbors persuaded him.

"Xiaochen, what are you going to study? Anyway, you don't have the money to go to college. Why don't you take good care of your father?"

But the more others said that, the more he struggled.

He wants to study and go to college.

I want to try to touch it, it is out of reach but at least there is a future to look forward to.

At every moment, his mind felt like two villains were tugging crazily, making it impossible for him to move.

He couldn't make a choice, couldn't take a step.

It is clear that swinging is the most tormenting, but he would rather be tortured.

He admitted that he was a coward, unable to cut through the mess quickly, and chose a clear goal to move forward.

Seeing that the start of school was approaching, he deliberately quickened his pace every time he passed No. 1 Middle School.

I am afraid that if I take another look, I will not be able to make a decision.

He even hoped that someone would come and tell him that No. 1 Middle School needed high tuition fees so that he could force himself to give up.

There is only one week left until the freshmen report.

He went to work in the bookstore as usual. After sorting out the new books on the display stand, he picked up a high school teaching aid and threw it back before opening it. He picked up a random novel and shrank into the corner to read it.

There are few customers in the bookstore in the early morning, and even the boss is dozing off at the cash register.

He read the novel calmly, but after a few pages, he had no interest at all.

He frowned and looked back at the title of the book—"Letter from a Strange Woman"

It seems to be quite famous.

Holding the idea that the famous book must not be bad, he forced himself to turn a few pages.

But he really can't empathize with this kind of almost religious secret love, he just feels that the words between the lines are the author's self-pity.

When he saw the tenth page, he finally couldn't take it anymore.

A second before closing the book, the wind chime rang at the door.

He subconsciously looked up, and in the bright morning light, a girl with a high ponytail came in with a schoolbag on her back.

With her chin raised, she glanced around the store, and then went straight to the auxiliary area.

The narrow store door seemed to disappear, and large patches of sunlight came in.

The picture in front of me seemed to be slowed down frame by frame.

His sight was led by her, like a robot that lost its self-awareness, its head turned following her trajectory, but there was something ringing in his ears.

That voice became more and more restless, hitting his ears, face, body, and even the entire bookstore, sweeping across the world.

He felt that he was sitting on the ground, but he seemed to be drowning in the sea, his nose and throat were filled with water, and he couldn't breathe.

When she passed in front of him, he held the book in his hand tightly, as if he found a floating straw in the sea, hurriedly looked away and lowered his head, as if he wanted to bury his face in the book.

The boss at the door held his head, and Hache said, "Shushu is here to buy books? Are you going to go to high school?"


The girl nodded.

The boss asked again: "Which high school did you go to?"

"One middle school."

"No.1 Middle School is good, it's close to your grandma's house, which class is it?"

"I don't know, I won't know until school starts."

The girl's figure disappeared behind the bookshelf, leaving a faint fragrance in the air.

He raised his head from the book, his eyes wandered and wobbled, and finally landed on the pages that hadn't been closed in the future.

"My heart is as tense as a harp string, and it keeps playing as soon as you appear."

"Is it convenient to say?"

Seeing Ling Chen's unspeakable appearance, Zhu Wenshu said, "It's okay, I'm just casually—"

The man next to him suddenly leaned over.

His cheek was pressed against hers, rubbing gently.

The strands of hair itch between the skin of the two of them, spreading densely to the whole body.

Zhu Wenshu shuddered and froze instantly.

But Ling Chen brushed her neck with his hand, pressed his warm palm inward, and buried his face in the other side of her neck at the same time.

"Did you hear that?"

His voice came out muffled.

Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips and murmured, "What?"

"You may not be able to understand."

While listening to each other, Zhu Wenshu couldn't hear Ling Chen's voice clearly, and his mind was full of other sounds.

"As soon as I see you, a nice melody will ring in my ears."