Chapter 50:

Throughout the whole day, Zhu Wenshu seemed to be floating in mid-air.

It wasn't until the next day when she stood at the gate of the school, watched the parents and students coming and going, and heard the ebb and flow of the whistle, that she had the feeling that she had returned to real life.

As usual, she went to the classroom to take a look first, and happened to meet Ling Siyuan who was sweeping the trash behind.

"good morning teacher!"

"Good morning Yuan Yuan."

Zhu Wenshu squatted down to help him straighten his scarf, and asked, "How was your weekend?"

"Uh... not so much."

Ling Siyuan pouted and muttered, "I'm not happy at all."

"what's wrong?"

"Uncle provoked Dad, who is very irritable, and I dare not speak at home."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She sneakily looked around, pulled Ling Siyuan closer, and whispered, "Why did your uncle provoke your father?"

Ling Siyuan: "Yes, that is, he has a girlfriend!"


Zhu Wenshu was a little happy at first, but when he thought of those celebrity gossips, that layer of happiness was covered with a layer of dust.

"Is your dad angry about this?"

"Not really..." Ling Siyuan put his face on the broomstick, and sighed imitating his father, "Uncle, he talks every day, and Aunt Xiao is annoying him!"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She pursed her lips, wanted to suppress a smile but couldn't help it, and finally turned around in a hurry.

On the way to the office, Zhu Wenshu thought about it and sighed again.


In fact, she also wants to share with others a little bit. She wants to post group photos in Moments like Shi Xueer, and hang out with her boyfriend in her spare time.

But reason told her she couldn't do this, and she couldn't have such a chance.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu's mood was inexplicably depressed.

Several teachers in the office were chatting, seeing Zhu Wenshu coming in, Teacher Wang turned around and asked, "Little Zhu, are you going home for New Year's Day?"

"I want to go back." Zhu Wenshu asked, "What's the matter?"

"That's right."

Teacher Wang was having breakfast, but no one came over, so he said from his seat, "Didn't I tell you to introduce someone to you last time? Yesterday my husband chatted with me and said that there was a very good student, a few years older than you, who just graduated with a Ph.D. , what about the young talents in the Department of Cardiac Surgery in their hospital, do you want to know each other? If it's suitable, let's find a time to have dinner together."

Zhu Wenshu paused in tidying up his desk, and said in a low voice, "No need, Mr. Wang, thank you for your help, I have a boyfriend."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Mrs. Wang was chewing on the bread, and spoke vaguely, "Are you going? Let me show you the photo first, the young man is tall and handsome."

"no need."

Zhu Wenshu raised the volume a little, but Mr. Wang still didn't seem to hear it, and took out his phone.

Seeing that she was about to hand over the photo, Zhu Wenshu said loudly, "I have a boyfriend!"

The office was quiet for a moment.

Only then did Zhu Wenshu realize that his voice was a little too loud?

She glanced around embarrassingly, and then saw everyone cast their eyes teasingly.

"Oh, I know, I know."

"Seeing how excited you are, go back to the school radio station and announce."

"It's better to be young, it's really fun to fall in love."


Amidst the ridicule, Teacher Wang swallowed the bread, "So fast?"

Zhu Wenshu bowed his head and said "hmm".

Teacher Wang wanted to say something else, but the female teacher on the other side said, "Show us the photo, I wish Teacher's boyfriend must be very handsome."

When someone mentioned this, other colleagues booed and asked Zhu Wenshu to see the photos.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

How dare she show photos to others.

"I don't have a picture of him." Zhu Wenshu said, "He doesn't like taking pictures."

"Oh, why are you ashamed?"

Teacher Wang patted Zhu Wenshu on the shoulder, "Show us, they are all here, and I can help you check it out."

Zhu Wen Shu thought how to check just by looking at a photo, is it purely based on appearance?

"He doesn't look...not very good-looking." Zhu Wenshu didn't expect that he could be so unfazed when he told a lie, "It's a little hard to tell."

The booing colleagues suddenly fell silent, their faces full of disbelief.

But if this is not the case, it cannot be justified. Otherwise, why wouldn't she show everyone the photos?

"It's time for class, I'm going to the classroom first."

"Hey, let's go together."

"I went to class too."

Only Teacher Wang still looked at Zhu Wenshu with concern.

"Then... I'll keep an eye out for you, and if you think about it someday, I'll introduce you to you."

Zhu Wenshu nodded: "I think quite openly."

The colleagues dispersed, Zhu Wenshu breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to turn on the computer when another voice rang in his ear.

"You have a boyfriend?"

When Zhu Wenshu turned around, he saw Zhu Qisen's big face by the window, and he was so frightened that he jumped back.

"How did you come?!"

"The school is my home, why can't I come?"

He raised his hand and handed in a small bag from the window, "Xue'er gave you a birthday present, ask me to bring it to you."

"oh, OK."

Zhu Wenshu accepted the gift without expression, "I'll thank Teacher Xue'er later, you can go."

"Where are you going? I haven't finished asking. When did you have a boyfriend? Why don't I know? Who is it? What are you doing? Why don't you bring him out to meet him?"

Zhu Wenshu turned on the computer expressionlessly and ignored him.

"What are you talking about, why are you congratulating the book, are you still friends?"

"You really found an ugly man? Didn't you? Zhu Wenshu, when did you become blind?"

"You really don't want to bring him out to meet him? Let me tell you, you bring him out and let Xue'er and I check it out for you, lest he be sold and count the money."

Zhu Wenshu was so annoyed that he turned to stare at him: "No, no, don't count the money."

"Tsk..." Zhu Qisen shook his head, "Are you still afraid that your boyfriend will fall in love with me? Be more confident, Mr. Zhu."

Coincidentally, Zhu Qisen bumped into Zhu Wenshu during commuting hours for several days in a row, and saw that she was still walking alone as usual, and went to the cafeteria with everyone for lunch.

After school on Thursday afternoon, Zhu Qisen saw Zhu Wenshu drop off the students, and then he leaned over and said, "I understand."

Zhu Wenshu glanced at him, "What do you know?"

"You don't have a boyfriend, do you?"

Zhu Qisen said, "Just to deal with colleagues?"

Zhu Wenshu: " are really free, don't you need to pick up Teacher Xue'er after get off work?"

"Yes, I'll go right away, I have a date tonight."

"Oh, you see that you understand it yourself, you don't look like you have a boyfriend."

Zhu Qisen shook his head, "It's better not to pretend, I'll introduce some handsome ones to you later, and don't say whether they are ugly or not."

Zhu Wenshu didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned his head and looked across the street, his gaze suddenly froze.

At the bustling intersection, a black commercial vehicle was parked.

She pursed her lips and took a few glances, then pushed Zhu Qisen away.

"You hurry up and go on a date."

"Okay, okay."

Zhu Qisen stepped on the bicycle and said before riding out, "Go buy a bunch of flowers and watch a movie first."

After Zhu Qisen was gone, Zhu Wenshu trotted over.

When she stood outside the car door, she looked around, then stared at the car window and coughed lightly.

After waiting for a while, the door didn't open.

What's the matter, doesn't she usually open the door automatically when she comes?

Zhu Wenshu tilted his head, reached out and knocked on the car window.

The car window lowered slowly, revealing a completely unfamiliar face.

"Is there anything you want from me?"


Zhu Wenshu showed an awkward but polite smile: "Your car is really beautiful."

Man: "You like it? Then I'll come down and give you a ride?"

Zhu Wenshu: "...?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean that, I just remind you that you can't park here, and the traffic police should come later."

As soon as the man stopped, he drove away immediately.

Zhu Wen Shumu saw the car away, feeling really dazed.

Even the car models were different, yet she was able to admit her mistake.

Probably because it is true that I haven't seen Ling Chen for several days.

She sighed, turned around, stood under the bus platform, and lowered her head to send a message to Ling Chen.

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's so embarrassing, I just mistook a passerby's car for yours.

At this time a few days ago, Ling Chen was very busy, and it was often midnight to reply to the message, so Zhu Wenshu didn't expect him to reply.

I didn't expect today to be an exception.


[c]: It's only been a few days since we met, and you don't recognize your boyfriend anymore?

Zhu Wenshu originally wanted to remind her that she was talking about cars.

But I think it's okay for him to understand so well.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Well, I don't remember, I can't remember what you look like anymore.

[c]: Then you turn around.

Zhu Wenshu's eyes lit up for a moment, and he turned around immediately.

On the side of the road a few meters away, there was indeed that ordinary car parked.

She just noticed that the weather is particularly good today. The cold winter day is rarely sunny, and the sun shines so that everything is shining.

Zhu Wenshu ran over all the way, and before getting into the car, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Ling Chen was about to open his mouth to speak, when he turned his head and saw Zhu Wenshu's shining eyes, and his chest was still heaving slightly.

His expression froze on his face, and he spoke after a while: "Are you so happy?"

"Not very happy."

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head, not seeing Ling Chen's dim eyes.

"It's super happy."

Zhu Wenshu grabbed his clothes angrily when he didn't hear a response after speaking.

Why can't I keep my mouth shut.

It seems a little awkward.

"If you feel a little nauseous." Zhu Wenshu said, "Then just pretend I didn't say anything."

"It's a bit gross."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

"Say it twice."


Zhu Wenshu looked up at Ling Chen.

He turned his head to look over, with the tip of his tongue on his cheek, not sure if he was laughing or teasing.

"Listen to it a few times and you'll get used to it."

"Well, I…"

Zhu Wenshu worked very hard, but it was difficult to repeat the blurted words, "Forget it, I can't say it."

"Why are you ashamed?"

Ling Chen leaned over, stretched out his hand to pull the seat belt, and wrapped Zhu Wenshu around his upper body.

When his face was close to his ear, Zhu Wenshu heard him whisper, "I'm super too..."

He seems to have deliberately elongated his tone, "I like you."

Seeing that Zhu Wenshu didn't respond in a daze, Ling Chen sighed lightly, lowered his head and continued to fasten her seat belt.

The words are a bit frivolous, but the tone is deep.

"I can't say this much, like an innocent middle school student, if there is something else in the future—"

Suddenly, Ling Chen's voice and movements stopped abruptly at the same time.

He lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on Zhu Wenshu's shoulder, and he didn't move for a long time.

Zhu Wenshu was also frozen at this moment, his eyes rolled around, and he didn't know where to look for a moment.

Did she, without restraint, kiss his cheek just now?

It seems so.

Zhu Wenshu lowered his eyes again, seeing that profile face so close at hand, his heart beat violently.

Who can bear this, that is, the matter of moving her neck, she made the decision for her before she could think clearly about her mouth.

After a long time, the person leaning in front of her moved slightly.

"Close your eyes."

Zhu Wenshu: "... Me?"

Ling Chen: "Otherwise?"

Zhu Wenshu closed his eyes suddenly, so hard that he felt that all the strength in his body was used to close his eyes.

But the imaginary kiss did not fall, just a light touch on the forehead.

When the warm lips came up, Zhu Wenshu felt that all the strength in his body had dissipated, leaving only his eyelashes trembling slightly.

"Next time you do this—"

Ling Chen's voice was a little hoarse, almost covered by the sound of breathing, "Can you choose a place where no one is around?"

After a long time, Zhu Wenshu opened his eyes, and Ling Chen had already sat back in the driver's seat and put on a mask.

What I wanted to say turned a corner when I saw a blush in his ears.

"Oh, I see."

Ling Chen rolled his eyes, and heard her say again: "Pure, love, middle school, learning, student."


There was silence in the carriage for a while, making Chen's breathing heavy again.

But he didn't speak any more, started the car silently, and stepped on the gas pedal.

Primary school ends early, and the evening rush hour has not yet arrived, so there are not many cars on the road.

Ling Chen drove very fast, and headed in a direction that Zhu Wenshu was completely unfamiliar with.

"Why are you driving so fast?"

Zhu Wenshu hugged his seat belt tightly, "Where are you going?"

"Go to a place where no one is there."

Ling Chen said coldly, "Do things that are not innocent."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

The car drove all the way out of the urban area, the road became wider and wider, and the traffic flow became less and less.

Zhu Wenshu was getting more and more nervous by the journey.

Do you want to go to the barren mountains to do something impure? ? ?

Gradually, she began to look at Ling Chen with different eyes. She couldn't believe that this man... was so wild?

You are a big star, Ling Chen!

I am a teacher of the people!

It's a pity that Ren Zhu Wenshu's thoughts were spinning and turning, picking his fingers for a while, looking out the window for a while, and looking at the people around him hesitatingly and hesitantly for a while.

But Ling Chen remained silent.

Zhu Wenshu probably experienced the longest and most anxious forty minutes in his life.

Finally, the car stopped on a bridge.

It is more than 20 kilometers away from the urban area, not to mention the people, there are occasionally a few cars speeding past.

"get off."

Ling Chen had already taken off his mask and seat belt when he spoke, but Zhu Wenshu was still a little dazed looking at this place.

When Ling Chen came around and opened the car door for her, she made a movement and got out of the car slowly.

"here is…"

Without saying a word, Ling Chen suddenly took her hand and walked quickly towards the middle of the bridge.

Without the shelter of the building, the north wind howls on the bridge, and the sky can be seen as far as the eye can see, and even the setting sun looks like a fire plate.

Ling Chen led Zhu Wenshu for a long time, almost trotting behind.

Zhu Wenshu couldn't keep up with his footsteps, his hair was blown to his mouth several times by the side wind, and finally he stopped.

There was only the whistling wind around, Ling Chen stood by the railing, looking sideways at Zhu Wenshu.

"Is it the rehabilitated and desolate that you wrote in your previous composition?"

Living in the reinforced concrete city for a long time, Zhu Wenshu has not seen such a scenery for a long time, even if the cold wind blows her eyes hard.

"Yeah." She leaned on the railing and looked around, Chengjiang Rulian, connected to the sun-burned sunset, she didn't realize that she was shouting, "Do you still remember this word?"

Zhu Wenshu herself couldn't remember how long it took, but she only remembered that she used such an uncommon word in her composition, and the Chinese teacher specifically mentioned it.

Ling Chen didn't answer her question.

"Passing by here today, I thought it was beautiful, so I wanted to take you to see it."

Zhu Wenshu smiled against the wind, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"It's beautiful."



"Can I kiss you?"


Zhu Wenshu suddenly opened his eyes, blinked, and then turned to look at him.

Ling Chen lowered his head slightly, his eyes were lightly reflected by the sunlight, and his hair was also adorned with a faint golden light.

He didn't smile, nor did he raise his eyebrows and eyes as usual to cover up his lack of composure.

Zhu Wenshu saw him express his emotions clearly, as if this moment was the answer he was really waiting for.

It's not just a boyfriend and girlfriend in terms of status, but a clear affirmation.

"Ling Chen."

Zhu Wenshu's voice was scattered by the wind, "I'm not a person who is very good at expressing my heart."

She paused and lowered her head.

"But if you want to kiss me, I'll just say..."


The howling wind suddenly became far away.

When Ling Chen leaned over, Zhu Wenshu immediately closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

His lips were warm and soft, and his movements were jerky but enthusiastic, forcing Zhu Wenshu to lean back slightly against the railing, his long hair blown around by the wind.

Zhu Wenshu felt a surge of excitement and satisfaction that was about to burst through his chest in this chaotic kiss.

A few hours ago, she was lamenting that her boyfriend was so popular, but she couldn't be an ordinary couple because of it.

But at this moment, the land is vast and the sky is long, and the sunset is brilliant, and they are kissing unscrupulously under the shining sky.