Chapter 51:

That night, Zhu Wenshu's circle of friends updated a piece of content.

Just a photo with the phrase "today".

In the picture, the fiery red sunset is cut in half by the end of the river, embedded between the crimson sky and the magnificent river, shining brilliantly.

But because of the unique shooting angle, such a magnificent and open scene is a little more tender, like the drooping eyes of a girl, gazing gently at the sunset.

This was taken secretly by Zhu Wenshu when Ling Chen was not paying attention.

Originally, he was still in the shot, but for the sake of safety, Zhu Wenshu deliberately cut off his profile.

After sending it out, Zhu Wenshu bent down to change his shoes, and his circle of friends received many likes and comments.

Because her pictures have no substance, the comments are mostly just boasting about the scenery or asking where it is from.

But one of them asked the same question, which seemed a little owed.

[c]: Where is this?

He seemed to have made a voice, Zhu Wenshu's mind could still recall the tone of his words.

Back in the familiar space, when the surroundings quieted down and she was the only one left, the entanglement and filling feeling between the lips and teeth filled again.

Zhu Wenshu touched the corner of his lips, and ignored him, but Ling Xingyan froze.

[Ling Xingyan replied c]: Tell me where this is, next time I jump into the river to go here, okay?

Zhu Wenshu smiled and ignored the two.

Just as she was about to enter the room after taking off her coat, Ying Fei came out from the bathroom.

When she saw Zhu Wenshu, she didn't say hello as usual, but stared at her, looking hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Wenshu asked.

"On Christmas Eve..." Ying Fei said, "Did you go to Ling Chen's concert?"

After all, this is the person who lives under the same roof as him, and Zhu Wenshu's nerves suddenly tensed up when he heard her ask this out of the blue.

"how do you know?"

"...I saw you on the big screen."

"Oh..." Thinking that Ying Fei doesn't like Ling Chen, Zhu Wenshu came in and behaved very flatly, "I'm going, just take a look."

Ying Fei frowned: "But aren't you going on a date?"


Zhu Wenshu stared blankly, suddenly not knowing how to explain.

Fortunately, Ying Fei is a very smart person.

"Your date is to go to Ling Chen's concert?"

Zhu Wenshu thought about it, and this statement seemed to be okay.



Ying Fei now has a clear answer in her heart.

All the signs in the past few months, including Zhu Wenshu and Xue Meiniang's mixing together, can show that she just likes Ling Chen, likes Ling Chen very much, and is definitely a die-hard fan.

"'s okay, I'll just ask casually."

Ying Fei looked at Zhu Wenshu with a complicated expression, "It's going to cool down again tonight, please close the windows."

"Okay, you pay attention too."

Zhu Wenshu returned to his room, sat down and scratched his head.

It seems that Ying Fei really doesn't like Ling Chen, so if one day... her relationship with Ling Chen is discovered by her, will she be kicked out?

But Zhu Wen Shu really likes living with Ying Fei, and doesn't want to spend any more time getting used to a new roommate.

Unable to think of a solution for a long time, Zhu Wenshu drooped his eyebrows and sighed, and came out after taking a shower, and there were many more comments in Moments.

【Zhu Qisen】: Where is this place? Did you go on a date? [狗头]

[Shi Xueer replied to Zhu Qisen]: What kind of date, stupid or not, this is Ling Chen's picture.

[Zhu Qisen replied to Shi Xueer]:?

[Shi Xueer replied to Zhu Qisen]: I just said, no one can escape the charm of our Ling Chen! Teacher Zhu is now a fan too~


Zhu Wenshu's eyelids twitched twice.

What does Shi Xueer mean by this?

Zhu Wenshu was confused and opened her dialog in a panic.

[Zhu Wenshu]: What is... This is Ling Chen's picture?

[Shi Xueer]: Huh? Did you mean that photo in your circle of friends? Isn't that Ling Chen's Weibo photo?

Zhu Wenshu opened Weibo immediately.

Without her having to do a special search, Ling Chen's Weibo has already been forwarded to her homepage.

It is indeed the same photo, even the accompanying text and release time... the same?

Zhu Wenshu checked it carefully, and Ling Chen probably sent it dozens of seconds later than her.

This is Ling Chen's first "appearance" after the concert, and there are more comments than ever.

[I really eat Chen]: Is classmate Xiaocan real? ? ?

[Take a sip of spicy and crisp]: Husband, I'm broken in love, woo woo woo!

【Bellasleepmeer】: Is it a new brick cover? Must be!

[Keep a good mood]: Brother, we have a bad heart, is student Xiaocan really fake?

Zhu Wenshu roughly flipped through a few comments, and almost no one cared about what this photo was expressing.

Naturally, no one would think that Ling Chen saved her picture and posted it on Weibo.

She shook her head lightly and smiled helplessly.

Switching back to WeChat, a friend who hadn't contacted me for a long time also sent a message.

[Zhang Xiaoxia]: Do you also like Ling Chen?

Zhu Wenshu only replied with one word.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Yes.

[Zhang Xiaoxia]: Oh yes, you have already gone to his concert.

The next day is Friday, the last day of the year.

The three-day New Year's Day holiday made the students restless, and even the teachers were not in the mood to go to class.

In the afternoon, many teachers who had no classes had left one after another.

Zhu Qisen was quite miserable, only having the last class in the afternoon.

Watching other colleagues happily go to the New Year's Eve, he wandered around the office building a few times with nothing to do, and when he passed by Zhu Wenshu's office, he leaned against her window and asked, "What are your plans for the evening?"

Zhu Wenshu glanced at him: "What's wrong?"

"Xue'er asked me yesterday, if you don't have any arrangements, just go with us to New Year's Eve."

Zhu Wenshu tidied up his desk and muttered, "You young couple celebrate the new year, what kind of light bulb am I going to be?"

"I also called other people, the teacher of our sports team, and two college classmates, there are too many people."

Zhu Wenshu stopped the movement in his hand, feeling a little moved.

After all, it was New Year's Eve, and she didn't want to be alone, besides, Zhu Qisen was full of acquaintances.

But before she could open her mouth, Zhu Qisen saw her heartbeat, and said with a playful smile: "Where's your legendary boyfriend? He won't be with you during the New Year's Eve?"


Zhu Wenshu raised his chin and said "Oh", "Accompany me, of course I will."

Zhu Qisen shook his head, not knowing whether Zhu Wenshu was a dead duck or something.

The two have been friends for so many years, if they really have a boyfriend, why hide it?

If you don't have a boyfriend, why bother standing up in front of him?

He didn't want to understand it, so he got up and stretched.

"Okay, let's go to class, I wish the teacher a happy new year."

"Of course—" he turned his head and said, "If you are alone and have no place to go, just call Xue'er, and there will be no more than you."

After Zhu Qisen left, Zhu Wenshu immediately lay down on the table and sighed.

She is indeed alone tonight.

The friends around her are either having dinners with colleagues or dating couples, and she is too embarrassed to intervene.

As for her new boyfriend - he is currently attending the rehearsal for the New Year's Eve concert.

After school.

There are lights and festoons on the side of the road, lively and noisy, and there is a New Year atmosphere everywhere.

Looking around, even the dogs on the side of the road are in pairs.

Like a stray cat, Zhu Wenshu slowly walked home along the street.

Pushing open the door, Zhu Wenshu saw that the window on the balcony was open, and a pot of frost-beaten Clivia was floating alone in the wind, and felt very empathetic.

In fact, she also spent New Year's Day alone last year.

At that time, she had just joined the job and was approaching the end of the term. She had a lot of work piled up in her hands, rejected the invitation of her friends, and spent a year alone at home with the computer.

But this year, things have changed, and she feels that she is getting weaker and weaker.

In fact, she didn't really want Ling Chen to accompany her, but she just felt a little bit melancholy that she couldn't even hear him say "Happy New Year" when she was saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.

"How did you come back?"

Ying Fei's voice interrupted Zhu Daiyu's sentimentality, "Did you go out to play?"

Zhu Wenshu shook his head: "No, you're home too?"

"I originally made an appointment with a friend, but the man she was chasing suddenly came to her, and I was pigeonholed."

Speaking of this, Ying Fei looked at Zhu Wenshu suspiciously, "Don't you have a man who is chasing you? Didn't ask you out?"

Zhu Wenshu licked his lips, and confessed honestly: "He made a job appointment four or five months ago, and he can't change the arrangement."


Ying Fei asked, "What kind of work is at this time?"

"For entertainment, we want to hold a party."

Oh...that's understandable.

Ying Fei didn't ask any more questions, the two of them were silent in the room for a while, and suddenly they looked up at each other.

"Then we..."

"Go out for a meal?"

The two left as soon as they said they would, and went out before the rush hour of traffic.

But they obviously underestimated the power of the New Year's Eve. Before six o'clock, the restaurants were full of people.

The two of them waited for almost two hours and hadn't eaten yet, so Ying Fei retreated first, saying that it's okay to go back and eat some instant noodles.

But I also heard from my friends that it is extremely congested at the moment, and there is no way to get a taxi, and even the subway is crowded to death.

So the two had to continue to wait, and finally had dinner at nine o'clock in the evening.

Due to the high flow of customers, the restaurant served food very slowly. Zhu Wenshu didn't eat his first meal until 9:30.

The phone at the table rang, and she reached for the phone without even swallowing the food in her mouth.

Seeing her flustered look, Ying Fei shook her head and smiled.

[c]: [picture]

The scene in the photo seems to be the backstage of a studio, crowded and messy. A man who is doing styling is seen from the back. He is wearing a fancy coat, and his hair is highlighted with a few strands of blue and sprinkled with fine sequins.

Zhu Wenshu actually doesn't like this style, but since Ling Chen made it, she should praise it out of conscience.

[Zhu Wenshu]: So handsome!


Why, the rainbow fart is not strong enough?

It seems necessary to show him the vocabulary of the Chinese teacher.

[Zhu Wenshu]: You are so graceful! Extraordinary! Suave! Extraordinary appearance!

[c]: This is not me.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

It's not you, what photos you send.

[c]: Sure enough.

[c]: I haven't seen you for a day, and you forgot what your boyfriend looks like.

Almost at the same time as receiving these two messages, Ling Chen's video request popped up.

Zhu Wenshu hung up the video without even thinking about it, and when he looked at Ying Fei opposite, he still felt a little panicked.


[Zhu Wenshu]: I was eating out with my friends.

[C]: Oh.

【c】: Then can you get home at 11:40?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Not necessarily.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Are you coming back at 11:40?

[c]: I turn on the screen at 11:40.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

After waiting for a few minutes, the other party replied.

【c】: Just had a fight with Ling Xingyan.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

【c】: That message was sent by him.

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and covered his mouth with a smile.

Smiling and laughing, he lay down directly on the table.

"Almost there."

Ying Fei coughed on the opposite side, "There is a single dog sitting in front of you."


Zhu Wenshu stood up and pressed the corners of his mouth, "I'll pay attention next time."

Because he was worried about Ling Chen turning on the screen, Zhu Wenshu suddenly regretted going out to eat this meal, so he should have watched the TV at home.

As soon as Ying Fei put down her chopsticks, Zhu Wenshu said, "Then shall we go back?"

"Okay." Ying Fei looked at the time and frowned, "It's past ten o'clock, and I don't know if it's still busy or not."


Of course it's blocked.

Zhu Wenshu and Ying Fei waited for half an hour and were still ranked 304th on the taxi-hailing software.

They tried the subway station again, but the subway was blocked and out of service.

The two stood at the entrance of the subway, blowing the cold wind, staring at each other.

"How to do?"

"Go back?"

"Seven kilometers..."

"Then just wait."

Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock, Zhu Wenshu knew that he would not be able to catch up with Ling Chen, so he couldn't help standing by the roadside and sighing.

"I knew I wouldn't have come out." Ying Fei also remembered Ye Shaoxing's performance in her heart, and she was a little irritable, "You said these couples are not at home during the holidays, why are they running out to squeeze!"


Zhu Wenshu didn't speak, and looked at his phone silently.

There were a lot of people posting to Moments tonight, Zhu Wenshu was scrolling, and saw that Shi Xueer also posted a few minutes ago.

[Shi Xueer]: Changxing Road is blocked, please don't go this way [Crazy] Can a helicopter take me away, I still want to go home to watch the New Year's Eve concert!

Zhu Wenshu commented to her: Me too.

Within a few minutes, Shi Xueer chatted with her privately.

【Shi Xueer】: Are you also stuck on Changxing Road?

Zhu Wenshu originally wanted to say that she "wanted to go home to watch the New Year's Eve concert too", but seeing what Shi Xueer said, she looked up at the signpost.

It really is.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I'm at the Changxing Road subway exit.

Shi Xueer immediately called.

As soon as he picked it up, Zhu Wenshu heard the noise in the background.

"Mr. Zhu, are you taking the subway? The subway is out of service tonight!"

"I know."

Zhu Wenshu said, "I'm waiting for the bus, but I can't get one."

"I'm sure you won't be able to get a taxi tonight. In this case, you just stand there and don't move. We will drive one intersection ahead. Come here and follow you."

Zhu Wenshu originally wanted to agree, but after thinking about it, there is no Shi Xueer's deadly enemy standing by, so he said: "No need, it's too troublesome, let's wait..."

"Oh, what's the trouble, we've already turned around, just wait."


While talking, Zhu Wenshu saw a white Audi turning slowly at the intersection not far away.

And Shi Xueer opened the window and poked her head, waving wildly at her.


A few minutes later, the car pulled over to the side of the road.

Shi Xueer stuck out her head and was about to speak when she saw Ying Fei standing next to her, she froze for a moment.

But he still opened his mouth and said, "Teacher Zhu, get on the bus, it's so cold outside the station."

Ying Fei naturally also saw Shi Xueer, but she didn't say anything, she turned her face away and looked at the crowd on the other side.


Zhu Wenshu looked at Ying Fei and Shi Xueer, not knowing what to do.

"You go with them."

Ying Fei said, "I'll wait."

"Forget it, I came out with you."

Zhu Wenshu turned to Shi Xueer and said, "We'd better wait—"

"What are you waiting for!"

The irritable Zhu Qisen shouted, "It's so cold today, you guys are going to wait here until dawn? Hurry up! There's movement ahead!"

Seeing that Ying Fei still had her neck stuck, Shi Xueer leaned her elbows on the car window to rest her chin, and said with a smile, "You really don't want to get in the car? The temperature is cooling down tonight, and you'll be transformed into a snowman after a few hours."

After a stalemate for a while, Zhu Wenshu pulled Ying Fei's sleeve: "Then..."

"Let's go."

Ying Fei suddenly stepped forward to open the door, and sat in quickly, "Thank you."

Shi Xueer turned around leisurely, "You're welcome, I've always been generous."

Although Zhu Qisen was very straight, he also felt that the atmosphere between the two was not right.

When Zhu Wenshu got into the car, he winked at her, but Zhu Wenshu didn't say anything, and even made a gesture of zipping his mouth shut, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

A car of people just stayed there in silence, and after half an hour, they only moved 200 meters.

But at least there is heating in the car, so you don't have to suffer from the cold.

Zhu Wenshu took out his phone and checked the time, it was already eleven thirty-five.

Seeing the situation in the car, she couldn't take out her mobile phone to watch the New Year's Eve concert.


It's complicated.

Just thinking of this, Shi Xueer in the front seat took out her mobile phone very naturally, and turned on the video platform to watch the concert.

He didn't speak loudly, but said to himself: "Why hasn't our Ling Chen come out yet?"

"Oh, it's half past eleven, it's time to get out."

Zhu Qisen coaxed her: "It's red, it's going to be the finale."

Zhu Wenshu coughed lightly, but no one paid attention to her, so she had to take out her mobile phone and pretend to be a passerby.

Ling Chen's message came just at this time.

[c]: Are you home yet?

【c】: I'm getting ready to play.

"Yes, it's too red, there's nothing I can do about it."

Shi Xueer was still thinking about it, "Those messy performances are over, Ling Chen should have been preparing backstage."

Ying Fei in the back row said abruptly, "Maybe I'm talking to your sister-in-law in the background."

"Sister-in-law" shook her hand, and the phone almost fell to the ground.

But no one in the car noticed her condition at this time.

Shi Xueer turned around with a smile: "What's wrong with my sister-in-law? We fans are eager for Ling Chen to fall in love quickly. When he gets married, we will set off firecrackers for him for three days. After all, we rely on our strength to make a living, not idols. Could it be that we Still foolishly thinking that he is still a virgin?"

After finishing speaking, she raised her chin towards Zhu Wenshu, "Really, Teacher Zhu?"


Zhu Wenshu, who was caught by the cue, said, "How do I know if he is a virgin?"


The car was quiet for a moment, and Shi Xueer burst out laughing: "Mr. Zhu, you really know how to focus."

Zhu Qisen on the side turned around and patted Shi Xueer on the shoulder foolishly, "Baby, look quickly, there is a big screen over there."

Everyone in the car looked towards the side of the road.

This road is along the river, with a pedestrian street on one side and a riverside food stall on the other.

A store next to it was full of people, and the store had set up a projector, which was broadcasting the New Year's Eve concert.

"Hey! Hey! Ling Chen came out!" Shi Xueer almost lay on Zhu Qisen's body, "Get out of the way! Don't block me!"

The bustling food stall was full of people, some were drinking and punching, and some were watching the big screen.

Half a street away, the sound of the program could not be heard clearly in the car, only portraits could be seen.

That's fine too.

Zhu Wenshu bent his lips, looked over the bustling crowd, and "watched" Ling Chen's three songs.

I just don’t know if he was like this before, always looking at the camera. He stared at more than a dozen seats.

When he steps down, there are only a few minutes left this year.

All six hosts came to the stage to say congratulatory speeches, and no one at the food stall watched the big screen anymore.

Until the countdown began, the whole street became more and more lively, but very uniform.

"10, 9, 8, 7—"

Gradually, passers-by at the food stall counted down along with the host on TV.

"6, 5, 4—"

Everyone was infected by the atmosphere, even Ying Fei, who had been keeping a cold face, lay on the car window and stared at the sky with a loose expression on her face.

"3, 2—"

The last countdown fell, and grand fireworks bloomed in the sky, reflecting the radiance of the river.

"Happy New Year!"

These words were floating around inside and outside the car.

Shi Xueer rolled her eyes with a smile, turned her head and said to the people in the back row, "Happy New Year everyone!"

Ying Fei was stunned for a moment, then said stiffly and softly, "Happy New Year."

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and sent Ling Chen a message.

[Wish Wen Shu]: I wish you a happy new year^^

Looking up again, Zhu Wenshu looked at the big screen, and the camera was sweeping across the guest seats.

When the frame was fixed on Ling Chen's face, he turned his head and stared at the camera with deep eyes.

As if through the camera, through a long distance, looking at someone in front of the TV.

He moved his lips, but no sound was heard.

"Did Ling Chen talk just now? Huh?" Shi Xueer shook Zhu Qisen's shoulder, "What did he say?! I didn't notice it!"

Zhu Qisen: "No, he doesn't even have a microphone."

"He said-"

Zhu Wenshu tilted his head, his eyes were still on the big screen, but the picture had turned into fireworks over the studio, "Happy New Year."