Chapter 52:

In the early morning of the first day of the new year, Zhu Wenshu went to the station early in order to avoid the rush hour.

The whole city seemed to have not woken up from last night's carnival, even the daylight was gloomy, and the passengers in the car were also groggy.

Zhu Wenshu was the only one with a little energy.

It wasn't because she was in good spirits, but because she almost missed the departure time and got off the subway and ran all the way here.

It was already 1:30 in the morning when she got home and washed up last night. She was usually so busy that she would fall into bed and go to sleep at this time, but Zhu Wenshu still waited for a while with her mobile phone.

I didn't see Ling Chen sending a message, so I knew he was still busy.

But he didn't dare to call, for fear of disturbing his work.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Zhu Wenshu couldn't hold his eyelids anymore, and fell asleep leaning against the head of the bed.

Before she lost consciousness, she was still thinking that falling in love is really exhausting, and she even changed her work and rest habits.

So when he woke up the next day, Zhu Wenshu felt a little stiff.

When we got on the bus, there were not many seats left.

Zhu Wenshu sat in the last row, put away his things, and then took out his phone.

Opening Ling Chen's dialog box, it was the same as when she was going out, still stuck on the "Happy New Year ^^" she sent, without any response.

Zhu Wenshu rubbed his neck, and the voice of the girl in the back row on the phone gradually became clear.

"Why didn't I get up, I got in the car!"

The girl's tone was full of anger, "Can you show some kindness to me? What kind of wine can you drink so that you don't reply to my messages all night?"

"Heh, the phone is out of battery, you don't know how to find a power bank when it's out of battery?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't want to listen to the corner, but the voices of the girls in the back row became louder and louder.

She was suddenly a little disappointed, and looked at her phone again. Those friends who were not very familiar with her usually sent greetings on the morning of the first day of the new year.

Zhu Wenshu went back one by one, pulled to the back, and suddenly found that Ling Xingyan had sent her many messages.

She subconsciously tensed up, wondering if something happened to Siyuan.

The first end was sent at two o'clock in the morning.

[Ling Xingyan]: Are you asleep?

[Ling Xingyan]: I'm done with work, I'm going back to the hotel.

[Ling Xingyan]: My mobile phone is broken and can't be turned on. Let me borrow a mobile phone for now.

After more than half an hour.

[Ling Xingyan]: We're at the hotel.

[Ling Xingyan]: Tomorrow there will be a supplemental recording of a program temporarily, and the flight ticket back to Jiangcheng has been changed to the afternoon.

Another half hour passed.

[Ling Xingyan]: Asleep.

[Ling Xingyan withdrew a message]

[Ling Xingyan]: Forget it, other people's mobile phones, I will speak more restraint.

[Ling Xingyan]: I told you Happy New Year, did you hear that?

Waking up early and being silly for a long time, Zhu Wenshu read these messages twice before realizing that they were sent to her by Ling Chen.

She turned her crooked neck toward the car window, her back to the person next to her.

She really wanted to know what the message that Ling Chen withdrew was.

But worried that it was someone else's phone, Zhu Wenshu could only restrain himself.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I heard it.

A few minutes later, the other side replied with a message.

[Ling Xingyan]:?

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

[Ling Xingyan]: Teacher Zhu, what did you hear?

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

It seems that the property has been returned to its original owner. Fortunately, I didn't talk nonsense.

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's nothing, Ling Chen sent me a message on your mobile phone, I'll reply.

[Ling Xingyan]:? He took my phone? I'll go, I said why I woke up in the morning with my mobile phone in the living room!

[Ling Xingyan]: He even deleted all the records!

[Zhu Wenshu]: Don't get excited, don't say anything.

[Ling Xingyan]: That's good, my phone is clean.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then does his cell phone work?

[Ling Xingyan]: It's gone. When I have time, I will buy a new one. It has been used for several years, and he has to wait until it breaks to replace it.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then please tell him, I'm already in the car.

[Ling Xingyan]: ...Come on, I'll tell him when he wakes up.

After that, Zhu Wenshu didn't hear from Ling Chen again, but he didn't feel that sense of loss either.

She went back to her parents' house for lunch first, and went out for a walk with her mother in the afternoon.

As usual, dinner is eaten at grandparents' house. Grandparents have a cultural performance tonight, so I didn't eat two bites and put away my chopsticks and rushed to gather. And Zhu Wenshu's parents also had a friend bureau, so they hurried out.

Zhu Wenshu washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen at his grandparents' house by himself, then sat in the living room and turned on the TV, feeling a little lost all of a sudden.

If I knew I brought the computer back, I could find something to do for myself.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu, who was worried about where to go, received a message from a high school classmate.

[Chen Xuanyuan]: Have you finished eating? We are going to sing, are you coming?

【Chen Xuanyuan】: Come and sit for a while, long time no see.

Yesterday morning, Chen Xuanyuan asked Zhu Wenshu if he wanted to have a meal together on New Year's Day. They were all old classmates who were still in Huiyang.

Zhu Wenshu refused on the grounds that he wanted to have dinner with his family.

Now Chen Xuanyuan came to ask again, the two had a good relationship in high school, Zhu Wenshu didn't refuse any more, took a bag and went out and took a taxi.

On the way, she took out her mobile phone to ponder for a while, and sent a message to Ling Xingyan.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Mr. Ling, please tell Ling Chen that Chen Xuanyuan and I have gone to Taipei to play in Kim^^ and we will be home at about ten o'clock.

[Ling Xingyan]:?

[Ling Xingyan]: ...He said he knew.

After a while.

【Ling Xingyan】: Whenever I have free time, I go to buy Ling Chen a mobile phone non-stop.

[Ling Xingyan]: Buy ten **** ones!

When I arrived at KTV, all of you present were indeed former classmates.

I just didn't expect that Yin Yueze was also there.

Zhu Wenshu was not surprised to see him, after all, he had a good relationship with every classmate.

On the contrary, Yin Yueze was a little stunned, raised his hand to look at Zhu Wenshu by the door, and did not move for a long time.

It wasn't until the cigarette held between his fingertips sparked a little that he hurriedly pinched the cigarette.

Chen Xuanyuan hurriedly got up from her seat, pulled Zhu Wenshu to the other side, and whispered in her ear: "I didn't know they called Yin Yueze, he just arrived, I haven't had time to tell you yet."

Seeing that Chen Xuanyuan was so nervous, Zhu Wenshu comforted her with a smile instead: "It's okay."

"Oh...that's good."

Chen Xuanyuan said so, but she was still very upset in her heart.

Originally, she asked Zhu Wenshu to come over today to gossip about her and Ling Chen. Since the concert, the students had chatted several times in private, but they never got a definite answer, and no one was ashamed to poke at the ground. to ask the parties.

After finally seizing the opportunity, how could they gossip if Yin Yueze was inserted sideways?

After Zhu Wenshu was seated, several students pretended not to be curious at all, exchanging pleasantries and singing songs. Even Yin Yueze was uncharacteristically, as if he didn't see Zhu Wenshu.

As a result, the atmosphere of this party became very strange. Zhu Wenshu obviously felt that the classmates around him were eager to speak, and several boys deliberately surrounded Yin Yueze to talk, for fear that he would be left alone.

That's good, at least it avoids the embarrassment like the last time I had dinner with Xu Guangliang.

Two hours later, Zhu Wenshu had already started to feel drowsy. Halfway through the call, the phone rang and a strange call was displayed on the screen.

The box was very noisy, Zhu Wenshu went out to answer the phone, but there were still people coming and going in the aisle.

In the noisy environment, Zhu Wenshu said:

"Hello, who is it?"

"Your boyfriend."


Although the passers-by in the aisle couldn't possibly know who she was calling, Zhu Wenshu's spine still seemed to be lifted violently, his whole body was tense, and his voice became quieter.

"Did you buy a new phone?"

"I haven't had time to buy it yet, I borrowed the driver's one and I'll call you."

Ling Chen said, "I've already arrived in Huiyang."


Zhu Wenshu was surprised at first, but after thinking about it, it made sense, "Are you coming back to spend the holiday with your family?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

When Ling Chen spoke again, his tone was not as brisk as before.

"I have no relatives in Huiyang."

"I just came to see you."

Zhu Wenshu's heart sank, and in a daze, he heard him say again: "Still there? I'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Then I'll wait for you at the door!"

After Zhu Wenshu finished speaking, she was about to go back to get her bag. The moment she opened the door, her eyes flickered, and she said, "Well, I'll tell you something, don't think too much about it."

Ling Chen: "Huh?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Yin Yueze is here today."


After a long while, Ling Chen said "oh" in a long voice, "I have so much to think about."

"How about..." he said casually, "I'll stay in the car for a while?"


Without further ado, Zhu Wenshu pushed the door in, picked up his bag and said goodbye to everyone.

It was getting late, and everyone didn't want to stay, so Zhu Wenshu rushed out with his bag.

Huiyang is not as dense as Jiangcheng, and the population density is much smaller. This KTV is located in a newly developed business district, and there are few pedestrians on the roadside.

Zhu Wenshu waited at the door for a while, and sure enough, the familiar commercial vehicle drove up from the opposite intersection.

After all, it's been a year, and it's been two years since he disappeared. Zhu Wenshu couldn't wait for the car to turn around and planned to cross the sidewalk.

As soon as she took a step, someone behind her stopped her.

Upon hearing this voice, the joy on Zhu Wenshu's face dissipated, and turned into a dignified but alienated smile.

"What's wrong?"

Yin Yueze's coat was draped over his arms, and he only wore a sweater, which looked a bit thin.

He walked up to Zhu Wenshu, half a meter away, lowered his eyes and said, "Let me ask you something."

Zhu Wenshu: "What?"

"I don't mean anything else, I really just care about it." Yin Yueze said, "Are you and Ling Chen together now?"

In fact, when Zhu Wenshu was stopped by him, he had a premonition that he would ask this, so it was not surprising, he just smiled.

Yin Yueze saw the answer and took a long breath in the cold night.

Zhu Wenshu thought this was the end of the topic, and was about to leave when Yin Yueze stopped her again.

He frowned slightly, an expression that Zhu Wenshu had seen before.

"Zhu Wenshu, do you know what you are doing?"

Zhu Wenshu kept silent and stared at him for a long time before asking, "What do you mean?"

"Although we are not boyfriend and girlfriend now, I still hope you have a good life."

The corner of Yin Yueze's mouth hooked slightly, "Instead of jumping into a sweet trap."

Zhu Wenshu's expression gradually became dignified, he did not speak, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Don't you understand?" Yin Yueze said, "Do you know who Ling Chen is? Can you afford the consequences of falling in love with him?"


After a while, Zhu Wenshu turned his head and smiled.

After all, the person in front of her was someone who had been chasing her for two or three years. Even though they had been separated for a long time, Zhu Wenshu still had a basic understanding of him.

Originally, she didn't intend to bring up the old matter with Yin Yueze, but what he said tonight was a bit irritating.

In the first few months of being together, she found that the two were not suitable, and it was only out of her own perception. At that time, Yin Yueze asked her why it was inappropriate, but she couldn't tell the reason at all, she just felt that she had failed others' wishes.

It wasn't until she got older and gained a better understanding of human nature that she understood why the two were incompatible.

"Yin Yueze." Zhu Wenshu said suddenly, "Do you know why I said we were not suitable?"

Yin Yueze's eyes were fixed, and he looked at Zhu Wenshu in a daze, apparently not expecting her to mention this.

"When I applied for the college entrance examination, I said that I like children and want to be a primary school teacher. What did you say?"

Of course Yin Yueze remembered, because that was the first time he argued with Zhu Wenshu.

He said the same thing back then as he said today.

"You ask me if I know what I'm doing? You ask me if I don't know if my scores can go to a better university to study a better major. I can be a lawyer, a diplomat, or a university professor in the future. I am not worthy of the profession of elementary school teacher. I."

The reason why Zhu Wenshu remembers it so clearly is also because her dream of many years was denied for the first time, and it was her boyfriend. At that time, she was really confused for several days.

"It's only when I grow up that I realize that you don't think the primary school teacher is good enough for me, but you think that you are not good enough for you."

"Because you are excellent, your family background and appearance are outstanding, so you want your girlfriend to be as perfect as you. I am lovingly cared for by you like a beautiful work of art. I dare not expose any shortcomings, even I like watching dogs. I don’t dare to tell you about the Bloody Mary Su idol drama, and watch those boring literary films with you every day, do you think I’m tired?”

When Zhu Wenshu said this, Ling Chen's black commercial vehicle had already turned around and stopped at the side of the road.

But he didn't get out of the car, nor did he lower the window.

"I know you've been nice to me, but I'm really not sorry for you."

Zhu Wenshu looked into his eyes calmly, "Don't talk about Ling Chen, in fact, you are the sweet trap."

Yin Yueze didn't know what he was thinking and didn't speak.

Zhu Wenshu took two steps towards the side of the road, thought of something, then turned around and said, "Also, don't meddle in my affairs as a friend in the future. My answer is the same as back then. I am responsible for the path I choose. .”

"So that's how it is."

Yin Yueze's eyes flashed slightly, he sneered, and then said, "Then do you know that Ling Chen's father is a mental patient?"

Zhu Wenshu's eyes widened suddenly, staring at Yin Yueze for a long time.

psychiatric patient?

Seeing that Zhu Wenshu was so surprised, Yin Yueze took a step closer to her, "Are you sure you won't inherit it?"

In fact, Zhu Wenshu didn't listen to the latter sentence at all, and the word "mental patient" was still floating around in her mind.


Just as Zhu Wenshu said a word, the door of the car on the side of the road opened.

She turned her head subconsciously, and saw the man in the car stepping out, without a hat or mask, walking towards her so blatantly.

"Are you done talking?"

Ling Chen stood beside Zhu Wenshu, lowered his head and asked her.

Zhu Wenshu was a little helpless, how did they look like they were "chatting"?

"...It's over."

"it is good."

Ling Chen took Zhu Wenshu's hand, turned to look at Yin Yueze, "Then let's go."

Seeing that Yin Yueze was silent, Ling Chen grabbed Zhu Wenshu and left.

When the people turned around, Yin Yueze showed anger on his face.

So just now Zhu Wenshu knew that Ling Chen was watching him?

Play him like a monkey?

In the car, the two sat in the middle row, separated by an aisle.

Ling Chen didn't speak after getting into the car. Although his expression looked fine, Zhu Wenshu always felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull.

She coughed twice, and Ling Chen turned to look at her.

Zhu Wenshu blinked, and Ling Chen turned his head to the window again, still silent.

The words "I'm jealous" were almost written on his face.

There was also a driver in the car, and Zhu Wenshu couldn't say anything, so he could only sneak his hand over and hook Gou Lingchen's little finger.

He looked down at Zhu Wenshu's hand, then slowly moved his eyes to her again, and raised his eyebrows.

"that's it?"

Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips, looked straight ahead, opened Ling Chen's hand without a trace, and gently drew a circle on his palm.

She didn't say a word, but Chen felt itchy all over.

Suddenly, he grabbed Zhu Wenshu's hand, squeezed it hard, and then turned his head and said, "What are you talking about with your ex-boyfriend?"

Just as Zhu Wenshu was about to speak, he heard him say softly, "We're going to talk for so long."

Zhu Wenshu was startled: "Long time?"

"A whole day—" Ling Chen said word by word, "Seven minutes."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Those who didn't know thought she had chatted with her ex-boyfriend for seven hours.

"Talking about you."

Ling Chen's eyes froze, he was silent for a moment, and his tone was no longer frivolous.

"What are you talking about?"

Zhu Wenshu said: "I told him, I would have known that I would not have played with him in front of you when I was in high school, so as not to be soured every day now, alas, I regret it to death."

She said this to tease Ling Chen, but she didn't expect the atmosphere in the car to suddenly become solemn.

She turned her head and saw Ling Chen looking at her deeply.

"I really can't be as calm and calm as him."

These words still sound like jealousy, but why is the tone wrong?

Zhu Wenshu was thinking about it, and heard him say again: "But I didn't think there was anything wrong with you being with him before."

Zhu Wenshu blinked: "Huh?"

"Didn't you understand?"

He bowed his head and smiled, "It won't be me anyway, it's good to have such a good person to accompany you for three years."

Zhu Wenshu's heart was a little soft, and he shook his hand, "Actually, it's not that good, otherwise why would I break up with him."

Ling Chen raised his eyes suddenly: "What about me?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

Ling Chen asked: "Compared with him now, who is better?"

After talking for a long time, I was still jealous.

Zhu Wenshu straightened his expression, "Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Ling Chen's expression froze on his face.

"never mind."

"Of course—" Zhu Wenshu turned to look at him, "Hello, you are the best."

For a long time, Ling Chen turned his head and said nothing, not knowing whether he believed it or not.

Zhu Wenshu thought for a while, then suddenly took out something from his bag and stuffed it on Ling Chen's lap.

Ling Chen picked it up and looked at it, not knowing why.

"What's this?"

"new Year's gift."

Zhu Wenshu actually struggled for a long time at that time, fearing that a mobile phone would not be able to catch Ling Chen's eyes, but she really couldn't think of what Ling Chen lacked.

Seeing Ling Chen just staring at her without speaking, Zhu Wenshu asked nervously, "Don't you like it?"

Ling Chen didn't answer but instead asked, "Are you... coaxing me?"

Zhu Wenshu blinked and didn't bother to refute.

"Then you should."

Ling Chen looked down at the phone packing box, and said in a low voice, "I'm not that easy to coax."

Zhu Wenshu: "...then I'll think of a way."

Ling Chen smiled lightly, turned his head and opened the car window a little, and a gust of cold wind blew towards his face.

After a while, he suddenly said to the driver: "Brother Zhou, have you not smoked for a day?"

The driver didn't expect to be cueed suddenly, and almost stepped on the brakes.

"Huh? I quit."

"Stop doing?"

"Yeah, I've quit for half a year."


Ling Chen didn't speak again.

Zhu Wenshu didn't know what he was doing, he didn't turn on his phone to check, and he didn't express how to coax him.

Fortunately, the urban area of ​​Huiyang is small, so we arrived at our destination within a few minutes.

The car parked in an underground parking lot, Ling Chen put on a mask, and pulled Zhu Wenshu out of the car.

Zhu Wenshu didn't know where the parking lot was, and didn't ask, thinking that he would find out when he got up.

Unexpectedly, within a few steps, Ling Chen grabbed Zhu Wenshu's wrist and turned him to the corner of the wall.

Zhu Wenshu backed away in a panic, trying to find a support point, but before his back touched the wall, he was held by his waist.

With almost no pause, Ling Chen pulled off his mask, leaned over and kissed the corner of her mouth.

Zhu Wenshutian Linggai suddenly went numb.

Although this is an underground parking lot, some people will pass by!

Her heart beat faster, the soles of her feet felt weak, her whole body was hung on Ling Chen, and her ears were buzzing.

After a long time, Ling Chen stopped and looked down at her.

"Aren't you trying to coax me?"

Zhu Wenshu's limbs were still numb, and he didn't have much strength, so he only made a "hmm" in his nasal cavity.

Ling Chen: "Coax me like this from now on."

Zhu Wenshu felt that this was too much, how could he be so deceptive.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Ling Chen's breath rushed in.

She tensed subconsciously, and waited for a while without opening her eyes.

When Zhu Wenshu's rationality gradually recovered, he vaguely felt that he had buried his head in her neck.

Ling Chen seemed to be limp all over, leaning against Zhu Wenshu.

His voice came muffled from Zhu Wenshu's scarf.

"Don't spend money in the future, let me do this kind of thing."

That night.

After Ling Xingyan was done socializing, he remembered something on the way home and quickly sent a message to Lu Manman.

[Ling Xingyan]: Find a time tomorrow to buy a new mobile phone for Ling Chen.

[Lumanman]: What model, color and memory do you want?

[Ling Xingyan]: Whatever you want.

[Lumanman]: Good.

Ling Xingyan thought for a while, and pressed the keyboard again.

[Ling Xingyan]: Buy him two!


[Ling Xingyan]: Three!

After explaining, Ling Xingyan rubbed the center of his brows, and wanted to call Ling Chen and tell him not to steal his phone after the new phone has been arranged.

It suddenly occurred to him that Ling Chen didn't have a mobile phone right now, so he couldn't get in touch at all.

Ling Xingyan sighed, and was about to squint for a while when the phone in his bag vibrated again.

He received a text message from an unknown number.

【17XXXXXXXX8】: In?

Ling Xing said that this was a work number, and all spam messages were intercepted, so when he saw this, he became very wary.

[Ling Xingyan]: Who is it?

[17XXXXXXXX8]: Transfer 100,000 to me.

[Ling Xingyan]:?

【17XXXXXXXX8】: Don't know who I am?

Ling Xingyan thought for a while, then replied uncertainly: Ling Chen?

It can only be him.

【17XXXXXXXX8】: You are as smart as your son.

【17XXXXXXXX8】: How do you know that my girlfriend gave me a mobile phone?