Chapter 53:

Ling Xingyan felt that this day could not go on.

As a partner, he came to receive dividends, not dog food.

Even if you eat dog food.

Since Ling Chen's cell phone was broken last night, everyone who was looking for Ling Chen had called him, for fear that he would take the dividend too easily, and set the tone for his busy life this year on the first day of the new year.

But the person who didn't have a mobile phone was happy and at ease, and ran to fall in love without stopping for a moment after getting off the plane.

Originally, Ling Xingyan had a free attitude towards his newly signed artist.

Now his thoughts are beginning to waver.

Talking about Nima's love, anyone who has a partner quits the entertainment circle for me!

After staring at the text message for a while, Ling Xingyan took a deep breath and made a call to Ling Chen.

Without waiting for the other person to speak, he asked directly, "When will you move out of my house?"

Ling Chen's voice was lazy, as if he had just soaked in a hot spring.

"No hurries?"

Ling Xing said: "I think you are an eyesore, can you?"

Ling Chen thought for a while, and suddenly realized "Oh".

"Are you in a hurry to fall in love too?"

Ling Xing said: "...It's almost there, really, the house is all installed, let's move out, can I beg you?"

"That won't work."

Ling Chen said, "There is formaldehyde."

Ling Xingyan took a deep breath: "I'll help you breathe, okay?"

"If it doesn't work, I will take my son to help you **** it?"

"How about I call Aunt Xiao, Lu Manman Azhe, and the others to **** formaldehyde for you?"

Ling Chen laughed, "Hang up."

"Wait a minute."

Ling Xing asked, "Where are you now?"


"...Then why do you have time to talk so much nonsense with me? Not doing business?"

There was a beep on the phone.

Before Ling Xing could finish his words, Kong plucked his hair at the screen.

In the past two years, Ling Chen's phone number was leaked, along with the flight and hotel information, etc. Since then, Ling Xingyan has to change Ling Chen's phone number every once in a while. I just wanted to ask him that since he made it himself... Well, maybe his girlfriend got him a new number, or he took the opportunity to cancel the previous number.

But it seems that Ling Chen is not in the mood to care about these things now, he doesn't have many contacts, and almost all working relationships are maintained by Ling Xingyan.

So Ling Xingyan rummaged through boxes and cabinets in the study to find an unused mobile phone. After charging it for a while, he inserted Ling Chen's old card into it to see if there was anything important. After checking, he could tell Lu Manman Cancel all associations.

A few minutes after turning it on, a strange call came in suddenly.

Ling Xingyan was not sensitive to numbers, so he answered angrily: "What are you doing?"

There was no imaginary voice in the ear, but an elderly female voice who listened cautiously.

"Ah Chen... are you asleep? I'm grandma."

Ling Xingyan's eyes froze, and the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed.

After a while, he said coldly, "You made a mistake."

The sound of gurgling water in the bathroom stopped, and after a while, Zhu Wenshu came out.

The newly bought mobile phone was placed by the table, and Ling Chen sat quietly on the sofa, his coat had been taken off, he was wearing a thin sweater leaning against the pillow, his eyelids were drooping, he didn't know what he was thinking, his expression looked a little strange nature.

"Done the call?"

Zhu Wenshu just heard voices in the bathroom.

A few seconds later, Ling Chen suddenly turned to look at Zhu Wen's book.

The overall decoration of the hotel is warm yellow, and the lights are not too bright, which makes Ling Chen's complexion paler than usual. The lights are reflected in his eyes, but they seem to be shaking.

But when Ling Chen saw Zhu Wenshu staring at him, he looked away.

"It's over."

"Is there nothing urgent?"

When he came up, Ling Chen dismantled the new mobile phone and played with it in his hand. He didn't show any special expression. He just said that since he had the mobile phone, he was afraid that Ling Xingyan would not be able to reach him in an emergency, so he asked the driver to go downstairs and buy one for him. Card.


Ling Chen said, "Report for safety."

Just as he finished speaking, Zhu Wenshu's cell phone rang.

She took it out and looked at it, then pinched it off.

Ling Chen raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, then picked up the phone and swiped

"You take it."

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

Ling Chen didn't speak, Zhu Wenshu thought for a while, and suddenly smiled: "It's not a phone call, it's an alarm to remind me to sleep."


Ling Chen paused, then casually put down the phone, leaned his head on the sofa, "I thought your parents were urging you to go home."

Zhu Wenshu tilted his head to look at him, but didn't answer.

Ling Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he also turned his head to look over.


"I wish the teacher will teach you a lesson today."

Zhu Wenshu sat next to him, with a straight and serious posture, "You can't have double standards in life."

She raised her hands to hold Ling Chen's shoulders, but due to her short height, she felt that she was not imposing enough, so she raised her chin and said, "Look, there are so many people who like you, thousands of—"

Ling Chen suddenly tilted his head and rubbed Zhu Wenshu's hand with his cheek.

"But I only like you."

Zhu Wenshu's next words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak.

She pursed her lips, the back of her hand was itchy from Ling Chen's chin.

"You shave."

Zhu Wenshu withdrew his hand, curled up his fingertips, "It's so itchy."

Ling Chen raised his head slowly, carefully touched his chin with his palm, "I only shave in the morning."

After a while, he squinted at Zhu Wenshu, "Where are you itching?"

As we all know, Ling Chen's voice is one of the best in the world.

However, few people could hear his voice when he whispered, with a little breath, rubbing against the eardrums.


It didn't itch at first, but now it itches everywhere.

Zhu Wenshu coughed twice to cover up his wild thoughts, "I have to go home."

After she finished speaking, she got up to leave, but Ling Chen suddenly took her hand again.

"So early?"

When he said this, he still tilted his head. Looking at it from the perspective of Zhu Wenshu, he looked very much like...

"Can you—" Zhu Wenshu didn't think too much, and blurted out, "Stop acting like a baby?"


Ling Chen's expression froze suddenly, he stared blankly at Zhu Wenshu for a while, then turned his face away a little stiffly.

Zhu Wenshu curled his lips and smiled, "Let's go."

Turning around, she found that Ling Chen was pulling even tighter, her jaw line was tense, she pursed her lips and bowed her head without speaking.

After staring at it for a while, Zhu Wenshu still sat down.

"Then let me sit with you for a while."

The room was suddenly so quiet that the only sound left was the breathing of the two of them.

Ling Chen lowered his head, wrapped Zhu Wenshu's hand with his palm, and rubbed her fingertips with his thumb.

Her fingers are well-proportioned and slender, her nails are neatly trimmed, and there is a thin layer of calluses on the side of the tip of her index finger, which is the trace of holding a pen all year round.

Zhu Wenshu writes beautifully in chalk. She used to contract the blackboard newspapers in the class, so there are always a few days in each semester when she has to go to the back row after class, stepping on the table and raising her hand to write blackboard newspapers.

So Ling Chen has seen her hands many times.

But never thought that one day he would be able to hold this hand openly.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu received a message from her parents asking if she had come home.

"I really have to go home." Zhu Wenshu's voice was a little muffled.

Actually, the two of them didn't do much here, but she just wanted to continue to sit down. Thinking that Ling Chen would have to go back to work in Jiangcheng early in the morning, she even wanted to sit here for a night.

But she couldn't help it. She would go to worship her ancestors with her family tomorrow morning.

She pulled out her hand little by little, and finally rested her fingertips on the back of Ling Chen's hand, "My parents urged me."

Seeing that Ling Chen was silent, Zhu Wenshu picked up his bag and stood up.

"You should rest early, too."

The man in front of him still had his head down, Zhu Wenshu couldn't hold back, and reached out to stroke his hair.

Ling Chen raised his head suddenly, and Zhu Wenshu quickly withdrew his hand.

"Well, let's go."

Zhu Wenshu turned around and walked towards the door before Ling Chen could speak, and when she opened the door, seeing Ling Chen also got up, she quickly said, "Don't come here."


Ling Chen really stopped, not understanding why Zhu Wenshu looked wary, "What are you doing?"

"Please always remember that you are a big star." Zhu Wenshu said seriously, "Don't act like a baby."

Then she might not be able to hold it.

Ling Chen: "..."

He turned his neck helplessly, with the tip of his tongue against his cheek.

Zhu Wenshu has been acting coquettishly tonight, causing him to hallucinate himself, is he really being coquettish?


Since Ling Chen was ten years old, these two words have not been in the dictionary.

But he really planned to stay with her for a while just now, and he has already thought out his words - you can stay with me for a while.

It's like being coquettish?

He raised his eyes and met Zhu Wenshu's eyes.


Whatever she wants.

"I just wanted to remind you."

He glanced at the sofa, "Did you forget something?"

Zhu Wenshu blinked, unable to remember what he could forget for a long time.

When she saw Ling Chen's face shaking in front of her eyes again, she seemed to suddenly understand something.


Really sad.

Although Zhu Wenshu was a little embarrassed, after all, this was the person who came to Huiyang to meet her as soon as possible.

"come on."

Ling Chen opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

Zhu Wenshu ticked his fingers at him again.

Although Ling Chen was puzzled, he still walked over.

When there was only one step between them, Zhu Wenshu suddenly stepped on his foot and pecked him lightly on the side of the face.

"Good night."


When Ling Chen came back to his senses, the door in front of him was closed.

After a long time, his face was still sullen, no different from usual, he returned to the living room in two or three steps, and sat down on the sofa with a "boom".

Then he picked up the scarf that Zhu Wenshu forgot to take away, and buried his face in it.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Wenshu was called to get up at seven o'clock, and after a simple breakfast, he went to pick up his grandparents.

□□Father's death day is today, and the whole family has to go to the mountain to worship.

Dad drove to pick up his grandparents, drove not far, and stopped at Baihua Lane, and got off with grandpa to buy sacrifices.

Only Zhu Wenshu and her mother and grandma were left in the car. She leaned against the car window and fell asleep, and everything in her vision was blurry.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law on the side chatted with each other.

"Is this street going to be demolished?"

"I don't know, it's been rumored for years."

"It doesn't matter if it's demolished, the house is broken, and the ground is also broken. Every time I pass by here, I step on muddy water."

"Where it is said to be demolished, it is demolished. There are everyone here, but it's hard to talk. There are all kinds of crazy and stupid people. A bunch of psychopaths."

Zhu Wenshu, who had been silent for a long time, was caught in his thoughts by a certain vocabulary, and suddenly said: "Crazy and stupid, is there any here?"

Grandma was knitting baubles without raising her head.

Zhu Wenshu waited for a long time before seeing her put off her reading glasses and said, "Did you forget? I told you about that."

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

Grandma glanced at her, "Just say that you don't have a long memory. I also said that you should not talk to strangers casually, and don't lend things to others casually. What if you are cheated and sold?"

When grandma said this, Zhu Wenshu was a little impressed.

It seems to be the summer vacation of the first year of high school. She lives at her grandma's house. She is greedy for the cool air-conditioning to sleep and catches a cold, but it is not a serious problem, so she goes to the nearby health center to prescribe some medicine.

After seeing the illness and coming out, it was raining outside, Zhu Wenshu took out an umbrella from his schoolbag.

As he was about to leave, he heard sobbing next to him.

She turned around and saw a middle-aged man squatting on the ground crying.

Seeing adults crying in a place like a hospital, Zhu Wenshu naturally thought of some human tragedies.

After a while, the man stood up and wiped his face, and was about to walk into the rain.

Zhu Wenshu didn't think much about it at the time, but felt that he was a little pitiful, so he stopped him.

The man turned his head and looked at her blankly, with rain and tears streaming down his face, without saying anything.

Zhu Wenshu said to lend him the umbrella, but he just froze for a moment, then took it away without saying a word, without even saying thank you.

At that time, Zhu Wenshu still felt a little regretful, wondering why this person was so rude. Moreover, she has used that umbrella for several years, and she has used up her feelings. It seems that she has no chance to come back.

Later, Zhu Wenshu went home in the rain and was drenched. Grandma asked her what was going on. After she explained it, grandma angrily taught her not to talk to strangers casually, and said that there was one here last year. A young woman was tricked into robbing a remote place because she lent her mobile phone to a strange man, and she was killed by mistake during the dispute.

This incident made people around panic, and Zhu Wenshu was also afraid for a while.

Because of the rain, her condition relapsed, and she went to the health center to find a doctor the next day.

When it arrived, the nurse said that a man had come over in the morning and left something for her.

Zhu Wenshu followed the nurse to get it, and saw her umbrella neatly folded in a plastic bag.

A few days later, the sun came out in Huiyang. As soon as she opened the umbrella, a note stuffed in the umbrella fluttered down. Zhu Wenshu reached out to catch it, and saw three words neatly written on it—Thank you .

Because of this note, Zhu Wenshu didn't think that this man had mental problems at all.

"It's him..."

In the carriage, Zhu Wenshu murmured, "I looked pretty normal at the time."

"People don't write the word "mentally ill" on their face." Grandma still has this matter in her heart, "You are lucky, if you meet that murderer, you... Forget it, don't bother to say you."

Zhu Wenshu was still staring outside in a daze, and didn't answer.

After a while, grandma said again: "But that man's fate is also bad. I heard that his son has achieved great success and has become a big star. In the end, he didn't enjoy the blessing."

"Ah?" Zhu Wenshu suddenly asked, "Why?"

"People are gone."

Zhu Wenshu's ears buzzed for a while, and he stared blankly at the ball of thread in grandma's hand.

"Hey, star, is that the one in your class?"

The mother who hadn't said much all of a sudden said, "Huiyang will produce a star."

"is not it?"

Seeing that Zhu Wenshu was silent, her mother patted her on the shoulder, "I'm asking you something."

Zhu Wenshu said absently, "Yes."

Mom asked again: "Then do you still have contact with your star classmate? How is the relationship?"

"Huh? Oh."

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and said in a low voice, "It's average."

"Do you have a festival with others?"

Mom lowered her head and looked at Zhu Wenshu.


Zhu Wenshu blinked, "No."

"Come on, you were born by me, and I can't tell if you're lying?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

At this time, Zhu Wenshu's phone vibrated suddenly, and a new message came in.

【c】: I'm on the plane.

Zhu Wenshu turned his back to her mother to reply the message.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Got it.

After thinking about it, she sent another one.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I want to hug you.


[Zhu Wenshu]:?

He sent a voice over.

Zhu Wenshu looked around, didn't click on it, and switched the text.

"Zhu Wenshu, don't imitate me."

[Zhu Wenshu]: What have I learned from you?

Still a voice.

At this moment, mother and grandma are busy with their own affairs, so they should not pay attention to her.

So Zhu Wenshu put the phone to his ear.

"follow me…"

His voice was very small, as if he didn't bother to say, "acting like a baby."