Chapter 54:

Ten minutes later, Ling Chen did not receive any reply from Zhu Wenshu.

He took the mobile phone and looked left and then glanced at Ling Xingyan who was at the side.


Ling Xingyan answered the message with two mobile phones, felt the gaze of the man beside him, and said without raising his head.

Ling Chen: "I'll tell you something."

Ling Xing said: "Huh?"

Ling Chen: "My daughter—"


Ling Xingyan quickly unfastened his seat belt, got up and walked towards the seat next to the aisle, "Manman, let's change seats."

Ling Chen: "..."

Lu Manman glanced this way, wanting to refuse, but seeing Ling Xingyan's face, she didn't dare to say anything.

So she reluctantly unbuckled her seat belt and sat next to Ling Chen.

Ling Chen sneered and turned his face away.

Vulnerable single man.

After a while, the stewardess reminded that the plane was about to take off and signaled everyone to turn off their phones.

Before turning on the flight mode, Ling Chen glanced at the dialog again, but Zhu Wenshu still didn't reply to him.

Said she was acting coquettish, and still angry?

It's strange to say that he rushed to Jiangcheng International Airport before dawn, and he was exhausted and busy all the way. He felt like he hadn't slept in several years, and his head was groggy.

But Zhu Wenshu inexplicably said "I want to hug you", the four words were like turning on a button on Ling Chen's body, the drowsiness dissipated immediately, and all the cells in his body were clamoring.

Obviously she was the one who made the request, but Ling Chen felt like he had been bewitched in reverse.

Like a person surviving in the desert, desperately longing for water, wanting to hold her in his arms.

If he wasn't on the plane at this time, he would definitely change his flight immediately and cross a distance of 80 kilometers to hug her, even if it was only for a second.

It's a pity that not only can't he turn back, but he will be working in another city for the next half month.

Not to mention hugging, I can't even touch the hair.

After a while, the plane began to taxi, and Lu Manman took off his earphones in desperation.

When tidying up things, she accidentally turned her head and looked at Ling Chen. She panicked and immediately looked away.

Unfortunately, he was still caught.

"I have business to tell you." Ling Chen said lightly.

Lu Manman looked at Ling Chen vigilantly: "What's the matter?"

Ling Chen: "Tell me about the itinerary for the next few days."

Really business.

Lu Manman heaved a sigh of relief, took out the tablet, and carefully told Ling Chen what happened next.

After listening, Ling Chen nodded: "Book me a plane ticket back to Jiangcheng on the night of the 9th."


Lu Manman immediately said: "But on the 11th, I will meet with Niki to arrange the music."

"I know." Ling Chen said, "Book a plane ticket back on the afternoon of the 10th."

Lu Manman: "..."

She didn't agree immediately, but turned to look at Ling Xingyan.

"He is your boss and I am your boss?"

Ling Chen interrupted her.

"Oh, got it."

Lu Manman silently made a note on the schedule, and didn't want to ask why, but she felt that the time was really rushed, "As long as you have free time that day, why don't you rest in the hotel."

Ling Chen sighed deeply: "Do you think I don't want to rest?"

Seeing Ling Chen's serious expression, Lu Manman suddenly blamed himself, how could he have speculated about the boss just now, he was really too busy.


"I can't help it." Ling Chen closed his eyes, took off his baseball cap to cover his face, and fell asleep on his back, "My girlfriend is too clingy."

Lu Manman: "..."

More than two hours later, the plane stopped.

Ling Chen turned on his phone and found that Zhu Wenshu replied a few minutes after he took off.

[Mr. Zhu]: I heard that there will be a Perseid meteor shower on the 9th.

[Teacher Zhu]: It's a pity that the weather in Jiangcheng is bad, so we shouldn't be able to see it.

Ling Chen almost thought that he had missed some information, swiped up and saw Zhu Wenshu's "I want to hug you".

This ability to forcibly change the subject is also gone.

But Ling Chen's ability to force associations is not weak.

All the passengers around got up and got ready to get off the plane, but Ling Chen was still sitting firmly, answering the message leisurely.

[c]: Zhu Wenshu does not need a shooting star to realize his wish.

【c】: Ling Chen is on call.

The Spring Festival came early this year. After the New Year's Day holiday, all classes began to prepare for the final exam.

The exam tasks for the lower grades are not heavy, they can be done in one day.

It's just that the teachers in the lower grades are not easy. From the week of the exam to the date of the results, Zhu Wenshu has to correct the test papers, get the report card, write the final message, and go to other schools to cross-proctor and mark the papers. I feel busier than usual in class.

On the second day after the exam, the Parents' Committee organized a visit to the Red Revolutionary Base.

Zhu Wenshu looked at the nail group during the rewriting period. Parents and students treated it like a spring outing. Photos were continuously sent to the group, and they even brought custom-made small red flags.

In the evening, some parents called to ask Zhu Wenshu if he would like to have dinner together.

In fact, Zhu Wenshu is very happy to participate in the group activities of the class, but she is so tired these days, even Ling Chen said that her schedule is more full than his, so she is already busy at the moment, but she just wants to go home and lie down .

At seven o'clock in the evening, it was completely dark.

Zhu Wenshu ordered takeaway on the way home, but when he got home, he didn't have much appetite.

She put the takeaway on the table, sat and took a breath, and then decided to take a shower first.

When the weather is cold, the bath time will unknowingly become longer.

After more than half an hour, Zhu Wenshu just finished washing his hair. After putting on a hair mask and making a bun, she was about to apply a mask when there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Have you finished washing?"

Ying Fei shouted outside, "I see that your phone has been ringing, I don't know if it's something urgent, let me tell you."

Not knowing if there was something wrong with the test paper, Zhu Wenshu frowned, wrapped himself in a towel and walked out.

Turning on the phone, she suddenly got goosebumps.

The dozen or so missed calls were all from Ling Xingyan and Ling Siyuan's nanny.

An ominous feeling swept over the sky, Zhu Wenshu shuddered, and hurriedly called back.

But whether it was Ling Xingyan or the nanny, both of their phones were busy.

After a while, Ling Xingyan called again.

As soon as it was picked up, it was an urgent voice.

"Mr. Zhu? Are you busy? I have to trouble you with something!"

Hearing this tone, Zhu Wenshu knew something had happened, and hurriedly opened the closet to change clothes.

"You say."

"Ling Siyuan was taken away by Ling Chen's grandparents! I can't make it back right now, the fastest flight ticket will be at night, and Ling Chen is on the plane again, so I can only trouble you to help find her first!"

Zhu Wenshu was originally warm from the hot bath, but after hearing this sentence, the heat on his body instantly turned into a cold air.

Thinking of the scene where the old couple appeared at the school gate last time, her brain exploded, and her limbs and muscles tensed.

"Okay, they are on the side of Binjiang Road today, I will go there now!"

Zhu Wenshu quickly put on his clothes and pants, and when he ran out, he heard Ying Fei shouting from behind: "Coat! You don't wear a coat!"

When she ran downstairs, a taxi happened to pass by.

It was the evening rush hour, and every traffic light was blocked for a few minutes, and finally approaching Bingjiang Road, Ling Xingyan called again, saying that Ling Siyuan's watch track showed that he should be on his way home.

So Zhu Wenshu told the driver to turn around and go to Ling Xingyan's house.

This road is not too congested, and under the urging of Zhu Wenshu, they arrived at the place in fifteen minutes.

When she got out of the car, the nanny happened to be driving back. She didn't park the car in the basement, and just left it on the side of the road and ran off in a hurry.

"Mr. Zhu!" The nanny, who is usually dressed neatly, now even has her down jacket half open, and her forehead hair is also loose. "How is it? Have you seen Yuan Yuan?"

"I just got out of the car!"

Zhu Wenshu only brought a mobile phone, looked around, with sweat dripping from his forehead, "What's going on?"

The nanny gasped and said, "Didn't I take him to participate in class activities today! Seeing that he was sweating from running, I asked another parent to help watch and pour some hot water, but when I came back, I found that he was gone. I heard from my parents that some boys went to play in the pavilion. When I walked over, I saw those two old things squatting in front of Yuan Yuan talking. I yelled, and when they saw it was me, they carried Yuan Yuan into the car up!

It's not easy to take a taxi over there, so I called my parents everywhere for help, and when I drove out to chase, I couldn't see the shadow! "

I saw that his watch was destined to come home, and his dad also said he was in touch and asked me to come here to look for it, but I didn't see anyone! Positioning is also interrupted! "

The nanny turned around in a hurry, Zhu Wenshu stopped sticking and walked towards the security booth.

"Is there surveillance here? Go and ask the security guard if they saw anyone."

Just two steps away, Zhu Wenshu saw a brown car driving diagonally.

Normally, you have to slow down when you pull over to park, but this car has been going very fast. Zhu Wenshu felt something was wrong, so he stopped and stared at the car.

Sure enough, the brown car braked to a sudden stop, and the door opened, making Siyuan almost jump out.

Zhu Wenshu's heart jumped out of his throat. Even though he knew the roadside was safe, he still rushed forward reflexively. It's a pity that people hugged him, but the eight-year-old boy was not light, and fell to the ground with Zhu Wenshu.

The nanny yelled and rushed over, making Siyuan cry too. When Zhu Wenshu raised his head, the car had already driven out.

After Ling Siyuan was picked up by the nanny, Zhu Wenshu got up in embarrassment, picked up the mobile phone on the ground, glanced at the road, and immediately ran out.

After rushing a few meters away, Zhu Wenshu realized that it was impossible for him to catch up with the car. Moreover, she just fell to her knee, and she didn't feel the pain until several seconds later, but she ran too fast, her limbs couldn't keep up with the reaction speed of her brain, and she was wearing ill-fitting shoes, waiting for a violent burst of pain from her ankle. When the pain was felt, the person had already fallen to the ground again.

Fortunately, the car was forced to stop due to traffic at the intersection. Zhu Wenshu lay on the ground, turned on the camera before he could get up, and took a picture of the license plate number.

An hour later, Zhu Wenshu was wrapped in the coat given to her by the dean, and sat on the iron chair of the police station with her body half crooked.

She just finished talking with Ling Xingyan on the phone, and she still hasn't recovered.

The grade director, several teachers from the teaching office, and the school leaders all came, as well as some people from Ling Xingyan's side. Zhu Wenshu didn't know anyone, and there were only their voices chatting in twos and threes.

Ling Siyuan, who was held in the arms of the nanny, was tired from crying, sobbing in a low voice, it seemed that the voice of grievance in the interrogation room was very clear.

"What kind of kidnapping! No kidnapping! We sent him home! We are relatives, we just took him to play!"

"We didn't kidnap! We even called his dad, you police don't spit blood! We are—"

I don't know which policeman roared, and the people in the interrogation room immediately fell silent.

The surroundings quieted down a little, but Zhu Wenshu's mind kept buzzing.

Just now Ling Xingyan told her on the phone that the old couple probably couldn't get in touch with Ling Chen, so they went to squat Ling Siyuan again. After getting the child into the car, I asked for Ling Chen's contact information, but found that it was still the empty number before, so I called him.

Ling Xingyan didn't know what the children were in at the time, so he didn't dare to say harsh words for fear of angering them. He just told them that such behavior would lead to imprisonment. Send it back, everything is easy to talk about.

In short, Ling Siyuan was found safely, and the old couple were stopped by the police car before they left the city because of the license plate number Zhu Wenshu took.

Now the police are working inside, and Zhu Wenshu is waiting to be questioned at any time, so he has no way to go to the hospital to see his leg.

She lowered her head and pulled up her pants, looking at her calves. Because she was in a hurry to go out, she was wearing Ying Fei's shoes, which were two sizes too big, and they fell off within a few steps. The trousers were thin home trousers again, and when they fell on the concrete floor, a large piece of skin was scratched on the calf, and it was burning hot at the moment.

"Congratulations teacher!"

Teacher Zhong, the former homeroom teacher who was still in confinement, also rushed over. After reading the order Siyuan, he came to Zhu Wenshu, "What's the matter?"

Zhu Wenshu couldn't remember how many people came to ask her about her situation, so she recounted the general situation.

Teacher Zhong was relieved to hear that there was no danger, and turned to talk to Ling Siyuan again.

After a while, the dean came over with a cup of hot water.

"Have a drink." She had been paying attention to Zhu Wenshu since she arrived at the police station, and seeing that she was sitting quietly despite her complexion, she said, "Fortunately nothing happened, you are really calm , If I were young, I would have cried a lot.”

Zhu Wenshu nodded, lacking the strength to speak, took two sips and put it aside.

A few minutes later, there was a rush of footsteps at the door.

Except for Zhu Wenshu, everyone looked over there one after another.

The incandescent lamps in the hall were extraordinarily cold in the solemn environment, making everything appear to have no temperature. Ling Chen stood there, his face was almost bloodless, only the violent ups and downs of his chest showed that he was a living person.

Since the last sports meeting, everyone in the school knew that Ling Siyuan was Ling Chen's nephew.

But they didn't expect Ling Chen to appear here so brightly.

It stands to reason that the child is already safe, and there are so many people present, there is no need for Ling Chen, a public figure, to come again.

But not only did he come, but—

Everyone in the hall was staring at Ling Chen, and after he stood at the door for a while, he passed Ling Siyuan whose face was full of tears, only glanced sideways, and then continued to walk in.

More than a dozen eyes, including the eyes of the police on duty, followed him.

Finally, I saw him leaning over and squatting in front of Zhu Wenshu.

"Are you ok?"

He raised his hand to touch Zhu Wenshu, but after seeing her eyes clearly, his movements froze in the air.

This is the Zhu Wenshu he has never seen before, wearing an ill-fitting coat, half-dry hair scattered on the shoulders in a mess, and there is a little plaster on the chin.

When she lowered her head, her half-drooped eyelashes looked particularly thick, but they couldn't hide the fear in her eyes.

"You finally came."

She said in a low voice, with a sense of vulnerability in her voice, "It scared me to death."

At that moment, Ling Chen felt as if his heart was being grabbed by someone, and the long-lost feeling wrapped him up again.

Why should Zhu Wenshu suffer this kind of crime because of him.

After a long time, he said hoarsely, "I'm sorry."

Zhu Wenshu opened his mouth, and was about to speak, when he heard the two people talking nonsense from the interrogation room.

Although the two men were old, their voices were full of spirit, which was very harsh to listen to.

She frowned and asked, "Are they really your relatives?"

Ling Chen closed his eyes, breathing heavily, and only after a while did he say "hmm".

"I'm the one who hurt you."

The disbelief in Zhu Wenshu's eyes dissipated in his answer, and then he reached out and touched Order Chen's cheek.

"This is my duty, not your fault."

Ling Chen's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he looked up at Zhu Wenshu.

She lightly moved Ling Chen's jaw with her fingertips, and said in a low voice, "I still have a duty—"

Before she could finish speaking, Ling Chen raised his hand and hugged her forcefully into his arms.

"I wish you a warm book." Ling Chen's voice was slightly hoarse, and he whispered with exhaustion, "I finally hugged you."