Chapter 55:

The entire police hall was silent. Even if someone came in and out, they would be stunned when they saw this scene, and their footsteps would stop suddenly.

Zhu Wenshu rested his chin on Ling Chen's shoulder, breathing lightly.

She naturally knew that everyone present was staring at them, but she had no strength and did not want to break free from Ling Chen's embrace.

She was too scared, even though Ling Siyuan was sitting aside intact, the scene of him falling out of the car was still replaying in Zhu Wenshu's mind over and over again.

She couldn't help but imagine that if the person who took Ling Siyuan away had the intention to do something to hurt him, if Ling Xingyan was not so calm, if there was no location information, all the consequences would be unimaginable.

After some time, a policeman came out of the interrogation room.

Hearing the door opening, Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes and looked at the policeman for a moment, then whispered in Ling Chen's ear, "The police are looking for you."

When Ling Chen turned his head, the policeman who was about to speak stared at him blankly, with a confused expression.

"That...Ling...Chen? Come in..."

Ling Chen nodded, didn't get up immediately, raised his hand to zip up Zhu Wenshu's coat, and wiped off the plaster on her cheek with his thumb.

"wait for me a bit."

Zhu Wenshu responded softly, and Ling Chen stood up and walked towards Ling Siyuan.

The child was frightened and tired from crying, and now he looked ignorant and sleepwalking.

"Don't be afraid, uncle is here."

He bent down and touched Ling Siyuan's head, "Go to sleep for a while, you'll be fine when you wake up."

Ling Siyuan felt that his tears had dried up, but when he heard Ling Chen's words, his eyes turned red again.

But he didn't really cry, he just rubbed his eyes, nodded and said "yes" choked with sobs, sniffing and buried his face in the nurse's arms.

Ling Chen took one last look at Zhu Wenshu and walked towards the interrogation room.

Under the gaze of a group of people, he pushed open the door, turned around and closed the door gently without looking inside.

When the outside line of sight was completely cut off, Ling Chen lowered his head, his hand was still on the doorknob, and he didn't turn his head.

Grandpa and grandma had already talked dryly with the police, and the two hurriedly got up when they saw Ling Chen come in.

"Achen! Achen! You are finally here! Tell the police quickly, we are your grandparents, we are kidnapped!"

"Speak, Ah Chen! Tell them!"

After a long time, the man standing by the door turned his head.

He didn't seem to have the intention to turn around, and looked sideways at the person at the table, his sharp silhouette was getting colder and colder under the incandescent lamp above his head.

They seem to have seen this look before.

It was the expression on the teenage Ling Chen holding a stick in front of his father when he found out that there were always a few hooligans bullying his father.

That's because they watched with cold eyes and didn't care.

But today's man is no longer the skinny boy he was back then.

He stood a few meters away, wearing a black coat, with broad shoulders, not as weak as before. The shadow cast on the ground made the old couple suddenly unable to speak, and stared blankly at the person in front of them.

Ling Chen stared at them for a long time, his eyes filled with anger, and the originally quiet interrogation room suddenly became cold several degrees.

In the confined space, the two elderly people felt their body temperature drop rapidly, and their limbs became stiff.

Ling Chen walked over step by step, propped his hands on the table, and when he leaned over, the shadow enveloped him, forcing the old couple to back up again and again.

"This is not kidnapping, what is it?"

Without the expected roar, Ling Chen's voice was exceptionally calm, but it made people feel desperate.

The two people in front of them stared wide-eyed, looking at Ling Chen in disbelief, and even felt that they had heard wrong.

"What did you say? What do you mean?"

After a while, grandpa slapped the table and stood up, "Are you trying to deny your relatives?"

He pointed at Ling Chen with trembling fingers, and turned to look at the policeman, "Comrade policeman, look at him! He is a star and his relatives don't recognize him! He doesn't recognize him now! He is ungrateful!"

The two policemen couldn't say a word, "What are you shouting, be quiet!"

Seeing that the police did not favor them, grandpa kicked off the chair and tremblingly wanted to go out, "Everyone is watching! Ling Chen—"

The front of the chest was suddenly grabbed by force, and before Grandpa could react, he was pulled out by Ling Chen.

"Come on." Ling Chen pointed his other finger outside the door, "Tell everyone that I have made Ling Chen's six relatives disrespect me, turn my face and disrespect others, and see if I will frown."

The stools along the road made a series of crashing sounds, and in the panic, grandma cried and tried to tear Lingchen's clothes.

"Achen! This is your grandfather, this is your grandpa!"

The police on the side didn't expect such a scene to happen, and hurried forward to stop it.

Before they could make a sound, Ling Chen turned **** his wrist, turned suddenly and pressed the old man against the wall.

Grandpa's feet were completely exhausted, and he was almost hanging by his collar, almost out of breath.

"Move the people around me to threaten me." Ling Chen's voice was extremely low, and there was no trace of warmth in his eyes, like an extremely cold night, "You don't know who I am?"

Of course they do.

That's the person who fought with others so that his father could risk his life.

But they thought that the current Ling Chen would definitely care about his glory.

"Ah Chen... Ah Chen! Forget it!" Seeing this, grandma grabbed Ling Chen's arm and begged him crying, "We really are not kidnapping, we just want to find you, so please tell the police We don't want to go to jail! We're all seventy..."

Ling Chen was unmoved, his lips were pursed into a straight line, and the veins on the back of his hands were bulging, as if he was about to punch him in the next second.

"Grandma begs you, grandma kneels down for you!"

The old man was pulling his clothes, he was already squatting, and he was about to kneel down, even the police came to pull him, but Ling Chen just looked down at her.

"Kneel." He turned his head and looked coldly at the person who was much shorter than him, "Kneel."

Grandma looked up at him with tears in her eyes, as if looking at a cold-blooded stranger, "You, you...I'm your grandma!"

Ling Chen tilted his head and smiled, and said word by word, "Grandma, even if you kneel here to death today, you don't even want to get a penny."

"And your filial son and grandson."

The strength in Ling Chen's hands suddenly increased, and he pressed against his grandfather, "Remember to ask them to bring you meals."

It was past midnight when Ling Xingyan arrived.

The school leaders left one after another more than an hour ago, only the dean remained.

He came in hurriedly, with a flustered and dazed expression when he came in, after looking around and seeing Ling Siyuan's figure, he hurried over and reached out to hug her.

The nanny made a silent gesture, Ling Xingyan paused his arms in the air, and squatted down stiffly maintaining this position, staring at the sleeping Ling Siyuan for a long time, then lowered his hand and touched him lightly.

After talking with the nanny, he came to Zhu Wenshu again.

Seeing her haggard and embarrassed appearance, Ling Xingyan bowed his shoulders and said in a hoarse voice: "Mr. Zhu, I have caused you trouble."


Zhu Wenshu was tired and sleepy, half asleep and half awake. Hearing Ling Xingyan's words, she took a few seconds to regain consciousness, "It's okay, I should."

Ling Xingyan was about to say something else when he suddenly heard footsteps and turned around to see Ling Chen coming out with a policeman.

Seeing the guardian coming, the police signaled to other people who had completed the written record and signed it to leave first.

Ling Xingyan took a look at Zhu Wen's book, and said nothing else to Ling Chen, "You take Teacher Zhu away first, and leave this to me."

Then he went to the interrogation room.

Ling Chen poured a cup of hot water over, squatted down in front of Zhu Wenshu, "Let's go back."

"it is good."

Zhu Wenshu drank two sips of water, took off his coat while getting up, and handed it to the dean, "Mr. Zhang, return the clothes to you, thank you."

"No, you can go back in your clothes, it's so cold today, tomorrow—"

Before the dean finished speaking, he saw Ling Chen taking off his coat and covering Zhu Wenshu, and said to him, "Thank you."

"No, you're welcome."

Then, with his mouth half open, he watched Ling Chen lead Zhu Wenshu and walk out of the hall step by step.

Ling Chen and Ling Xingyan originally planned to travel for half a month, so the driver took a vacation and went on a trip.

No one expected that something would happen today, and it was too late to notify the driver, so they all took a taxi directly from the airport.

He led Zhu Wenshu out of the police station, and a taxi drove up just as he stood firm.

After getting in the car, the driver turned his head and asked, "Go—"

Seeing the people sitting in the back seat clearly, the young driver suddenly stopped and looked at Ling Chen without blinking.

"Guanghua Road."

Ling Chen said while fastening Zhu Wenshu's seat belt.

"Huh? Oh..."

It took a while for the driver to come back to his senses and let off the brakes.

After the taxi started, the night scene outside the window quickly reversed.

Ling Chen saw a 24-hour pharmacy open by the side of the road, and turned to Zhu Wenshu, "Do you have cold medicine at home?"

Zhu Wenshu tucked his chin into Lingchen's coat and shook his head slightly.

"Master, stop at the pharmacy ahead."

Not long after Ling Chen finished speaking, he got out of the car.

Seeing him trotting all the way to the pharmacy, Zhu Wenshu reached out and touched his forehead belatedly.

The temperature is not too high, but my throat hurts.

How did Ling Chen know that she had a cold?

Confused, Zhu Wenshu slowly turned his head back, and suddenly met the driver who turned to look at her.


She cleared her throat and stopped.

After a while, Ling Chen got into the car with a big bag of medicine.

He put the bags on his lap and flipped through one by one to read the medication guide on the package. Suddenly, he thought of something, raised his head and asked, "Is your roommate at home?"

Zhu Wenshu shook his head again.

Not long ago, Ying Fei sent a message to ask when she saw that she hadn't come home. Zhu Wenshu just said that something happened to the student and he would go home after it was dealt with. Ying Fei didn't think much about it, and said that she went downstairs to eat Haidilao.


Ling Chen didn't speak any more, and concentrated on studying these cold medicines.

A few seconds later, Zhu Wenshu suddenly realized the meaning of Ling Chen's words, and suddenly turned to look at him.


Ling Chen asked.

Zhu Wenshu glanced at the driver first, and found that he was staring at the rearview mirror with his body still turned to this side, as if he was afraid that he could not hear them, so he lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to type in the memo.

— you want to go to my house?

She showed Ling Chen the phone screen.


Ling Chen glanced at it, and continued what he did just now, "I'll get you some medicine, did your calf get scratched too?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't answer his question and continued typing.

—What if my roommate suddenly comes back?

After Ling Chen finished reading, the tails of his eyes slightly raised.

After staring at Zhu Wenshu for a while, he lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I'm really just giving you medicine."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She didn't mean that!

—My roommate is different from ordinary people, she will go crazy when she comes back in the middle of the night and sees you!

After typing, Zhu Wenshu saw that Ling Chen didn't look up, so he leaned over and put the phone in front of him.

Ling Chen was forced to read the content, thinking silently.

Zhu Wenshu thought he finally realized the seriousness, and was relieved.

In the next second, he heard him ask: "Is she..."

Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips seriously and nodded.

"Girlfriend fans?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She turned her head to look at the car window and stopped talking.

In fact, Ying Fei has only been out for a short time, so she probably won't come back so soon.

And now she was sore and weak, and she had been frightened all night, and she really wanted someone to take care of her.

What's more, this person is her boyfriend.

Once the idea popped up, Zhu Wenshu gave up struggling completely.

After a while, she sent Ying Fei a message.

[Zhu Wenshu]: When will you go home?

[Ying Fei]: The food was just served, about an hour ago, have you gone home?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Yes.

[Ying Fei]: Are you okay?

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's okay, it's been dealt with.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then tell me when you go home?

[Ying Fei]: Good.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of the community.

Zhu Wenshu wrapped his clothes tightly and got out of the car, looked around subconsciously, and whispered: "There are still people at this time, if you are seen, will you be in trouble, then—"

Ling Chen suddenly took her hand and walked towards the gate of the community.

"Let's go, it's cold outside." He said softly, "I never thought of hiding you."

After the two left, the taxi was still parked on the side of the road tens of meters away.

The driver looked at the backs of the two of them until he was completely out of sight, then quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a voice message to his wife.

"Fuck, guess who I just picked up!"

"Ling Chen! I've arrived at Ling Chen!"

"He and his girlfriend!"

Soon, my wife sent a question mark over.

The driver said again: "It's his seems like she can't talk?"

Ying Fei left the light in the hallway when she went out, and the air conditioner at home was not turned off, so she felt warm all over her body as soon as she entered the door.

"Go to bed and lie down." Ling Chen walked towards the kitchen like a master, "I'll pour you water."

Zhu Wenshu nodded.

As soon as she entered the room and changed the dirty clothes, Ling Chen came in with hot water and medicine.

"Take this first." He spread out the pills in his hand, and pointed to a box of medicines on the table, "Wake up tomorrow morning and take this. If you still feel uncomfortable, tell me and I'll take you to the hospital."

Zhu Wenshu said yes, took the medicine and water from him, and swallowed them in one gulp.

Afterwards, Zhu Wenshu leaned against the head of the bed and reached out to Lingchen.

It's a pity that Ling Chen didn't see it at all. He lowered his head and rolled up Zhu Wenshu's pants.

In fact, Zhu Wenshu wore thick clothes in winter, but his trousers were rubbed up when he fell, which caused a large area of ​​his calf to be scratched.

It's just that her skin is white, which makes the wound more serious than it actually is.

Zhu Wen Shu withdrew his hand awkwardly, seeing Ling Chen staring at her calf, frowning tightly, he said, "It's okay, even if I rubbed it, it didn't bleed."

Ling Chen didn't speak, but turned to take iodophor and cotton swabs.

"Are you going to invigilate tomorrow?"

"I won't go, the leader told me to rest at home tomorrow and arrange another teacher to take over... hiss!"

Zhu Wenshu suddenly shrank his calf.

Ling Chen immediately stopped and looked up at her.


His movements are very light, iodine is not irritating, and he hardly feels pain.

"No." Zhu Wenshu shook his head, "It's just too cold."

But Ling Chen didn't continue, he held the cotton swab, his eyebrows trembling slightly.

After a while, his voice became hoarse.

"Zhu Wenshu, don't do this in the future."

He raised his eyes, his pupils were dark, reflecting Zhu Wenshu's weak face.

"Put yourself first, okay?"

"I'm really fine."

Zhu Wenshu was suddenly a little anxious, sat up straight and pressed his arm, "I'm a teacher, I definitely can't let this kind of thing happen, and you see, I'm fine, it's just some skin trauma, I..."

"Do you dare to tell your parents what happened tonight?"


I wish Wen Shu paused.

After a while, she lowered her head and said in a muffled voice, "That's not how it works."

"I don't make sense, I just want you to be safe."

Ling Chen's voice was very soft, but every word hit Zhu Wenshu's heart heavily.


She reached out and tugged on Ling Chen's sleeve, "Understood, Teacher Ling."

Ling Chen's expression relaxed a little, but he didn't speak any more.

After cleaning the wound with iodophor, he applied another layer of medicine, Zhu Wenshu didn't even know what it was.

"Don't take a bath tonight, just sleep like this."

He put down the things in his hands, got up and walked to the bathroom.

Zhu Wenshu didn't know what he was doing, turned his head to look at the bathroom, and after a while, he heard the sound of gurgling water.

A few minutes later, Ling Chen came out with a towel folded into small squares, and bent over to wipe Zhu Wenshu's face.

The temperature of the towel is just right, neither cold nor hot.

As early as when Ling Siyuan fell ill, Zhu Wenshu discovered that Ling Chen was different from what she had imagined.

He seems to be very caring, just like at this moment, he can tell which towel is for washing her face without asking, and when she wipes her face, he is not foolish, he will roughly wipe her cheeks first, and then use the corners to wipe her face Nose and behind ears.

When wiping her eyes, Zhu Wenshu cooperated with closing her eyes, and gently wiped the corners of her eyes with a warm towel.

After a while, she opened her eyes, and met Ling Chen's gaze as expected.

"Look at what?"

A few seconds later, Ling Chen spoke.

"I'm thinking, in case you have three diseases and two pains later, if I can't be as meticulous as you."

She laughed, "Isn't it embarrassing?"

The atmosphere in the room finally became more relaxed, and Ling Chen pressed a towel to her ears, "You say so—"

He got up, and before turning his head towards the bathroom, he said, "I'll pretend to be sick in two days."

"You are a singer."

Zhu Wenshu said to his back, "Not an actor."

Ling Chen's voice came from the bathroom: "Sing and you can act, can't you?"


Of course you can, what can't you do.

Zhu Wenshu adjusted the pillow, shrunk down a little, and got into the quilt.

When Ling Chen came out again, he sat by the bed.

"about to sleep?"

Zhu Wenshu pulled up the quilt to cover half of his face.

"Well, you should go back and rest earlier."

Ling Chen asked, "Is your roommate coming back?"

She raised her eyes to look at the clock on the wall, thought for a while, and said, "It's about half an hour."

"That's still early."

After Ling Chen finished speaking, his Adam's apple suddenly rolled, "Kiss for a while?"

Zhu Wenshu: "...?"

Why did the topic change so suddenly?

"Can you not announce it, it will be very embarrassing for me."

"Sorry, I don't have much experience."

Ling Chen leaned down, his voice was too low to be heard, "I'm afraid you don't want to."

How could you not want to.

Zhu Wenshu closed his eyes and thought in a daze.

After kissing Ling Chen for the first time, she could never forget that feeling as if she had tasted it.

From the initial temptation to the subsequent demand, it was obviously just the entanglement between the lips and teeth, but it tickled all the senses in her body.

It seemed that every cell was trembling.

But tonight was different.

Probably because he was concerned that she was a patient, his kiss was delicate and soft, neither demanding nor forceful, as if he was licking her wound.

But this state did not last long.

When Zhu Wenshu realized that he was lying on the bed and Ling Chen was pressing her upper body tightly, his breathing became short of breath.

The air in the room became thinner, and the body temperature of the two also rose together.

Dimly, Zhu Wenshu found that Ling Chen's breathing had become very...heavy.

At the same time, through the quilt, she also felt the obvious changes in Ling Chen's body.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and pushed Ling Chen away with both hands.

She is now an invalid!

The two looked at each other for a long time, Zhu Wenshu's mind went blank, and he said two words uncontrollably.



Ling Chen put his arms beside her ears, panting heavily.

After a while, he went to the bathroom without saying a word.

There was no sound inside, and Zhu Wenshu stared blankly at the ceiling.

After an unknown amount of time, Ling Chen finally came out.

Zhu Wenshu subconsciously glanced at his... trousers, saw nothing unusual, and got into the quilt again.

"I'm going back."


Hearing the sound of footsteps not heading towards the door, but approaching the bed, Zhu Wenshu closed his eyes again.

Feeling Ling Chen's breath approaching, Zhu Wenshu's eyelashes trembled slightly.

But it was just a light kiss on the forehead.

"Good night."

Ling Chen walked to the elevator entrance, stared at his own shadow, and scratched his hair.

Is this a beast?

If he didn't react in this situation, he would be worse than a beast.

After standing for a while, Ling Chen looked away, only to realize that he didn't press the elevator.

He was about to reach out, but the elevator door opened.

Ling Chen took a deep breath, and when he looked up again, he saw a woman standing in the elevator.

Seeing that the woman didn't seem to recognize him, and her expression was normal, Ling Chen also walked in with his head down.

When the two passed by, the woman's footsteps seemed to stop for a moment.

But when Ling Chen stood still and turned around, he saw the woman leave naturally.

Not long after Ling Chen left, there was another noise in the living room.

Zhu Wenshu knew that it was Ying Fei who came back, but she didn't expect the time difference between the two of them to be so small. She was a little worried, got out of bed and opened the door.

Ying Fei walked over with a sullen face, she didn't see anything unusual.

"Did you close the windows tonight?"

Look, still caring about her.

Zhu Wenshu nodded, "Closed, it's windy tonight."

Ying Fei: "Then you slap me."