Chapter 56:

Zhu Wenshu had never heard such a strong request.

She raised her hand, trying to shake Ying Fei's shoulder, but the person opposite directly moved her face closer.

Zhu Wenshu laughed and patted her face lightly.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Ying Fei's eyes were still full of confusion, her eyes were out of focus, and she murmured, "I seem to have seen Ling Chen just now."


Zhu Wenshu's smile froze on his face, "Ling, Chen?"

Ying Fei didn't speak, her brows were gradually furrowed, as if in deep thought.

Then, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Zhu Wenshu.

Zhu Wenshu's heart skipped a beat, and he avoided his gaze, "Where is it? Where is it? I'll go and see."

As she said that, she was about to go out the door, but Ying Fei held her back: "I've already entered the elevator, I'm sure I'm leaving."

After being dragged back by her, Zhu Wenshu hesitated to speak for a while before speaking: "Could you have read it wrong?"


Ying Fei shook her head resolutely, "Even if the faces are similar, the body and temperament cannot be so similar."

Zhu Wenshu, who was a little nervous at first, was amused by Ying Fei's firm tone, and blurted out: "You know him quite well."



Ying Fei's numb expression suddenly disappeared without a trace, like a chick flapping its wings suddenly, "What do I know about him, it's hard not to see him if he swipes the screen every day."


Zhu Wenshu sighed pretendingly, "Why don't I go downstairs and catch up now? Maybe I can take a look."

"As for what, it's so cold outside." Ying Fei muttered in a low voice, "Isn't he just a man with two eyes and one mouth."

"Can it be the same?"

After chatting with Ying Fei for a while, Zhu Wenshu was not as tense as before, she suddenly felt a desire to test, to see what Ying Fei's attitude towards Ling Chen was now.

"Then do you think he... handsome?"

The line of Ying Fei's lips suddenly tightened, her chin was trembling slightly, she looked at Zhu Wenshu, and said for a long time: "I swore an oath in front of the Bodhisattva three years ago, if I speak out against my conscience, my brother will be confused. "

Zhu Wenshu raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Ying Fei: "I think he's shockingly ugly."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Okay, it seems that the black fans are still steadfast.

She lowered her head and smiled helplessly.

"Then I think you must be wrong."

Ying Fei remained silent, as if she was still concentrating on something.

"Go to bed early, Feifei."

When Zhu Wenshu turned around, he heard Ying Fei talking to herself: "Why is he here..."

As soon as he took a step, Zhu Wenshu heard another "pop".

She turned her head suddenly, and saw that the hand that Ying Fei slapped herself was about to leave her cheek.

"I'm really sick!" She turned up the volume as if waking up from a dream, "Didn't he go to Licheng to record a new album, and the drummer posted a group photo at noon today, how could he be here!"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She widened her eyes in surprise, doubting Ying Fei's identity for the first time.

How does this black fan know Ling Chen's itinerary better than her girlfriend?

"You really... pay attention to him."

Ying Fei's mouth opened and closed for a long time without knowing how to explain, and her complexion became very good-looking.

"I'm not paying attention to him...Forget it, you don't understand." She swallowed, "Just treat me as sleepwalking tonight."

Because Ying Fei was sure that she had admitted the wrong person, Zhu Wenshu didn't take this matter too seriously, but before going to bed, she still couldn't help thinking that she should not let Ling Chen come over in the future.

Ying Fei hates him so much, if something happens, she doesn't want to go to the police station again.

But in their current situation, they seem to have no other place to stay except at home.

In this melancholy, Zhu Wenshu fell asleep in a daze.

The next morning, Zhu Wenshu was woken up by the vibration of his mobile phone.

It has only been more than ten hours since Ling Siyuan's incident, Zhu Wenshu's nerves are still tense, he sat up almost the moment he opened his eyes, and hurriedly pulled out his phone.

Taking a closer look, she didn't know whether she should breathe a sigh of relief or be more nervous.

Almost all the teachers in the school who have friends with her have sent messages, and those who have not been in touch also added WeChat.

Zhu Wenshu can know what they are asking without clicking through them one by one.

The most outrageous thing was that Zhu Qisen sent seventeen voice messages in a row, none of which were less than 50 seconds old.

Zhu Wenshu didn't bother to open it.

[Zhu Wenshu]: What's the matter?

[Zhu Qisen]: Didn't you hear my voice?

[Zhu Wenshu]: The phone is broken.

【Zhu Qisen】:...

[Zhu Qisen]: I heard that you kissed Ling Chen at the police station?

[Zhu Wenshu]:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

She almost didn't hold the phone steady, so she made a voice call directly.

When Zhu Qisen picked it up, there was a bit of noise in the background.

"Tell me, what's going on?! I woke up in the morning and saw everyone talking. I thought I was wrong!"

Didn't hear Zhu Wenshu speak, Zhu Qisen asked again: "Did I make a mistake? Is this impossible? This is absolutely impossible!"

"Of course it's impossible."

Zhu Wenshu said calmly.

"Hey! I'll just—"

Zhu Wenshu: "I am a teacher, how can I kiss people in public."

Zhu Qisen: "...?"

He was stunned for a moment, "Mr. Zhu, I taught you Chinese?"


"Is that the point?"

"Why not?"

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and grabbed the quilt, and said in a low voice, "Don't tell Teacher Xueer, I'm afraid she won't be able to accept it."

Zhu Qisen: "..."

Do you think I can accept it?

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, Zhu Wenshu knew that Zhu Qisen was digesting this matter, so he didn't speak.

She has no experience in dating celebrities, and she didn't know what to do at the beginning, so she just kept secretive.

It wasn't until Ling Chen said that last night that she was sure that falling in love with him could be the same as other people.

Since Ling Chen didn't intend to hide her, she had nothing to hide.

It's just a bit of a headache to be gossiped by so many colleagues all at once.

"I still can't figure it out...Then, then you..."

After a long time, Zhu Qisen spoke again, "But the day of the concert was Ling Chen—I'm a fool?!"

He finally realized, "No, Zhu Wenshu, you are that, that..."

"All right."

Zhu Wenshu's phone was still vibrating, and his mind was groggy due to the cold, so he didn't have the time to discuss the details with Zhu Qisen, "Let's do this first, I'll tell you later when I have time, anyway, don't tell Teacher Xue'er yet."

Feeling that Zhu Wenshu was about to hang up, Zhu Qisen hurriedly said: "No, hey! You... Hey, my head is buzzing now, and I have to invigilate the exam later. Also, I got up in the morning and told Xueer what happened last night. Things, she knew you were sick and recuperating at home and said she wanted to see you."

"No, I'm fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Wenshu sneezed.

"Hey, look at you, let's not talk about it. I have been parked at the intersection for a long time, and the cars behind seem to be urging me to die."

Zhu Qisen stepped on the gas pedal again, and before hanging up the phone, he emphasized again, "Don't forget to talk to me! I'm driving, so don't—oh, I'm stupid, why did I turn right!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Wenshu took out a tissue and wiped his nose sideways.

I ran out last night with wet hair and didn't wear a coat. I didn't think it was serious at first, but when I woke up, I felt that the condition was getting worse, and I couldn't even breathe through my nasal cavity.

She didn't think about how to tell her colleagues, so she pretended to be dead and sent Ling Chen a message before getting out of bed.

[Zhu Wenshu]: I'm a little dizzy, I'll go to the hospital later.

Then she went to wash and change clothes, and warmed up a glass of milk.

In less than twenty minutes, when he was looking at his phone again, Zhu Wenshu was in a daze for a moment, poured milk in one gulp, and hurried downstairs.

It was the rush hour for work, and there were many people at the entrance of the community. Zhu Wenshu stood on the side of the road looking around for a long time but did not see Ling Chen's car.

Until a hand stretched out from a red car and waved at her twice.

Only then did Zhu Wenshu recall that this was the car that Ling Siyuan's nanny usually drove.

"How did you come?"

Zhu Wenshu sat behind the co-pilot and asked.

Ling Chen didn't answer immediately, but helped her wrap up the loose scarf tightly, and pulled out the long hair sticking to her neck.

"Ask you." Zhu Wenshu repeated, "Why are you here?"


Ling Chen looked up at her helplessly, "Why do you always ask me this question?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't understand what he meant and blinked in confusion.

Ling Chen pinched her earlobe, "Shouldn't I come?"

"I did not mean that."

Zhu Wenshu raised his hand to scratch the place he pinched, itching, "You are Ling Chen."

"Lingchen is yours," he paused for a moment, "boyfriend."

"I know."

Zhu Wenshu slightly bent his lips, his voice softened, "I think there are too many people in the hospital."

Ling Chen also smiled with her, "It's because there are so many people that I can't let my girlfriend go alone."

On the way, Zhu Wenshu saw that Ling Chen answered the phone, and it seemed that Ling Xingyan was on the other side.

After he hung up, Zhu Wenshu asked, "How about yesterday's incident?"

These words made the atmosphere in the car suddenly heavy.

But Ling Chen looked relaxed, as if he didn't take it seriously, "Ling Xingyan is still dealing with it."

Zhu Wenshu nodded, and asked again: "Will you be sentenced?"

Seeing Ling Chen frowned, she added: "I'm not talking nonsense, I really don't know much about this."

"What's the matter with your two words, Yuanyuan is yours—"

Ling Chen turned her head and glanced at Zhu Wenshu, as if anticipating what he was going to say, she pursed her lips unnaturally.

Ling Chen changed the phrase, "Student."


In fact, Zhu Wenshu didn't care about this. She lowered her head and whispered, "I'm more concerned about what you want to do. After all, those are your grandparents."

"Not anymore."

Ling Chen said this without a tone.

Zhu Wenshu didn't wait for the next sentence for a long time, so he raised his head to look at him, saw the morning light on his fair face, and his eyes were calm, so he wisely didn't ask any more questions.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, she asked too much.

If there was still a family relationship between those two old people and Ling Chen, how could they do such a thing.

But because of Zhu Wenshu's silence, Chen's mood obviously fluctuated.

When he arrived at the hospital a few tens of meters away, he suddenly asked, "Do you think I'm not filial?"


Zhu Wenshu froze for a moment, at first he heard the tone sounded like a joke, but Ling Chen's expression was very serious.

So she shook her head: "No."

The car stopped on the side of the road, Ling Chen didn't make a sound, and looked at Zhu Wenshu quietly.

She lowered her head, unfastened her seat belt, and said, "I don't really like the word 'filial piety'."

Ling Chen softened his eyebrows and said softly, "Then what do you like?"

Zhu Wenshu felt a little embarrassed to say this, and when she picked up her bag and was about to open the car door, she turned around and smiled at Ling Chen.

"In love."

After she finished speaking, she jumped out of the car, and before Ling Chen came back to her senses, she waved to him through the car window.

"I'll go in and prescribe some medicine, don't follow me, just wait here for me."

Ling Chen didn't say a word, bowed his head and started to unbuckle his seat belt.

"Really." Zhu Wenshu knocked on the car window, "You are obedient."


The tall man of more than 1.8 meters seemed to be sealed by the word "obedient".

Ling Chen pursed his lips tightly, did not continue to unfasten his seat belt, and cast a glance at Zhu Wenshu with drooping eyelids.

"Hurry up." He said blankly, "I can't listen to words for too long."

When Zhu Wenshu walked away, Ling Chen stared at her back for a long time, feeling an impulse in his heart.

It can't go on like this.

A couple is not like a couple, they can't even accompany them to a hospital.

After a while, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and called Ling Xingyan.

"I was looking for you." Ling Xingyan picked it up and said directly, "You know the seriousness of this matter is just like that, and there won't be too much punishment if you want to pursue it, but those two old people have begged me It's been a night, I've thought about it a lot, mainly I think it's better to use this matter to frighten them, the effect is better, and secondly, I really don't want to get entangled with them."

"What do you think?"

"I don't think you need to think about me."

Ling Chen said, "It's your own son they are trying to hurt. You can do whatever you want. They have nothing to do with me."

Ling Xingyan pondered for a moment, "Okay, anyway, don't worry, they won't appear in the future."

He was busy with his hands, Ling Xingyan was about to hang up the phone after finishing speaking, "That's fine, let's not talk about it, you come back quickly, I have to go—"

"Wait a minute."

Ling Chen spoke suddenly.

Ling Xing said, "What?"

Ling Chen looked at the back at the hospital gate and said, "Are we relatives?"

Ling Xing said: "?"

He felt that Ling Chen must be sad because of the matter of his grandparents, so his tone softened, "Yes, of course, we will always be relatives, and we will also be relatives when you pass away."

Ling Chen: "Family must love each other, right?"

Ling Xingyan felt that Ling Chen might be really hurt, so he said very righteously: "Yes! Let's love each other!"

Ling Chen said lightly: "Then find a time to help me inhale formaldehyde."

Ling Xing said: "?"

Ling Chen: "I want to move back to my own home."

It took longer for Zhu Wenshu to come out than Ling Chen expected.

He frequently looked towards the hospital gate, and when he was about to make a phone call, he saw that familiar figure coming out of it.

And she hangs her head and walks slowly, looking unhappy.

When she got into the car, Ling Chen turned his head to see her expression.

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Wenshu shook his head: "It's nothing, it's a small matter."

"Your matter is not trivial."

He squeezed Zhu Wenshu's chin and let her look at himself, "What's the matter?"

Zhu Wenshu blinked: "The doctor said I'm hopeless."

Ling Chen: "?"


He pursed his lips, "Speak well."

"Oh, it's nothing."

Zhu Wenshu let out a long sigh, and patted the wrinkles on his clothes one after another, "It's just that an old man jumped in the line when he was getting medicine. I reasoned with him, but he messed around and **** me off."

Ling Chen really didn't expect Zhu Wenshu to be unhappy because of this.

He smiled, "When will you learn to be unreasonable?"

Zhu Wenshu glared at him, "As a teacher, of course I have to be reasonable."

"Teachers are human beings too, so lose your temper when you should lose your temper."

Ling Chen turned her face away and looked at her seriously, "How about I teach you?"

Zhu Wenshu ignored him.

"For some people, reasoning is useless." He said, "Would it be murderous?"

Zhu Wenshu said lazily, "No."

"Then I'll teach you." Ling Chen pursed his lips, "Next time just say, get out, understand?"

Zhu Wenshu played with his scarf and said, "Get lost~"

Ling Chen: "...I made you scold, not act like a baby."

He tilted his head and thought for a while, "Lao Tzu, will you say it?"

This claim sounds very imposing.

But when Zhu Wenshu looked up at Ling Chen, he suddenly felt very funny.

A big star is teaching a people's teacher to swear.

So she stared at Ling Chen and laughed.


Ling Chen pinched her face, "I'm teaching you to swear, be serious."


"Learn one, Lao Tzu, hurry up."

Zhu Wenshu nodded and looked at him with shining eyes.

"Hold me."


I was teaching her to lose her temper, but she suddenly made her lose her temper.

Ling Chen sighed resignedly, and stretched out his arms to wrap her shoulders.

When he smelled the fragrance in her hair, Ling Chen lowered his head again and kissed the corner of her mouth.

After Zhu Wenshu got home, he received a call from Shi Xueer as soon as he made himself some medicine.

"I wish the teacher, are you better?"

"It's better, it's nothing serious."

Zhu Wenshu said.

"Why isn't it a big deal! Zhu Qisen said that you didn't wear your coat last night, did you froze?"

There was a whistle on the other end of the phone, "I bought you some fruit and made chicken soup, and I'll bring it to you right away."

"...Ah? Don't bother! I'm fine."

"You're welcome, Zhu Qisen said that you got sick because of Ling Chen's nephew, we fans should thank you anyway, just wait a moment, I'll be at your house soon."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

It was as if it was for Ling Chen's own son.

She was a little helpless, but thinking that everyone would be downstairs soon, she didn't refuse anymore.

After a while, the doorbell rang.

Zhu Wenshu opened the door and saw Shi Xueer carrying big and small bags, and couldn't help laughing.

"It's like a serious illness for me, but I just got a little cold. You are too kind."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Shi Xueer entered the door and put the things on the table, "I am here to understand the situation on behalf of the friends in our group, what's going on?"

After Shi Xueer finished speaking, seeing that Zhu Wenshu's face was a little pale, she hurriedly said, "Drink some chicken soup first, don't worry, don't worry."

In fact, Zhu Wenshu didn't know how to tell Shi Xueer about this situation, after all, it involved Lingchen's family situation.

But Shi Xueer's people had already arrived, and she couldn't drive them away, so she got a bowl of chicken soup and drank it while trying to figure out how to speak.

A few minutes later, Ying Fei came out.

When she saw Shi Xueer, she was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head and walked towards the kitchen without saying a word.

Shi Xueer didn't pay attention to her, and sat eagerly beside Zhu Wenshu, "How is it? Is it good?"

"It's delicious."

Zhu Wenshu felt awkward drinking alone, so he said, "Would you like to drink some too?"

The weather was very cold today, Shi Xueer was blown by the wind when she came over, and her hands and feet were still cold at the moment, so she nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go get a bowl."

Seeing her get up, Zhu Wenshu quickly put down the soup in his hand, "I'll get it for you."

As soon as the words finished, Ying Fei from the kitchen came over with an empty bowl and put it in front of Shi Xueer.

Shi Xueer coughed lightly, "Thank you."

"No thanks, just drink more."

Ying Fei said with a sullen face, "When you see the news that your family Ling Chen's house collapsed later, you should drink more chicken soup for your soul."


Both people in the living room froze.

"What collapsed house?"

Shi Xueer asked blankly, "Did he evade taxes?"


Ying Fei twitched the corner of her mouth, "Didn't you see the Weibo just now?"


Zhu Wenshu took out his mobile phone before Ying Fei, and refreshed Weibo, and sure enough, he saw the popular content from more than ten minutes ago.

[@entertainment new bus]: Explosive! The first-line top class had a tongue kiss with a woman in the car this morning. It was inseparable. Has she been in an underground relationship for many years? meet on Monday!

Zhu Wenshu clicked on the comment, the first hot comment—

When will @好奶套来 come: Ling Chen and Xiaocan classmate?

Zhu Wenshu closed it after one glance, staring blankly at the ground.


After reading Weibo, Shi Xueer laughed out loud, "Why do I think this is a collapsed house? We're eager to see how divine Xiaocan is."

Ying Fei: "..."

Shi Xueer: "Ouch! Is this group of paparazzi okay? I just took pictures today, and I'll see you on Monday! Let me expose it now! I want to see the photos! I'm not happy if it's not high-definition and uncensored!"


Shi Xueer: "It would be even better if there was a video, I can watch it eight hundred times as an idol drama."

Zhu Wenshu stood up suddenly, ran back to the room with his mobile phone and closed the door.

She turned around, with her back against the wall, panting and dialed Ling Chen's number.

After a few seconds of waiting, Zhu Wenshu's legs began to lose his balance.

I thought about being photographed, but I never thought that I would be photographed kissing.

This makes her a teacher by example!

"What's wrong?"

Ling Chen's voice sounded calmly.

"What did you say!"

Zhu Wenshu lowered his voice and stomped his feet anxiously, "Didn't you see the news just now?"

"Oh, you said this."

Ling Chen said unhurriedly, "I heard."


Zhu Wenshu blinked, "Why are you so calm? We were photographed!"

"not us."

His tone was exceptionally calm, without any trace of panic, which made Zhu Wenshu a little confused.

"How are you sure it's not us?"

Ling Chen: "I didn't stick out my tongue when I kissed you today."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."