Chapter 57:

It was already a few minutes after Zhu Wenshu came out of the room.

The two people outside just noticed that she was not there, they only thought she was going to the bathroom.

Seeing Zhu Wenshu approaching, Shi Xueer was still excited, and kept typing on her mobile phone.

Ying Fei was cooking instant noodles in the living room expressionlessly.

"Hey, Teacher Zhu, come and take a look."

Shi Xueer waved to Zhu Wenshu and handed her the phone.


Zhu Wenshu frowned and looked at Ying Fei, before walking over slowly, seeing Shi Xueer scrolling through the shopping page of a certain treasure, "Do you think Ferrero's gift box is more beautiful or Godiva's?"

Zhu Wenshu looked at it twice and felt that they were all similar.

"Godivin, do you want to give it to Zhu Qisen?"

"He doesn't eat chocolate."

Shi Xueer's shiny nails clicked to add to the shopping cart, "I will forward the lucky draw when Ling Chen and Xiaocan are exposed."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Ying Fei, who had just finished cooking the instant noodles, shook her head with the corners of her mouth pulled.

I'm afraid it's not being stimulated to go crazy.

At this time, Shi Xueer smelled the aroma of instant noodles wafting from the restaurant, swallowed, got up and took Zhu Wenshu to the room.

"Mr. Zhu, you haven't taken your medicine yet, have you? Go and rest quickly."

After closing the door, Shi Xueer leaned against the door and listened to the movement outside, making sure that Ying Fei just turned around after eating instant noodles.

When she saw Zhu Wenshu sitting at the table taking medicine, she remembered that the purpose of her visit today was to find out what happened to Ling Chen's nephew.

"Teacher Zhu, what happened yesterday?"

Shi Xueer stood aside and asked, "Is Ling Chen's nephew okay? I heard from Zhu Qisen that he was kidnapped by relatives?"


Zhu Wenshu said while taking the medicine, his voice was a bit vague, "It's because the relatives took the children out to play, and they didn't notify in place, and some misunderstandings occurred."

Shi Xueer opened her eyes wide: "Huh?"

"Then I sent it home directly." Zhu Wenshu said again, "I don't know the details, it should be some misunderstanding."

Shi Xueer never expected this to be the case. Last night, Zhu Qisen told her that Lingchen's nephew had been taken away. Zhu Wenshu ran to find him at night and made a scene at the police station. She thought it was some kind of nasty kidnapping.

But seeing Zhu Wenshu's calm face, Shi Xueer was also confused: "That's it?"

Seeing Zhu Wenshu raise his eyes, she suddenly came back to her senses, and quickly patted her mouth twice.

"Bah bah! I'm not a curse, I thought something big happened."

She blinked in a daze, and pressed her chest, "That's good, it turned out to be a false alarm, so it's fine."

The phone vibrated a few times, Shi Xueer glanced at the messages sent by her friends, and laughed like a fool again.

"Why is it only Wednesday today? I really want to fast-forward to Monday and see what student Xiaocan looks like. She must be very beautiful."

Zhu Wenshu opened his mouth and was about to speak when Shi Xueer said, "Oh, not necessarily, Ling Chen is not such a superficial person, maybe he looks ordinary."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She nodded, "It should be...pretty pretty...right."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether they look good or not, as long as they are good."

Shi Xueer held the phone and smiled like a young girl, "I just didn't expect Ling Chen to be pretty, kissing with tongue, in the car, it's not like him at all."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She blushed for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Are you so happy?"

"Of course I'm happy, Teacher Zhu, think about it, first love! Ling Chen's first love!"

She squeezed the phone tightly, her eyes were shining brightly, "Ling Chen and her first love are together, isn't it romantic and not good?"

Zhu Wenshu just nodded, "Sit down, don't just stand."

Hearing this, Shi Xueer fell on the bed, looked at the ceiling and muttered: "When they get married, I will take out the year-end award and forward it to the lottery draw, so I can give it to them as a gift."

Zhu Wenshu spit out a mouthful of water and coughed again and again.

Shi Xueer quickly got up to help her pat her back, holding paper and water.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Or I won't bother you, you can continue to rest."

Zhu Wenshu's face was flushed from choking, and he was still struggling to get up to see Shi Xueer off.

If she didn't leave, she might have to suffocate here.

But Shi Xueer didn't let Zhu Wenshu get up, she wiped the table and went out happily with her bag.

When passing by the restaurant, Shi Xueer smelled the lingering aroma of instant noodles and paused.

The instant noodles that Ying Fei cooked for her last time were really delicious.

It's a pity that I found the other party's Internet vest before I could get the link.

Shi Xueer has been brooding over this until now, but seeing that Ying Fei is no longer in the living room, she quietly walked to the kitchen.

She bent down, stretched out her fingers with shiny manicures, and rummaged through the trash can.

The top one is indeed the packaging of instant noodles, but it is a pity that it is all in Korean that I cannot understand.

But it doesn't matter, Shi Xueer happily took out her mobile phone and was about to take pictures and go back to search, when a voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"What are you doing?"


Shi Xueer straightened up mechanically, turned her head and said with a smile, "It's nothing, I see that you are full of garbage, please help throw it down."

Ying Fei glanced at the trash can, which was only half full, and snorted.

"Oh, I thought you had a habit of picking up trash."

Shi Xueer gritted her teeth and tied the garbage bag, and heard the person behind her say, "Wait a minute."

She stepped forward to grab the instant noodle packaging bag, and then smiled at Shi Xueer: "Thank you, the community garbage disposal office is downstairs and turn left."


Shi Xueer cursed and went downstairs with the trash, threw it into the shelter, and then stared upstairs.

Zhu Wenshu didn't take "see you on Monday" seriously because he got the sure news from Ling Chen.

Ling Xingyan also took full responsibility for the affairs of grandparents, and Ling Chen flew back to Licheng on Friday to continue working.

After Zhou Tian sent out the report card, Zhu Wenshu officially ushered in his winter vacation.

Usually at this time she was ready to pack her luggage and go back to Huiyang, but this year when her parents asked her, she hesitated for a long time before making a decision.

During this time, Chen was very busy, and the two of them didn't have much time to meet each other.

If she returned to Huiyang, it would be almost impossible.

But staying in Jiangcheng, it seems that there is nothing to do.

After the meeting in the afternoon, the teachers did not leave immediately. This was the first time to go back to school after the exam, and it took more than half an hour for everyone to gossip around Zhu Wenshu one after another.

On the way home, Zhu Wenshu was sitting by the bus stop, and the surrounding shops had already been decorated with the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

It's all my colleagues' fault.

Zhu Wenshu didn't think much about it at first, but everyone whispered "Ling Chen" in her ear, and now her mind is full of his face.

The bitter winter breeze made Zhu Wenshu shiver from the cold through the scarf.

I don't know how the weather in Licheng is like.

She took out her phone and looked at the weather software, frowned and clicked her tongue.

Why is it several degrees colder than Jiangcheng, and it will rain for several days in a row in the future.

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's so cold over there, and it's going to rain, so wear more.

After a while.

[c]: Got it.

[c]: Is the meeting over?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Well, it's a holiday.

She looked up at the sky, it was hard to imagine how uncomfortable it was to live in the rainy city.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Are you busy with work?

[c]: It's okay.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Is Licheng beautiful?

[c]: Generally speaking.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Isn't it good-looking?

[Zhu Wenshu]: I have never been there.

After this, Ling Chen didn't come back.

I don't know if he was busy, but Zhu Wenshu felt that he suddenly became bored.

Maybe it was because the weather was too cold, or maybe it was because he replied indifferently.

Zhu Wenshu put away his mobile phone, stretched his legs and kicked the pebbles on the side of the road.

After a while, the bus came.

Zhu Wenshu went up with his bag, but there was no seat yet.

She sighed heavily, grabbed the armrest and just stood still when the phone in her bag rang again.

But she was in no mood to look.

At the station, Zhu Wenshu got off the bus before taking out his phone.

It is a ticket information.

She stared at the screen several times, and after confirming that her ID number was correct, she immediately sent a message to Ling Chen.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Did you buy me a plane ticket?

[c]: Hmm.

[c]: You're here, isn't Licheng beautiful?

She bent her lips and stood in the cold wind for several seconds, then ran home.

I thought Ling Chen couldn't hear her voice-over.

Early the next morning, Zhu Wenshu rushed to the airport with a big suitcase.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to stay for a few days, she insisted on packing five or six sets of clothes for herself when she packed her luggage. She seemed to regard this trip as a trip, and she always felt that she had to wear different clothes every day.

When the plane landed in Licheng, Zhu Wenshu went to the carousel to pick up his luggage, scanned the surroundings, and found that he really seemed to have a lot of things with him.

It was as if she wanted to stay by Ling Chen's side.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret now.

Zhu Wenshu's embarrassment was long overdue, but she was eager to see Ling Chen, so she couldn't care less, so she dragged the big box and walked out like flying.

Before boarding the plane, Ling Chen said that he was busy and a friend would come to pick him up.

As the Spring Festival approaches, there are a lot of people traveling, and the exit fence is full of people picking up the airport.

Zhu Wenshu didn't know what this friend looked like. She raised her head and looked around along the way, and when she was hesitating whether to call him, she suddenly saw a strange young man standing by the fence holding a bouquet of roses , There are a few uncles and aunts who pick up the plane staring at him.

Because he was holding a sign in his hand with six large characters written on it—Lingchen's little treasure.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She froze on the spot.

How can this be?

Ling Chen, you are a public figure, even if you don't cover up, you can't be so high-profile, right? !

Zhu Wenshu stood there for a long time, sometimes digging his toes in embarrassment, and sometimes couldn't help but sneak a glance at the sign.

She took out her mobile phone, took a photo from a distance and sent it to Ling Chen.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Ling Chen! !


"Miss Zhu?"

Just after posting, a female voice sounded from the side. Zhu Wenshu turned his head and saw a woman in a black down jacket waving at her, "Are you Miss Zhu? I'm Xiaoyu. Your boyfriend asked me to pick you up."

Zhu Wenshu blinked, and when he looked at the man holding the placard again, a gust of wind suddenly blew by him.

"Honey!" A young girl rushed to the man holding the sign, hugged him across the fence, and then looked up at the things in his hand, "Oh, you really know it, then I shouldn't be Ling Chen's little baby today, but you baby."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She turned her head and left, and quickly withdrew the photo just now.

[C]: What's wrong?

[Zhu Wenshu]: It's okay.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Just express my miss.

[C]: Oh.

[c]: Congratulations! !

After getting in the car, Zhu Wenshu looked towards the window with a wooden face.

Xiaoyu moved swiftly, fastened her seat belt and drove out of the parking lot, and frequently looked at the letter of congratulations in the rearview mirror.

Sensing her gaze, Zhu Wenshu felt a little uncomfortable, and wanted to find something to talk about to resolve the embarrassment of being speechless.

"Hey, how did you recognize me?" Zhu Wenshu said, "I thought there would be a sign or something."

"No need." Xiao Yu said with a smile, "Ling Chen told me, the most beautiful one in the crowd must be."


Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips and smiled.

Xiaoyu kept smiling and didn't speak any more.

In fact, there is a follow-up to this.

When Ling Chen said that, Xiao Yu felt that he was joking, so he asked for a photo according to his words, so that he could recognize it later.

As a result, Ling Chen sent a total of eight photos.

There are three front and side photos, and two **** back photos.

It was only short of writing the words "Do you think my girlfriend is beautiful" on the photo.

What, do you want her to model his girlfriend?

After arriving at the hotel, Ling Chen was not there, so Xiao Yu directly took Zhu Wenshu to a suite that had been opened earlier.

Before leaving, tell her that Ling Chen is still in the recording studio and will be busy later.

The heating in the hotel was turned on. After Zhu Wenshu took off his coat, he hung up all the clothes that were easily wrinkled in the suitcase in the cabinet, and put the toiletries on the sink.

After working for a while, she sat by the bed and looked at the layout of the room, and couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

It's extravagant and wasteful to open such a large suite for her alone.

Thinking about it, Zhu Wenshu hugged the pillow and fell asleep unconsciously under the warm wind above his head.

But it wasn't night after all, Zhu Wenshu woke up after not sleeping for a long time.

She first opened her eyes to the unfamiliar environment, and was still a little confused. Turning his head slowly again, when he saw the man sitting on the sofa beside him, he subconsciously exclaimed.

Sitting on the sofa half asleep, Ling Chen raised his head when he heard the sound, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Wenshu looked at him in shock, "Why didn't you make a sound when you came?"

"No one answered the knock on the door, and no one answered the phone."

Ling Chen slowly got up and sat on the edge of the bed, "I didn't wake you up because you were sleeping soundly."

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head, only to realize that he was covered with a quilt, his shoes were also taken off, and they were neatly placed on the ground.

She rubbed her face and said with a smile, "If I don't wake up, will you wait forever?"


Seeing that Zhu Wenshu lifted the quilt, Ling Chen bent over and took the slippers, and said casually, "I like to wait for you."

Seeing the faint blackness under his eyes, Zhu Wenshu paused.

"I do not like."

Ling Chen didn't sleep well last night, as if his reaction was half a beat slow, he turned his head slowly.

"All right." Ling Chen sighed, "I won't wait after that."

Hearing his pitiful and aggrieved tone, Zhu Wenshu was a little helpless, but she didn't mean that, she just felt that there was no need to accommodate her like this.

But before she opened her mouth to explain, Ling Chen said again: "Next time I will kiss you directly."


Zhu Wenshu grabbed the small square pillow and threw it at him, "Be respectful to the teachers of the people."


Ling Chen embraced Zhu Wenshu and hugged her tightly, then rested his chin on her shoulder, and originally wanted to say "Mr. Zhu" as usual.

But he suddenly thought of something, and there was a little smile in his tone, "Ling Chen's little treasure."

Zhu Wenshu had forgotten about this at first, but when he suddenly mentioned it, his scalp tingled again.

Sure enough, he still saw the photo.

never mind.

Zhu Wenshu leaned his head against his neck, smelled the familiar fragrance of his body, and suddenly resigned to his fate.

"Your baby is hungry."


Ling Chen smiled on her shoulder for a while, then turned his head to look out the window.

"Let's go eat." He rubbed his cheek reminiscently, "When you come, the weather in Licheng will improve."

Zhu Wenshu followed his gaze.

It was still raining lightly in Licheng when she got off the plane, but now it has cleared up.

"Then I'm really..." she said, "It's amazing."

When going out, Zhu Wenshu was held by Ling Chen, but he didn't feel much.

It's just that in the hotel lobby, with guests coming and going, Zhu Wenshu always felt that he might be recognized, so he subconsciously wanted to pull out his hand.

But Ling Chen noticed her movement and didn't say anything, just gripped harder.

Zhu Wenshu couldn't break free, so he simply let him go.

Anyway, he was wearing a mask, and she was also wrapped in a thick scarf, so she might not be noticed.

After getting into the car smoothly all the way, Ling Xingyan was already waiting in the co-pilot.

Seeing Zhu Wenshu coming, he turned around and greeted her, then hurriedly put on the earphones to answer the phone.

He seemed to be busy with some decoration, and chatted intermittently for a long time.

Zhu Wenshu didn't bother him anymore. After a while, his cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was Shi Xueer's call, Zhu Wenshu touched his bag and found that he was not wearing earphones, so he answered it in a low voice.

"Teacher Xueer, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Zhu, are you free tomorrow?" Shi Xueer said, "Let's go shopping. Zhu Qisen is going to see his grandma. I'm so bored."

"I have something to do recently."

Shi Xueer sighed, "Okay, then when are you free?"

Zhu Wenshu glanced sideways at Ling Chen.

It seemed that she and Ling Chen had never discussed this issue.

"Not sure, maybe in a few days."


Shi Xueer was really bored, and thought again, "It's Sunday today, why don't those paparazzi break the news? I sent dozens of private messages to that entertainment new bus to urge him, do you really want to?" Wait until Monday?"

She had just finished speaking, Zhu Wenshu hadn't figured out how to answer, Ling Xingyan in the front row answered another call, and his tone suddenly became irritable.

"I said it wasn't Ling Chen! Ling Chen wasn't photographed! It was Ye Shaoxing who was photographed! Don't believe me, wait until tomorrow to see for yourself!"


Zhu Wenshu stared at Ling Xingyan's back and blinked, and there was no more sound from the receiver.

Several seconds passed.

"Mr. Zhu..." Shi Xueer said dully, "Who are you with?"

Zhu Wenshu: "...I'm doing a home visit."

In the afternoon, Ying Fei who was far away in Jiangcheng woke up and went to wash her face in a daze.

When I got back to my room, I found a new message on my phone.

That Shi Xueer... actually sent her a message?

The two haven't spoken to each other since they joined WeChat. She kept this friend because she wanted to blackmail her but also wanted to **** her circle of friends.

[Fishing Hanjiang Xuemei Niang alone]: A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?

Ying Fei was stunned for a moment, then rubbed her eyes again, wondering if she hadn't woken up.

[yoki fat]:?

[Fishing Hanjiang Xuemei Niang alone]: Let's talk about the bad news first.

[Fishing Hanjiang Xuemei Niang alone]: Your family Ye Shaoxing was photographed dating! !

[yoki fat]:?

Ying Fei was completely dumbfounded.

[Yoki Fat]: Then I would venture to ask, what is the good news?

[Fishing Hanjiang Xue Mei Niang alone]: The girlfriend is not you hahaha!