Chapter 58:

The place to eat is not far from the hotel. This area is also remote. It is located in an industrial area and there are no pedestrians around.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, there were no customers in the restaurant, only the waiter dozed off at the cashier.

Ling Xingyan walked in the front, looking down at the phone.

Hearing the noise, the waiter raised his limp head and greeted him with a hache.

When Zhu Wenshu and Ling Chen approached, the waiter's gaze paused obviously, and his attention was caught by the man wearing a mask.

During the two seconds when her eyes stopped, Ling Chen had already passed the waiter by holding Zhu Wenshu.

People who have lived under the spotlight and the camera for a long time have formed the habit of not squinting, as if they have not noticed anything, but Zhu Wenshu is very sensitive to this strange sight.

She turned her head with a trace of apprehension, and she met the waiter's gaze.

Fortunately, it seemed that she was only attracted by Ling Chen's aura that was different from ordinary people. After meeting Zhu Wenshu's gaze, she followed with a smirk.

"Only three? The chef is off work now, and there is only the soup pot."

Zhu Wenshu took the menu from Ling Chen and looked at it for a while, but his eyes did not stay on the dishes.

This was the first time she had dinner with Ling Chen in the restaurant lobby. Although there were no guests, Zhu Wenshu was always wrapped in a sense of tension.

She didn't know when she would be able to calmly appear in public with Ling Chen, facing the curious and surprised eyes of others.

"Mushroom soup." Zhu Wenshu casually mentioned the soup base, and then pushed the menu to Ling Chen who was sitting next to her, "You guys order."

"it is good."

While Ling Chen flipped through the menu, he took off the mask with his other hand.

I caught a glimpse of his movements from the corner of the eye, and it was too late for Zhu Wenshu to stop him. The waiter at the side was also stunned, staring blankly at Ling Chen.

Then, thinking of something, she looked at Zhu Wenshu in even more shock.

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She tightened her cuffs with her lower hands, and turned her head to pretend to look at the scenery outside the window.

From the reflected glass, she saw the waiter slowly raise the phone.

Zhu Wenshu's back stiffened, and he was at a loss.

Ling Chen, who had been looking down at the menu, seemed to have noticed something, and looked up at the waiter.

His brow bones are three-dimensional, but the shape of his eyes is typical of Asians with inner eyes, and the tails of his eyes are slightly raised. When looking at people with his head tilted, there was a natural coldness.

The waiter immediately pressed the phone to his chest, "I, I just placed an order, I didn't want to secretly take pictures."

There was no emotion in Ling Chen's eyes, but he slightly curled his lower lip when he heard her words.

"Beef set meal."

The waiter suddenly became a little confused and froze for a few seconds before pressing the single button.

When Ling Xingyan asked for a pot of chrysanthemum tea, she carried the menu and ran to the kitchen step by step.

Ling Xingyan, who took the time to look up from his mobile phone, happened to see Zhu Wenshu's unnatural expression. He thought for a moment, then turned to Ling Chen and said, "Why don't you wear a mask."

Ling Chen raised his eyebrows, but before he could speak, Zhu Wenshu suddenly turned his head and looked at Ling Xing in a daze: "How do you eat while wearing a mask?"

"that is."

Ling Chen answered immediately, "Eat through your nostrils?"

Ling Xing said: "..."

Whatever you want.

After Ling Chen finished speaking, he turned to look at Zhu Wenshu, "Are you afraid?"

Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes: "Huh? What are you afraid of?"

Ling Chen said: "I was discovered to be in a relationship with me."

Hearing this, Ling Xingyan also looked up at Zhu Wenshu, wanting to hear her answer.

Zhu Wenshu thought for a while, and asked seriously: "Is it illegal to fall in love with you?"

Ling Chen: "...No offense."

Zhu Wenshu: "Then don't be afraid."

The moment she decided to be with Ling Chen, she had anticipated what she would face, but now she was just a little unaccustomed to it.

Ling Xingyan on the side was stunned for a moment, completely not expecting this answer.

It's so simple and rude that it can't be refuted.

After the food was served, just as Ling Chen picked up the chopsticks, the phone rang.

He started working early in the morning, and waited for Zhu Wenshu at the hotel for more than an hour. He was just about to have lunch at this moment, and his stomach was already feeling a little uncomfortable.

When the call came at this time, he frowned and looked at the caller ID, and his tone was not very good.

"What's up?"

After speaking a few words to the other side, Ling Chen said, "I'll ask and I'll contact you later."

As soon as the phone was hung up, Ling Xingyan asked, "What's the matter?"

"Ye Shaoxing."

Ling Chen picked up a piece of beef with his chopsticks and gave it to Zhu Wenshu, "Ask me to borrow money."

Ling Xing said: "Terminate the contract? That's a lot of money, I remember their company's liquidated damages are sky-high."

"If it's really liquidated damages, can I lend him?"

Ling Chen took a sip of the soup with a spoon and said unhurriedly, "He wants to suppress the news."

"Didn't he say he couldn't suppress it?"

Ling Xingyan was a little surprised, and suddenly sneered, "I thought he was so tough, so how much did I ask you to borrow?"

Ling Chen: "Five million."


Zhu Wenshu, who was listening silently, was almost sent away with a mouthful of beef. When Ling Chen noticed her strangeness, she pulled out a stiff smile, "Go ahead."

"five million…"

Ling Xingyan stretched out his hand and scratched his temple, "I have to find some time to find out, I really don't necessarily have so much spare money. He really is, when did he start collecting money, why did he go so early?"

Ling Chen was not answering the call, he was full of thoughts to finish eating quickly and go back to the hotel.

At this time, the mask that had been put aside was suddenly handed to him.

Ling Chen stopped his chopsticks and turned to look at Zhu Wen's book.

"You'd better put it on."

Zhu Wenshu said.

Ling Chen glanced at the mask, and then at his job.

"Didn't you say you weren't afraid?"

"I'm not afraid."

Zhu Wenshu already knew the situation from the brief conversation between Ling Xingyan and Ling Chen, and the shock in his eyes did not dissipate for a long time.

"But I feel bad about money."

After not hearing anything for a while, Zhu Wenshu turned his head and saw Ling Chen beside him with the back of his hand on his lips, with a rippling smile on his face.

"Why are you laughing?"

Was she wrong?

It costs five million yuan to be photographed once, who can stand it.


Ling Chen raised his head and stuffed the mask into his bag, "Mr. Zhu is right, we can't waste this money."

Because of Zhu Wenshu's words, Chen had a very happy meal.

But on the way back to the hotel, he found something was wrong.

The hotel lobby is very spacious, Zhu Wenshu walked quickly, and he forced a distance of four or five meters from him.

After entering the elevator, she stood in the corner even though it was just the two of them, and she almost wrote "I don't know this man well" on her face.

As soon as Ling Chen approached, she moved aside.

"Don't come here."


Ling Chen pondered for a while, and finally realized that Zhu Wenshu was saving money for him.

It seems that he interpreted his phrase "we can't spend this wrong money" as "we can't be photographed."

"Zhu Wenshu, actually—"

He rolled his eyes and turned his head to look at Zhu Wenshu.

It's just that he was interrupted when he didn't speak.

"I know you make a lot of money."

Zhu Wenshu usually walked forward and said solemnly, "But it wasn't caused by the strong wind, so it's better to save it."

Ling Chen couldn't help laughing again.

It wasn't until the elevator reached the floor that Zhu Wenshu couldn't wait to get out, so he stretched out his hand to hold her.

"What I mean is," he pulled the man back with force with his arm, "even if I wasn't photographed, I still have to let everyone know—"

He bent down slightly, and said word by word: "I am Zhu Wenshu's legitimate boyfriend."

There were faint footsteps at the end of the corridor, and the doorbell not far away was ringing, but Zhu Wenshu stood still, looking fixedly into Ling Chen's eyes.

This man is obviously very dazzling, with endless applause and admiration, but he did not emphasize "you are my girlfriend", but said "I am Zhu Wenshu's boyfriend".

As if he was particularly proud of it.

Zhu Wenshu is a very proud person in his bones, and he has always believed that his boyfriend must also be an excellent man.

But when the object was Ling Chen, the gap exceeded her imagination. During this time, she often felt uneasy because she was just an ordinary person.

But at this moment, Ling Chen said these words seriously and seriously, wanting to give Zhu Wenshu a reassurance.


Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, Ling Chen stretched out his hand to touch her cheek, "Do you want to regret it?"


Zhu Wenshu suddenly smiled, raised his hand and hugged his arm, "Let's go."

As soon as the two got out of the elevator, they met the cleaning aunt pushing the car at the entrance.

She is not surprised by the couple who are in love with each other in the hotel, but the two who are walking towards each other are very eye-catching, so she can't help but take a second look.

Then follow the rules to say hello: "Good afternoon."

Ling Chen nodded to her, but said nothing.

On the other side, Zhu Wenshu turned sideways to the cleaning staff and smiled, "Good afternoon."

Cleaning rarely encountered such a warm response in the hotel. After walking two steps, she looked back at the two of them.

The young woman hugged the man's arm, not knowing what to say, but the man just turned his head and kissed her.

Cleaning trembled all over, and immediately looked back. After a while, he looked back and smiled inexplicably.

Suddenly remembering that I have been single for six or seven years, the smile on my mouth immediately collapsed.

I'm so cheap that I read it twice.

After Ling Chen sent Zhu Wenshu back to the hotel, he went to look for Ling Xingyan again. He still has something to do today and he has to be busy until night.

Thinking that Wen Shu would be bored alone, she arranged for Xiaoyu to go out with her.

Xiaoyu is Ling Xingyan's subordinate, and originally came to work with him, but he received such a job temporarily, so he didn't have time to make a strategy.

Licheng is not a tourist city, and there is nothing to visit in the reinforced concrete urban area. The two girls discussed it and decided to drive to the surrounding ancient towns.

Xiaoyu has never been here before, and she is usually busy with work, and it is rare to be able to take a paid vacation. She is more excited than Zhu Wenshu.

At sunset, Zhu Wenshu couldn't walk very much, and sat on a small stool in the Wenchuang store to rest, while Xiaoyu was still picking out refrigerator magnets with great interest.

So the return time of the two was more than an hour later than expected.

Zhu Wenshu didn't arrive at the hotel until after nine o'clock at night.

After getting out of the elevator, Zhu Wenshu immediately received dozens of photos from Xiaoyu.

She comes from an art background, has good aesthetics, and has a very high-level camera angle. Every picture looks like a professional photographer's handwriting, so Zhu Wenshu read it very intently, and only found Ling Chen's existence when he was almost at the door of the room.

"Why are you at the door?"

Zhu Wenshu took out his room card, Carmen, and was still looking at the photo while talking, "Waiting for me?"

"if not?"

Ling Chen glanced at her mobile phone, "I am happy to miss Chen."

Zhu Wenshu smiled with his head buried, and said casually, "You even eat vinegar from your phone?"

"Not so free."

After entering the door, Ling Chen leaned against the wall and looked at Zhu Wenshu idly, "I'm a good feeder and I'm not picky eaters. I can eat anything, except I'm not jealous."


Zhu Wenshu put his phone by the table, "I'm going to wash my hands."

As soon as he stepped into the bathroom, the phone on the table rang.

Zhu Wenshu turned on the faucet and leaned out half of his body: "Who is calling me? Parents?"

Ling Chen lowered his head and glanced, his eyes suddenly became a little heavy, don't say anything at first.

Seeing this, Zhu Wenshu came out with a shake of his hand.

"Who is it?"

When she didn't hear an answer, she stepped over in twos and threes, picked up her phone and looked at it.

Yin Yueze.


Zhu Wenshu didn't answer immediately, but looked up at Ling Chen.

"You take it."

Ling Chen walked towards the suite kitchen with his hands in his pockets, "I'll pour you a glass of water."

He walked so fast that Zhu Wenshu didn't have time to say anything.

The phone rang again, and she lowered her head, wondering what Yin Yueze could do to find her.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Wenshu still picked it up.

"Hi, what's the matter?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Chen's voice came over.

"Do you drink it hot or hot?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

"It's hot, it's hot!"


Yin Yueze was silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"That's right, many students have been asking me something these two days."

Zhu Wenshu: "Huh?"

Yin Yueze: "They asked, was it because of Ling Chen when you broke up with me?"

Zhu Wenshu blinked blankly.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because we met that Monday, everyone thought you and Ling Chen had been together for many years." Yin Yueze sighed, his tone was cold, "I know you have only been together for a short time, but for your reputation, let's clarify with your classmates .”

The implication of these words is that some people think that Zhu Wenshu and Yin Yueze broke up because of Ling Chen's "intervention".

After all, everyone thought it was her and Ling Chen who "see you on Monday", and Weibo mentioned that they had been in love for many years.

Zhu Wenshu took out a tissue to wipe his hands, "It's not necessary."

"You don't care at all?"

Yin Yueze paused, "Even if you don't care, Ling Chen doesn't care?"

In fact, you care most about it.

Zhu Wenshu sat on the sofa, and said solemnly: "It wasn't me and Lingchen that Monday, everyone made a mistake."



Zhu Wenshu said, "It's not us, someone else..."

"Okay, sorry, I made a mistake."

Yin Yueze was not curious about who it was. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Excuse me, you should rest earlier."


Because of this phone call, Zhu Wenshu's original good mood suddenly disappeared.

She couldn't understand why Yin Yueze still couldn't let go of his self-esteem even though he was such an adult, and she also regretted making up that lie with him.

Is it possible that in the future, whenever there is something wrong, she has to come out and cooperate with him to continue lying?

"What's wrong?"

Yin Yueze asked.

"Our matter has passed for so many years. No matter who brings it up again, there is no need to pursue it." Zhu Wenshu glanced at the kitchen, but there was no movement, and then said, "We all have our own lives, and there is no need to worry about it." Please contact me again."


After a long time, Yin Yueze said, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Wenshu looked into the kitchen, but he didn't hear the sound of boiling water, so he walked over slowly.

The cupboard was open, and Ling Chen squatted halfway, not knowing what he was looking for, but didn't speak when he saw Zhu Wenshu coming.

Zhu Wenshu leaned against the wall, put his hands behind his back, tilted his head and asked, "What are you looking for?"

Ling Chen uttered four words with a cold face.

"It's not fun to find."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."