Chapter 59:

After Ling Chen finished speaking, he finally took out the electric kettle from the cabinet.

Zhu Wenshu's eyes followed him up and down. First, he washed the inner tank with water, and after boiling the water, Ling Chen turned his head and went to the living room.

Zhu Wenshu's cold has not completely healed, and his nose is still a little stuffy these two days, so he brought two boxes of granules.

I haven't had a drink since I arrived in Licheng, so I just put it on the table in the living room.

Ling Chen took the medicine and turned back, washed the cup and opened the medicine box, without saying a word the whole time.

When the water boiled, he poured it all into the pool and heated a second pot.

The hotel's hot pot is small and only takes a few minutes.

The sound of Zila electric current made Chen silent for a moment, then turned around and leaned against the cabinet to look at Zhu Wenshu.

He was very loose, with a slightly hunched back, and when he looked over with drooping eyebrows, his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

However, he did not speak, and looked at the opposite person motionlessly.

Zhu Wenshu couldn't resist his gaze at all, and the few words he had originally planned seemed to suddenly become weak.

"What are you doing?" Zhu Wenshu felt guilty when he saw him, and wanted to take two steps forward, but didn't know what to say.

Ling Chen was not angry, and the heater was turned on in the room. Zhu Wenshu didn't know how he managed to make himself look like a drowned rat.

"Calling you so late," he turned his back to take a spoon, turned on the faucet to rinse, and said calmly, "What's the rush?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

She really hoped that Ling Chen would shake her shoulders and yell "Are you still in love with him! Can't you forget him!" like in a TV show, so that she could cover her ears and shout back "No! Listen to me to explain" I have broken up with him a long time ago, and the only one I love is you!"

Then the two hugged each other hysterically, cried passionately and kissed passionately, and then the matter just turned around.

Instead of pretending to be nonchalant and asking what's urgent with a face full of displeasure like now.

"He just asked."

Zhu Wenshu walked slowly behind him, "Everyone thought it was us when they met that Monday, and they said they had been in love for many years."

Ling Chen said "hmm", "What does it matter to him?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Some people think you are a mistress."

Ling Chen: "..."

The spoon has been rinsed and the flow continues.

After a while, Ling Chen turned off the tap and said in a low voice, "Even if I want to be a mistress, will Teacher Zhu give me this chance?"

"Of course not."

Zhu Wenshu said categorically, "Mr. Zhu is a role model, how could he do such a thing."

And answered seriously.

Ling Chen was annoyed and funny, he twitched the corner of his mouth, and poured the powder into the cup.

"Then why should he be suspicious?"

"It's mainly because other students think so."

Zhu Wenshu said, "He didn't think much about it."

Ling Chen paused.

"Is it?"

Not sure.

If it is said that three years in high school, who might know his thoughts on Zhu Wenshu, this person really can only be Yin Yueze.

One day during the summer vacation of the first year of high school, Ling Chen came out of the bookstore to go home and cook.

It was raining heavily outside, and he didn't bring an umbrella, so he went home from the rain all the way along the eaves.

As soon as he entered Baihua Lane, the owner of the small shop on the street saw him passing by, and told him that his father was hit by a skidding motorcycle when he just came back, and his knee was bleeding a lot. Ran.

Ling Chen ignored the rain and ran home immediately.

When he went upstairs wet, he saw his father sitting at the door, talking to someone.

The corridors of the old house were poorly lit, and the voice-activated lights had been broken for many years. Chen couldn't see people clearly. He only heard his father's voice, so he yelled "Dad" while walking.

The middle-aged man let out an "hey", and immediately, Ling Chen turned around the corner of the stairs and saw Yin Yueze standing beside his father.

His hair and shoulders were wet, and he also looked like he had been caught in the rain.

At that moment, Ling Chen's legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he could no longer move.

And Yin Yueze looked over with his head down, his eyes full of shock.

"He is..." He glanced at the man sitting next to him on the ground again, "Your father?"

After a long time, the word "um" came out of Ling Chen's throat.

Then he didn't speak any more, stepped forward under Yin Yueze's complicated eyes, and squatted down in front of his father.

The knee did hurt, and there was a pile of blood-stained tissues on the floor.

Know who helped without asking.

Ling Chen said without raising his head, "Thank you."

"…You're welcome."

Yin Yueze stood aside, watching Ling Chen clean up the tissues on the ground, and then said, "I was passing by, and I sent him back when I saw that my uncle was injured. He didn't bring the key, so I'll wait here with him."

Ling Chen buried his head and kneaded the paper towel into balls, and after a while, he still only let out a "huh".

After picking up things, he didn't know what to do.

I really don't want to open the door and let Yin Yueze see his home.

But at this time, Yin Yueze said, "Can I borrow a towel to wipe my hair? I've run out of tissues."

Ling Chen's hand clenched and loosened, only in an instant.

Yin Yueze had an umbrella in his hand, and it was obvious that he got wet because he shared it with his father.

Immediately Ling Chen got up and opened the door without making a sound.

The room is very small, and it was separated by the landlord in order to make more money. There is only one common room. The bed is on the left side of the entrance, and the dining table is on the right side. You can eat and drink here, and you can see everything at a glance.

But Yin Yueze followed him into the house and didn't look around, or even took a few steps, but just stood at the door.

It was also because the room was small, just as he took out his cell phone, Ling Chen came over with a clean towel.

Yin Yueze wiped his hair, then wiped the back of his neck.

Turning his head for a moment, he caught a glimpse of an old-looking guitar beside the table.

"Can you play the guitar?"

Ling Chen said in a deep voice, "The neighbor's."


Yin Yueze wiped his arm again, and returned the towel to Ling Chen, "Then I'll go first."

Ling Chen nodded, took the towel to dry.

At this time, the father who was sitting aside after entering the room suddenly got up and opened the drawer of the cabinet next to Yin Yueze.

"I'll give you candy."

This cabinet was about the same age as Ling Chen, and when it was opened, it smelled of rotten wood.

Yin Yueze said no, but Lingchen's father searched in the drawer as if he didn't hear him.

"Oh, let me help you find it."

As soon as Yin Yueze finished speaking, before he stretched out his hand, Ling Chen's father took out a piece of drawing paper.

He stared intently.

Ling Chen didn't know if Yin Yueze saw it clearly. When he turned his head and saw this scene, he almost rushed over and took out his father's hand, and closed the drawer.

With a "bang", Yin Yueze and his father were stunned.

In the dim room, Ling Chen felt as if his whole body was being frozen, and the surrounding air suddenly gained weight, pressing heavily on him.

After a long silence, Yin Yueze didn't ask much, and said, "I'm going back, take good care of your father."

After that, Ling Chen was in a state of anxiety throughout the summer vacation.

He wasn't sure if Yin Yueze recognized the person in the painting as Zhu Wenshu, and he didn't know if he would tell others about his family.

But after school started, Yin Yueze's attitude towards Ling Chen didn't change a bit, and he didn't mention what happened that day.

As if nothing had happened, Ling Chen was also relieved.

It wasn't until after a physical education class for more than a year that Yin Yueze and a few boys came back from playing basketball and squeezed into the back row of the classroom to change clothes.

They mentioned that today Zhu Wenshu was stopped by a boy in the third year of high school asking for his phone number, and someone laughed and said, "Yin Yueze, you have so many rivals in love."

Ling Chen, who was sitting aside, saw Yin Yueze glance at him.

A very light glance, even expressionless.

"got used to."

He responded lightly, but shook his head with a smile, as if to say - I didn't take these rivals in my eyes at all.

Thinking of this now, Ling Chen only feels that he was mediocre and guilty at the time.

Even if Yin Yueze knew, so what, he would not regard himself as a threat at all.

But many years have passed, things have changed, and Zhu Wenshu has really become the girlfriend of the rival in love that he didn't pay attention to at the beginning.

It's hard to say whether he will think too much about it.

"Forget it, let him think what he wants."

Ling Chen straightened up and took two steps, and found a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, "If I had contacted you when I became famous, maybe I would really be a mistress."

"Speak well, talk to a people's teacher about whether you are a junior or not."

Zhu Wenshu punched his back, "Besides, we broke up when you became famous, and you have no chance to be a mistress."


Ling Chen still stretched out his hand in the refrigerator, and he was stunned for a moment before turning around, "Didn't you say that you broke up only in your junior year?"

"...I lied to you."

Zhu Wenshu sighed, and leaned against the pool, "I said goodbye before the end of the summer vacation of the third year of high school, and I don't have the nerve to say it to my classmates."

Ling Chen frowned, shocked and stunned.

"He treats you badly?"

"No, he was very nice to me."

It was the first time Zhu Wenshu spoke out about this matter, and he felt a sense of relief, but it was not good to speak ill of his ex in front of the current incumbent, "It's just that the three views are inconsistent."

"It took so long to find out that the three views are inconsistent?"

"How should I put it, maybe I have too much filter on him, and I didn't confirm the relationship before, no matter what, they were just friends, and I felt pretty good outside that dividing line. Later we got together, and the relationship changed. I found out that he is only suitable to be a friend, not a boyfriend."

After she finished speaking, she found that the water was boiling, so she quickly turned off the electricity, and then poured the water into the cup with the medicine.

Amidst the slight sound of running water, she didn't hear any movement from Ling Chen.

Until she picked up the spoon to stir the powder, she was suddenly hugged from behind.

Ling Chen put his chin on her shoulder and rubbed back and forth twice.

Although Zhu Wenshu couldn't see his face, he could feel that he was in a good mood.

"Are you happy?" Zhu Wenshu said helplessly, "Ling Chen, you are a little like a villain."

"I'm just a villain."

Ling Chen said in a muffled voice, "I'm quite successful now."


I wish Wen Shu to go with him, lest this villain find anything unpleasant again.

She picked up a spoon to stir the potion, and heard Ling Chen say, "Then what do you think is suitable to be a boyfriend?"

Zhu Wenshu would think about this question occasionally, having different thoughts at different times, and pieced together a vague portrait of her boyfriend, who had nothing to do with celebrities.

But at this moment, when Ling Chen asked, the portrait in her mind seemed to become clearer.

But obviously, he and her imagined boyfriend's occupation, personality, and temperament are completely opposite.

Zhu Wenshu lowered his head, poured some mineral water into the cup, took a sip of the granule, and said a little embarrassedly: "I think you are quite suitable."

Ling Chen said "hmm", tightened his arms, put his palm against Zhu Wenshu's waist, and whispered in her ear: "Then I want to sleep with you tonight."

Zhu Wenshu: "...Do you think this is appropriate?"

After Ling Chen left, Zhu Wenshu drank the cold medicine in one gulp, then went to take a bath, and it was past ten o'clock when he came out.

Zhu Wenshu usually goes to bed at this time, but today she fell on the bed without feeling sleepy.

In addition to a little recognition of the bed, this is Zhu Wenshu's first time staying in a hotel alone.

In the past, whether traveling or business trips, there were companions. At this moment, she was staring at the dark night sky outside the window, and suddenly understood why Shi Xueer dared not stay in a hotel alone.

Whenever there is a slight noise outside, she will think of those strange stories about hotels on the Internet.


The Internet is harmful!

After tossing and turning for more than half an hour, Zhu Wenshu took out his mobile phone, first sorted out the photos Xiaoyu took of her today, and then read a novel for a while.

I just feel more and more energetic.

After thinking about it, she sent Ling Chen a message.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Are you asleep?

Opposite seconds back.

[c]: No.

[Zhu Wenshu]: What are you doing?

[c]: Watching a movie.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Aren't you going to work tomorrow?

[c]: Find some inspiration.

[Zhu Wenshu]: ...Oh, what movie are you watching?

Ling Chen sent a screenshot.

Zhu Wenshu opened it and saw that in the dark picture, a skinny woman smiled eerily at the camera.

She took one look and turned off the photo.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Are you not afraid to watch this kind of movie at night?

[c]: not afraid

"Then you are really good—"

[c]: It's strange.

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

【c】: It's quite scary when you say that.

Zhu Wenshu stared at the phone, not sure if Ling Chen was really scared or fake.

[c]: Forget it, I’ve seen it all, I can’t give up halfway.

[c]: At worst, sit with the lights on all night.

[c]: I'm fine.

Okay, the case is solved, it's a faux pas.

Fortunately, Ling Chen didn't film, so he didn't have to poison the eyes of the audience.

But Zhu Wenshu, who knew it well, still held his mobile phone and typed two lines with a blushing face.

[Zhu Wenshu]: How about... you come over?

[Zhu Wenshu]: Don't be afraid of more than one person.

After a while.

[c]: Is this inappropriate?

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

【c】: I said that I am a performer but not a person.


[Zhu Wenshu]: Love to sell or not.

She put down her phone and covered her head with the quilt.

In fact, she didn't have to chase Ling Chen away at the beginning, when she decided to come to Licheng to look for him, she thought that it was normal for boyfriend and girlfriend to go out together and share the same bed.

But he said it too directly at the time, and she couldn't be as shameless as him.

Unexpectedly, she was so straightforward at this moment, and this big man actually picked up Joe.

But a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Zhu Wenshu slowly revealed his eyes from under the quilt and looked outside.

It seems no surprise.

The person who knocked on the door seemed to be in a hurry, and it was faster and faster, just like her heartbeat.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

But when he turned his head and saw his own reflection on the window, Zhu Wenshu admired himself very much. At this moment, he still wondered if his hair was a bit messy.

Not only did she think about it, she actually planned to go to the bathroom to comb her hair.

But just after she took two steps, the door lock beeped twice, it was the sound of the proximity card.

Zhu Wenshu had never been so agile in his life. He threw himself on the bed and rolled into the blanket to cover himself tightly within two seconds.

Immediately, the door opened.

But in the next few seconds, Zhu Wenshu heard no other voices, only the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears.

It wasn't until the man walked into the room that his footsteps made a slight movement on the carpet.

Zhu Wenshu didn't open his eyes, and heard his breathing, but couldn't feel his own breath anymore.

It was as if the oxygen had been sucked away.

Until the edge of the bed sank together.

Zhu Wenshu's whole body was tense, every sense was magnified by thousands of times, and even the rustling of his clothes was deafening.

The few seconds he lay down were particularly long.

Zhu Wenshu felt himself floating up and down several times before the people beside him lay down.

After that, neither of them moved.

The night outside the window was thick, and there were occasional whistles, and the room was pitch black, only the sound of breathing one after another.

Zhu Wenshu knew that Ling Chen was separated from her, so he didn't post it.

But his body temperature seemed to spread along the sheets, making Zhu Wenshu feel hot all over.

She closed her eyes tightly, and called him softly amidst the siren blare.

"Ling Chen."


His voice seemed to be close to my ears, but it seemed to be far away.

Zhu Wenshu felt that his senses seemed to be out of order for a moment, and he felt as if he was clinging to his back.

"Your heart beats so fast."

Zhu Wenshu said.


Ling Chen responded calmly without denying it.

In the next second, he turned over and hugged Zhu Wenshu, put his chin on the back of her neck, and took a greedy breath.

"I'm so scared."