Chapter 62:

Although Ling Chen had said long ago that he never thought of hiding her, Zhu Wenshu didn't expect him to respond so quickly.

Just a few minutes ago, Zhu Wenshu received a call from Ling Chen. Seeing the content on the phone at this time, her eyes seemed to be frozen, without blinking, as if she was dreaming.

Zhu Wenshu was unavoidably a little nervous. Even though her face was not shown in this photo, she also knew what kind of turmoil this would cause.

The two people in the living room stared at the phone in silence until the screen turned off automatically.

Ying Fei closed her eyes to calm down, and when she opened them again, she saw that Zhu Wenshu was still staring at the black screen of her mobile phone.

The corners of the mouth are...curved? !

"Why are you laughing?"

Ying Fei asked.

"Huh? Did I laugh?"

Zhu Wenshu quickly pressed the corner of his mouth, "No."

Ying Fei withdrew her gaze, pursed her lips tightly, let go of the phone, and closed her eyes painfully while propping her forehead.

Zhu Wenshu really didn't expect Ying Fei to be so uncomfortable, he opened his mouth several times and didn't know how to comfort her, finally he just said: "How about I pour you a cup of hot water?"

Ying Fei shook her head, but Zhu Wenshu still went to the kitchen.

After pouring the water, she thought that Ying Fei didn't like to drink plain water, so she turned her head and went to the room to find the scented tea she bought in Licheng a few days ago.

As soon as he entered the room, the phone by the table rang.

Zhu Wenshu picked up the tea bag while picking up the phone.

"Teacher Xueer, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Zhu, did you see it!" Shi Xueer said excitedly, "It's really classmate Xiaocan! It really is! Wuwuwu, why don't you have a straight face, I really want to see Zheng—"

Shi Xueer heard a faint sobbing sound, and suddenly stopped, "Who is crying?"

While they were talking, Zhu Wenshu had already returned to the restaurant.

The one who was crying was naturally Ying Fei at the side.

Zhu Wenshu was startled seeing her covering her face and weeping. At this time, when Shi Xueer asked, she was at a loss for a moment before she came back to her senses.

"It's nothing." She didn't dare to get too close to Ying Fei, afraid that Shi Xueer would hear something, but the person on the other end of the phone was too sensitive, and immediately asked, "Is your roommate crying? Have you returned to Jiangcheng?"


While Zhu Wenshu was worried about Ying Fei's situation, she didn't know how to deal with Shi Xueer. After all, she knew that the two of them would not be able to deal with each other.

So she patted Ying Fei's back in a panic, and said perfunctorily: "Well, I still have something to do, so I'll hang up first."

Putting down the phone, Zhu Wenshu leaned over and said, "What's the matter? Don't cry, you haven't eaten yet, do you want some rose tea? Or I'll make you some porridge?"

This time Ying Fei didn't even shake her head, she just lay down on the table and sobbed.

It's okay to do other things, but Zhu Wenshu really doesn't understand Ying Fei's star-chaser mentality, and doesn't know what he hasn't said yet, so he has to go to the kitchen to cook porridge.

Today's rice cookers all have the function of quick porridge cooking, Zhu Wenshu didn't spend much effort, she returned to the restaurant a few minutes later, sat next to Ying Fei, listening to her intermittent crying, her heart felt as if someone was grabbing her .

She was most afraid of this kind of repressed sadness, and wanted Ying Fei to cry out loud, but she was afraid that it would be self-defeating.

After more than twenty minutes, Ying Fei finally raised her head, and Zhu Wenshu immediately handed over the tissue.

"The millet porridge will be ready soon, can you have some?"


Ying Fei shook her head, "I'm going to sleep."

She just got up when the doorbell rang suddenly.

Both of them looked in the same direction in surprise, not knowing who else would come so late.

"Did you order takeaway?" Zhu Wenshu asked.

Ying Fei still shook her head: "No."

"Who is that…"

Zhu Wenshu walked over hesitantly, looked at Maoyan and asked, "Who is it?"



No need to look, Zhu Wenshu already knows who it is.

She opened the door slowly, and before she could speak, Shi Xueer raised her hands to show the two bags of wine she was carrying.

"Clang clang!"

Seeing that Zhu Wenshu was stunned, Shi Xueer squeezed in by herself.

"I don't know what you like to drink, so I bought beer and a bottle of plum wine, and the taste is still—"

Ying Fei who was behind the dining table interrupted her coldly: "What are you doing here?"

"Of course I'm here..."

I see you cry.

She did come to see the play, but when she saw Ying Fei who was heartbroken, Shi Xueer suddenly couldn't speak.

How can this still look like the world has collapsed?

"Look for Teacher Zhu to drink wedding wine."

Zhu Wenshu: "?"


Zhu Wenshu, who was suddenly mentioned, looked around at the two of them, feeling like a sandwich biscuit.

How about letting Shi Xueer go back first?

Just as she was about to speak, Shi Xueer beside her had already put the wine in her hand on the table, and sat down to take off her coat.

"Hey, it's not worth doing this for a man you've never met."

It was only then that Ying Fei saw clearly that Shi Xueer had come here in her pajamas, she had removed her make-up, and had Velcro on her head.

Just so eager to see the joke? !

She entered the fighting state in a second, and roared angrily: "I want you to control!"

"I don't care about you."

Shi Xueer leisurely opened a can of beer, saw a table of takeaways, and said, "There are so many dishes? I said there is no food for wine."

Just as she picked up the chopsticks to pick them up, Ying Fei at the side said, "Did you eat it?"

Shi Xueer glanced at her with a little helplessness on her face.

"Why are you so picky?" She handed out the beer, "One thing for one thing, it's okay, right?"

Ying Fei stared at the beer in her hand, wondering what to do, after a while, she suddenly stepped forward to grab the can, sat down, raised her head and began to pour herself.

After a few mouthfuls, she suddenly buried her head and began to cough violently.

Zhu Wenshu, who was in a daze the whole time, didn't understand the situation, so he hurriedly patted Ying Fei's back, and the person opposite also handed over a tissue.

Ying Fei coughed and coughed, and suddenly burst into tears holding Zhu Wenshu's waist.

When Ling Chen's flight landed, it was almost early morning.

He walked out of the terminal building alone without luggage. After getting in the car, the driver asked him where he was going.

Ling Chen took out his mobile phone and looked at it. The message he sent to Zhu Wenshu 20 minutes ago has not been answered, so he must have fallen asleep.

"Go back to Bo Cuiyun Bay."

Just after finishing speaking, he remembered that his house was as cold as a model room, and changed his words: "R&F capital."

Although Ling Siyuan and the nanny are already asleep at this moment, she is somewhat popular.

Not long after the car started, Ling Chen's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

【Mr. Zhu】: I haven’t slept yet, go to fsε=(`ο`*)))

Ling Chen frowned suddenly, staring at the screen inexplicably.

What is this?


【Mr. Wish】: Perfect vision zhj


Ling Chen already knew about the situation, and after the phone call, before Zhu Wenshu could speak, he said, "Have you been drinking?"

"Hmm..." Zhu Wenshu's voice was quite normal, but the speed of speech was slower than usual, "A little bit."

Ling Chen: "Where are you?"

Zhu Wenshu: "At home."

"With whom?"

"Feifei, and there is Teacher Xue'er."

Ling Chen didn't know who the two people were talking about, so he sighed and said, "Wait for me."

He then hung up the phone and told the driver to turn around.

Ying Fei had been cursing for two hours, picked up the beer in hand and found that the can was empty, turned her head and saw that Shi Xueer had already drank all the beer brought, so she raised her hand to get plum wine.

"Farewell." Shi Xueer stopped her, "This plum wine has a lot of stamina, you will get drunk if you mix it with it."

"Drunk as long as you're drunk." Ying Fei picked up the plum wine and shook it, then suddenly turned to look at Zhu Wenshu, "Is there any left?"

Shi Xueer also said in surprise: "Mr. I wish you finished drinking all of it?!"


Zhu Wenshu reacted a little slower, staring blankly at the wine glass and said "Oh".

This evening, she has been unable to intervene or comfort others, so she can only sit quietly by the side and drink with her.

She didn't like the taste of beer, but she quite liked this sweet plum wine, and it wasn't too spicy, so she drank half of the bottle as a drink without knowing it.

"are you OK?"

Shi Xueer stretched out a finger, "How much is this?"

"I'm fine."

Zhu Wenshu fended off her hand, glanced at the vibrating phone, and picked it up hastily.

"what's wrong?"

"Still drinking?"

On the other end of the phone, Ling Chen said, "I'm downstairs at your house, is it convenient for me to come up?"

Zhu Wenshu blinked and looked at the person in front of him.

"Who is it?"

Shi Xueer noticed that Zhu Wenshu had already answered two calls within half an hour, and asked with a smile, "Why are you calling you so late?"

Zhu Wenshu spit out six words slowly.

"Boyfriend, it's downstairs."


Shi Xueer had always been curious about Zhu Wenshu's boyfriend, and knowing that he was downstairs, she quickly said, "Are you going out? Tell him to come up to pick you up."

Zhu Wenshu nodded, then shook his head suddenly.

Her head was dizzy, and she didn't ask why Ling Chen came to her.

Of course, it doesn't matter, what matters right now is that she still doesn't know how to tell his fanatics and black fans that her boyfriend is Ling Chen, and she is not sure what they will do.

But you can't hide it forever.

Now that she is alcoholic, she has the confidence to go crazy with alcohol.


The phone hadn't hung up yet, and Ling Chen didn't rush after hearing what Shi Xueer said.

Zhu Wenshu hung his head and thought silently for a while, then said with Jiujin: "Then I will ask him to come up."

Five minutes later, the doorbell rang.

Shi Xueer looked over there curiously, which made Ying Fei a little interested, and slowly raised her head.

Zhu Wenshu rubbed his face. When he got up, he felt his feet fluttering and almost lost his footing.

But the two girls didn't notice her strangeness, they still looked at the door eagerly.

Zhu Wenshu had no choice but to move over step by step.

The door was slowly opened by her, like a theater curtain.

When Ling Chen's face was revealed, there was a sudden loud noise behind him.

Zhu Wenshu turned his head abruptly and saw the plum wine bottle in Ying Fei's hand hit the ground.


The deathly silence made the sound of wine bottles rolling especially clear.

One of the two people at the table twisted his neck, and the other half raised his arm, looking at the person by the door motionlessly.

"Are you ok?"

Ling Chen touched Zhu Wenshu's cheek, it was a little hot.

Then he looked at the restaurant again.

There are a lot of takeaways on the table, empty beer cans are piled up in a mess on the ground, and the air is filled with the smell of alcohol.

Ling Chen originally just wanted to come up to take a look at Zhu Wenshu's situation. He knew she had a roommate, so it was impossible for her to stay overnight.

Just looking at this scene at the moment, the two women in the room seemed to be quite drunk, he frowned helplessly, turned his head and asked Zhu Wenshu, "Why do you drink so much?"

Zhu Wenshu stood dumbfounded, and shook his head after a while: "Not much."

Ling Chen's eyes fell on Ying Fei and Shi Xueer.

"Hello." The two haven't blinked since he came in, and there is no reaction at this time, "If there is nothing else, I will take her away first?"

Quiet, still quiet.

It was so quiet that Chen would think that these two people were in JPG format—

If it wasn't for Ying Fei's sudden belch.


Ling Chen sighed, and took Zhu Wenshu, "Let's go."

When the door was closed, the figures of Ling Chen and Zhu Wenshu completely disappeared from sight.

Ying Fei turned her head mechanically and looked at Shi Xueer.

Afterwards, Shi Xueer also looked at her. Three seconds later, the two raised their hands in unison and gave each other a slap in the face.

outside the door.

Ling Chen took Zhu Wenshu for two steps and found that her pace was very slow, so he stopped and asked, "Can you still walk?"

Zhu Wenshu stared ahead and nodded.

So Ling Chen took her to the elevator again, "How much did you drink?"

"A bottle of plum wine."

Zhu Wenshu stared at the elevator door, blinked, "I'm not drunk."

That's good.

Ling Chen was still thinking when he pressed the elevator, but he couldn't tell that Zhu Wenshu could hold a lot of alcohol.

If you give him a bottle of plum wine, he probably won't be able to stand upright right now.

"Ling Chen."

Zhu Wenshu suddenly called him.

Ling Chen: "Huh?"

"Why is the elevator door crooked?"

Zhu Wenshu tilted his head and said flatly, "You straighten it up."

Ling Chen: "..."

Just then, the elevator door opened.

Without saying a word, Ling Chen hugged Zhu Wenshu horizontally.

Zhu Wenshu suddenly flew into the air, and subconsciously hugged Ling Chen's neck tightly.

She struggled only after entering the elevator.

"What are you doing? I'm not drunk, I can go!"

Ling Chen ignored her, approached the elevator door sideways, and pressed down one floor with his elbow reluctantly.

Although Ling Chen walked fast, he walked steadily.

Zhu Wenshu, who was already dizzy, hooked his neck, ups and downs with his movements, much like the feeling of being hugged by grandma when he was a child and coaxed him to sleep.

So before Ling Chen walked out of the community, Zhu Wenshu fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, she was on a strange bed.

The ceiling is very high, as if floating in the sky, and a black and white geometric lamp is dimly lit.

Zhu Wenshu turned his neck and saw a large floor-to-ceiling window reflecting the lighthouse in the distance.

She blinked and sat up suddenly.

She twisted her wrist because she moved too fast, and she let out a "hiss" in pain, before she realized that her head was about to explode.

"Woke up?"

Hearing a familiar voice suddenly, Zhu Wenshu looked up, and saw that the bathroom beside him was lit, and Ling Chen was wearing a set of gray house clothes, leaning against the door and looking at her.

After being silent for a while, Zhu Wenshu looked at him steadily, and said word by word: "This, is, where?"

"my home."


Zhu Wenshu asked again, "What time is it?"

Ling Chen straightened up and slowly sat down on the side of the bed.

"Five o'clock."

"It's five o'clock?"

When Ling Chen approached, Zhu Wenshu felt a chill on his body, and then thought of him just coming out of the bathroom, so he asked, "Are you taking a shower at five o'clock?"

Ling Chen glanced at her and said nothing.

But the look in his eyes was so meaningful that Zhu Wenshu couldn't help but look sideways.

The sheets and cups were a mess, the pillows were sunken, and the place where her palms were resting was still warm.


She swallowed, "I didn't do anything, did I?"

Ling Chen leaned over and said softly, "What do you think?"

In fact, when people are on alcohol, they don't fall into a deep sleep.

Zhu Wenshu had a vague impression, and some fragments of body sensation remained in her mind. The picture was very fragmented, like a montage, so she thought she was dreaming.

After all, she had this experience during the few days when she shared the same bed in Licheng.

But at this time, she thought that she had been drinking, and she couldn't help but start to doubt herself.

She moved her gaze down slowly, lowered her head, and glanced at her clothes.

Isn't that good?

It was still the close-fitting sweater she was wearing today.

"Am I drinking crazy?"

Ling Chen made a "tsk" sound, without saying a word, and stretched the quilt to lie down.

Then turned his back to Zhu Wenshu and said, "Zhu Wenshu, your wine quality is really bad."


Ling Chen's back looked as if he had been wronged.

And he shut up after dropping this sentence, Zhu Wenshu couldn't help thinking about it.

What the **** is she doing?

The room was silent.

Ling Chen didn't close his eyes after lying down. Although he didn't read Zhu Wen's book, he couldn't help but curled his lips into a smile when he felt her bewilderment.

She was really not honest last night.

After lying down, he always sticks to the person, trying to treat him like a plush toy, touching him for a while, and rubbing his chin for a while.

In the dead of night, the heating in the room was dense, making Chen sweat very quickly.

But three or four times in a row, he held Zhu Wenshu's hand, turned over and pressed her under him, restraining his desire and asked in a deep voice: "Zhu Wenshu, are you sure?"

All that responded to him were Zhu Wenshu's drunken ravings.

Tossing and tossing like this until 4:30, Chen felt that there would be a problem if he continued like this, so he got up and went to the bathroom.

Originally, he just wanted to take a cold shower to calm down, until he opened the sink drawer and found a box of things inside.

Ling Xingyan has always been in charge of the decoration of this house, and Ling Chen has never bothered to worry about it, so he is very relieved of this manager who is both a brother and a mother.

Unexpectedly, the old lady was so careful that she prepared a small umbrella for him, and even pasted a post-it note on it.

"Please use it strictly according to the instructions, so as not to become a father at an early age like me."

So Ling Chen took this cold shower for half an hour.

After a long silence, Zhu Wenshu saw that Ling Chen had no intention of speaking, so he lay down secretly and tucked into the quilt.

After a while, the person beside him moved, she looked at his back uneasily, and asked cautiously, "Am I really drunk?"

Ling Chen didn't respond.

Just when Zhu Wenshu thought he was asleep, he suddenly turned over and looked straight at Zhu Wenshu.

There seemed to be a little aggrieved in his eyes.

"What the **** am I..." Zhu Wenshu asked tremblingly, "What's wrong?"

Ling Chen still didn't speak, just grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest, still looking straight at her.

"You do."

He pulled her hand down and slid it against his waist, "This way."

Then along the hip, touch the root of the thigh, "This way."

"Still like this"

Finally, he took her hand and pressed it inside.


Zhu Wenshu was so frightened by the touch that he froze, he struggled to free his hand, and couldn't speak fluently, "I am a teacher, how could I do such a thing."

Ling Chen didn't answer, only the ambiguity in his eyes conveyed like Zhu Wenshu - that's what you did.

On this silent winter night, Zhu Wenshu could clearly hear his own heartbeat, and felt even more dizzy.

After a while, she murmured, "It's the first time I've been drunk, so don't lie to me."

"I'm really lying to you."

Ling Chen turned over suddenly, put his hands next to her ears, "Of course you did more than that."

Zhu Wenshu was enveloped tightly by his breath, as if he had returned to the moment when he was most drunk, and his thoughts became very slow. Even when Ling Chen leaned over to kiss her, all her consciousness froze together with the air.

Tonight's kiss was hotter than ever before.

The obsessive voice slipped into Zhu Wenshu's ears, rushed into her chest, and hit her heart.

Ling Chen used actions to tell Zhu Wenshu what she did when she was drunk.

Zhu Wenshu naturally didn't believe it, but when he took her breath away again and again, none of this mattered.

She enjoys being addicted to the lingering moment, and occasionally opens her eyes, looking at the appearance that makes Chen Qing dazzled.

The cold wind blows outside the window, and the warmth in the room quietly rises.

Zhu Wenshu felt that his whole body had started to feel hot, which was not the effect produced by floor heating.

Suddenly, Ling Chen opened his eyes, just as Zhu Wenshu was also looking at him in a daze.

The eyes of the two intertwined, collided, occasionally dodged, and occasionally lingered under the dim light.

Even though he didn't say a single word, it was worth a thousand words.

Finally, Zhu Wenshu closed his eyes.

And Ling Chen looked at her with burning eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "Are you really awake?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't speak, and the arm around Ling Chen's shoulders slipped down.

She is very nervous at the moment, and has lost the ability to organize words, only the body can make actions that tend to the heart.

She wanted to hug Ling Chen's waist and bury her face in his arms.

But when she really hugged Ling Chen and brought him in front of her, he remained completely motionless, still maintaining a half-kneeling posture.

He repeated: "Are you sure you're sober?"

Zhu Wenshu's fingers trembled suddenly, and his arm lost strength.

It's just that when the palm fell naturally, it brushed Ling Chen's trouser leg, and she seemed to touch something.

Originally, she didn't think much about it, but Ling Chen's body tensed even more because of it.

He suddenly grabbed Zhu Wenshu's hand and put it into his trouser bag.

Zhu Wenshu moved his fingers.

After feeling that she had pinched her, Ling Chen pulled her hand out.

In the bedroom there was only the light in the bathroom.

Zhu Wenshu didn't look at it, and knew what was in his hand.

Ling Chen didn't wait for Zhu Wenshu's answer.

He took something from her hand and fed it to her mouth.


Zhu Wenshu just moved his lips, holding the small plastic bag in his mouth.

Ling Chen's brows were tightly frowned, and he was already sweating before it even started.

He looked at the wishing book at this moment, and tried his best with every breath, otherwise he would lose all reason.

After a while, Ling Chen raised his breath suddenly and took away the thing from Zhu Wenshu's mouth.

Zhu Wenshu half-opened his eyes, the picture in front of him became very slow and unreal, like the memory floating in his mind when he just woke up.

Ling Chen bit the plastic package with his mouth, stared at her closely, and under her gaze, tore it apart bit by bit.

The movements were slow, as if giving her the last time to regret.

Ling Chen's house is the tallest building in the city.

It stands in the air without any cover.

Let the violent wind and rain come, there is no way out, and occasionally there is a feeling of precariousness, which makes the people living in the house tremble.

It seems to melt into the mid-air with the wind and rain.