Chapter 63:

Zhu Wenshu opened his eyes bewilderedly. At this moment, no matter how dim the lights were, it would be dazzling.

The figure of the man who was close at hand became hazy, and the sharp outline seemed to be blurred by fine sweat, blurring.

When the arrow was on the string, Ling Chen's voice was extremely hoarse, wrapped in a heavy breath, and every word could not be heard clearly.

"I'm asking you one last time, are you sure?"

Zhu Wenshu watched the beads of sweat dripping from the center of Ling Chen's brows rolling down the browbones and melting on the chin.

She raised her hand and stroked his cheek with her fingertips, without speaking for a long time.

She knew that she was drunk and blurred at the moment, and she looked very drunk and sexual.

But if it wasn't for the drunkenness, Zhu Wenshu didn't know how to express to Ling Chen that she was willing to accept him wholeheartedly and love him.

She didn't want Ling Chen to always hold her carefully, as if he would lose it if he didn't pay attention. After a dozen calls were not answered, he rushed back overnight.

It was as if, to Yu Lingchen, she was just a favor and could leave at any time.

So tonight Zhu Wenshu couldn't help inviting him with his eyes first.

When he just kissed her, she seemed to be floating in mid-air, with very little oxygen. So she wanted to land, to have a more intimate sense of reality.

"I am not sleeply."

Zhu Wenshu closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

She really wanted to tell Ling Chen that she didn't have to worry that she would regret it.

"I'm the same as you now." She propped up her upper body and kissed Ling Chen's rolling Adam's apple, "I like you very much."

Ling Chen's eyebrows were trembling, and he stared at Zhu Wenshu closely, as if he wanted to brand her into his heart at this moment.

Suddenly, he inserted his hands into the gap between her back and the sheet, and hugged her up.

The clothes were thrown away one by one, and finally piled up messily on the carpet.

The brand-new sheets and quilts smelled of detergent, but were finally covered with damp sweat and breath.

Zhu Wenshu originally thought that Ling Chen would be as gentle as ever.

Just like the few days in Licheng, holding her in my arms is enough to satisfy.

But tonight, he seems to have gradually removed his disguise, exposing a man's most primitive aggressiveness.

He kissed her whole body, licked her earlobe, and when he held her ankle, his limbs could no longer control the strength.

For the first time, his heaven-given clear voice became muddy, mixed with too many emotions and desires.

Zhu Wenshu raised his neck countless times, his eyes closed and opened uncontrollably, and he groaned in his throat.

The sky before dawn was as gloomy as ink, the sparse stars and the moon were also swallowed by rolling black clouds, and the whole night sky seemed like a deep sea with waves and dark waves.

Fortunately, after the wind blew, the thick clouds began to disperse slowly.

When Zhu Wenshu bowed and trembled slightly, the sky finally revealed a ray of morning light.

The weather forecast says there will be light rain in Jiangcheng today.

The warm sun in winter only showed its head, and the clouds did not wait for the clouds to clear, and the dark clouds kept pressing over the city.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhu Wenshu heard the sound of dripping water.

It was rare for her to be so sleepy. After struggling to open her eyes, she saw a faint light shining through the curtains.

It's not like a rainy day.

She sat up with her dizzy head propped up, looked around lazily, and finally looked at the lighted bathroom before realizing that the sound of water was not rain.

She stared at the light in confusion, not understanding why Ling Chen went to take a bath again.

Counting the two of them taking a shower together halfway, this is already Ling Chen's fourth shower today.

Is there a cleanliness?

Just as he was thinking, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped suddenly.

Zhu Wenshu retreated into the bed reflexively, turned his back to the bathroom, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

The room was covered with soft carpet, and no footsteps could be heard.

But a few minutes later, Zhu Wenshu could feel Ling Chen approaching.

Now she is very sensitive to Ling Chen's aura, and she can almost judge how far he is from her by feeling.

When someone approached the bed, Zhu Wenshu immediately closed his eyes.

A shadow cast in front of him, and immediately, his breath touched Zhu Wenshu's face.

These few seconds were extremely long, Ling Chen didn't move much, didn't speak, just looked at Zhu Wenshu quietly.

After a while, when Zhu Wenshu couldn't hold back anymore, he suddenly kissed his forehead lightly.

When the skin touches again, it seems to return to the intimacy at dawn, honest and honest.

Zhu Wenshu relaxed because of the kiss, and let out a long breath to dispel the tension.

But she might be moving too slowly, before she even opened her eyes, she heard Ling Chen say, "Are you going to pretend to be asleep?"


Zhu Wenshu was patted and opened his eyes, and Chen's face came into view.

His hair was not completely dry, and a few strands of hair were stuck to his forehead, and water droplets rolled down.

It was exactly the same as when he was leaning on her a few hours ago, dripping with sweat.

And the way he is staring at her at the moment, there is still sunshine and rain in the dark eyes that have not completely faded, it seems that in the next second, he is going to say those words that make Zhu Wenshu ashamed and sinking.

"Not pretending."

Zhu Wenshu froze, quickly avoided his eyes, and struggled to sit up, "What time is it?"

The moment the quilt was lifted, Zhu Wenshu heard Ling Chen say, "Five o'clock."

"Five o'clock?!"

She froze for a moment, then hurriedly got out of bed.

When her feet touched the ground, she looked down and saw her naked legs. Without the fig leaf of the night, those physical memories became concrete in her mind.

Even, she couldn't help but imagine her posture from Ling Chen's perspective. I didn't feel anything when I was emotional, but now it's dawn and people are clear, and the sense of shame is overwhelming.

Zhu Wenshu closed her eyes, and wanted to tell Ling Chen if she could not lift her leg in the future, she couldn't bear it.

But she suddenly recalled that she seemed to have said this.

What she got was a response that made her blush even more.

"I have to go back."

Zhu Wenshu got out of bed and went to find his clothes.

In the early morning, Ling Chen gave her a pair of his own short sleeves, which were wide and big, and they were just right for a nightgown.

After she found the trousers, she was about to bend down to put them on, when she heard Ling Chen say abruptly, "I knew it."

Zhu Wenshu stopped and turned to look at Ling Chen.


After Ling Chen looked down at the trousers she was carrying in her hand, he raised his eyes and looked at her with a sense of oppression.

"Put on your pants and go."


He had put on a black nightgown after the shower, the belt tied loosely around his waist, exposing a large swath of his chest.

At this time, he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his body half up, his hair was half dry, and there was still a drop of water flowing on his neck. He looked at Zhu Wenshu with his head tilted, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Knowing that he was not really making a complaint, Zhu Wenshu was bewitched by his appearance.

It feels like I'm really going too far.

She thought about it, put down her clothes, and walked back to the bed.

Ling Chen straightened up slowly, and when she approached, he stretched out his hand, and Zhu Wenshu straddled his lap gracefully.

"I really have something to do." Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and cupped his face, "I still have a few MOOCs to do, and I don't want to take them home during the Chinese New Year."


Ling Chen rubbed his face against her palm, very docile.

But his hands lifted up the baggy clothes and supported Zhu Wenshu's waist.

The warm and rough touch was like a prairie fire, making Zhu Wenshu's nerve endings tremble.

She snorted and held Ling Chen's hand.

"Hey, don't, it's getting dark again."

Ling Chen didn't speak or move.

He just buried his head into her neck, and after a long time, the voice came out from between the skin.

"Eat something before you go."

Zhu Wenshu's breathing froze for a moment, and he wanted to open his head, but when he found that he couldn't open it, he turned his head and looked to the other side.

"Ling Chen, you are a public figure."


"Don't be so nasty."


After a while, muffled laughter came from his shoulders.

"Mr. Zhu, you are a teacher of the people, don't be full of yellow waste."

He leaned back slightly, lifted Zhu Wenshu's chin, and forced her to look at him.

"I said," his other arm suddenly tightened, and he pressed Zhu Wenshu into his arms, touching the tip of his nose, "it's really just eating."


Zhu Wenshu didn't know when Ling Chen ordered dinner.

He opened the boxes one by one and placed them on the dining table, while Zhu Wenshu turned his head and looked at the house blatantly.

Since coming here last night, Zhu Wenshu has stayed in Ling Chen's room for more than ten hours, and this is the first time he has gone out.

As Ling Chen himself said, this is like a model room.

The decoration is avant-garde and simple, ranging from the large layout to the small tea set display, all of which are exquisite and cannot be faulted.

It's a pity that it is not very popular, and even the position of the table decorations seems to have been carefully designed.

"Is this your new house?"


Ling Chen said, "It's just been redecorated."

"Oh..." Zhu Wenshu nodded, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned to look at Ling Chen, "Isn't there a lot of formaldehyde?"


Ling Chen tore off the packaging bag of the bowls and chopsticks, lowered his eyes and chuckled, "I'm just waiting for you to **** it."


Is this what people say?

Zhu Wenshu stared wide-eyed, propping up the chair with both hands, ready to leave at any time.

She is in her prime, and she doesn't want to get cancer early.

Ling Chen glanced at her and handed over the chopsticks.

"Why didn't I see you cherish your life so much when you rolled Ling Siyuan on the ground at night."

Probably because the counterfeit wine had too much stamina, Zhu Wenshu realized it after hearing what he said. The house would only be renovated if it was real, and it was impossible for Ling Chen to bring her here.

Estimated to have been drying for several months.

"Then why have you been living in Yuanyuan's house? You have a home to live in."

Ling Chen paused for a moment on the food, and then said lightly, "I'm too lazy to move."

Before Zhu Wenshu asked him, he really hadn't considered this question.

Lu Manman mentioned it twice, asking when he plans to move back, so she can prepare.

Ling Chen kept using the word "let's talk" to perfunctory Lu Manman, and then stayed at Ling Xingyan's house all the time.

In fact, thinking about it now, in fact, after getting used to the sound of someone at home at any time, I don't want to go back to this model room.

But at this moment, he didn't feel that way at all.

It's nothing more than because there is a letter of congratulations sitting in front of him.

"Warm book."

He suddenly spoke.


Zhu Wenshu was still looking at the decoration of the house, without even looking at Ling Chen, "Why?"

"Do you think this house is nice?"


Zhu Wenshu gave a pertinent evaluation, and then added his own opinion, "But I don't like this style, it looks like a work of art, not like a home."

Ling Chen put down his chopsticks, sat up straight and looked at Zhu Wenshu.

"Then what style do you like?"

"American rural style." Zhu Wenshu turned his head, didn't notice Ling Chen's expression, but just looked at the black and white mural in front of him with his chin, "Isn't it more appetizing to put flowers and plants in the restaurant than this post-modern style? "


Ling Chen nodded and said nothing more.

Today's rain fell in the early evening, and it got dark earlier than usual.

It was less than seven o'clock, and every household in the community was lit up.

After Ying Fei woke up, she walked out with tired steps, subconsciously going to the bathroom, but was attracted by the groans in the living room.

She changed her head slowly, and saw a person lying on the sofa.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

After Ling Chen left with Zhu Wenshu last night, Ying Fei and Shi Xueer sat in the restaurant for thirty to forty minutes.

Later, Ying Fei couldn't bear it any longer, so she went back to her room to sleep.

That night she cried drunk and was frightened, and woke up with a splitting headache.

Seeing Shi Xue'er now, Ying Fei remembered that she cried bitterly in front of her last night, she came to her senses and praised Ling Chen as she said, now she can't wait to slap herself again.

"I do not go."

Shi Xueer clutched her stomach and moaned, "I'm going to wait for Teacher Zhu to come back."


Ying Fei rolled her eyes, "You two blocked each other, right? So you can't make a phone call?"

"I do not."

Shi Xueer bit her lip and muttered in a low voice, "I'm afraid of disturbing them."

Seeing Ying Fei froze, Shi Xueer said again: "Is there anything to eat? I have a stomachache."


Ying Fei turned around and left.

"Oh... If I didn't drink with someone, would I have such a stomachache?"

Shi Xueer hugged the pillow and rolled around twice, "Forget it, I'd better order a takeaway."

"It's annoying!"

Ying Fei stomped her feet, angrily walked to the kitchen, roughly took out the small cooking pot and began to wash the rice.

After a night of mental construction, Ying Fei still can't accept that Zhu Wenshu's boyfriend is Ling Chen.

But seeing is believing, she can't deceive herself.

And as Ling Chen's black fan leader, she was not afraid at all when she scolded him in various ways on the Internet, but it was because she was separated from the Internet.

Now that she realizes that she is likely to dance in front of the Lord, Ying Fei only feels that her eyes are darkened, and she has a premonition that Ling Chen will send her into the prison in person.

She's still young and she doesn't want to go to jail.

So, she turned her back to Shi Xueer and said, "Hey, when she comes back, you can ask."


Shi Xueer said, "You two are roommates, you know her better, you can ask her."

Compared with black fans, Shi Xueer's fanatic fans are not much better.

After the shock, she thought of her crazy and nymphomaniac boyfriend in front of Zhu Wenshu and wished she could dig a hole and bury herself.

It seems that she also said that she wanted to sleep with him.

I don't know if Zhu Wenshu treats her like a mistress.


"I don't know her well!"

Ying Fei said, "You and her are good friends, you can ask her."

"I don't want to! I've only known her for a few months, and we don't have a good relationship!"

"I'm Ling Chen's black fan! I can't ask!"

"I'm Ling Chen's brainless fan! I can't even ask!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door suddenly opened.

When Zhu Wenshu walked in, the two people in the room seemed to press the pause button and looked at her fixedly.

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Wenshu asked.

Ying Fei suddenly raised two fingers, "I swear, I'll become a fan of Ling Chen from now on!"


Shi Xueer stared at Ying Fei with wide eyes, and imitated her by raising two fingers: "I've turned from fan to black!"