Chapter 64:

The takeaway packaging and wine bottles in the room hadn't been cleaned up, and it was full of unpleasant smells.

Zhu Wenshu was drunk for the first time, and he was still a little dizzy. He smelled it even more uncomfortable, so he was silent for a while.

She actually didn't understand what Ying Fei and Shi Xueer said, but it didn't matter, anyway, they already knew everything now, so she didn't need to think about how to speak.

After a while, Zhu Wenshu nodded calmly.

"Ling Chen said he agreed."

The room was silent.

Ying Fei and Shi Xueer stared blankly, only their eyes could barely follow Zhu Wenshu's movement.

After she took off her coat, she began to pick up the trash in the restaurant.

She first threw all the cans on the ground into the trash can and tied the bags to carry them out. When she passed by Shi Xueer, she pulled her sleeves.

"Really... is it what I... see?"

Zhu Wenshu put the garbage bag by the door and continued to clean up the dining table, turning his back to the two of them and said, "Yes."

After another long silence, Zhu Wenshu put away the takeaway, and when he looked back, the two of them were still staring at her motionlessly in their original positions.

Zhu Wenshu thought for a while and said, "I am the one, classmate Xiaocan."


Ying Fei was about to say something when Shi Xueer rolled her eyes and fell down.

Shi Xueer's dizziness frightened Zhu Wenshu quite a bit.

Zhu Qisen was not in Jiangcheng, and she didn't dare to ask Ling Chen for help at this time, for fear of sending Shi Xueer away directly.

Fortunately, after she and Ying Fei hurriedly carried Shi Xueer downstairs to the hospital, she woke up.

Stimulation is one aspect, and the main reason is that Shi Xueer has hypoglycemia. After a night of hangover, she hasn't eaten for a whole day, and her body can no longer support her.

There was no one in the nearby clinic, and after the glucose drip was put on, Shi Xueer lay on the bed too excited to speak, holding Zhu Wenshu's hand, hmm, like a dying person.

After the sugar in her body was enough, she started crying and laughing inexplicably, and finally said incoherently that she had absolutely nothing wrong with Ling Chen, and she just wanted to be a blood-related sister with Zhu Wenshu after two hiccups .

Even Ying Fei, who is relatively introverted at ordinary times, was infected by her, talking nonsense about how she was just angry with Ye Shaoxing, who always couldn't beat Ling Chen, so she blackmailed him and scolded him, so she deleted all Weibo Tell Ling Chen not to sue her for slander.

And Shi Xueer was still able to interject and stab Ying Fei, but Ying Fei was not to be outdone and went back.

The two talked to each other, causing nurses to come in frequently to ask if there was anything wrong.

Zhu Wenshu felt his head was about to explode, and realized that his intuition was right. It was really overwhelming for these two people to know the truth.

It wasn't until the drip was finished that Zhu Wenshu calmed down the black powder.

It was late at night, and after sending Shi Xueer away, Zhu Wenshu and Ying Fei didn't have much energy left, and went home in silence all the way.

After cleaning the house again, before returning to their rooms, Ying Fei opened the door with only a crack exposed.

"I have one last question."

Zhu Wenshu turned around: "Yes."

Ying Fei: "Is it true that Ling Chen has a son on the Internet?"

Zhu Wenshu: "?"

Ying Fei paused, and looked down at Zhu Wenshu's stomach.

"You never had a baby, did you?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Because of the episode of Shi Xueer's illness, Zhu Wenshu was unable to work that night.

In the next few days, she hurried and hurried, and finally finished the MOOC and courseware two days ago, packed her things and returned to Huiyang.

Zhu Wenshu has a biological uncle who takes turns eating at the two families for New Year's Eve dinner every year. This year it happens to be their turn to treat guests.

After six o'clock in the evening, my father and grandma were busy in the kitchen.

When Zhu Wenshu received Ling Chen's video, he was playing with his nephew in the living room.

Seeing that there was a lot of trouble at home, she planned to go to the balcony to receive the video.

Unexpectedly, the little nephew was not happy and didn't want to leave for a moment, so Zhu Wenshu could only hug him and sit on the balcony.

"Aren't you about to go on stage?"

When the video was connected, the little nephew in Zhu Wenshu's arms was twitching. She hurriedly hugged him tightly, and had no time to look at the screen carefully.

It wasn't until the voice came from the phone that Zhu Wenshu turned his head and looked at him intently.

In the picture, Ling Chen only showed his upper body, wearing a black and white formal suit. Behind him, the stylist was doing his hair, but his eyes were fixed on the camera.

In just two or three seconds, several staff members gathered around to watch, including an actor Zhu Wenshu knew very well.

Ling Chen didn't notice that there were so many people around him, and he didn't turn his head until he saw Zhu Wenshu in his phone coughed a little uncomfortably.

With one look, the crowd dispersed like birds and beasts, and the stylist continued to style his hair. Only the actor smiled and waved at the camera.

"Backstage, soon."

After speaking, Ling Chen felt a little uncomfortable, raised his hand and pulled off his bow tie.

In fact, Ling Chen doesn't like to wear formal clothes when he is working, and the loose sweater on weekdays seems to be nailed to him.

But Zhu Wenshu looked at him in a formal suit, straight and upright, which complemented his clear and sharp facial contours, adding a bit of confidence and flamboyance.

Especially when the tie is loose...

It's a pity that Ling Chen was in the middle of talking, and Zhuang Zao Shi who was at the side immediately came to stop him and told him not to move around.

Ling Chen pursed his lips and lowered his hands helplessly.

"not yet eat?"

he asks.

"It's going to be eaten soon, the table is full."

While talking, Zhu Wenshu saw Lu Manman handing over a cup of black coffee.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"I didn't eat much."

After Ling Chen took two sips of coffee, he said, "Dangling my life with this."

"Why don't you eat more? Today is—"

In the middle of speaking, Zhu Wenshu suddenly stopped and sighed.

He shouldn't feel like Chinese New Year. The New Year's Eve dinner is also a work meal, so she wouldn't have any appetite for it.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing her distressed look, Ling Chen said with a smile, "I'm just afraid that I'm full—"

Zhu Wenshu raised his eyes: "Huh?"

"There will be hiccups on stage."


Zhu Wenshu tried his best to hold back for two seconds, but still couldn't help laughing while buried next to his nephew's head.

"Are you going to perform a sketch today?"

"If you think about it, it's not impossible for me to change my career." On the screen, Ling Chen said, "But others are making the people of the whole country happy, and I only make you happy."

Zhu Wenshu didn't have time to talk to him, so he smiled for a while, and the little nephew in his arms asked, "Auntie, who is this brother?"

Zhu Wenshu suddenly raised his head and pinched his nephew's face.

"Why do you call me aunt but call him brother?"

It's not that he wants to take advantage of Ling Chen, but he suddenly feels that he has grown older.

The little nephew blinked, not understanding what Zhu Wenshu meant.

"Then what should I call me?"

Zhu Wenshu looked at the phone, and Ling Chen tilted his head, looking at her with a half-smile, with an answer ready to come out in his eyes.

After the two looked at each other through the screen for a while, Zhu Wenshu leaned into his nephew's ear and whispered, "Uncle."

The little nephew looked at the phone ignorantly and jerky, unable to speak for a long time.


Ling Chen raised his eyebrows, "What exactly are you calling me?"

At this time, my aunt called Zhu Wenshu in the living room and asked her to eat.

So Zhu Wenshu said casually: "Just call me brother."

She raised her eyes and saw a faint smile in Ling Chen's eyes, so she repeated: "Brother."

The video call faltered due to the network, and at the last second, it was frozen at Ling Chen's expressionless face.

But if it wasn't for the freeze frame, Zhu Wenshu wouldn't have noticed that he was blushing a little.

Due to the large number of people, Zhu Wenshu's New Year's Eve dinner lasted for an hour and a half.

It wasn't until the TV remembered the singing and dancing at the opening of the gala that the family moved from the dining table to the living room one after another.

In recent years, the parties have become more and more unfriendly to middle-aged and elderly people, and most of the guests are young stars they don't know.

Only skits can slightly arouse the enthusiasm of the elders, while programs such as singing and dancing tend to be more conservative. The elders just listen to the sound, and most of them hold their mobile phones to grab red envelopes in various groups.

Zhu Wenshu was the only one in the whole living room staring at the TV seriously, not wanting to miss any shots of the guest seats.

After more than an hour, Ling Chen took the stage.

The little nephew ran around in front of the TV with the ball in his arms, frequently blocking Zhu Wenshu's sight, so she called him over and held him in her arms, not letting him go no matter how hard he struggled.

Finally, the little nephew gave up the struggle and lay peacefully in Zhu Wenshu's arms.

When looking at the TV screen, he suddenly pointed at Ling Chen and shouted, "Uncle!"

The adults on the side were distracted by the sound, and followed the little nephew to look at the screen.

"Oh, our Jiajia really thinks about my aunt." The aunt said with a smile, "This is the choice of uncle, so tell your aunt to work hard."

Zhu Wenshu stared at the screen in a lively atmosphere without speaking, laughing so hard that his eyes curled up.

Zhu Wenshu's mother raised her head from the phone, glanced at the TV, frowned and said, "Isn't this your high school classmate? What's his name?"

"Ling Chen."

Zhu Wenshu said, "Jade is that Chen."

"I know, I heard from your school teacher."

The little nephew was still shouting excitedly: "Uncle! Uncle!"

Zhu Wenshu's mother reached out and rubbed his head, and then joked: "If your aunt had worked harder in high school, maybe she is really your uncle now."

"What are you talking about with the kids?"

Zhu Dad answered, "I really talked to someone in high school, I don't think you will break his leg."

"You talk too much."

Mom glared at Dad, then suddenly turned her head and winked at Zhu Wenshu, "Did something happen in high school?"

"No ah."

Zhu Wenshu said with a smile, "We don't know each other well in high school."

Mom gave a "tsk" regretfully, "Thanks to you inheriting my looks, I fascinated all the boys in the class back in high school."

"Then I-"

Zhu Wenshu turned to look at his mother, "To seduce him?"

"What did you, a people's teacher, say?"

Mom slowly turned her head to stare at the screen, and smiled uncontrollably, "If there is a chance, it's not impossible."

"No chance, he has a girlfriend."

Zhu Wenshu said.

"let it go."

Mom shook her head and watched the TV intently, "It's a pity, there is a chance, but such a handsome cabbage is taken away by other pigs."


Zhu Wenshu twitched the corner of his mouth, "I am that pig."

At half past twelve in the morning, the party ended with a chorus.

Uncle and aunt took their children home before ten o'clock, and grandparents and grandparents also left one after another, leaving only a family of three.

Since Huiyang banned fireworks, every New Year's Eve is extraordinarily quiet, and only distant suburbs can set off fireworks.

Zhu Wenshu was lying on the window sill looking at the faintly gorgeous sky, and new messages came in from his mobile phone, almost all of which were group-sent blessing messages.

After a while, under the urging of his parents, Zhu Wenshu went back to the room.

There were a lot of people posting on Moments tonight. After reading Zhu Wenshu for a long time, I only saw one posted by her mother more than two hours ago.

[Mummy]: My son-in-law! [Sunglasses][Sunglasses][Sunglasses]

The accompanying picture is Ling Chen on the TV.

Below are a few comments that Zhu Wenshu can see.

[Aunt Wang Hong]: Yo, we bumped into our son-in-law.

[Mummy replied to Aunt Wang Hong]:? ? ?

[Aunt Chen Feiyan]: My daughter also said that this is my son-in-law.

[Mummy]: Unified reply, this is really my son-in-law! We talked about taking him home for dinner some time ago.

Zhu Wenshu rolled on the bed, lying on the pillow, and called Ling Chen.

No one answered the first time, and he came back after a while.

"it's over?"

Zhu Wenshu asked.


The other end of the phone was still very noisy, Ling Chen said, "Go back after chatting with a few seniors."

"Where are you going?"


Hearing these two words, Zhu Wenshu suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Not to mention that she has never stayed in a hotel by herself, even if she is accompanied by someone, she feels a little uncomfortable when she thinks that Ling Chen will still have to be alone on this reunion night.

"Ling Chen."


"My dad cooks delicious food."

Zhu Wenshu turned over and said slowly, "My mother's fried crispy meat is also delicious."

Ling Chen didn't understand what she meant, but he still listened quietly.

"My grandpa likes to sing after drinking, although it's not very nice."

"I also have a little nephew, you met today, very cute."

"My relatives are very good, as are my uncle and aunt, who treat me like my own daughter."


Ling Chen said, "I can feel it."


Zhu Wenshu felt that his idea was a little sudden, so his voice was as small as a mosquito, "On this day next year, come to my house to celebrate the New Year."