Chapter 65:

Zhu Wenshu really suspected that her mothers had a secret intelligence organization network.

After just one night, the seven aunts and eight aunts all knew that she had dated a celebrity boyfriend. Some even came to Zhu Wenshu for an autograph without even knowing whether Ling Chen was a singer or an actor.

And this grand event reached its peak on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. When Zhu Wenshu and her parents went to the aunt's birthday party, someone insisted on her calling her boyfriend on the spot, which made her almost pretend to be dizzy.

Fortunately, the curiosity of the relatives was normally distributed. After Zhu Wenshu expressed a strong rejection, his enthusiasm gradually subsided.

But Zhu Wenshu felt that she couldn't stay in Huiyang any longer, and the original return trip on the tenth day of the lunar new year was brought forward to the seventh day of the new year.

The day before departure, Zhu Wenshu finished dinner at home and was about to watch TV for a while, when her mother suddenly put down what she was doing and came to her side.


Here it comes again.

Zhu Wenshu stared at the screen without squinting, pretending not to hear.

"Tell me again, Zhou Sisi told me that Xiaocan classmate is you, what's the matter? Didn't you say that you are not familiar with each other in high school?"

Mom tugged at her sleeves, "Why have you gotten together again after so many years? Does he know many celebrities? Which celebrities have you met with him? What's on his WeChat? Do you have Moments?"


Zhu Wenshu got up and said, "I'm going to pack my things."

"Isn't it still early? What are you in a hurry for?"

Mom chased into the room, leaned against the door with her arms folded and murmured, "You still have two sweaters that I don't think you wear much, you can take them back to Jiangcheng."

"No more."

Zhu Wenshu opened the suitcase, "It should be hot next month."

Zhu Wenshu did not bring anything home this time, and he collected a lot of money within a few minutes.

Seeing that her hands were empty and didn't know what to do, and she didn't want to stop, she fumbled here and there, just thinking it was funny.

"If you have nothing to do, just clean up your bookcase."

Mother lifted her chin and said, "Your father said that you rarely come back now, and wanted to occupy you."

"Oh, he uses it."

Zhu Wenshu turned his head and walked to the desk to scan around. There was actually nothing useful in it. They were all her middle and high school textbooks, workbooks and some extracurricular reading materials.

I was reluctant to throw it away before, but now it seems that it really takes up a lot of space.

"Let me find you a cardboard box, and let your dad move out to sell scraps later."

Mom took two steps and turned back, "Your dad is getting old too, so you can't let him do these rough jobs all the time."

Zhu Wenshu thought to herself that her father punched vigorously in the morning, so he didn't look like a person who couldn't move waste.

But before she could say it, her mother said, "When will your boyfriend come?"

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Fortunately, she didn't tell her mother that Ling Chen would pick her up tomorrow, otherwise neither of them would be able to leave.

When mother came in with a cardboard box, Zhu Wenshu had already sorted out the old books.

She saw that the drawers were full of pens and gadgets that were too old to be used, so she planned to throw them away together.

"what is this?"

Mom flipped through the things Zhu Wenshu threw out, picked it up by a chain, and a round thing hung underneath, "Oh, a pocket watch."

She opened it and took a look, "Isn't this still going? Are you going to throw it away?"

Zhu Wenshu's eyes followed the pocket watch and shook it a few times, then pinched it.

This is a pocket watch in the shape of ancient Rome. It weighs nothing in the hand, and the spray paint on the outer layer has been worn dull by time.

Zhu Wenshu was in a daze for a moment, then suddenly took the pocket watch away, "Don't throw it away."

In the three years of high school, Zhu Wenshu received seven or eight anonymous gifts. Most of the boys in their teens couldn't hide their problems, Zhu Wenshu asked a few more questions, and found the source, and all returned.

She only had this pocket watch, which she received on the day she graduated from high school, and she didn't find out who gave it to her after several rounds. In addition, she felt that the material should not be expensive, so she kept it.

In the following years, she occasionally found this pocket watch in a drawer and would still look at it in the palm of her hand.

Although I don't understand why the man gave her this thing, I think a small retro pocket watch is quite interesting in this electronic age.

It's just that after she went to graduate school and went to work, she went home less and less frequently, and gradually put this thing behind her.

If she hadn't tidied up the bookcase today, she would have almost forgotten its existence.

"Is this thing old?"

Mom suddenly asked, "When did you buy it?"

Zhu Wenshu shook his head: "I didn't buy it."

The mother knew that her daughter was popular, so she immediately reacted: "Oh, who gave it to you?"

Zhu Wenshu stared at the pocket watch in his hand and didn't respond.

In the past, she had indeed repeatedly thought about who sent it, but now, the answer seemed to be coming out.

Just then, my mother's cell phone rang.

Zhu Wenshu, who was originally silent, was suddenly pulled by a certain nerve, and stared straight at her mother's cell phone.

This ringtone seems to be Ling Chen's "Inaudible Heartbeat"?

"Why did you change the ringtone to this?"

Mom picked up the phone and looked at the incoming call, seeing that it was a sales call, she hung up immediately.

"I support my son-in-law." Mom said, "How is it? Zhou Sisi helped me make it."


Zhu Wenshu didn't speak any more, and looked at the pocket watch in his hand again.

After a while, she took out her mobile phone and found Ling Chen's dialogue box, and wanted to ask him if it sent him.

Just before sending, Zhu Wenshu suddenly thought of something, bent the corner of his lower lip, and deleted everything.

She wiped her pocket watch with a tissue, then put it in her coat bag.

The next afternoon, Zhu Wenshu refused the enthusiasm of her parents to send her, and insisted on going to the station by herself.

My parents were also thinking about the poker game, so they didn't insist.

As soon as she went out, Zhu Wenshu called Ling Chen and asked him to pick her up at a certain intersection.

Ling Chen was driving, and after confirming the location, he didn't say anything more, but told her that there was a bit of traffic jam today, and it might be later.

So Zhu Wenshu carried his small suitcase and walked towards the agreed place.

Today is the last day of the Spring Festival holiday. Many pedestrians on the road are dragging their suitcases, and Zhu Wenshu is not obtrusive.

When she arrived at the location, she found a bench and sat down, put her hands on the luggage handle, and looked towards the intersection.

He didn't see Ling Chen's car for a long time, but he saw an acquaintance.

A middle-aged woman in a khaki down jacket led a three or four-year-old girl to buy balloons on the side of the road.

Zhu Wenshu stared at the figures of the two of them, and unconsciously laughed.

When someone approached, she opened her mouth and said, "Teacher Zhang."

The middle-aged woman led the child back, looked Zhu Wenshu up and down, her face full of surprise.

"Zhu Wenshu? Are you going back to Jiangcheng?"

"Well, I'll be back later."

Teacher Zhang used to be serious and strict, and everyone in the class was afraid of her.

However, in the past two years, I heard from those students who stayed in Huiyang that she seemed to be a different person after holding her granddaughter, and she smiled at everyone she saw.

Zhu Wenshu felt that the students did not lie to her. For example, at this moment, Teacher Zhang sat next to her with his granddaughter in his arms.

"How is it? Recently, it's not easy to be a teacher."

"pretty good."

Zhu Wenshu said with a smile, "It's just that children are hard to manage."

After the two chatted a little about the teacher's experience, Teacher Zhang thought of something, and asked again: "Are you with Ling Chen?"


Zhu Wenshu was not surprised that Mr. Zhang knew about this.

After all, there are still many students who have contact with the teacher.

"Hey, I didn't expect that either."

Teacher Zhang looked at and patted his granddaughter's arm, and suddenly sighed, "I used to think that you two must be useless, after all, there is Yin Yueze."

Zhu Wenshu blinked and asked hesitantly, "You... know?"

"How could I not know! Things were so big back then!"

Teacher Zhang said with a smile, "Ling Chen is a real person. He usually keeps quiet, but in the third year of high school, he went to fight with the gym class because of you, and was almost expelled. If it wasn't for me—"

Before he finished speaking, Teacher Zhang saw Zhu Wenshu's face full of astonishment, and said in disbelief, "You don't know?"

Every year, the expressway on the return journey during the Spring Festival is always particularly congested, making Chen arrive nearly 20 minutes later than the expected arrival time.

After he parked the car on the side of the road, he lowered the window and waved to Zhu Wenshu on the bench.

But she was staring down at the ground, not noticing him at all.

"What are you thinking?"

Ling Chen got out of the car, didn't even wear a mask, stood in front of Zhu Wenshu blatantly, reached out and raised her chin, "Don't want to leave home?"

Zhu Wenshu still didn't speak, and looked up at the man in front of him with light and shadow in his eyes.

The streets are full of joy in the Spring Festival, and several shops are playing festive music at the same time.

In such an atmosphere, there was no trace of joy on Zhu Wenshu's face. Her eyelashes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and her mouth was slightly pouted, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

When Ling Chen saw her like this, his expression suddenly became serious, and he knelt down in front of her.

"What's wrong? Wronged?"

Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips and shook his head, took several breaths before saying, "No."

Seeing people coming and going on the road, she might recognize Ling Chen at any time, so she got up before Ling Chen could speak again, "Let's go, go back first."

Ling Chen's gaze followed her back until she stopped in front of the passenger car's door again.

"Why did you drive here by yourself?"

"One driver is on vacation and the other has other duties."

Ling Chen took the suitcase from her hand, walked to the back of the car, put it in the trunk, and asked, "What?"

Zhu Wenshu stared at Ling Chen twice, then suddenly walked around the car and walked to the driver's seat.

"Let me drive."


There was a hint of surprise in Ling Chen's eyes, "Do you have a driver's license?"

"Of course I have."

Zhu Wenshu had already sat in the driver's seat when he spoke, "A few days ago, I helped my dad drive."

After Ling Chen put the suitcase away, he went straight into the co-pilot.

He closed the door, not in a hurry to fasten his seat belt, but saw that Zhu Wenshu was familiar with the operation of the center console and lights.

"Really want to open?"


Zhu Wenshu nodded seriously, "Didn't you just return to Jiangcheng this morning? You can sleep in the car later, I drive very steadily."

Hearing this, Ling Chen still didn't wear his seat belt, but just looked at Zhu Wenshu deeply.

"What happened to you?"

"You rest first, go back and talk about it, it's not a big deal."

Zhu Wenshu turned his head to look at Ling Chen, and suddenly leaned over to help him fasten his seat belt, "If I tell you to sleep, then go to sleep, and ask so many questions."

Although Ling Chen saw that Zhu Wenshu was not very interested, it really didn't look like something bad had happened to her, but it was a bit reluctant for her to go over the center console to help him fasten his seat belt.

"Okay." He held Zhu Wenshu's hand, "I'll do it myself."


Zhu Wenshu didn't try to be brave either. After letting go of his hand, he suddenly put his face on Ling Chen's shoulder and rubbed against his neck.

However, he whispered in his ear: "I love you so much, Ling Chen."

During this journey, Ling Chen really fell asleep with peace of mind.

When he opened his eyes, the car had already parked in the underground garage.

"Woke up?"

Just as Zhu Wenshu turned off the fire, seeing Ling Chen woke up, he suddenly said in a muffled voice, "You still said you were not sleepy, and you never woke up along the way."

Ling Chen didn't speak, and got out of the car straight after loosening his seat belt.

When he walked to the driver's seat and opened the car door, Zhu Wenshu was pulled out by him as soon as he took the car keys.

His steps were faster than usual, as if he was in a hurry to get home.

Zhu Wenshu didn't say a word, and was led by him into the elevator quickly.

In this residential area, there is one household per elevator, and there is basically no worry about meeting other people.

But the two stood in the elevator and still didn't speak. Zhu Wenshu looked down at the ground, and Ling Chen's palm was a little hot, tightly holding Zhu Wenshu's hand, with his thumb stroking the back of her hand from time to time.

This elevator seemed to be extraordinarily long, and the confined space was almost overflowing with the emotions of the two of them.

With a "ding", the floor has arrived.

Before the elevator door was fully opened, Ling Chen took Zhu Wenshu and strode out, faster than the steps in the basement just now.

After a while.

As soon as the door was closed, before Zhu Wenshu had time to reach out to open the door, Ling Chen held his waist and pressed him against the door.

He held Zhu Wenshu's forehead with one hand, and hugged her waist with the other.

Breathing caught off guard and intertwined together, he lowered his head against Zhu Wenshu's forehead and asked with a smile, "How much do you love me?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't speak, he turned his head, the tip of his nose meandered down from the side of her head, and kissed her all the way to the earlobe.


Ling Chen didn't wait for her to speak, but instead heard a sobbing sound.

His eyes froze, and he leaned back slightly to see Zhu Wenshu's expression clearly, but he saw her suddenly put her arms around his waist and buried her head on his chest.

Ling Chen raised his hand to caress her back, and his voice softened.



Zhu Wenshu responded, but his throat was sour, and he was brewing a lot of words in the elevator but couldn't say a word.

A moment later, her hands passed through the hem of his sweater and reached into his waist.

Wherever the warm and soft fingers passed, there was an itchy feeling like an electric shock, which made Chen's whole body muscles tense suddenly, and an uncontrollable muffled moan escaped from her ears.

In the next second, Zhu Wenshu's fingertips rested on the wound on his waist.

Ling Chen seemed to realize something, and his whole body froze.

"Does it still hurt?"

Zhu Wenshu leaned on his chest and asked.

After a long time, Ling Chen replied.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

The lights are not turned on in the room, which makes people's sense of touch and hearing particularly keen.

Ling Chen felt that Zhu Wenshu's fingertips were gently touching his scar, as if he wanted to smooth the bump.

"Don't do this in the future." Zhu Wenshu's voice was full of tears, "If something happens, I will—"

She choked, didn't say any more, stepped on to kiss the corner of Ling Chen's mouth.

"I do not regret."

Ling Chen bowed in response to her kiss.

The cold wind howled tonight, blowing away the thick clouds.

The temperature in the room builds up in the dark.

Ling Chen hugged Zhu Wenshu's waist, stumbling and kissing towards the room, with scattered clothes all the way.

The bathroom was filled with white mist, and the water stains stretched from the sink to the bedside.

Zhu Wenshu was still wearing Ling Chen's shirt, and the tips of his hair were still wet.

She leaned on Ling Chen's lap, but her legs curled up weakly.

"Who told you that?"

Ling Chen's voice was a little hoarse at the moment, and his fingers were wrapped around Zhu Wenshu's wet hair, "Teacher Zhang?"

Zhu Wenshu didn't answer, propped up his upper body, stared at the scar on his waist for a moment, then leaned over and kissed.

This place has been kissed by her countless times tonight, and Chen still feels unbearable.

He leaned against the head of the bed and closed his eyes, his neck was raised, and his Adam's apple kept rolling.

Suddenly, he felt a chill in his chest.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw an old pocket watch hanging on his chest.

Zhu Wenshu lay down on his chest again, put his ear against the pocket watch, and clearly listened to the sound of the pointer moving.

"Ling Chen." She said, "I heard it."