Chapter 66:

A sleepless night.

That night, Ling Chen and Zhu Wenshu talked a lot, more than the sum of the words they had known each other for so long.

He told her that he also had a very happy family before he was ten years old, until his mother died unexpectedly.

He also told her that after her father lost his mind, he, a **** who only knew how to make trouble, found that he could actually take care of other people's daily necessities.

It's just that in the first two years, he couldn't tell the difference between the effects of salt and monosodium glutamate, and even his father wouldn't eat the meals he made.

The rumors on the Internet about his father's alcoholism and domestic violence asking for huge alimony are fabricated. He loves his father very much, and his father loves him very much.

When he said this, he was very calm and understated, as if he was just telling the experience of others as a bystander.

But when he said that his father died of illness in his freshman year, his voice was like sand, and every word was squeezed out of his throat with difficulty.

After finishing speaking, both of them were silent for a long time.

Looking at Ling Chen's figure in the darkness, Zhu Wenshu felt as if his heart had been firmly grasped, and when he came back to his senses, there was already heat in his eyes.

But Ling Chen turned around and told the story that he was stationed at a bar in college, and when people from the music company contacted him, he treated him like a liar.

They called him several times, but he finally impatiently lied about the phone number of the local police station as the contact information of the school and asked him to talk to the school.

It wasn't until the summer vacation of his freshman year that Zhang Yuxuan, who had just finished the operation, had to fly here in person, and then went to the bus and Huo Sanlun to find the place where he was temporarily staying. He squatted at the door from dawn to dusk, and finally waited for Ling Chen to return home.

Then Ling Chen suspected that he was really being targeted, turned around and called the police.

Zhu Wenshu's tears were held back alive.

Later, Ling Chen said that his experience in the entertainment industry over the years of becoming famous can be regarded as smooth sailing, skipping those experiences of being scolded, and counting with Zhu Wenshu how many trophies he has won, and what he has known who were only seen on TV before. The person who can see it also mentioned that many producers asked him to make TV series and movies at the beginning, but he thought that even a single MV of his could NG until the director collapsed, so he gave up on himself. There was a saying among those MV director circles that reached his ears - Ling Chen who sang made people want to marry, and Ling Chen who filmed made people afraid.

At this point, Zhu Wenshu's eyelids could no longer hold up, and he began to fight up and down.

But she was still amused, and fell asleep with the corners of her lips hooked.

At this time, there was a ray of light in the sky.

The whispers in the room gradually became smaller, and finally became a few inarticulate whispers, and the breathing of the two people on the bed also became calmer.

Ling Chen closed his eyes, looked at Zhu Wenshu's sleeping face in his arms, and let out a long breath.

Everyone thought he was taciturn, but in fact he talked a lot.

There are so many things I want to say to her.

After staying at Ling Chen's house for two days, Ling Xingyan came to pick him up in person, and Zhu Wenshu also packed his suitcase and prepared to go home.

It's just that before she left, she knew that she would come here often, so she left some clothes and toiletries.

Ying Fei didn't come out of the collapsed house so quickly, she still stayed in her hometown and didn't return to Jiangcheng.

School will start after the Lantern Festival, and the temperature will pick up during this holiday. I wish Wen Shu will soon devote himself to the preparations for the new semester.

A few days later, the landlord suddenly called her and asked her if she would renew the lease this year.

Zhu Wenshu first found this house in April last year and signed a one-year contract.

When the landlord first asked about the exit, Zhu Wenshu subconsciously wanted to renew the lease. After all, she and Ying Fei got along very well, and the two had already reached a consensus to continue renting together.

It's just that the words came to her throat, and when she thought about the relationship between Ying Fei and Ling Chen, she was suddenly a little uncertain whether Ying Fei would mind living with her.

After hanging up the landlord's phone, Zhu Wenshu sent Ying Fei a message.

[Zhu Wenshu]: The landlord called me just now, and the house will be renewed soon. Shall we renew the lease?

after awhile.

[Ying Fei]: I was just about to tell you about this. I should not renew the lease.

Seeing this sentence, Zhu Wenshu's heart sank.

Sure enough, Ying Fei was still brooding over the fact that she was Ling Chen's girlfriend.

After thinking about it for a while, she still felt that she should talk to Ying Fei.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Yes, I respect your decision.

[Zhu Wenshu]: But... can we continue to be friends?

[Ying Fei]:?

【Ying Fei】:...

[Ying Fei]: What are you thinking? I have thought about it for a long time these days, and decided not to pursue stars in the future. Before, I chose to be a freelance illustrator just to have time to pursue stars, but now I feel that it’s meaningless to be upside down like this day and night, so I plan to become a teacher in an art training institution.

[Ying Fei]: If there is no accident, I should go to work in a studio in Xicheng District. It is so far away, it is more convenient for me to rent a house nearby.

It turned out to be like this.

Zhu Wenshu breathed a sigh of relief, laughing at his villainous heart and the gentleman's belly.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Then come on!

[Ying Fei]: Emmm, I may not live in April. It takes more than two hours for our family to go back and forth to West City. I will report in a week. I should be looking for a house when I come back tomorrow.

[Zhu Wenshu]:? ? ? In such a hurry? No interview required?

[Ying Fei]: ...No need.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Huh?

Also in the education industry, Zhu Wenshu has a little understanding of training institutions. After the education reform in the past two years, the art training in Jiangcheng has greatly laid off employees.

Ying Fei must have been cheated, right?

"The other party is typing" kept beating intermittently, Zhu Wenshu didn't wait for Ying Fei's reply for a long time, feeling that she seemed to have something to say but hesitated.

So she sent another question mark, and Ying Fei replied.

[Ying Fei]: The training institution run by Uncle Shi Xueer has been particularly short of people recently.

Before Zhu Wenshu could say anything, Ying Fei sent several messages in succession.

【Ying Fei】: I'm going to rescue it, it's okay anyway.

[Ying Fei]: If it doesn't suit me, I'll quit immediately. Anyway, training institutions are everywhere now.

Zhu Wenshu stared at the phone for a long while before typing with a smile.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Alright, then we will be colleagues in the future, Mr. Ying.

[Ying Fei]: Harm, Mr. Ying just enjoys helping others.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Come on~

【Ying Fei】: What about you?

[Zhu Wenshu]:?

【Ying Fei】: Do you want to continue living, or...

[Zhu Wenshu]:? ?

【Ying Fei】: Looking for your boyfriend?

Seeing this news, Zhu Wenshu's eyes were fixed.

In fact, after she learned that Ying Fei was going to move out, she subconsciously thought that she had to find a new roommate.

It may be that Ling Chen's status is quite special, and they haven't been dating for a long time, so she didn't realize that there is another possibility.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wenshu suddenly became a little nervous.

How long does it take for other people to fall in love before they start living together? Shi Xueer and Zhu Qisen haven't lived together yet, right? Would it be a little quicker if she told Ling Chen about this now?


She put down her phone and bit her fingers nervously, but the balance in her heart had tilted.

Ling Chen is usually busy, if there is a strange roommate in her family, and the two of them have to live a life of running back and forth, it will be very troublesome.

But she always felt that it was a matter of time before she and Ling Chen lived together.

And she knew that Ling Chen was also happy.

She was a little embarrassed to ask such a question all of a sudden.

Just at this time, a call from Ling Chen ended Zhu Wenshu's entanglement.

"I'm getting off the plane." Ling Chen said quickly, "I'll be at your house in about an hour. Are you ready?"

Zhu Wenshu: "Yes."

Ling Chen said, "Okay, tell me when you're ready, I can wait for you downstairs."

"No, I'm mentally preparing."

"...What? You need to be mentally prepared to have a meal with me?"

"No, my roommate is moving out and I have to find a new roommate."

Zhu Wenshu said word by word, "I just want to ask, are you...willing to be my new roommate?"

Zhu Wenshu waited five seconds for the answer to this question.

"I would."


Hearing this answer, Zhu Wenshu felt that it was like a marriage proposal.

He also said yes.

A week later, Zhu Wenshu packed up the things in the room, and when he walked out of the room, Ying Fei also came out with a bag of unwanted items.

There was already a lot of **** piled up in the living room, which the two of them couldn't take away after they cleared it out today.

They sat on the sofa and watched the room suddenly become empty, save for a few packed cardboard boxes.

Although we have to move towards a new life, it is inevitable that we will feel lost in our hearts.

"Don't stay up late in the future."

Zhu Wenshu said, "Go to bed early and wake up early, don't always eat takeaway and instant noodles, and drink less drinks, and prepare more mineral water at home."

"Why are you as verbose as my mother?"

Ying Fei replied with a smile, propping up the sofa with both hands, looking at the house that I have lived in for a year, "Actually, the house was so empty when we moved in, why is it so strange now—"

The doorbell rang suddenly, interrupting Ying Fei's words.

The two looked at the door at the same time, Ying Fei was stunned for a moment, her expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

"I'll go to the room and check again."

Zhu Wenshu knew that she was embarrassed to see Ling Chen, so without saying anything, she got up and went to open the door.

"Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Ying Fei, who had just walked to the door of the room, turned back and saw Shi Xueer and Zhu Qisen appearing at the entrance.

"Come to help you move~" Shi Xueer pointed to Zhu Qisen behind him, "I brought a coolie."

Zhu Wenshu was about to say that it was too troublesome, but Ying Fei behind him said abruptly: "You want to come and see Ling Chen."


Seeing Shi Xueer scratching her head in embarrassment, Zhu Wenshu asked, "How do you know?"

She hasn't told Shi Xueer that Ling Chen is coming today.

Ying Fei answered for Shi Xueer.

"She tricked me."

"Where is my cliché?"

Shi Xueer raised her chin and said, "Everyone is chatting, I don't have to care about Teacher Zhu."

Ying Fei sneered, and looked at Shi Xueer with folded arms, "You talk a lot now, don't become dumb when people come."

Shi Xueer: "I'm dumb? I'll show Ling Chen a glib rainbow fart on the spot later to let him know how great his fans are, unlike some people who just say "I'm dead" over and over again."

The two talked to each other without noticing that the door behind them opened again.

Until Zhu Qisen pulled Shi Xueer's sleeve, she turned her head and immediately petrified.

"This is my college classmate and current colleague, Zhu Qisen."

Zhu Wenshu introduced Ling Chen to him while leading him in.


Ling Chen nodded to him, and a few seconds later, Zhu Qisen smirked and touched the back of his head: "Hello, hello, you're welcome, just call me Sensen."


Zhu Wenshu looked at the sculpture Shi Xueer Sculpture again, "This is Zhu Qisen's girlfriend, Shi Xueer is also a teacher."

Ling Chen also nodded: "Hello."

Shi Xueer didn't react at all, Zhu Qisen took a look at her, fearing that she would faint on the spot again, so he quickly took out a candy from his bag and stuffed it into her mouth.

As for Ying Fei at the side.

As soon as Zhu Wenshu turned her head, she rushed into the room at a speed that could participate in the Olympic sprint.

So the move became extraordinarily quiet.

Ling Chen also brought Lu Manman and a little boy to help, and helped Zhu Wenshu move all the things out without much effort. Shi Xueer, on the other hand, stood in the living room all the time, her mouth seemed to have degenerated, and she didn't say a complete sentence after several times of "hmm, huh, huh".

Half an hour later, Zhu Wenshu and Ling Chen left.

The moment the door was closed, Shi Xueer's howling came clearly—

"Where's my mouth? Where's my mouth? Where did my mouth go!"

"What's the matter with your friend?"

In the car, Ling Chen rubbed his neck and said softly, "Everyone is silent, same as last time."

"Can't you see?"

Zhu Wenshu said, "Ms. Xueer is your fan, she is very nervous."

"Is it like this when you're nervous?"

Ling Chen smiled, "I thought only people of Ling Siyuan's age would not speak when they were nervous."

Zhu Wenshu didn't speak, just looked at Ling Chen with a smile in his eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Ling Chen asked.


Zhu Wenshu pursed his lips and smiled, but didn't continue.

"Don't talk halfway."

There were other people in the car, so Ling Chen just squeezed Zhu Wenshu's palm, "What are you laughing at?"

"I was just thinking—"

Zhu Wenshu raised his chin and said in a low voice, "You are also like a dumb person when you are nervous."

If it weren't for this, how could their high school not even say a few words.

Ling Chen didn't deny it either, and said calmly, "It's okay, I'm usually nervous."

Lu Manman in the front row suddenly turned around and asked, "What about when you're particularly nervous?"

She turned to look at Zhu Wenshu again, "Teacher Zhu, really, I suspect that every time he is on stage, he treats the people in the audience as carrots, and I have never seen him nervous."

Zhu Wenshu also looked at Ling Chen when he heard the words.

"Then are you ever particularly nervous?"

Ling Chen lowered his eyes and said after a while, "Yes."

Lu Manman: "When? A concert? Or the Spring Festival Gala?"

Ling Chen raised his head, looked at the roof of the carriage, and whispered a date.

"September 10th last year."

"What did you do that day?"

Lu Manman didn't have any impression, and asked in confusion, "Aren't you on vacation for a few days? Didn't you have any performances?"

Zhu Wenshu was not as clear as Lu Manman about his itinerary at that time, and naturally he didn't know what happened that day.

Ling Chen didn't answer Lu Manman's question right away either. He let it go for a while before turning his head to look at Zhu Wenshu.

"Can not remember?"

Zhu Wenshu blinked: "Is it related to me?"

Ling Chen gave a soft "tsk", raised his hand lazily, and pointed to the neck pillow on the front seat.

"I saw you the other day from this big video doorbell," he said, "I thought I was dreaming."