Chapter 67:

Before moving, Zhu Wenshu felt that it would take a long time for him to adapt to living together.

After all, she has grown up so much, and she has never been alone with a man day and night under the same roof, so she doesn't know how to adjust her life.

But it is not.

Perhaps it was because he once took care of his father who was unable to take care of himself by himself, Ling Chen's living ability was completely better than Zhu Wenshu's.

He also doesn't like others to intervene too much in his life, and basically does everything by himself.

It's completely different from Zhu Wenshu's imagination of a celebrity life surrounded by multiple assistants who even have to support an umbrella.

Some people get up early in the morning to cook, some people close the windows at night, they can dry quilts together on sunny days, and some people put umbrellas in the porch in advance in rainy seasons.

Even the couriers piled up in the utility room and forgotten to be unpacked will be sorted out every few days, and the cartons are neatly stacked at the entrance, waiting for the cleaning to collect.

Zhu Wenshu also thought about it, there shouldn't be much difference between their living together and her living alone.

After all, Ling Chen is usually busy, always shuttling around the world.

But he spent a lot of time at home during this time.

Sometimes Zhu Wenshu thought that he would not come back, and woke up the next day to find him lying beside him.

Spring came very early in Jiangcheng this year, and the flowers and plants that Zhu Wenshu bought one after another were flourishing, and occasionally they would attract mosquitoes.

Ever since Teacher Zhong came back from her maternity leave, Zhu Wenshu had resigned from the job of the head teacher, and the time suddenly became much easier.

But she was not completely idle. Ling Chen said that she wanted to change to a house closer to the Experimental Primary School, and it didn't need to be so big. Sometimes it seemed very empty.

So they wandered around the school whenever they had time, and soon they took a fancy to a brand new second-hand house. The landlord had just finished the renovation and hadn't had time to move out. Something happened, and he continued to turn over the funds, and was anxious to make a move.

However, the decoration style of this house is too exaggerated. After the transfer of ownership, they began to overthrow and redecorate without stopping.

That evening, after dinner, Zhu Wenshu put on a long-sleeved sweater and squatted on the balcony to loosen the soil carefully.

Hearing the sound of the combination lock opening, she turned her head and saw Ling Chen coming back with his coat in his hands.

Isn't there a dinner party tonight?

Watching Ling Chen change his shoes, put on his coat and walk towards the balcony, Zhu Wenshu said with a smile, "Did you lose your job after your relationship was exposed?"

Ling Chen didn't stop walking, but raised his eyebrows.

Zhu Wenshu: "Are you going to retire early?"

"may be."

Ling Chen thought of something, turned his head and walked towards the kitchen again, "If I retire early, will the teacher support me?"

Zhu Wenshu thought for a while: "Then hold on a little longer, and I will work hard to raise my salary."

Ling Chen didn't speak any more, he opened the refrigerator and looked at it, then turned his head and said, "Have you finished your yogurt?"

"I threw them away after the expiration date."

Zhu Wenshu frowned, "Don't buy so many things with a short shelf life at once, and you can't finish drinking them."


Ling Chen closed the refrigerator, "Then go to the supermarket to restock?"

It was getting late at this time, but because the weather was pleasant, Zhu Wenshu nodded without thinking.

"Then put your coat on."

There is a supermarket nearby, but considering that the amount of each purchase is not small, they still drove there.

Today is a working day, and it stands to reason that there should not be many people, so Ling Chen didn't bother to wear a mask when he got off the car. But when they got to the entrance, they found that the stalls with discounted goods were crowded with people. Seeing this situation, Chen hesitated a little.

In case of any accident, he would probably be watched like these discounted products.

Just thinking about it makes me suffocate.

Zhu Wenshu glanced at him, took out a folded mask from his bag, and put it on for him.

"Fortunately, I wish the teacher is as good as God."


Ling Chen drooped his brows and pulled Zhu Wenshu through the crowd.

After shopping around the first floor, they walked into the fresh food area on the first floor.

Although he said not to buy too much, Zhu Wenshu has recently studied cooking skills and wants to buy whatever ingredients he sees.

Before you know it, the shopping cart is full.

When he walked to the cold fresh area, Zhu Wenshu still wanted to buy two cans of fresh milk. When he was thinking about it, a box of ice cream was suddenly thrown into the shopping cart.

Zhu Wenshu looked back at Ling Chen, "What are you doing?"

"Don't you want ice cream?"

Ling Chen said expressionlessly.

"When did I say that?"

Zhu Wenshu put the ice cream back in its place, and said with a frown, "You can't bear it? The doctor said that you should avoid eating these cold and irritating things. Do you still want your stomach?"

"I'm fine."

Ling Chen reached out to take it again, seeing Zhu Wenshu glaring at him, and retracting the hand that just touched the refrigerator, "All right."

The two walked two more steps, Ling Chen looked sideways at the display cabinet, and suddenly asked, "Do you want orange soda?"

"Don't drink."

Zhu Wenshu didn't turn his head back, "Carbonated drinks are bad for teeth, I don't want to have big yellow teeth when I smile."

After a while, she felt something and turned her head to see Ling Chen still standing there.

"What are you doing?" Zhu Wenshu suddenly laughed, "Okay, you can take it, just don't put it in the freezer."

Ling Chen took two bottles and was about to put them into the shopping cart when Zhu Wenshu said softly, "What's the difference with soda? I'm already 26. Is it normal for my favorite things to change?"

Ling Chen's hand stopped, and he lowered his head and hooked the corners of his lips.

"Then what do you love now?"

"let me see."

Zhu Wenshu put the soda in his hand back into the display cabinet, "My boyfriend."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Ling Chen could react, the two heroines walked over awkwardly holding hands.

They glanced at Ling Chen, then at Zhu Wenshu's face, and seeing a faint smile in her eyes, they said nervously, "Well...can I take a photo with you, we, we just—"


Ling Chen said.

The two girls didn't expect Ling Chen to agree so readily, they took out their mobile phones in a panic, looking at each other, they were so excited that they were at a loss what to do.

"Let me help you take pictures."

Zhu Wenshu reached out to them, "To take a photo together or alone?"

"Single, alone."

Zhu Wenshu nodded.

During this period of time, she and Ling Chen have been photographed countless times, while walking, eating out, and shopping.

The situation of having to take a group photo after being recognized like today has also happened, so Zhu Wenshu is already familiar with the whole process, and took the phone graciously.

"Take a few more pictures." Zhu Wenshu looked at the phone and said, "You choose for yourself."

"Okay...thank you."

After the two girls took back their mobile phones, they didn't leave in a hurry, and stared at Zhu Wenshu timidly, "Can we take a group photo?"


This is the first time Zhu Wenshu encountered this situation, but before she could think of a word, Ling Chen said, "Sorry, she won't shoot."

"Oh! Okay, excuse me, thank you!"

The two girls walked away step by step, stumbling over each other excitedly.

"Let's go."

Ling Chen put on the mask again, and suddenly said, "Look, wearing a mask is useless."

It's a pity that Zhu Wenshu didn't hear it. She had already walked to the dessert area on the other side to choose bread.

After more than half an hour, the two checked out and left.

Zhu Wenshu sat in the co-pilot, and after waiting for the car to drive the map, she took out the receipt and checked the price one by one.

But Ling Chen on the side kept telling her what to do and interrupted her frequently.

"You don't have class tomorrow morning, can you not go to school?"

"I told you that there will be a seminar in the morning."

When Zhu Wenshu said this, his eyes suddenly paused, and he looked at Ling Chen leisurely, "Why is there still ice cream in the receipt?"

Ling Chen: "."

Zhu Wenshu was very angry and wanted to laugh.

She didn't understand why Ling Chen would suddenly be as childish as the students in her class sometimes.

But she somehow didn't reject this feeling, even if she was angry, after a period of time, when she thought about it, she felt that the imprint of life was getting deeper and deeper.

Occasionally jumping feet in anger, and occasionally being too speechless to speak, Jiangcheng slowly entered autumn.

On a Tuesday in mid-October, Zhu Wenshu suddenly received a call from Zhu Qisen, asking if she was free tomorrow night, to help him lure Shi Xueer to the cinema, where he wanted to propose marriage.

"Huh? So suddenly?"

"It's not sudden." Zhu Qisen said, "We've been dating for a year, and we're almost ready to get married. Otherwise, it's a waste of youth. Tomorrow is our first anniversary together."

"that's not what it means."

Zhu Wenshu said, "Why did you tell me today? I really plan to go to the movies tomorrow night."

"That's not... I'm afraid you'll slip up."

"...Okay, tell me more about it."

"It's nothing, just ask her to go to the movies." Zhu Qisen said, "Arrive a little later, so that she won't be able to see the people in the movie theater after the lights are turned off."

Zhu Wenshu asked some more details, and when he was about to hang up, Zhu Qisen said: "Then can Ling Chen over tomorrow? Hehe, I think Xue'er will be very happy with him here."

"...I'm going to watch a movie with him tomorrow night."

Zhu Wenshu paused, "If you don't take him, why don't you leave him at home?"

"Okay! I wish the teacher's great kindness and virtue, I will never forget it!"

Zhu Qisen's plan was perfect, he booked a movie theater, called many friends, and planned to directly show the photos and videos of him and Shi Xueer this year.

With Ling Chen present, he didn't believe that Shi Xueer wouldn't be so touched that she would go around in circles and agree to his proposal.

But he never expected that the only stumbling block in this plan was Ling Chen.

That afternoon, Zhu Wenshu deliberately delayed for a while with the excuse of procrastinating the hall. When she and Shi Xueer arrived, there was nowhere to be seen in the theater.

The two bowed down to find their seats with popcorn in their arms, and within a few minutes, the screen lit up.

Seeing the picture, Shi Xueer suddenly understood what was happening, tears burst into tears, and popcorn was scattered all over the floor.

After the video was finished and the lights were turned on, Zhu Qisen knelt down in front of her with a rose and a ring in his hands, she cried so much that her makeup was all over.

Zhu Qisen was also a little choked up, and stammered, "Xue'er, will you marry me?"

"I, I..." Shi Xueer said while wiping away tears, "I'm a bit reluctant."

Zhu Qisen: "?"

All the friends present were quiet.

"I don't want to get married..." She turned her head to look at Ling Chen and Zhu Wenshu with tears in her eyes, "I can't be a bridesmaid for Teacher Zhu and Ling Chen after I get married."

Zhu Wenshu: "..."

Ling Chen: "..."

Now everyone's eyes were on Ling Chen and Zhu Wenshu.

Zhu Wenshu was actually a little embarrassed, she and Ling Chen hadn't mentioned the matter of marriage at all, why was she suddenly kicked out of the shelf.

She cleared her throat, but didn't know what to say, so she had to throw the question to Ling Chen.

The two looked at each other, and Ling Chen pursed his lips, looking at his loyal fan speechlessly.

"We don't mind."

With a sound of "Wow", Shi Xueer finally burst into tears, stretched out her hand tremblingly, and asked Zhu Qisen to put the ring on her.

Although Zhu Wenshu knew the whole process yesterday, when he saw this scene, he reached out and wiped the corner of his eyes.

on the way back.

Zhu Wenshu turned his head to look at Ling Chen from time to time, and after meeting his eyes, he hurriedly looked away.

Ever since Ling Chen agreed to Shi Xue'er, Zhu Wenshu has been circling that sentence in his mind.

We don't mind.

It seemed that he had decided that they would definitely get married.

But he never said it.

Zhu Wenshu is a person who can't hold back his thoughts, and seeing Ling Chen's thoughtful face, he finally couldn't help asking.

"Shouldn't you...propose on my birthday too?"

Ling Chen turned his head and glanced at her, then said calmly, "No."

Zhu Wenshu: "?"



She laughed dryly, "I'll just ask."

"You have to spend your birthday well." Ling Chen paused, and then said, "I hope you will have one more memorable day in your life."

Fortunately, Zhu Wenshu was not driving today.

Her heartbeat was obviously normal, but she couldn't concentrate.


At the traffic lights, Ling Chen looked sideways at Zhu Wenshu, "I don't want to wait until that day."

Street lights flowed through the car windows on the faces of the two of them.

Zhu Wenshu's heartbeat still changed at this moment.

She really regrets asking that question.

Every day after that, she may have to be in a state of apprehension and anticipation.

"The green light is on."

Zhu Wenshu suddenly reminded Ling Chen, "Go home first."

Ling Chen didn't say anything else and continued driving.

In the quiet atmosphere, Zhu Wenshu finally turned his body and looked directly at him.

His eyes moved inch by inch on his side face, and finally fixed on his chest.

"Why don't you wear your pocket watch?"

Ling Chen, who had been calm all along, moved his eyes slightly, and said after a long while, "I took it for repair some time ago."


Zhu Wenshu lowered his head and pursed his lips into a smile.

After that, both of them fell silent because of this topic, and there were faintly different emotions floating in the carriage.

Both of them seemed to know that their relationship was about to change, although neither of them spoke.

Back home, Ling Chen took off his coat and said to take a bath.

Zhu Wenshu hadn't come out of the provocative mood of the marriage topic, he was inexplicably a little shy, just nodded, and then sat on the balcony.

During this period of time, she planted a lot of flowers, which bloomed and withered. Only two pots of roses and platycodon were still standing.

Zhu Wenshu sat on the rocking chair, looking at the lights of Wanjia, many images appeared in his mind.

In fact, she felt that it made no difference whether she was married or not.

There is no lack of a certificate in life now.

After blowing the evening wind for a while, Zhu Wenshu suddenly received a message from Shi Xueer.

[Shi Xueer]: Teacher Zhu, I almost forgot today. I have a friend who wants to tell Ling Chen, and I would like to trouble you to convey it.

[Zhu Wenshu]: Well, yes.

In fact, after such a long time, and being photographed so many times, Zhu Wenshu knows that his identity is no longer a secret, but it has never been revealed to the public.

But as long as it doesn't disturb life, Zhu Wenshu won't care.

[Shi Xueer]: Then I forwarded it directly, it's a long paragraph.

【Shi Xueer】:

Classmate Xiaocan, I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm Ling Chen's fan. Today is a special day. I have a lot to say to Ling Chen. I know he shouldn't be able to see my private messages, so I can only trouble you.

I was born with flaws, I couldn't speak since I was born, the process of growing up was not smooth, and I fell into a deep swamp.

Because I am dumb, I have low self-esteem and have no friends. I have suffered a lot of discrimination along the way, and my mental state was once worrying.

Until Ling Chen appeared, I became what people call a groupie.

Fortunately, because of Ling Chen, I have met many like-minded friends. They don’t need me to speak, as long as they can type.

We often chat online and meet offline, because of Ling Chen, I found that I can actually blend in with the crowd.

Ling Chen may never know that some people raised their hands in the concert to wave light sticks, while others were calling for help.

Thanks to Ling Chen for saving me.

I used to be an assembly line worker in a factory, thinking that this would be the end of my life, but luck hit me quietly.

Because I like Ling Chen, I taught myself PS and designed a lot of posters for him. Maybe he has never seen it, but I entered a design company because of this.

Today, I have my own advertising store.

Although it is small, I am the only employee.

Ling Chen probably didn't know that his existence could save a person he had never met.

I have already lived the life I want, and I hope that Ling Chen will be happy in the days to come.

Although I can't speak, I can feel that he has not had a good time these years. I really want Ling Chen to know that even if there is a downturn in the future, there will always be so many people behind him who like him and support him, never give up.

He said that the moon will not rise during the day, and it will not snow in midsummer, but he still waited for his miracle, and I also waited for mine.

The sun should be shining during the day, and the sun should be shining brightly in midsummer. I wish you and Ling Chen happiness and always live under the sun.

When Ling Chen came out of the shower, Zhu Wenshu was still sitting on the balcony, looking down at the phone, wondering what he was thinking.

He stood in the living room for a while, holding the things in his hands, and walked over step by step.



The two spoke at the same time.

Ling Chen smiled and said, "I wish the teacher first."

"It's nothing serious."

Zhu Wenshu's voice was a little hoarse, and he said in a low voice, "One of your fans wrote you a letter, and Teacher Xue'er forwarded it to me. Let me read it to you."


Ling Chen knelt down in front of her.

Holding the phone in his hand, Zhu Wenshu automatically changed his name and read out sentence by sentence.

Ling Chen didn't speak, just lowered his head.

But Zhu Wenshu saw that under his drooping eyelashes, his eyes were moved.

When reading the last two paragraphs, Zhu Wenshu sniffed.

"You said the moon doesn't rise during the day, and it doesn't snow in midsummer, but you still—"

Just as he was about to say the word "wait", Zhu Wenshu suddenly stopped.

She seemed to hear Ling Chen say this word often.

"I'll wait for you downstairs."

"No hurry, eat slowly, I'll wait for you to finish eating."

"I'm happy to wait for you."

"I'll wait until you fall asleep before going to sleep."

"I'll wait for you after class tomorrow."

He always seems to be waiting.

Only tonight, and he said he didn't want to wait until that day.

At this moment, Zhu Wenshu's chest was filled with an impulse that he had never had before.

She didn't want Ling Chen to wait any longer.

"Ling Chen." Zhu Wenshu suddenly raised his eyes and looked at him, "Let's get married."

It took a few seconds before Ling Chen raised his head and looked at Zhu Wenshu in shock, unable to distinguish whether this sentence was a letter from a fan or her sudden insertion.

Zhu Wenshu turned his head and picked a rose from the flower pot beside him.

"It was so sudden, I didn't prepare anything." She handed it to Ling Chen, "Let's get married."

Ling Chen just looked up at Zhu Wenshu, with disbelief in his eyes.

During the long wait, Zhu Wenshu saw his eyes flushed.


Zhu Wenshu bent down and hugged him, "I've already proposed to you, do you want to agree to me?"

Ling Chen remained silent, only his shoulders trembled slightly.

After a long time, Zhu Wenshu's hand was opened, and the familiar pocket watch lay quietly in her palm.

"this is…"

Ling Chen opened his mouth several times, but he still couldn't make a sound.

Zhu Wenshu waited patiently for a long time before he heard him say: "It stopped running some time ago. I asked someone to change the winding, and it can still rotate forever."

Ling Chen raised his eyes, met Shang Zhu Wenshu's gaze, and did not speak again.

"Trust me, it turns forever."


Zhu Wenshu lowered his head to cover the mist in his eyes.

"Put it on for me."

The moment the pocket watch was hung around his neck, Zhu Wenshu heard Ling Chen's clear heartbeat.

The sun does not rise to the moon, and the snow does not fall in midsummer, just like the clockwork of a pocket watch does not stop moving.

Her heartbeat and his will not be separated.

(—End of text—)