After all, this matter has already been uploaded on the Internet.

In fact, at the beginning, those people on the Internet did not know that Jucun Jianren was beaten by Lin Fan.

But later, some onlookers at the scene reposted some videos, so Lin Fan's identity was recognized.

Some good netizens also found out that Lin Fan's assets exceeded 100 billion, which caused quite a stir.

Zheng Xiaoqing said, "It's fun for you to hit someone, but now, trouble is coming!"

"The general manager of Xingchen Group contacted me just now, saying that Fengben Automobile has canceled the cooperation with Xingchen Group!"

Zheng Xiaoqing took a document and put it in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked at the document and immediately frowned.

Star Group, this is a car manufacturer that Lin Fan drew from the system last time.

This company cooperates with Fengben Motors, and even many patents are authorized by Fengben Motors.

Now Fengben Motors has canceled the cooperation, which also means that Xingchen Motors has no way to obtain authorization.

There is only one result, and that is to stop production.

After reading the information, Lin Fan did not expect that Xingchen Group was so dependent on Fengben Motors.

No wonder, after all, Fengben Motor is an industry giant that has been developing for decades, and has accumulated a large number of patents in its hands.

Now people want to sanction you, it is a matter of minutes.

In fact, not only Star Motors, most of the domestic car companies have cooperated with Fengben Motors.

It's just that Lin Fan is the person that Fengben Automobile is going to engage this time.

"It's okay, since we can't produce, let the company take half a month's leave!"

Lin Fan looked indifferent.

But this account, he wrote it down.

"Half a month's leave? How much money will the Star Group lose?"

"Don't you have another way?"

Lin Fan looked at Zheng Xiaoqing.

Zheng Xiaoqing was at a loss for words.

Now that the company is sanctioned by Fengben Motors, what can she do.

Zheng Xiaoqing was not entangled in this matter, and asked Lin Fan.

"Hengtian Pharmaceutical is going to hold a drug release conference in the afternoon, but there is still one problem that has not been resolved!"

"That is the drug to cure lung cancer, and the price has not been determined yet!"

That drug didn't cost much to produce.

However, Zheng Xiaoqing and Yang Linlin were unaware of the research and development costs of the drug.

After all, the prescription came from Lin Fan.

Lin Fan said as much as he said.

"What do you think?" Lin Fan asked.

Zheng Xiaoqing thought for a while, and said, "This drug is currently on the market in a small range, and there are too many uncertain factors. Moreover, a lot of money will be needed for later promotion!"

"My suggestion is to temporarily set the price of the medicine at 5,000 to 10,000!"

"Wait until the official listing, and then determine the final price!"

"Then eight thousand!" Lin Fan said.

Drugs that can cure lung cancer are now only available in their company.

In fact, even if Lin Fan set a sky-high price, some people would lose their fortune to buy it, but Lin Fan didn't want to do that.

He will launch other medicines later, and there will be a lot of money to be made.

There is no need to rely on the cure for lung cancer.

What's more, Lin Fan doesn't intend to use this medicine to make money from the Chinese people.

"Eight thousand? Unified price?" Zheng Xiaoqing asked again.

"Of course not a uniform price!"

"If you are abroad, then two hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand?" Zheng Xiaoqing's mouth twitched.

"Lin Fan, are you kidding me?"

The price difference between the two is so big, once the price is announced, Zheng Xiaoqing is afraid that she will be beaten to death.

Lin Fan said seriously, "I'm not joking!"

"Think about it, how much money have foreign countries made from China through chips and high-priced medicines?"

"Now we finally have a monopoly drug. If we don't make money back, is that justified?"


Zheng Xiaoqing didn't know what to say.

However, Lin Fan's words are indeed very reasonable.

They are businessmen, of course they want to maximize their profits.

If you can't make money from Chinese people, then go to make money from foreigners.

"But... even if you want to make money from foreigners, this price is too outrageous!"

"To be honest, I don't even dare to announce the price!"

Zheng Xiaoqing didn't think the price of 200,000 yuan was too high, after all, those developed countries had plenty of money.

However, the price difference between the two is too great.

I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among foreigners.

Lin Fan was silent for a while, then said, "Then let's announce the 50,000 yuan to the public!"

"However, this is only the price on the surface. When the time comes, the price can be raised!"

Lin Fan also wanted to be a scalper.

Who let this medicine be in his hands.

Don't you foreign countries play hooligans through chip monopoly?

This time, I, Lin Fan, also have a medical monopoly.

Let's see who can beat who.

"Alright then!" Zheng Xiaoqing nodded.

everything's ready.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Fan and Yang Linlin went to attend the drug conference.

Chang Junkai and Su Ya originally wanted to have fun, but when they heard that Lin Fan was going to attend the press conference, they followed.

As for Zheng Xiaoqing, he has other things to deal with, so he is not on the scene.

Before the time came, many reporters had already arrived at the press conference.

Some of those reporters were domestic and some were from abroad.

This time, Hengtian Medicine announced the launch of a drug to cure lung cancer, which was too sudden.

Before the listing, the outside world didn't even receive a little wind.

Unlike Honghu Pharmaceutical, which has just developed a drug, there is a wave of publicity.

Hengtian Pharmaceutical announced the launch of a drug that can cure lung cancer, which of course caused a huge sensation.

And many reporters came here more to watch jokes.

Because, even those big foreign pharmaceutical companies, no one dares to say that lung cancer can be completely cured.

They don't believe that a small Hengtian Medicine can develop a cure for lung cancer.

I'm afraid that in the end, it will be another farce where water turns into oil.

You know, those foreign reporters really want to see the jokes made by Chinese companies.

The press conference started, and Yang Linlin stood on the stage to host.

Today, Yang Linlin is wearing a professional attire and looks very energetic.

And after Zheng Xiaoqing's guidance these days, Yang Linlin was obviously more confident.

"Thank you friends from the media for being here..."

As soon as Yang Linlin said a few words, a reporter stood up and asked a question.

"My beauty, what is your position in Hengtian Medicine?"

"My name is Yang Linlin, and I'm currently the assistant to the chairman!"

Next, the female reporter asked a very targeted question.

"Honghu Pharmaceutical also announced before that it has developed a drug to cure lung cancer. As a result, it has now been proved that it was just a farce!"

"I'd like to know if your company is also hyping?"

The female reporter was clearly trying to make things difficult.

However, Yang Linlin was already prepared.

"In fact, Honghu Pharmaceutical just took away part of our prescription, that's why it happened like this!"

"There will be no problems with the drugs we are marketing now!"