The reporter sneered, "Honghu Pharmaceutical is a big pharmaceutical company, what about Hengtian Pharmaceutical? The market value is only seven billion!"

"In terms of research and development capabilities, I think you are far inferior to Honghu Pharmaceutical!"

"And now, you actually say that Honghu Pharmaceutical has taken your prescription, who can prove it?"

Fortunately, Yang Linlin was prepared for the reporter's sharp questions.

Yang Linlin turned on the computer and projected a piece of data on the spot.

"Here's some data on a drug that can cure lung cancer. What's more, we have completed the procedures for the drug to go on the market!"

"Although this is only listed on a small scale, it is enough to prove that the drug we have developed is far earlier than Honghu Pharmaceutical!"

"Whether Honghu Pharmaceutical took our prescription, I believe you will judge for yourself!"

Not surprisingly, there was a commotion at the scene.

Hengtian Medicine has completed the listing procedures. Doesn't this mean that the drug really has a miraculous effect on curing lung cancer.

"How can this be?"

"It turned out to be true!"

"Hengtian Medicine has actually developed a drug to cure lung cancer!"

When Yang Linlin revealed the procedures for the listing of the drug, everyone was shocked.

Those reporters who wanted to see Hengtian Medicine make a fool of themselves were stunned for a moment.

Yang Linlin was operating the computer, and while hosting, switched the projection screen.

The medicines are packaged in boxes. If lung cancer is detected early, taking one box can cure it.

If it is late, two boxes are enough.

After nearly ten minutes like this, Yang Linlin was about to finish speaking, and she reported the price of the drug on the market.

"Our Huaxia listing price is 8,000 yuan!"

"What, only eight thousand?"

"Doesn't your company need to make money?"

The reporters present looked at each other in blank dismay. Obviously, they were shocked by the price.

You know, this is a life-saving medicine.

Even if it sells for more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, someone will definitely buy it.

Never expected that Hengtian Medicine would set a price of 8,000 yuan.

Are they doing this for charity?

"That's right, it's eight thousand!" Yang Linlin repeated.

"However, since our drug has just been launched and the production capacity is insufficient, it is still unable to meet the domestic market demand!"

"So, the foreign selling price is temporarily... 50,000!"

These words were taught by Lin Fan to Yang Linlin.

Any lack of production capacity is an excuse made by Lin Fan.

Otherwise, how to make money from foreigners?


"Is there any mistake that foreign countries are so expensive?"

"You guys are serious discrimination, I protest!"

Foreign reporters showed dissatisfaction on the spot.

The price difference between domestic and foreign countries is so huge, isn't this an obvious bully?

A few reporters even stood up and said some curse words.

"Miss Yang, I would like to ask..."

"What is the basis for your pricing?"

Seeing that the situation at the scene was out of control, Yang Linlin panicked and took a few steps back.

Yang Linlin didn't have much experience, so she couldn't shock the reporters present.


Lin Fan patted the table next to him heavily, stood up, and said coldly.

"Shut up all of them!"

"Do you really think this is a vegetable market?"

"Ask questions one by one!"

As soon as Lin Fan's voice fell, the security guards at the scene stepped forward at the same time, full of momentum.

Even the bodyguards behind Lin Fan stood up.

If someone still dares to disrupt the drug launch, Lin Fan doesn't mind throwing him out.

At the scene, there are still more than a dozen policemen from Shanghai City maintaining order.

This press conference is of great significance, not only for Lin Fan, but actually the higher-ups do not want any accidents to happen.

There was no sound at the scene, and was overwhelmed by Lin Fan's aura.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry!"

Yang Linlin lowered her head.

"You have done a good job, step back first, and then leave it to me!"

Many reporters at the scene were here to make trouble, so it's no wonder Yang Linlin couldn't handle it.

Yang Linlin nodded and stepped aside.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the chairman of Hengtian Medicine, and my name is Lin Fan!"

"Before asking a question, raise your hand first. If you continue to twitter, I don't mind throwing him out!"

Lin Fan stood on the stage with extraordinary momentum, which made everyone in the audience afraid to speak out.

Because of this young man, he really walks the talk.

Lin Fan glanced at the reporters present.

"Very good, continue the topic just now!"

"Why is the foreign price 50,000? I think my assistant has made it clear enough, because the current production capacity of medicines is indeed insufficient!"

"We will give priority to satisfying the domestic market!"

Lin Fan sneered in his heart.

Any lack of production capacity is an excuse.

Do you really think you can buy it for 50,000 yuan?

When the time comes to hype it up, whether to sell it for 300,000 or 500,000 depends on my mood, Lin Fan.

Some reporters were dissatisfied and immediately raised their hands.

"Director Lin, I think you are blatantly discriminatory!"

The reporter was a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes, and he didn't speak Chinese fluently.

Lin Fan said coldly, "If you think 50,000 is too expensive, you can choose not to buy it!"

Over the years, are there still few foreign pharmaceutical companies selling sky-high prices to Huaxia?

In the final analysis, this is not just a business, but what is behind it is the fairness of the entire pharmaceutical market.

If you can set the price however you want, why can't we?

"Director Lin, this is not a question of whether to buy or not, you are already involved in a monopoly!"

"Compared with the domestic pricing, even if factors such as transportation and tariffs are added, the overseas pricing is far below 50,000!"

The reporter is still questioning.

"Okay, then I'll change the price to 50,000!"

"However, our company gives some subsidies. As long as they are Chinese, the subsidy is 42,000. Is this fair enough?"

The corner of the reporter's mouth twitched.

Is it okay to ride a horse?

If you want to make money from foreigners, just say it straight and go around.

Lin Fan continued, "If a patient wants to be subsidized, they can also choose to join our Chinese nationality, and we treat them equally!"

At this time, another female reporter stood up.

Judging by the appearance of the female reporter, she is still from China.

"Director Lin, I feel that such a price is really unreasonable!"

"If you do this, what will foreigners think of us?"

Lin Fan's expression was calm.

"They can see it however they like!"

"I didn't say that you, a reporter, are out of your mind. Why don't you report when foreign pharmaceutical companies sell sky-high prices? Instead, you come here to question me?"

The reporter said, "These are two different things!"

"Director Lin, since this is a life-saving medicine, you should be an entrepreneur and try to sell it at the cost price. This is also a good deed!"

"Why, are you playing moral kidnapping with me?"

The female reporter had a weird smile on her lips, "I just give Lin Dong a suggestion!"

Lin Fan looked at the female reporter in the audience, and also laughed.

"The bodyguard brothers around me have been single for nearly thirty years!"

"You are so kind, or else, go and accompany them at night!"

"This is also a great thing with infinite merit!"