"Come in!"

Isaac walked in first and came to the bed.

Lin Fan followed and walked in.

The room is very large, with three bookshelves and many books on it.

Lin Fan approached to the bedside.

Saw Morris lying on the bed.

Morris' face was as pale as white paper.

Sunken eyes, skinny.

Beside the bed, there are a lot of medical equipment.

That's for first aid.

Morris had spent some time in the hospital before, but the doctors were helpless.

Later, Morris also returned to the villa.

And under the care of a private doctor.

Isaac explained, "A month ago, my father was in good shape!"

"It turned out that something happened all of a sudden!"

"I went to the hospital for an examination for a long time, and the doctor didn't have an accurate statement!"

"And every doctor who comes here speaks a word!"

"Let's prepare for the funeral!"

Isaac looked at Lin Fan quietly.

Lin Fan still kept his eyes on Morris's face and said.


"It seems that your father's time is indeed numbered!"

Lin Fan sat down and took Morris's pulse.

Isaac sighed again, “Mr. Lin, do you even say that?”

If that's the case, there's really no way around it.

Lin Fan didn't answer, and was concentrating on taking Isaac's pulse.

Lin Fan has superb medical skills, but to be honest, this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

Morris's condition was very complicated, and his physical functions were rapidly disappearing.

Logically speaking, Morris should be in a deep coma at this time.

But the fact is not, Morris is indeed asleep.

Morris wasn't sick, more like a virus.

This virus is so strange that there is no way to detect it with conventional inspection methods.

Lin Fan had obtained supernatural medical skills before, but the information in his mind did not have a cure for this virus.

Really strange.

"The problem is a bit serious!"

Lin Fan withdrew his hand back.

Isaac bowed his head, very sad.

"Mr. Lin, did you see something?"

"I want to know, what's wrong with my father?"

Lin Fan said, "If my guess is correct, your father should be infected with some kind of virus!"

Isaac's face was a little ugly, "Virus?"

"Mr. Lin, are you kidding me?"

If Morris is really infected with the virus, then the problem is serious.

It may be contagious to others.

Lin Fan said, "According to the current situation, it is indeed the case!"

"However, this virus is very difficult to catch!"

With so many people taking care of Morris every day, if the virus was highly contagious, many people would have been infected.

Isaac nodded and asked.

"Then Mr. Lin, do you have a solution?"

"If you can cure my father, we will definitely not lose the consultation fee that you promised before!"

Lin Fan laughed and said, "It's not about the consultation fees!"

Although Lin Fan had some confidence, he didn't dare to guarantee it absolutely.

After all, it was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"I'll give it a try!"

"In a while, ask someone to buy me some medicine!" Lin Fan said.

Isaac hesitated, then asked.

"Mr. Lin, how sure are you that you can cure my father?"

Lin Fan said, "Seventy percent!"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, I can go now!"

Although Lin Fan is certain that Morris can be cured, it will definitely take a lot of time.

"No, Mr. Lin, I believe you!"

Isaac said anxiously.

Regardless of the final result, Isaac wanted to give it a try.


Next, Lin Fan asked Isaac to find paper and a pen, and wrote down the names of the Chinese medicines on six sheets of a and four.

Seeing the densely packed drug names, Isaac was stunned.

"Mr. Lin, do you need so much medicine?"

These are all Chinese herbal medicines. If they are from Huaxia, they are better to buy.

But here is the country of the Netherlands, and most of them are western medicines.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Other medicines can be bought later, but you have to find me the medicines above within an hour!"

Lin Fan pointed to the first piece of paper.

"Okay, I'll send someone to buy it right away!"

Isaac turned and walked quickly out of the room.

Lin Fan glanced at Morris lying on the bed, and then left.

Lin Fan was more curious about where Morris had been so that he was infected with that terrible virus.

Soon, Lin Fan also returned to the lobby on the first floor.

Kelly is still waiting patiently.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

Seeing Lin Fan coming back, Kelly greeted him.

Lin Fan sat down on the sofa, "The situation is more serious than I imagined!"

Kelly asked anxiously, "What should I do then?"

"If even you can't help it, then wouldn't Uncle Morris..."

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "It's not as bad as you said!"

"I can try it first!"

Kelly tapped her head lightly, "Mr. Lin, then please!"

Lin Fan smiled and said nothing more.

After a while, Isaac came back too.

"Mr. Lin, I have sent people to buy medicine!"

"You rest for a while!"

"By the way, do you have a place to live?"

"You can stay here tonight!"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "No need, I'm staying in a hotel!"

Kelly also shook her head, "Mr. Isaac, thank you for your kindness!"

Isaac said, "It doesn't matter, we are friends anyway!"

Isaac chatted with Kelly for a few words, and then went out.

Kelly suddenly thought of something and asked Lin Fan.

"By the way, Mr. Lin!"

"I remember you mentioned that you came to the Netherlands to do other things!"

"I'm curious, what are you going to do?"

Kelly is like a curious baby.

Lin Fan laughed, "I want to buy something!"

Kelly pressed, "Can you tell me a little bit?"

Lin Fan was a little helpless, thought for a while, and took out his mobile phone.

"Do you still recognize this necklace?"

Lin Fan turned out the photo of the sapphire necklace.

"This... Isn't this the sapphire necklace my father gave me before?"

Kelly looked surprised.

She remembered that she gave Lin Fan the sapphire necklace.

In fact, she didn't give it away for nothing, after all, Lin Fan saved her life back then.

Lin Fan explained, "To be precise, it's another sapphire necklace!"

There is also a system that can detect that mysterious energy, so Lin Fan is not afraid of other people knowing.

Kelly suddenly realized, "So, Mr. Lin, are you collecting this kind of sapphire necklace?"

Kelly clearly remembered that when Lin Fan came to Australia, it was also for her sapphire necklace.

"That's right!" Lin Fan said.

Kelly smiled, "Mr. Lin, after returning to Australia, I'll ask someone to find it for you!"