Lin Fan smiled without saying a word.

But he did not refuse.

That kind of sapphire necklace is really too rare.

Lin Fan searched for so long, but only found four of them.

Furthermore, there are fakes of this sapphire necklace.

It looks the same on the surface, but there is no energy required for system upgrades at all.

So Lin Fan knew that there was no rush to find the sapphire necklace.

Sometimes it depends on fate.

The two chatted until more than half an hour later, Isaac finally brought someone over.

Behind Isaac, followed by a man in his thirties.

He was carrying a big bag.

Before the person arrived, Lin Fan smelled a strong smell of herbs.

"Mr. Lin!"

"I have bought back all the Chinese herbal medicines you asked for!"

Isaac was smiling.

The man behind him put a large bag of Chinese herbal medicine on the ground, sweating profusely.

Obviously, he rushed back after buying the medicine.

"Let me see!"

Lin Fan stood up, walked over, and looked at the medicine in the bag.

"Mr. Lin, did you buy these medicines by mistake?"

Isaac's face became serious.

Although the medicine was bought back, it still depends on Lin Fan whether he can cure his father.

Lin Fan picked up a handful of sun-dried herbs, looked at them, and sniffed them.

"The quality is not so good, but it's not a big problem!"

In the Netherlands, it is not easy to buy all these Chinese herbal medicines.

"Mr. Lin, what should we do next?"

Isaac asked anxiously.

Morris was getting worse, and Isaac didn't want to waste a second.

"Take me to the kitchen!"

"I want to make medicine!"

Isaac nodded, "Mr. Lin, please follow me!"

He said to the person behind him, "Take these medicines!"

"Mr. Lin, do you need my help?"

Kelly felt bored sitting here.

And if Lin Fan gets busy, it may take a long time.

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "No need, I can do it by myself!"

Isaac said, "Miss Kelly, if you are tired, you can take a rest in your room!"

"The few rooms to the right on the second floor are empty!"

Kelly said, "No need!"

"I'll just wait here for Mr. Lin!"

Until Lin Fan and others left the hall, Kelly also sat back on the sofa.

Lin Fan came to the kitchen and started to get busy.

"Mr. Lin, let me help you!"

Isaac wants to go over and help.

Lin Fan refused, "No need, you all go out!"

"Don't come in and disturb me!"

Isaac nodded and exited the kitchen.

Lin Fan took out all the Chinese herbal medicines and put them into categories.

Then began the boring and tasteless decoction procedure.

Two hours later, Lin Fan cooked the first medicine.

He took a bowl of medicine and walked out of the kitchen.

Isaac was still waiting outside, waiting for Lin Fan's order at any time.

Seeing Lin Fan coming out, Isaac went up to meet him.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

Lin Fan handed the bowl of medicine in his hand to Isaac and said.

"Serve it to your father while it's hot!"

Isaac said excitedly, "Mr. Lin, does it mean that my father will get better after taking these medicines?"

Lin Fan said speechlessly, "How can it be so easy!"

"This is just the first medicine!"

"There are two more in the back!"

Lin Fan had to see the effect first.

If the three doses of medicine tonight don't improve, then Lin Fan has nothing to do.

"So it is!"

Isaac smiled awkwardly.

"Don't be dazed, give your father the medicine first!"


Isaac didn't stay any longer, and walked quickly to Morris' room.

Lin Fan went back to the kitchen and continued to cook the second medicine.

While decocting the first medicine, Lin Fan was preparing the second medicine.

When half an hour passed, the second medicine was ready.

Lin Fan took the medicine and walked out of the kitchen to find Isaac.

At the kitchen door, Isaac looked very anxious.

"Mr. Lin, you are finally out!"

"Just now my father took your medicine and woke up vomiting and diarrhea!"

"Now I fainted again, what should I do?"

Morris's body is already weak, if this continues, something will happen.

Lin Fan said calmly.

"normal phenomenon!"

"This is the second medicine, take it to your father now!"

Isaac hesitated a little.

He didn't dare to take Lin Fan's medicine.

Lin Fan frowned and said, "If you miss the best treatment time because of this, I will not be responsible!"

Isaac gritted his teeth, "Mr. Lin, I'm so sorry!"

He took Lin Fan's medicine and ran to his father's room.

In this way, when Lin Fan finished the third medicine, it was already late at night.

Lin Fan walked out of the kitchen with the medicine and saw Isaac still waiting.

"How is your father now?"

Lin Fan asked.

Isaac had a smile on his face, "Mr. Lin!"

"You are truly a miracle doctor!"

"After taking your second medicine, my father's complexion has improved a lot!"

"You don't know, when he just woke up, his mind was still very clear!"

Isaac was also relieved that Morris' condition improved.

He felt that it was not in vain to ask Lin Fan to come over this time.

"Very good, take me there to have a look!" Lin Fan said.

"Mr. Lin, let me get the medicine!"

Isaac took the medicine from Lin Fan and walked to Morris' room.

Morris only woke up for a few minutes, then fell asleep again.

But his complexion has improved a lot.

"Mr. Lin, look!"

Isaac stood at the head of the bed and looked at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan sat down and felt Morris' pulse.

The current situation is that Morris's health has improved a lot, and he will not die in a short time.

But Lin Fan knew that Morris' condition might relapse at any time.

After more than a minute passed, Lin Fan withdrew his hand.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

Isaac asked impatiently.

Lin Fan said, "It went well!"

"Give him the medicine in your hand!"

"In addition, you have to buy all the other medicines I wrote to you tomorrow!"

Lin Fan planned to observe Morris's condition first, and then prepare for the next stage of medication.

Tonight is very critical. If Morris's condition relapses, it also means that the virus in Morris's body is difficult to clear.

Even if Morris survived, he was destined not to live long.

"Okay, Mr. Lin!"

"I see!"

"I wonder now, what happened to my father?"

Isaac asked.

Lin Fan said, "As I said, your father's condition is very complicated!"

"So, I can't guarantee that your father will recover 100%!"

"Just wait, you should know the answer in two days!"

Isaac sighed, not knowing what to say.

Lin Fan checked the time and found that it was almost twelve o'clock.

"Okay, I should go back too!"

"I'll come back tomorrow morning!"

Isaac suggested, "Mr. Lin, it's so late, why don't you stay here!"

"It also saves running back and forth!"