After Lin Fan came to the Netherlands, he didn't go to other places except Rose Villa and Chinatown.

However, they didn't know what Lin Fan did in Rose Villa.

Now they have sent someone to investigate.

The man said, "It's definitely not easy for someone to enter Rose Villa!"

"Selina, our task is to investigate the missing persons case!"

"If you waste time like this again, the superiors will definitely blame you!"

When it came to the missing persons case, Selina had a gloomy look on her face.

It's been a long time since they took over the case.

But no important clues were found at all.

The murderer was very covert.

As for the motive, they don't know either.

The most important thing is that those missing people seem to have evaporated from the world, and they can't be found no matter how hard they are found.

"This case is too difficult!"

"When you mention it, I get a bit of a headache!"

The woman shook her head helplessly.

The man said, "There is no other way!"

"Since the superiors have handed over this case to us, then we have to investigate it!"

"As for investigating that Chinese man, I think it's better to forget it!"

"As long as he doesn't do anything illegal or criminal in the Netherlands, let him be!"

The woman nodded, "Yes!"

Through the car window, she took another look at the big hotel in front of her.

"Forget it, let's continue to patrol!"

"The person who committed the crime had better not fall into my hands, otherwise, he will be my favorite!"

The man nodded with a wry smile and agreed.

"Who said it wasn't!"

"The guy who committed the crime made such a big deal, and it made people panic. Originally, I could take a good vacation!"

"It's really bad luck to encounter such a thing!"

The woman stopped talking and turned the car around.

Just then, a black car drove over.

The woman saw that it was her own person, stopped the car, and opened the window at the same time.

The black car also stopped and opened the windows.

"Have you found anything?"

the woman asked.

The person in the black car shook his head, "No!"

"I went to Rose Hill, and I also met Isaac!"

"But Isaac won't say anything!"

The woman became silent.

She was about to say something when the person in the black car spoke again.

"But I guess, that Chinese man should be a doctor!"

"After he went to Rose Hill, Isaac sent someone to buy a lot of medicine!"

The woman became confused, "Doctor?"

"Yes, he stayed in Rose Mountain Villa for so long, probably to treat Mr. Morris!"

"As for how it will be cured, I don't know!"

The woman was silent.

thinking about something.

The man sitting in the passenger seat smiled wryly.

"Selina, your old problem is happening again!"

"Even if the other party is a doctor, what does that have to do with us?"

"You are still too sensitive!"

The woman thought for a while, then nodded.

"It's true that I think too much!"

"Okay, there's no need to investigate that Huaxia man anymore!"

"The most important thing now is to investigate the case of missing persons!"

One night passed.

The next morning, Lin Fan still drew the lottery as usual.

Lin Fan was still not surprised when he got the item.

Lin Fan got up early.

Go to the window and open the curtains.

Through the glass windows, you can see the street below.

It's just that during this time period, not many people have gotten up.

Lin Fan got used to getting up early every day.

With nothing to do, Lin Fan turned on his laptop and continued to search for information on the sapphire necklace.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Lin!"

Lin Fan heard Kelly calling him.

After turning off the computer, Lin Fan walked to the door and opened it.

"Miss Kelly, it's so early!"

Lin Fan said with a smile.

Kelly smiled, "It's getting late, Mr. Lin, let's go have breakfast first!"

Lin Fan nodded, closed the door, and followed Kelly to the restaurant of the hotel.

"Mr. Lin, are you going to Rose Villa later?"

Kelly asked suddenly.

"not sure yet!"

Now Lin Fan doesn't know how Morris is doing.

If Morris's condition relapses, he must pass.

Kelly said, "Mr. Lin, you can actually live in Rose Villa!"

"In that way, Uncle Morris' condition can also be observed!"

Lin Fan smiled without saying a word.

In fact, he still feels more comfortable living in a hotel alone.

During the conversation, they had already arrived at the restaurant of the hotel.

"Mr. Lin, I'll go to the company to sign the contract later!"

"What's the arrangement then?"

Lin Fan said, "Go out and take a walk!"

Kelly smiled, "Okay, then I'll come to you after I sign the contract!"

Kelly finished her breakfast and left with her bodyguards.

Lin Fan sat in the room for a while, then went out to play.

Until about ten o'clock, Lin Fan received a call from Isaac.

Lin Fan thought that Morris's condition had relapsed, so he pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Lin, my father has woken up again!"

"It looks like his health has improved a lot!"

"He insisted on going out for a walk, Mr. Lin, look..."

Lin Fan said, "Let him stay in the room properly!"

"If the disease relapses, it will be difficult!"

Isaac said, "I see!"

"Mr. Lin, see if you can spare some time to come over and check my father's body!"

Isaac heard from Lin Fan that his father's condition might worsen at any time, so he was a little worried.

"Okay, I'll go now!"

"Thank you Mr. Lin!"

Isaac was overjoyed.

After making the phone call, Lin Fan drove his sports car to Rose Villa.

The security guard at the gate recognized Lin Fan and immediately let him in.

"Mr. Lin!"

Hearing that Lin Fan was coming, Isaac immediately ran out of the main villa.

Looking at Lin Fan, his eyes were full of respect.

Lin Fan got out of the car, and Isaac welcomed Lin Fan into the hall.

"Where's your father?" Lin Fan sat on the sofa and asked.

Isaac made a cup of tea for Lin Fan.

"He's in the room!"

"I insisted on coming out just now, but I didn't let me!"

"Mr. Lin, you drink tea first, and then go to check my father later!"

Isaac brought the tea to Lin Fan, and then sat down.

"By the way, Mr. Lin!"

"The medicines you asked me to buy, I have almost bought them!"

"It's just that there are a few medicines that may not be brought back until tomorrow!"

Lin Fan said, "It's okay!"

"After you have bought all the medicines, I will tell you how to decoct them!"

After Lin Fan drank a cup of tea, he and Isaac walked towards Morris' room.

"I don't know if he has rested or not!"

Isaac knocked on the door.

"Dad, are you asleep?"

"Mr. Lin is here!"