As soon as the words fell, Lin Fan heard hurried footsteps.

It was Morris who got up from the bed.

Although Morris' body is much better than yesterday, he is still very weak.

Morris was a little excited, took a few steps, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.


Morris let out a scream.

Hearing the voice from the room, Isaac was very anxious.

He opened the door and rushed in.

At this time, the servant who heard the movement also rushed over.


"What are you doing?"

Isaac was afraid that Morris would be injured, so he hurriedly helped his father up.

There was pain on Morris's face, and at the same time, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

In his current state, getting out of bed and walking is a bit difficult.


"I was so excited just now!"

Morris waved his hand with difficulty and tried to stand still.

"Dad, you sit on the bed first!" Isaac reminded.

Morris nodded and retreated to the bed.

At the same time, his gaze was also on Lin Fan.

"You are Mr. Lin, right?"

Morris asked with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "My name is Lin Dong!"

Morris made a look that I understood.

He knew that Lin Fan didn't want to reveal his identity.

That's why this fake identity is used.

"Mr. Lin, thank you so much this time!"

"I thought I would never wake up again!"

Morris sighed.

He could clearly feel that his body had improved a lot.

I'm sure it won't be long before things get back to normal.

Isaac stood by, hesitating to speak.

At this time, Lin Fan also poured cold water on Morris.

"Your current situation is only temporary!"

"The condition may recur at any time!"

It was also the first time for Lin Fan to encounter such a situation, and he was only 70% sure that Morris would be completely cured.

Now it is only the first stage of treatment, what will happen in the future, we have to continue to observe.

Sure enough, the corners of Morris' mouth twitched immediately when he heard Lin Fan say that.

He thought that his life was saved.


"Mr. Lin, is my body really that bad?"

Morris wasn't quite convinced yet.

He looked at Lin Fan, and then at his son Isaac.

Isaac didn't speak.

After all, he is not a doctor.

On this issue, he has no right to speak.

But one thing is certain, that is, only Lin Fan can save his father.

Lin Fan has superb medical skills.

Since he said that, he must have his basis.

Lin Fan nodded solemnly, "I haven't completely cured you yet!"

"So, don't be too happy!"

The reason why Lin Fan said this was also to make Morris calm down.

Lie in bed and rest well.

If you continue to toss, no one knows what will happen.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Morris's mouth.

"All right!"

"But I believe that Mr. Lin can definitely cure my illness!"

Morris obediently lay back on the bed.

Isaac thought for a while and said bluntly.

"Dad, Mr. Lin said...he is only 70% sure of curing you!"

The corner of Morris' mouth twitched again.

He also realized that things were serious.

"Lin...Mr. Lin, I want to know, what's wrong with me?"

Morris himself had no idea why this was happening.

He was fine some time ago.

Just one day, he suddenly fell ill.

And there is no sign of it.

Too strange.

Lin Fan thought for a while and said, "You are most likely infected with some kind of virus!"


Morris and Isaac looked at each other, even more confused.

"Mr. Lin, this shouldn't be possible, right?"

"I went to the hospital for so long to check, if it is a virus, it is impossible not to check it out!"

Lin Fan said with a smile, "There are still many things in this world that modern medicine cannot explain!"

Lin Fan didn't explain too much.

Some things, even if he told Morris, he couldn't understand.

Morris looked a little ugly.

"So this virus must be terrible!"

Thinking of what happened to him during this period, Morris's entire back was soaked.

Lin Fan was silent for a while, then said.

"Mr. Morris, you can tell me where you have been before!"

"If I can find out the source of this virus, maybe I can cure you!"

Lin Fan also wanted to find out where this virus came from.

Morris said, "I have been to too many places!"

"Mr. Lin, let me think about it!"

Morris was trying to remember something.

However, his condition is not very good.

Lin Fan walked over, "Don't worry about this matter, you can think about it slowly!"

"Now let me check for you first!"

Lin Fan sat down and took Morris's pulse.

Neither Morris nor Isaac spoke, so as not to disturb Lin Fan.

After nearly a minute of this, Lin Fan withdrew his hand.

“Better than expected!”

"Mr. Morris, what you have to do next is to have a good rest!"

Lin Fan reminded.

Morris nodded, "Mr. Lin, I see!"

"By the way, you are not in a hurry to return to China, are you?"

Morris was afraid that Lin Fan would leave, because no one could cure his illness.

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, then said, "I'm not going back so soon!"

Originally, Lin Fan planned to get the sapphire necklace and go back.

But right now, Morris's situation is a bit complicated.

Now that he's here, it's not easy for him to leave.

What's more, he wanted to find out the source of the virus.

He always felt that the emergence of this virus was too weird.

To find out about this matter, the first step is to know where Morris has been.

"That's good!"

"Mr. Lin, why don't you live in Rose Villa!"

Lin Fan refused again.

Morris shook his head, but couldn't say anything more.

"Dad, you have a good rest!"

"Mr. Lin and I will go out first!"

Isaac and Lin Fan left the room.

Isaac said, "Mr. Lin, go back after lunch!"


Lin Fan said, "By the way, I want to ask you to do me a favor!"

Isaac smiled and said, "Mr. Lin is too polite!"

"Just tell me what you want me to do!"

Lin Fan said, "I want to meet someone!"

"So, I want you to come forward!"

Isaac asked suspiciously, "Mr. Lin, who is it?"


This is the one who took the picture of the sapphire necklace.

Angus is a rich man in the Netherlands and has a lot of status.

It is not easy for Lin Fan to meet each other.

Moreover, he now hides his identity again.

Whether Angus will meet him is still unknown.

But it would be much easier if Isaac came forward.

Aisa laughed loudly, "I thought Mr. Lin needed me to do something important!"

"So it was to see Angus!"

"It's easy to handle, I'll make a call right away!"