Ziyang station.

In all directions, the people of the Tang Dynasty rushed frantically, and hundreds of thousands of people surrounded the whole Ziyang station. After the two gates of drunken dream and tears falling flowers failed, the three gates were opened!

The whole Ziyang station, almost in an instant broken city!

There was a boom.

Su mu can only look back, and then reluctantly rushed back.

But the crane in the sky, at this time, suddenly received the pure wind retreat order, which let the crane of the sky not help being sluggish.

Is that how you left?

You're gone in the dust? What does pure wind think?


"Chong ah..."

"Go ahead..."

Boom! Boom!

The crowd swarmed into the Ziyang station crazily, and almost all the people of the Tang Dynasty poured in.

At this time, although the Tang Dynasty was less than 100000, there were still as many as 80000. In Ziyang, there were only less than 5000 people left.

This difference in the number of people, doomed Ziyang will fail.


A few minutes later, Ziyang station, four gates, all were broken.

Players are crazy to rush in, and the onlookers are crazy to rush up to see what happened.

Xia Feng retreats and watches the members of Datang rush forward madly.

Countless Ziyang members were killed, countless people crazy resistance, but the result of resistance is to be killed by seconds, the difference in the number of people is too much.

Seeing their brothers being killed one by one, Xia Feng and others have no way.

In addition to the headquarters hall, the center of Ziyang station square is still in the hands of Ziyang people. The whole station is all from the Tang Dynasty.

Because the station is level 6, it has been expanded many times. At this time, tens of thousands of people from the Tang Dynasty all rushed in. It seems that it is necessary to take Ziyang station.

"Commander Xia, let's go! Even if you lose, you can't retreat! "

"Yes, let's go!"

The crowd kept retreating, and the people in the rear had crowded into the entrance of the hall. At this time, the people in Ziyang could not retreat.

The whole station is from the Tang Dynasty. Where can we retreat?

Xia Feng looks at Ziyang's brother. His face is covered with sweat. At this time, the battle can last for less than two hours. However, it has reached the present situation.

"Brothers, today, Ziyang has lost the trade union war. Even if we lose the station, we can't let the people of the Tang Dynasty feel better. All the people, give me all the weapons!"


This is the case in the war. At this time, 90% of the members of Ziyang have no energy, and the long-range class is almost dead. Therefore, at this time, almost all of them are close combat classes, and the battle can only be a blade fight.

The people of the Tang Dynasty rushed in and the 5000 people surrounded Ziyang didn't have any hesitation. They were all long-range attacks!

The roaring skills instantly exploded in the center of Ziyang station. The whole team of Ziyang was surrounded by skills, and countless people were killed again.

There are less than 2000 members in Ziyang.



"Go! "

all the people, crazy rushed up.

Countless people in the case of no energy, holding weapons crazy with the general attack to kill, however, even this can not change the current situation.

Ao Shen stands in the crowd and waves again.

Countless distance classes are ready for skills again.

Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom!

There is no way to restore the situation by suppressing the number of people. Therefore, when Xia Feng and others charge, they are bombarded by remote skills again.

Ziyang, a few hundred people left in a moment.

This situation, it seems to have been expected, Ziyang survival people can only adhere to, adhere to.

Ao Shen won't give Ziyang a chance to breathe like last time, so wave again.

Another wave of skills came.

Xia Feng and others stood in situ, watching the skills flying, he could not help laughing: "Ziyang as long as there is a person alive, will not give up!"

"I'd rather die than give up!"

"I'd rather die than give up!"

Boom! Boom!

Skills fall again.

The crowd was flooded again.

The next second, after the special effects disappear.

In the center of Ziyang, in addition to Xia Feng, Zhang pangzi, and nine ghosts, who became demons at one time, there are only a few bloodthirsty Paladins in Ziyang guild, only about ten people.

Ao God this time to stand out, Ziyang has lost, the rest of these people, has become no threat.

In a short period of more than ten seconds, almost all of the 5000 people in Ziyang were killed by seconds.

This kind of ending, let a person sigh, but there is no way, the suppression of the number of people is fully reflected.Arrogant way: "rush up, destroy the resident crystal."

A group of paladins rushed up, thousands of them.

At this time, Xia Feng and others can only look at each other. It seems that they have not been paid attention to in the world of Tang Dynasty. At this time, the Tang Dynasty has not forgotten to humiliate Ziyang?

The summer wind sneers.

"Keep fighting!"

"Keep fighting!"



The paladin's charge directly scattered Xia Feng and others.

At this time, Xia Feng, Zhang pangzi and others have exhausted their energy, and their recovery can't keep up with the use. In addition, their combat effectiveness is not as good as before.

However, even so, the crowd is still crazy attack.

Xia Feng holds a mountain knife. His evil thoughts have no energy to display. He can only chop and chop wildly.





"Go to hell!"




Collision skills will be the summer wind back, but still did not fall.

Xia Feng is like a wolf standing in front of the crowd, crazily waving his knife.

Pa Pa!

Four or five paladins came directly to Xia Feng.

Then the summer wind will be surrounded by the whole person.

Xia Feng laughs at them.

Hands are bound, summer wind suddenly opened his mouth and directly bit one of them.


"Damn it..."


"Ha ha!"

Crazy laughter, after the summer wind rushed out, looking at the people in the world of the Tang Dynasty crazy laugh.

"Trapped me? Without weapons, I still have hands. Without hands, I still have mouths. If you want to pass through here, step on me first

The charge of thousands of people has already killed Zhang pangzi and others, and Xia Feng, the only remaining Qi and blood is still supporting.

Ao Shen frowned, then waved: "remote, kill him. "


Innumerable telepresence skills.

At this moment, Xia Feng can only watch those skills fly down. He has no way, and he has no ability to resist. At this time, he can only let his skills fall.

The fierce battle to now, has been considered to have won, at least, Ziyang 20000 fighting capacity to resist the Tang Dynasty for two hours, this has been regarded as a miracle.

Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom!

The fierce charge starts again, and Ziyang, how much time can we hold on to, is what people expect most.

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