Boom! Boom!

Countless remote falls.

At this moment, standing on the wall of Ziyang City, the onlookers can't help moving, leaving him alone. What are you still insisting on?

However, Ziyang is so persistent.

There's only one person left to hold on to.


"So fast..."



Boom! Boom!

The skill falls, the summer wind is not dead.

Looking at this pair of wings in front of me, the summer wind can't help but smile.

"Brother, we're not dead yet."

Su Mu ha ha ha smile, this kind of ending, already predestined, so there is no accident.

Put back his wings, Su Mu took out the recovery potion and handed it to Xia Feng: "yes, it's not dead yet."

"Ha ha..."

In the Tang Dynasty, people are no longer moving forward.

Just because I saw Su mu.

They were chatting and laughing in the crowd, but no one dared to move forward.

This is the influence of Su mu on the Tang Dynasty.

The gate of the station is just behind them. The destruction of Ziyang by the Tang Dynasty is very close. However, no one dares to move forward.

Aoshen and others can only give orders, crazy start to display remote skills!

He knew that if he wanted to kill Su mu, it would be very difficult to fight in close combat. Therefore, it could only be long-range.

Boom! Boom!

Thousands of attacks again flew to Su Mu and Xia Feng.

However, after the skills disappeared, Xia Feng and Su Mu were already standing in their places. Moreover, their Qi and blood did not decline, and Xia Feng's Qi and blood range was still rising.

Su Mu's magic resistance can be resisted by members of the Tang Dynasty?

Su Mu was almost invincible at this time. Only close combat could cause damage to him.

The crowd exclaimed, tens of thousands of people were blocked in this last step, the world of Tang Dynasty, this is also a disgrace lost to grandma's house.

"Melee class, give it to me!"




The charge was launched again, and countless people rushed from all directions.



Su Mu and the summer wind were instantly submerged in the sea of people.

Because the crowd is in a state of charge, so Su mu can even block "ah Countless people directly threw themselves on Su mu, and Su mu, who was annihilated in an instant, screamed wildly.

Taking back the sword of Shenyu, Su Mu's Shenyu wrist guard takes effect passively.

"Go to hell!"



One by one, one by one. All the people around Su Mu were beaten and flew out. Even some people were killed by seconds. This is just a common attack.

Boom! Boom!

The members of the Tang Dynasty in this circle were immediately scattered by Su mu.

Countless people stopped at the same place and looked at Su mu in horror.

"Ha ha! You want to trap me? Come on

At this time, Ziyang station quiet to the extreme, all people are almost breathing, watching this person tens of thousands of people fighting.

However, the Tang world, but how can not rush in, Leng is to let a person block outside.

"Come on!"

Su Mu madly yells, 70, 000 members of the Tang Dynasty, can't take a person?

Arrogance and madness can not help but be angry.

"Keep going! Give it to me


Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom!

The charge of the paladin is pulled up again.

Su mu, once again submerged.



At this time, he was exhausted. Moreover, Su Mu's reaction ability was not so fast. Countless charges hit him. Although he couldn't hurt him, there was still holographic impact pain.

So Su Mu kept falling back, retreating, retreating, and retreating to the front of the hall door.

Ziyang people will be killed in seconds when they are resurrected. Therefore, Su Mu is the only one on the battlefield.

Su mu, covered with sweat, lowered his head and laughed in a low voice.

At this time, he looked at the members of the Tang Dynasty around him like the devil who came out of hell.



Su mu, whose body is already unstable, is still trying to attack. However, people in the Tang Dynasty just need to avoid and can easily avoid it.

Although Su Mu's Qi and blood is full, negative attributes such as strength and fatigue have reached the extreme.

Looking at Su Mu's rickety body, countless members of the Tang Dynasty couldn't help asking him what he was still insisting on?

Will you hold on until you faint?Not only the Tang Dynasty, but also the onlookers were shocked by Su mu, which is more shocking than Su Mu's killing tens of thousands of people. Because, to this extent, what are you still insisting on? Can persistence save the defeat?

Ao Shen had to say that Su Mu had something to admire. So he slowly went to the front of the crowd and looked at Su mu, who was almost unable to open his eyelids, and asked, "what else do you insist on?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!