Slumrat Rising Vol. 4 Chap. 8 New Tools

Name:Slumrat Rising Author:
Slumrat Rising Vol. 4 Chap. 8 New Tools

Merkovah lead Truth from the enchanted conference room to a small interview room. It was just big enough for two chairs, a desk, and extremely robust privacy protections. Truth wasnt entirely fit to talk. The old monster gave him time to pull himself together. Flipping through the books in the room while he waited.

Truth eventually drew a heavy breath and focused on Merkovah. Etenesh doesnt practice body cultivation.

True. Though she isnt too far from Level Four. There might just be time for her to reach it and start practicing the sort of specialized cultivation that will get her through the collapse. Alternatively, I know some of the old families are surrounding their estates with enormous cosmic ray gathering formations. Turning them into Holy Lands, for lack of a better term. The Heaven Beseeching Clan is deep, deep in the mountains, and their ritualists are very good. I dont know if their work will last for millenia, but it should keep them vital and fighting for centuries at least.


Oh yes. In their tiny little bubble of safety up in the mountain, they will be very strong. I just hope they dont need anything from the outside world.


Mmm. Well, it buys them time. Time enough to make those body cultivators. I rather imagine them like deep sea divers, being sent to retrieve treasures from the ocean floors. Perhaps a special caste or class will develop within those ancient clans. Guardians or Roadfairers or Steel Knights. Some romantic drivel. Merkovah gave him a lopsided smile.

Spell Blades.

Just that sort of thing. Though I suspect that there will be a great deal of prestige attached to being able to cast magic unaided. Their pride will discourage them from picking up a sword, even as practicality demands it.

Spear. Easier to learn than a sword and more versatile. Good for hunting, solo fights, group fights. Id train my kids up on spears before swords.

Really? Given the way you became inseparable from the Tongue, I had thought you fell in love with the romance of the sword.

This and that are two different things. That is the Tongue being awesome, not all swords being awesome.

Merkovah chuckled. I can see how that would be true, though in defense of swords, they have been the exorcists weapon of choice since time immemorial.

Really? Not spells?

Both. You need both. Spells to restrain, castigate and drive out. The sword to prove what will happen to the demon if it stays. The young looking old man chopped through the air with his hand.

Do you have a sword?

Many. I wind up collecting them, or inheriting them, then giving them away. For example, to promising students. Merkovah smiled at Truth. What, did you think I just randomly had an angelic sword in the boot of my carriage?

It honestly never occurred to me. Your go-to weapon was always that thumb ring of yours. Truth shrugged.

Hah! Thats a loan. And a long story. Ready to pick your next spell? I brought a selection and, while I know you might find this an uncomfortable change, they are all good and not horrible jank.

Actually, I keep seeing that people fixed Cup and Knife a hot second after it was published. Do you have any of those spells around?

I dont, but Ill ask around. Someone in the embassy has an alchemical reference book somewhere. Or there is one in the Capital here, its hardly a secret. That being said, even the corrected and improved versions of the spell are now badly out of date. Never mind that, see what I brought. I am rather proud of these spells, so read them over carefully.

You wrote them?

I dont have that kind of creativity. No, I collected them, and you may be certain they were not easy to come by.

Got any of Starbrites meaningful personal possessions? Does it track bits of soul as they fly back towards him?



Still, an incredibly subtle, powerful spell.

When I collect Starbrites head, I think I will be well and truly done with playing assassin. At least for a good long while.

Merkovah snorted and waved him on to the last spell.

Thunderchild: Spell uses the entirety of the Maguss available magic, only ceasing when there is not enough magic left to sustain it. Upon activation, the Magus increasingly aligns their body with the primordial sky-fire known as lightning. The bodys elements shift heavily to air-fire. As the body becomes more aligned with those elements the Magus speed increases exponentially. At highest mastery, they move so quickly the world appears frozen. Their thought processes speed up, they hit harder, their everly blow carries primordial sky-fire within it, and they become almost impossibly elusive. Should they need to flee or persue, they can travel vast distances, only getting faster and faster as they go. However, upon the expiration of the spell, the Magus will collapse and likely need several days to recover, as well as the assistance of potions and ideally a high magic chamber.


Good one, I think. Merkovah smiled at the battered book like an indulgent uncle. A bit tricky to use, definitely not for everyone, and the requirements to learn it in the first place are downright grotesque, but despite its drawbacks, it is one of the most effective single combatant spells on the planet. In terms of sheer damage output, Incisive really cannot compare.

I can imagine. Truth really could, too. He was already blindingly fast. The idea of becoming exponentially faster without increasing his level, even with the days-long recovery time, was almost sickeningly appealing.

Interesting story there. It was the guardian spell for a small kingdom. They were able to dominate a small area thanks to the power of their top-level combatants, but they couldnt expand for the same reason. Just not enough powerhouses, and the ones they had consumed most of the resources generated by the kingdom. Making it very, very hard to create more powerhouses.

Huh. Makes sense. What happened to them?

The borders of Siphios expanded. Their experts were few, ours were many, and our summons were so many, they blotted out the sun. The whole war lasted three days.

Truth grunted. Might have been a better idea to cut a deal.

Easy to say. Much harder to do. Merkovah shook his head. By the end, they were drinking potions and depleting spirit crystals like they were nothing. Trying to keep the spell running constantly and shoot down the bombardment against the palace wards. It worked, for a while. We could keep the bombardment up. Their bodies collapsed.

Good lesson there.

I always thought so. Still, easily one of the most powerful spells of its sort on the planet.

So why offer it to me?

Because you are one of very few people on this planet who meet the requirements to use it. The body cultivation requirements alone are astonishingly brutal. If I were to give it to any random Level Five, their body would just explode the first time they tried to cast it. The energy requirements are likewise obscene. If you want to be able to fight for more than a fraction of a second, deep, deep energy reserves are required.

Truth looked up at the ceiling and thought about it. Not from the perspective of immediate need, but from the perspective of self definition. Who did he want to be?

Soul Hunter was easily discarded. He could see it now- the silent, invisible, unshakable assassin. You can run, but you cant hide. He could put that on business cards. No, thats not who he wanted to be. Even if his life was spent in violence, he had no desire to become some kind of evil urban legend. Besides, going back to the question of utility, it wasnt useful. Maybe Merkovah could see the use case. He couldnt. So that was out.

Four Elements Annihilation was likewise discarded. Instead of becoming a pursuing ghost, he would be a saboteur. Walls would collapse, vehicles, spell arrays, armor, heck even personal wards would all come down for him. But was that all he wanted to be? Someone who just destroyed wherever he went? No. Not after everything. Not after seeing what he had seen. He didnt want to add that to his soul. Useful, certainly. There would be plenty of barriers and people between him and Starbrite. But he didnt want to define himself as a God of broken homes and shattered dreams.

Which just left the Earth Folding Step, Doomsday Book and Thunderchild to choose from. And now, things got a lot harder.