The next morning, Han Sanqian opened his eyes and habitually looked to the left, because he had to ask Su Yingxia to get up and run in the morning. But when he turned his head, he found that there was no one. He could not help smiling bitterly.

"I've been used to things for so long, but I still can't change them."

Hillside villa, the alarm sounds, which indicates that it's time to go for a morning run. Su Yingxia subconsciously calls out, "3000, turn off the alarm."

When this sentence was uttered, Su Yingxia suddenly opened her eyes, which only later realized that she was lying on the bed and couldn't help feeling lost.

Two people not far away from each other, get up at the same time, but have not the spirit of the past.

Su Yingxia ran to the top of the mountain alone.

Han 3000 is ready to go downstairs, in the community to familiarize themselves with the environment.

As soon as she opened the door, Han Sanqian saw mifael in a sportswear. She was very energetic and capable. Looking at her appearance, she should also do morning exercises.

"Hello." Han Sanqian said a simple hello.

When they were waiting for the elevator together, mifael stood one meter behind Han 3000, which was her vigilance against strangers. In this case, she would never let others stand behind her.

Looking at Han Sanqian's back, he is tall and straight. Compared with many young people who are bent over, his figure is absolutely very good. Moreover, he is a kind of person with small muscles. He should be a self-discipline and exercise person. This is very similar to mifael.

"The elevator door is reflective." Han Sanqian suddenly opened his mouth and broke the silence.

Mifael can't help but look at the elevator door, this just realized that she did everything behind Han 3000, was clearly reflected by the elevator door.

"Do you exercise a lot?" Mifael changed the subject in order not to embarrass herself.

"Every day." Han said.

Mifeier asked himself that he was a very cold man, but he didn't expect Han Sanqian to be more cold than he was.

Is this a deliberate attitude, or is it what he is?

Mifael stopped talking and took the initiative to speak in order to ease the embarrassment, which was a very rare thing for her.

Han Sanqian jogs in the neighborhood. The air quality here is several grades worse than that of Yunding mountain. Let alone the scenery, there is no place to compare with Yunding mountain.

Running around the community, Han 3000 just walked to the unit floor, and heard the voice of argument not far away.

Mifael and a young woman quarreled, because the young woman did not have a traction rope when walking the dog, so mifael came forward to persuade a few words, but the young woman reacted violently, broke out and scolded, making mifael's face black with anger.

"My dog doesn't bite people. What does it have to do with you? You are such a coquette. You can't even manage yourself well. Are you qualified to take charge of me?" The young woman is in the waist, a look of insolence.

"You think your dog doesn't bite, but you have to think about the feelings of other people. Not everyone is close to him." Said mifael.

"I'm the owner here. Have you bought a house here? Are you still qualified to teach me a lesson? According to your appearance, are you renting?" The young woman looked at mifael with disdain.

"Does it have to do with walking your dog without a leash?" Said mifael.

"I walk the dog without a leash. Does it matter to you again? Did it bite you?" Said the young woman.

In the face of young women's unreasonable, mifael obviously fell behind.

At this time, a middle-aged man went to the young woman, pointed to mifael and said, "Stinky woman, what are you doing? Can you manage my family's affairs?"

"I'm just trying to persuade her that if she bites someone, it's not good for anyone." Mifael's momentum is obviously weaker. After all, the other party is a big man. In case of violence against her, she must suffer.

"I have money to pay for biting people. It's none of your business. Get out of here." The middle-aged man said angrily.

Mifael was so angry that she vomited blood. At this time, she saw Han Sanqian in the downstairs of the unit. She thought Han Sanqian would come to help and say a few words. There was a man there, and she also had more confidence. But what Mi Fei Er didn't expect was that Han Sanqian went away quietly!

He He's still not a man. He's gone like this!

Han Sanqian doesn't want to meddle in his business, and he probably doesn't want him to interfere with his indifference. Why bother himself.

On the elevator, the elevator door was about to close, mifael angrily walked in.

"Are you comfortable with the good play?" After a while, mifael said to Han Sanqian.

"If I were Yang Meng, I would help." Han said.

This sentence made mifael a little surprised. It was because of her that he didn't help. Is it necessary for this guy to speak so directly?

"It's also true that Yang Meng is better at deceiving, and it's easier to be cheated by this kind of hero saving beauty trick." Said mifael, gnashing her teeth.Han 3000 said with a faint smile, "since you want to be an iceberg, you have to endure the cold, pretend to be high and want others to help you. Does the whole world owe you?"

Finish this sentence, the elevator just arrived at the 16th floor, Han 3000 out of the elevator, left alone in a daze.

Mifael is very beautiful, so even if she is like an iceberg, many men take the initiative to please her, which leads to mifael's habitual belief that ordinary men will be inferior to her.

Similarly, Han Sanqian, who rents a house, naturally has nothing special in her eyes.

But she never thought that Han Sanqian would say such a thing.

She asked herself Gao Leng, but Han 3000's Gao Leng seemed to be higher than her.

Seeing Han Sanqian open the door and go home, mifeier said with gnashing teeth: "there is a kind of man in the world, but he has no ability, but he is also arrogant. What he said is you."

When she returned home, Yang Meng had already cooked porridge in the kitchen. Although she didn't like morning exercise, she got up very early and almost all breakfast was done by her.

"Sister Phile, who made you angry?" Yang Meng is puzzled and looks at mifeier.

"It's not the guy on the other side." Said mifael hatefully.

"Lao Han?" Yang Meng looked surprised and asked, "does old Han get up so early?"

"Sister fei'er, as the saying goes, distant relatives are better than neighbors. We have to have a good relationship with our neighbors, or I'll let him come over for breakfast." Yang Meng said.

Now mifeier would like to have Han Sanqian cramped and peeled off her skin. From childhood to adulthood, Han Sanqian was the first one to treat her so coldly, and even thought of having breakfast at her home. How could this be possible.

"You girl, sooner or later you will be abducted and run away. If you are familiar with him, you should invite him to have breakfast at home." Said mifael reproachfully.

Yang Meng shrunk her mouth and didn't dare to speak again. Although mi fei'er is sometimes very strong, Yang Meng knows that it is for her good that she would have been cheated by those men if it wasn't for MI fei'er.

"Well, we'll eat it ourselves." Yang Meng said.

After breakfast, two people's mailbox each received weak water real estate job application reply, let them go to the company interview today, which makes mifael full of expectations.

Han Sanqian went home, took a bath and changed his clothes. Today, he wants to talk with Zhong Liang about cooperation with other companies. However, he does not appear as the boss, but pretends to be Zhong Liang's assistant to see the attitude of others towards this matter.

What a coincidence, Han Sanqian and mifeier two people met in the elevator door, this may be called not enemies do not get together.

"Lao Han, are you going to work?" Yang Meng takes the initiative to talk to Han Sanqian.

"Yes, do you work too?" Han Sanqian asked with a smile. It was like meeting an old friend in the toilet and asking if he was going to the toilet. There was no nutrition in the conversation.

"Go to the new company interview, do you know the weak water real estate?" Yang Meng asked.

Weak water real estate!

These four words let Han Qianyi Leng, can't happen to such a ridiculous point, they actually went to weak water real estate interview.

"It's not a good time to go to the weak water house for an interview now." Han said.

"Hum." Mifael snorted coldly and said, "you people who have no pattern, naturally don't understand why we want to go to the weak water real estate. I'm too lazy to explain to you."

Han Sanqian looked at Yang Meng and said, "come on, you will succeed in the interview."

Feeling that he was ignored by Han Sanqian, mifeier was angry again and his scalp was numb. , the fastest update of the webnovel!