Han Sanqian and Mi Fei Er and Yang Meng arrive at the weak water real estate one after another. When Han Sanqian goes to Zhong Liang's office, they are waiting for an interview in the personnel department. Because of the poor prospects of the weak water property, they are the only ones interviewed.

Anyone who has a little normal thinking will not go to the weak water real estate for an interview in this situation. After all, there are very few people with reverse thinking like mifael.

When the head of the personnel department interviewed the two people, the most important question was why they chose the weak water property at this time.

As explained to Yang Meng, MI fei'er's answer is very direct. She expresses her desire very simply. It's the first time that such a person was met by the head of personnel department. She can't help but look at her differently.

However, whether or not to enter the weak water real estate, or to wait for Zhong Liang's decision.

"I've got your basic information. Please wait a moment."

After the minister left the interview room, Yang Meng seemed a little nervous, while mifael was very confident.

"Sister Fei, can we both succeed in the interview?" Yang Meng asked with a guilty heart.

Mifael nodded with a smile and said, "of course, it can succeed. Now the weak water property is the period of shortage of people. You can rest assured."

Listening to mifael say so, Yang Meng is a little calm.

In Zhong Liang's office, he has already told Han Sanqian about the general situation of today. The people he wants to meet are the owners of several core industries in Yuncheng, but they are not top-notch people. Because those companies with real strength have been attracted by Han's group, they are only left with some small companies to group up.

"Young master, if these small companies are afraid of being swallowed up, the probability of cooperation with us can reach more than 80%, but it is not ruled out that Han's group has already approached them." Zhong Liang said to Han Sanqian.

The current situation is that there is no way out. For Han 3000, it is just a try. Whether it can succeed or not, and how much help it can provide for the weak water real estate, is uncertain.

"It's mainly about you talking to them today. I'll go and see the attitude of these people." Han said.

Zhong Liang nodded his head. He knew that the real significance of Han Sanqian's doing this was not how many people he could win over, but through their attitude to judge how many people in Cloud City would submit to Han's group.

At this time, knock on the door sounded, Zhong Liang saw Han 3000 slightly nodded, this just said: "come in."

After entering the office, the head of the personnel department gently closed the door for fear that the heavy door would cause a sound.

"Brother Zhong, there are two people coming for the interview. I have already understood the general situation. Do you need to see their information?" Asked the minister.

"Did you ask them why they came to the company for an interview?" Zhong Liang said that this is Han Sanqian's explanation. Although Zhong Liang doesn't know why han Sanqian is particularly concerned about the two women, since the boss has opened his mouth, he must follow suit.

"The woman named mifael said that the company's adversity can bring her more development space. When she came to the company, she did not simply apply for a job, but wanted to enter the top management of the company. I can feel that this is a woman with a strong sense of utility." Said the minister.

Han 3000 slightly surprised, mifeier is not only high cold character, her ambition is also so strong, this reverse thinking is not ordinary people can have.

Han Sanqian thought about a problem on the way to weak water property. If Yang Meng was allowed to enter the company and kick out mifeier, what kind of effect would it be? Playing with mifael between the hands of the company, but carefully thinking about it, this kind of cautious revenge seemed unnecessary, so he gave up the idea.

"Let them come to the company." Han 3000 light said.

After the minister left the office, he informed mifael and Yang Meng of the news.

Yang Meng is very excited, while mifeier is calm, because in her opinion, all this is the result of taking for granted.

"Sister Phil, we can have a big meal today." Yang Meng said happily.

"You are a good eater. Besides eating, you have nothing else to do. Go home first, and prepare to be employed in two days." Said mifael.

Soon after, Han Sanqian and Zhong Liang also left the weak water property and arrived at an agreed teahouse.

The first person to meet today is Liu Guofeng.

At this time, Liu Guofeng had taken the lead in the box. If he had been interviewed by weak water real estate before, he would be very excited because before the birth of Han's group, weak water real estate in Yuncheng was the object that countless people wanted to fawn with. After all, relying on Yanjing Han family, everyone hoped to reach cooperation with weak water real estate, so as to get a little bit of his own from this fat meat Oil and water.

But now, Liu Guofeng is not interested in this matter. On the surface, the weak water real estate has been suppressed by the Han group. The shelving of the West City project makes people feel that the weak water real estate has no strength to compete with the Han group. Come back to him at this time, and it is likely that he will just be treated as cannon fodder."Mr. Liu, I didn't expect you to arrive so early." After entering the box, Zhong Liang said with a smile to Liu Guofeng.

Liu Guofeng's attitude is cold. Before doing it, it is difficult to meet Zhong Liang. How can he get Zhong Liang's smiling face.

"Boss Zhong, I happened to be free today, so I came to see you. If you have anything to say, it's very dangerous to meet you now. If Han's group knows about it, my company will be ruined." Liu Guofeng said.

Zhong Liang, sitting opposite Liu Guofeng, poured himself a cup of tea and said, "Mr. Liu, I hope to cooperate with your company. I don't know what your intention is."

Liu Guofeng light smile, said: "boss Zhong, if before, I Liu Guofeng can't get, but now, I don't do this kind of head off things, weak water real estate used to be powerful in Cloud City, but now, it's a fart."

Liu Guofeng's words are very direct and ugly, which makes Zhong Liang's expression become stiff.

"Mr. Liu, weak water real estate now a step back, does not mean afraid of the Han group." Zhong Liang said.

Liu Guofeng sneered and said, "I'm afraid I don't know, but how big the capital of Han's group is, I'm very clear. You should also know that, and you are just a wage earner. Now the real boss of weak water real estate is like a turtle with a shrinking head. Who dares to believe the weak water real estate

"Since Mr. Liu is here today, it's not a sarcastic thing to say. If you have any requirements, you can ask for it." Zhong Liang said that if Liu Guofeng's attitude is tough and he doesn't have the slightest intention to cooperate with weak water real estate, he doesn't need to appear. Since he has come, it shows that he has plans.

Liu Guofeng said with a faint smile: "boss Zhong is really a smart man. My idea is very simple. Since weak water real estate wants to cooperate with me, I need some shares of weak water real estate. The grasshoppers tied in a boat can cooperate with each other only if they share common interests."

Weak water real estate shares?

With Liu Guofeng's position, what qualifications to weak water real estate shares.

"Mr. Liu, your broken company, can be worth a few money, incredibly bold want to become a weak water real estate shareholders." Zhong Liang said scornfully.

Liu Guofeng expression a cold, slightly ferocious to Zhong Liang said: "boss Zhong, now you ask me, not I beg you, I advise you to think clearly before you speak."

Zhong Liang half lying on his seat, looked at Liu Guofeng contemptuously and said, "where do you see that I need to ask you, Liu Guofeng, although weak water real estate is now suppressed by Han's group, it is still easy to kill such a small company as you. Don't take yourself too seriously. Do you really think that the weak water real estate can be left to your kind of waste?"

Liu Guofeng originally thought that weak water real estate would give him certain benefits if he wanted to win him over. Therefore, he opened his mouth to the lion. He also forgot Zhong Liang's point. Although weak water real estate is now under pressure, its skinny camel is bigger than its horse. He is not qualified to show off in front of Zhong Liang.

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