Chapter 9 – Southern City and Merchant Guild After a Long Absence

I switched from the Stronghold to the Lutto in order to get to the Southern City. I thought about taking the Seeker but decided against it because I would be introducing a new spark if my commotion in the Southern City had subsided.

If the commotion is still raging, I’ll make a return visit aboard the Seeker. If it’s still burning, throwing in a spark won’t make a difference.

Who knows what’s going on? If it was forgotten, I don’t have a problem with it, but six months… is a long time from my point of view, but I guess it’s a short time from the country’s point of view.

…The plan was to wholesale the pepper every two months, but it’s been six months. How about selling the stored pepper all at once…

That’s just unnatural, and you want to repeat that? But if I give up, it will take even longer to buy the luxury liner… It’s all because of the Demon Forest. It’s a very dangerous name to give a cursed name to such a place.

I’d like to wholesale a large amount of pepper somehow… but if it’s unnatural anyway, should I say that the mage cooperated with me and wholesale all the pepper?

Hmm… I’ve decided, let’s just wholesale 20 boats’ worth of pepper on the Lutto as usual and then tell Camille-san about the Seeker alone. Well, I think the guild master will get the message, but that can’t be helped.

If I’m going to mention the same mage, it would be more convenient later to tell him about the Seeker.

If there seems to be no problem with the Seeker coming into port, I can board it, and if there seems to be a problem, I can ask if we can do business outside of town. It sounds like drug trafficking, but it’s pepper, so no problem.

This way, I can get a large amount of pepper wholesale either way. The Seeker could easily do about 100 ships’ worth… Or maybe I can do 120 ships’ worth. …It looks like I’m going to run out of platinum coins, but if I can buy a luxury liner in one go, I might as well wait. Is that a cheap idea? I guess I’ll ask everyone else.

“…I don’t think there’s anything we can’t do. Normally, the merchant guilds wouldn’t be so accommodating, but if it’s Wataru-san and the cargo is pepper, I’m sure they’ll be flexible.”

“I agree. But, Wataru-san, it is safer to take your time and not rush, okay? Or you could pretend that the cargo was stored on the island like before and that you made several trips back and forth.”

Alessia-san is okay with this. Dorothea-san is also okay, but if there were a less risky way, I would choose that way.

“If I didn’t rush it, it certainly wouldn’t be noticeable, but I can’t wait. The method of storing the pepper also made Camille-san look at me with suspicion because of the freshness of the pepper. If there are drawbacks to both methods, then transporting it on the Seeker would be easier, in addition to allowing us to wholesale it in larger quantities.”

In the end, everyone agreed with me. I guess my habit of talking about it has rubbed off on them. Ilma-san told me that if things got troublesome, we could just escape by ship, and we’ll be fine. I was reassured that Girasole would accompany me if I had to flee.

Before entering the harbor, I put the pepper on the deck and got everything ready to go. When I docked the ship, I felt a rustle in the air around me… am I worrying too much?

“Whew, it’s been a while since I’ve been in Southern City. Wataru-san, are you going straight to the merchant guild?”

Alessia-san asked as she turned her body. …It would have been a sight for sore eyes if she wasn’t wearing equipment, but alas.

“No, I’m going to have Camille-san come over to carry the pepper. That’s when I’ll go. I’m also going to ask her to arrange the shopping, so it may take a little time. Is that alright?”

“By shopping, do you mean the things needed in that village?”

“Yes, I am going to ask the merchant guild to help me because of the number of items.”

“Well, leave the shopping to us. The merchant guild will be interested in what you’re doing with the contents of that shopping. Well, even if we disperse our purchases, they will know if they look into it in detail, but you should be cautious.”

I thought it would be more noticeable if I went around the store, so I thought it would be better to ask the merchant guild to do it for me, but… wouldn’t it be less noticeable if I askedGirasole to do it for me? …I feel like it would stand out even more, though. …Well, it’s a favor, so let’s just ask for it.

“Alright, I’ll give you the list later.”

“Yes, leave it to us.”

I asked an employee of the merchant guild at the port to call Camille-san. She should bring the carts with her now. So far, Camille-san has never failed to show up, but what if I had called her even when she was on vacation? If it were me, I would be very annoyed.

…After waiting for a while, Camille-san came with the cart in tow. She’s as beautiful as ever.

“Wataru-san, it’s been a while. You haven’t been here at all, so I thought something had happened.”

“It has been a long time. I’ve been in a lot of trouble, but I’m fine. I have the pepper, but it’s not a problem, is it?”

“Yes, of course. Let’s talk about all that later, shall we? First of all, let’s get the pepper away from here.”

…I’m afraid I’ll end up talking about a lot of things, so I’ll have to be careful. Camille-san’s smile is dangerous. While thinking nonsense, I carry the pepper from the ship to the cart and head to the merchant guild, surrounded by Girasole, and am taken to a room in the back.

As I sat down and waited, Camille-san and the guild master came in… I don’t like it when the guild master is present because I can’t talk to Camille-san very much…

“Wataru, it’s been a long time. I thought you had run away or been kidnapped.”

I don’t think it’s something to talk about cheerfully.

“I’m still alive somehow. Although I don’t have any souvenirs this time.”

“…Well, that’s too bad, but that’s fine. So what have you been up to?”

It’s interesting that he seems really sorry. It seems that even the master of the merchant guild is happy to receive a souvenir.

“Let’s see; please keep this a private conversation. Although, there’s not much I can tell you.”

“…Well, go ahead and say it.”

“No, you have to promise to keep it confidential. Why are you trying to listen so normally?”

I am afraid of merchants, who make some strange pause and give an air as if they understand, but they don’t promise their words at all.

“Umu, well, I get it. But not if it’s a crime or something that will cause trouble in the country or the continent.”

No, not if it’s a crime, but a country? A continent? What kind of a dangerous person am I in the guild master’s mind? If this is taken so seriously, it’s very hard to say that I bought a new ship from the mage because it seems shabby.

“It’s not that big of a deal. Please say that you promise me with words.”

Is the guild master wary of me?

“I promise.”

“…Will you also sign a contract?”

“…Can’t you trust the word of a guild master?”

“I feel like I can’t trust you because you’re the guild master.”

“Do you want to leave the guild?”

Straightforward threats. It’s just plain scary.

“I understand. But you have to promise me too, Camille-san.”

“I understand. I promise.”

Well, I was going to tell them from the beginning if this was okay, and if they really wanted to cheat me, there was nothing I could do about it.

“Well, I helped Mage-sama and had him sell me a new magic ship. I can’t tell you what I helped him with, though.”

“…Does the ship have Mage-dono’s barrier on it? What size is it?”

“Yes, it has. It is a medium-sized ship.”

The guild master looked at me with a terrible frown.

“A medium-sized magic ship with barriers that can withstand S-rank attacks unharmed…? Wataru, do you realize that you have become a dangerous person? If not for Mage-dono’s threats, at best, the ship would be confiscated. At worst, you’d be killed.”

I knew it. If you have a good ship, they will confiscate it. Without the mage’s threat, there would be a lot of trouble.

“I am very well aware of that. That’s why I’m asking you to keep it a secret. Speaking of which, is there anyone investigating the mage?”

“I’ve lost count. The guild knows a considerable number of people. And they are probably dispatching good people whom we don’t know, so it’s useless to look for them.”

They won’t give up in six months, will they? It’s a good thing I got the second prince prostrate. If the mage had been underestimated, I wouldn’t have been able to do business in the Southern City.

“I’ve been targeted, haven’t I?”

“Of course it is.”

After finishing my business, let’s quickly go to the dark elves’ island. If I can buy a luxury liner, I’ll come back in a year or so.

“So, by the way, I bought a large quantity of pepper with that magic ship I bought. I have about six times as many peppers as before. What do you want me to do with it? I came here in the Lutto because it would be conspicuous if I entered the port, but if we can do the trade somewhere out of sight, I can drop it off?”

“Umu, we’ll take it all. Of course, we’ll add some extra. If it’s somewhere out of sight, the place where we experimented with Paris would be fine. Camille, please make the arrangements.”

“I understand. But although we have the platinum coins for the pepper, we don’t have enough platinum coins to buy six times as much. Also, Paris-san came to visit Wataru-san. He wants us to establish contact between you and him.”

An experiment. That was the first time I learned how monstrous the S-rank was. Paris… I don’t want to see him again. So I won’t allow the contact. I’m even thinking of finding a friend, but I can assure you that guy is different.

“A cash deal would be more helpful. Should I drop off the pepper first like last time? Also, I don’t want to be in contact with Paris-san, so if you could tell him that, that would be great.”

“Cash, yes. I would appreciate it if you could unload the pepper first. I will let Paris-san know, but I don’t think he will give up, do you?”

Whether he gives up or not, he will come when he can get in touch with me. He’ll come up with a good idea, let him try it out, or something light like that, and then he’ll slam some ridiculously powerful technique into my ship.

I trust the board rejection’s power, but I don’t feel comfortable just having such a monster-like person nearby. The right thing to do is to avoid him at all costs.

“Even if he doesn’t give up, I’ll keep avoiding him. Please don’t give my information to Paris-san.”

“We will not pass on information from the merchant guild, but there are informants there, and they will find out, won’t they?”

It will be about two years before I come to the Southern City again.

“I’ll do my best to avoid him, so don’t worry.”

I don’t know why Camille-san is looking at me like that, like it’s a problem. It’s hard not to see her for two years, so let’s say a year and a half.

“So Wataru, I’m going to ask you to sell your boat to me. I asked you before to ask the mage if you could sell the ship to me. Did you ask him?”

Guild master, now is the time for Camille-san and me. Please read the air. As for the magic ship, I don’t think you asked me to do that, but I won’t sell it.

“Ah, I asked him, but he said he doesn’t want to.”

“…Did you ask properly?”

“I asked him very earnestly.”

“Why do you look so sharp just now? It doesn’t suit you, and it smells fishy.”

Just leave me alone. It’s hurtful to be told that much just because I put on a serious face.

“Anyway, it didn’t work, so please give up.”


I can’t help it if he looks at me with terrible resentment. I pretended not to notice and decided on my future plans with Camille-san. It seems that she was telling the truth when she said she had some platinum coins waiting for us, and she bought the pepper we wholesale today for 75 platinum coins, cash on the spot. It was also decided that the rest of the pepper would be delivered at the place tomorrow around dawn when there would be few people around.

“Camille-san, that’s a lot of money, isn’t it? We’ve already sold quite a bit of pepper, but is there still enough to go around?”

“Fufu, pepper is a very popular product among royalty, nobility, big merchants, and those who have a lot of money. It is also a consumable product, and we are still doing well.”

It seems they are making a lot of money. I wonder how much profit they are making? I’ve made a lot more money just by wholesaling directly to the stores. I wonder how much profit I would make if I brought pepper directly to the royalty…

“Camille-san, the merchant guild makes a lot of money from the pepper I wholesale, doesn’t it? What does the merchant guild do with the profits? It seems strange to me that a merchant guild would make a profit in the first place.”

“Oh, that’s a misunderstanding. It is true that we make a profit, but it is more important to increase our influence by distributing pepper to the merchants. Thanks to Wataru-san, who distributes large quantities of pepper wholesale, the merchant guilds in the Southern City are making a tremendous amount of influence and profit. Our salaries have also gone up. Thank you, Wataru-san.”

I didn’t know it was that kind of system. I guess the pepper must be very powerful to make a lot of money in order to increase influence. Naturally, the ranks of the merchant guild would be important, too, and that would be all smiles.

“I see. Well, if it helped Camille-san, I’d be happy too.”

We parted ways with the guild master of the merchant guild and Camille-san and returned to the Lutto. After returning to the Lutto, we separated from Girasole, we stayed on the Lutto, and Girasole went off to the adventurers’ guild and shopped for the list. Oh, I forgot to check the patent fee for Reversi and such.

Funds on Hand: 48 gold coins, 19 silver coins, 77 copper coins.

Guild account: 0 platinum coins, 70 gold coins.

Savings ship: 995 platinum coins.

Pepper ship: 405 ships.