Chapter 10 – Trading and Dark Elf Village

Before dawn, Ines and Felicia gently wake me up, and I savor my happiness with a routine kiss.

“Master, what’s wrong?”

“Hmm? Nothing. Let’s get going right away, shall we?”


Last night, we went out to the open sea and boarded the Seeker. If we sailed directly from the port, we would be tracked by people investigating the mage, and since it was a secret deal, we had to be careful.

If we spend the night in the open sea, we can almost shake off the pursuit. It’s a simple method, but one that I wouldn’t be able to do if I didn’t have the ship summoning power.

“I’ve set the autopilot to our destination, and we’ll have breakfast a little early.”

“Yes, but what about the Girasole?”

“I’ll just have something ready-made, so don’t bother waking them up. We can just summon the ship again at the usual time.”

“I understand.”

I say this to Felicia and head to the dining room, gently holding Rimu in my arms so as not to wake him. The dining room is simply a place to eat… For some reason, everyone in Girasole is here.

“Good morning, everyone. It’s okay if you still want to sleep, you know. Did I wake you up?”

“Good morning, Wataru-san. It’s okay; I only woke up because the ship started moving. I could have slept again, so don’t worry about it.”

They wake up when the ship starts moving. I didn’t know that because I was always the last to wake up. I guess they are sensitive to changes in their surroundings, except when they are hungover.

I summoned the ship for now and laid out breakfast. Ah, Rimu and Fuu-chan started to move. Even if it’s earlier than usual, they wake up when it’s time to eat. How cute.

After we all had breakfast, we arrived at our destination, so I summoned a rubber boat and brought it down to the land. It would be quicker if I summoned the rubber boats on land, but the magic circle of light stands out, and there is a possibility of being seen by accident, so I summoned them in the ship and carried them to land, though it is troublesome. 

It is a great amount of pepper… as much as 120 rubber boats. I couldn’t have carried it so fast if I hadn’t leveled up and my strength hadn’t increased. All this pepper will be sold all over the continent. How much can be transported before there will be surplus pepper in this continent? I’m afraid the platinum coins will run out before then.

While we were talking over tea on the deck of the Seeker, a mid-sized galley ship approached us. Is that Camille-san? If it’s not, it’s too much trouble, so please be Camille-san.

Camille-san came down from the galley anchored near the Seeker. I also headed for Camille-san’s place, surrounded by the girls.

“Good morning, Wataru-san. That’s the new ship, isn’t it? There are very few merchants who own a medium-sized magic ship. That’s amazing.”

I feel like I’m being told that since they are so few, I have to be careful. I’m not good at reading what was behind the words, so if possible, I’d like some straight advice.

“Haha, thank you. Oh, the pepper is unloaded over there. Please check it.”

“I understand. I will check it as I load it. We did not bring any staff with us for this transaction. I will order the slaves to keep this a secret, and you don’t mind if they help me?”

“Yes, as long as you order them to keep the secret.”

I didn’t think about the manpower to carry the cargo. As expected of Camille-san, she is very attentive to details. She’s the kind of woman who knows what she’s doing. Maybe I’m just not paying attention, but there is no doubt that Camille-san is capable. Can’t you recruit people from the merchant guild?

I want to be pampered by Ilma-san and Camille-san, two big-breasted fox-eared Onee-sans. Maybe things… should be really incredibly happy.

“Thank you very much. Then let us begin.”

After saying that, she called the slaves from the galleys and loaded them into the galleys while checking the quality of the pepper. …I think this is the first time I have seen slaves outside of the slave trading house.

All of them are muscular men, perhaps assigned exclusively to the galleys. They didn’t make any sound… but they didn’t seem to be treated harshly, even if they were slaves. The merchant guild doesn’t waste their property, does it?

“…I’ve finished checking. We are very grateful for the pepper that Wataru-san supplies us wholesale, as the quality is always excellent. The payment will be in nine days, as promised. Is that acceptable?”

Since time stopped, that means it’s fresher than if it had been shipped directly from the place of origin. If it weren’t for the pepper, could I have made a lot of money if I delivered the fish from the sea fresh inland? I guess the land trip would be too much trouble, and I’d have to give up in the end.

“Yes, I will visit the merchant guild in nine days.”

“Thank you. We’ll be waiting for you.”

We parted quickly without so much as a greeting or a chat. It’s a secret deal, so it’s a game of speed. I’m not doing anything wrong, but I’m nervous. I feel like I’m playing a game of make-believe.  

After parting with Camille-san, we went out to the open sea and changed to the Lutto before returning to the Southern City. We stayed on the Lutto as we did yesterday, asked Girasole to do some shopping, and received the luggage that was brought to us.

If this much luggage has been delivered, it looks like we can leave for dark elf island this evening. It’s hard to go out when I’m in the Southern City, and if there’s no problem with Girasole, I’ll leave today; when I come back in nine days, I’ll be on a luxury liner.

“Welcome back; thanks for your hard work.”

“I’m back. I got everything on the list. They’ve been delivered, right?”

“Yes, I received them all. Thank you very much. So, I was wondering, if you, Girasole, don’t have any plans, would you be up for heading out to the dark elf island tonight?”

“I wonder…? What do you girls have in mind?”

…After discussing, it was decided that since there was no pressing business, they could head for the dark elf island. I took their word for it, and we set sail immediately.

“Everyone, now that we have reached the open sea, we are going to change ships; which ship do you prefer?”

Normally, I would have made the decision on a whim, but today I decided to ask for a request. Unexpectedly, the girls got into a heated discussion. Let me summarize.

The Fortress group. Alessia-san and Ilma-san. The reason was alcohol in the vending machine corner.

The Stronghold group. Carla-san and Claretta-san. The reason is the all-you-can-eat buffet and the ufo catcher.

The Seeker group. Dorothea-san and Marina-san. The reason is that they want to look around the Seeker, which they have not fully enjoyed yet.

It is divided neatly two by two troublesomely. They repeatedly try to persuade each other to pull into their camp.

“Master, you made an unnecessary suggestion…”

I don’t want you to look at me like that.


“Master, do you think we should stop them?”

“Felicia, do you think I can do anything by entering the ladies’ discussion?”

Please don’t avert your gaze quietly.

“Which ship do you prefer, Wataru-san and the others?”

I got involved.

“I’m thinking of the Fortress where we can drink?”

“I prefer the Seeker. I’d like to take my time and look around.”

…Huh? Ines? Felicia? I shouldn’t be the one who answered first, right? Look, everyone’s eyes are on me. What should I do? To be honest, I asked because it wouldn’t matter with any ship, but now I’m in a situation where it would matter which ship I chose.

“…Maybe after we eat the buffet on the Stronghold and play some ufo catcher, we can go on the Fortress and buy a bunch of whatever we want, and then have a drink on the Seeker?” 

…I took everyone’s opinions as far as I could safely, for now. …It seemed to be fine.

I also wanted to watch a DVD, so I decided to rent a DVD on the Fortress and watch it on the Seeker. It’s in the open sea, and I’m going to leave the ferry summoned. If anyone finds it, it won’t matter because they won’t be able to get in, and I can just repatriate it when I’m done watching the DVD.

From now on, I’ll decide according to my mood without asking for opinions. Maybe we could go out to the open sea for a day or so on a dark elf island and put the Fortress, the Stronghold, and the Seeker side by side for a vacation.

Thinking about it, I’ve always summoned these ships separately, and it would be nice to enjoy them side by side. It’s not that inconvenient to have only one summoning slot available. It would be fun.

We all went to eat at the all-you-can-eat buffet, played some ufo catcher, and then went back to the Fortress to buy some drinks and snacks. You can buy drinks and snacks on the Stronghold, but they seem to like the hot menu at the vending machine corner. I also agree with them. I like the hot menu. But I originally stocked them on the food storage boat…

If they wanted to drink while they bought, I wonder if they cared? Well, let’s get the ship lined up on the next dark elf island and let them enjoy it to the fullest.

While changing to the Seeker and continuing on to the dark elf island, we drink our drinks while watching a DVD on the Seeker’s big TV. Ilma-san is having a drink too, and I’m going to enjoy her raw breasts once again… She’s wearing a T-shirt right now, so I guess it’s impossible…

The no-bra t-shirt is great, but I can’t dismiss the Yukata either… I wish someone had liked the Yukata, but everyone liked the t-shirt better; things don’t work out. It would have been more fun if they wore different kinds of clothes.

Costumes, huh…? There are clothing stores on the luxury liner, right? If there were a Chinese dress or something for sale, it would look good on everyone since they all have long legs. I wanted someone with a deep slit, though.

…I know they sell bras on the luxury liner. What am I going to do, say I don’t know what they’re for? It would honestly suck if bras went viral.

What should I do? Luxury liner or no bra… It’s difficult. I want a luxury liner, of course, I do, but if bras are worn by Girasole, that would be a disaster.

As for Ines and Felicia, I wouldn’t let them wear bras even if I had to order them too, but not Girasole. Can’t I just return the bra or something?

Do I absolutely not have to explain the bra or tell them it’s for men to use? …Yeah, there’s a swimming pool, so I’m sure they sell swimsuits too. Is it hopeless?

…I can’t think of a good idea. Should I go to the cathedral… and ask Creator God-sama to meet me when I can buy a luxury liner soon? No. It would be too painful if he didn’t meet me. The last time I met him, the God of Light-sama was angry with him, and there was a chance he’d be annoyed if I went. I’m troubled.


We arrived at the dark elf island. After unloading the supplies we had bought from the Seeker, the people of the village who greeted us carried them. The more people there are, the faster they’re carrying the goods.

“Village Chief-san, Vice Village Chief-san, how are things in the village? Are there any problems happening?”

“There is no problem. Both of our villages were lacking in numbers, so it is a joy to see the number of people increasing.”

“Village Chief is right. Especially in the village of the lake there was no freedom, so now that we have come to this village, everyone is full of joy. The children are very excited to have new friends.”

I’m glad it’s going well. Let’s not think about the children who are easily making friends. As we headed to the village, I heard that they were building houses quickly, using human-wave tactics.

Originally, they had an abundance of dried lumber from the forest, so they were able to start building houses right away. They could afford to burn it on the campfire.

But I wondered about the dark elves who cherish the forest and cut down the trees without a second thought. When I asked them about it, Village Chief-san and the others replied that it was an untouched forest and that it had to be thinned out. Come to think of it; I think I’ve heard that before in Japan.

So even after the village has finished building their houses, they still send the thinned wood. They have no choice but to dry it and store it for now. It’s good that it’s useful this time, but it’s a big forest… and the village will eventually be flooded with wood, don’t you think?

Everyone is so enthusiastic about carpentry work. If there is an overabundance of wood, they might create all kinds of interesting things. It might be fun to bring some architecture books or something if I can find them. Dark elves living in Japanese-style architecture… Is it a mismatch?

When we arrived at the village, as I had heard, the inside of the village was noisy with thumping, clanking, and the sound of cutting wood. The supplies I bought included carpentry tools, so it must be even noisier.

“Huh? Did you change the location of the fence?”

“Yes, the number of people has increased. We will probably have children in the future. It was a good opportunity, so we decided to expand the area of the village.”

You are doing a great job, Village Chief-san. I heard that he is very concerned about Felicia, so I hope he doesn’t work too hard. Well, if it’s worthwhile, it’s good. I think it’s not right for me to worry about Felicia since I bought her.

They are planning to increase the number of people staying in the forest and build a small village. It seems that when you can do whatever you want without worrying about anyone else, you can find a lot of things you want to do.