Chapter 1228 After Story: The Dawn Of A New Era [Part 1]

Chapter 1228 After Story: The Dawn Of A New Era [Part 1]

Seductive moans echoed throughout the room as Lux embraced Aurora.

Unfortunately, it was not only the two of them who were in the room. The Succubus Queen, Rhiannon, was also there to join in the fun.

Dia was currently under the care of Iris and Cai. The two were more than happy to spend time with the cute and adorable baby who sparked their desire to have children of their own as soon as possible.

Their wedding was only a month away. Right after that, Lux would finally ensure that all of them got pregnant, except for Ali and Ari, who said that they would wait until Valerie had safely given birth to her baby. Updated chapters at

They wanted to be there during that important moment and share her happiness. The twins viewed the Dragon Princess as their own little sister, whom they wanted to spoil very much.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Queen Rhiannon said as he hugged Lux from behind, pressing her voluptuous chest against his back. "Aurora will definitely surpass my beauty in a few years. You're lucky to have her as your wife."

Lux didn't reply as he continued to kiss Aurora passionately, fully enjoying the feeling of being sandwiched between two beautiful ladies.

One had already given birth to his child, and the other would soon conceive his child as well.

Lux didn't reply as he continued to kiss Aurora passionately, fully enjoying the feeling of being sandwiched between two beautiful ladies.

One had already given birth to his child, and the other would soon conceive his child as well.

Queen Rhiannon still didn't know that her daughter was the former Goddess of Solais.

The Goddess who had tried to stop Daniel from ascending into Godhood, which cost her a huge price—the loss of her Divinity and bearing the curse of endless bad luck as a mortal.

But she didn't have any regrets.

Aurora had finally wrestled control over the curse in her body.

Instead of being controlled by it, she now controlled it, using it as a weapon if she had to.

Anyone who dared to antagonize her would find themselves experiencing the worst luck in the world, which had been refined by countless years of suffering.

Fortunately, those years of suffering had ended and would be replaced by years of happiness and pleasure with the man she loved.

Lux, who was being sandwiched by the two beauties, pretended that he was asleep as the two continued their conversation.

Of course, they knew that the Half-Elf was just faking it, so they continued to chat while their hands caressed his chest, abs, and thigh, and also teased Little Lux, who was more than ready to fight another round with their soft hands.

Lux wasn't someone who actively sought to increase the number of his lovers. For him, the current lovers he had were enough.

However, after overhearing the discussion between Queen Rhiannon, Princess Anastasia, and Henrietta, he decided to consult Iris and Cai about it.

Ironically, his Grandmaster, Hereswith, chose that time to visit him, so she also heard their discussion.

She even jokingly said that if Lux was interested, he could marry her as well.

But, the Half-Elf knew that the beautiful Elf was only joking.

He already knew that Hereswith had someone in her heart, and it pained him to know that even with the powers he currently possessed, he was unable to give her the happiness that she deserved.

In the end, Iris and Cai told him that they wouldn't have any problems if Lux were to marry Princess Anastasia and Henrietta.

The Half-Elf then decided to consider this possibility right after his marriage with his current lovers.

Aside from Iris, Cai, Aina, Valerie, Aurelia, Aurora, Ali, Ari, and Queen Rhiannon, the Half-Elf also planned to marry Luna.

Fortunately, the young lady didn't need a lot of convincing, especially since she was already in love with Lux.

The thought of living with him as a family with her sister, Aina, was more than enough reason for her to accept his proposal to marry him.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Lux was the most powerful individual in both Elysium and Solais, making some other rulers think about marrying their daughters to him to form stronger ties with him.

But, the Half-Elf had asked his Father, Alexander, to reject all of these marriage proposals.

After Princess Anastasia and Henrietta, who truly loved him, he had no interest in increasing the number of his wives.

His Friend, Keane, had married Rose two weeks ago and had gone on a honeymoon on Earth.

The Half-Elf made sure that both of them got the best accommodation possible so that they could enjoy their newly married life.