Chapter 1229 After Story: The Dawn Of A New Era [Part 2]

Chapter 1229 After Story: The Dawn Of A New Era [Part 2]

There were also a few others who had formed relationships during and after the war.

Great General Garret's two daughters, Alexa and Emily, were both secretly dating Gerhart.

The Great General only found out about it a week after the war ended, when he found his two daughters inside Gerhart's room...

Lying on top of his bed... Findd new stories at

And playing cards with him.

(A/N: Kekeke)

When Garret saw this scene, he immediately asked his daughters to leave and had a private talk with Gerhart. The Half-Elf confessed that he was in a relationship with the General's two daughters.

In the end, the General gave them his blessing. After all, he knew what kind of person Gerhart was.

He believed that the Half-Elf would take good care of his daughters. They seem to be really smitten with him as well.

But what surprised Lux, and probably the rest of the members of Heaven's Gate, was actually Cethus.

The Dragon Born was actually dating Emma, and none of them had any idea about it!

The two didn't even interact much together inside the Guild Headquarters, so this news took everyone by surprise.

So after having some girl's talk with Iris, and the others, Emma finally spilled the beans that Cethus and her had been talking in private using their Guild Chat. When they asked her when it all started, she said that it happened after she and Cethus completed their mission.

It was the mission where they activated a teleportation Gate to allow the members of Heaven's Gate to rush to the front lines of the war during the first days of the Abyssal invasion.

He wanted Leaf Town to prosper, so he wanted Cedwyn and the Elders to work harder to continue the legacy of the Dwarf, Faunus, who built it from scratch.

Leaf Village held a very special place in Lux's heart. It was where everything started.

Matty, who was worried that Colette would become one of Lux's lovers due to how close they were, proposed to her.

Colette accepted his proposal, making the Simp Dwarf very happy.

Those who had died in the war against the Abyssal Army felt that after getting a second chance at life, they should live it to the fullest.

People confessed their feelings to the ones they loved, regardless of whether they would succeed or not.

They no longer wanted to regret anything and wanted to live their lives to the fullest.

Even Nero, the one who hated Lux in the past, found happiness after becoming engaged to the third Princess of the Vahan Empire, which Emperor Andreas ruled.

He was one of the people who joined the battle in the Abyss and perished after trying his best to protect his subordinates, who were fighting alongside him.

Of course, there were also other surprises that emerged in the months before Lux's wedding ceremony.

Lady Faustina and Piccoro also decided to tie the knot after the two Dragon Kingdoms decided to stop all hostilities against each other.

They didn't plan on merging into a single kingdom again and decided to have two kingdoms that would keep each other in check to ensure the prosperity of the Dragon Race.

All of these things were only possible because Lux had made it possible.

And now, as the new era of peace dawned on both Elysium and Solais, the last preparations for the grandest wedding ceremony in both worlds were reaching their final stages. As all of this was happening, the groom slept soundly in the embrace of his two future wives, who were determined to make him the happiest man in the world for many years to come.
