After talking with Jiang Hao for a while, Chu Xuan and Jiang Hao decided to go to the wolf tooth mercenary regiment first.

At the gate, watching Chu Xuan and their leaving figure. Many of the powers waiting here are secretly relieved.

After coming out of the testing ground. Walking on the road, looking at the crowd around. Jiang Hao can't help but take a deep breath, there is a kind of feeling as if separated from the world.

At this time, however, a large group of supernatural beings in the costumes of the God cult rushed to the street.

However, the people around did not feel any surprise when they saw this. Instead, they had a look of happiness and joy on their faces.

"What's going on?" Chu Xuan see this, can't help but some doubts said.

"I'll ask." Jiang Hao immediately said, and then joined those who are discussing the crowd.

Not long. Jiang Hao then returned to the two people's side, but his face is a little strange.

"Jiang Hao, what's the matter?" An Yunlan can't help but ask a little curiously.

The expression on Jiang Hao's face was a little too sad to laugh and said: "those people of God cult seem to be catching a rhubarb dog. I heard from those people that this rhubarb dog actually sneaked into the treasure house of the God cult last night and cleaned up all the insect crystals and fruits of the mutant plants stored in it

Listen to your speech. The corner of Chu Xuan's mouth couldn't help but draw, and a figure appeared in his mind. Some can't believe to the side of an Yunlan said: "can't be rhubarb that guy?"

An Yunlan's eyes narrowed into a crescent moon and said with a suppressed smile: "I think it's nine times out of ten, but to come back. With the strength of rhubarb. Are you still afraid of these powers? "

Chu Xuan thought about it. If some of them are playing in the game, I think it's meaningful for them to play

And Jiang Hao on the edge listened to the two people's words is at a loss. After all, Chu Xuan didn't tell him about rhubarb just now.

Also noticed Jiang Hao's expression, Chu Xuan patted him on the shoulder. Some of them said earnestly, "brother, this matter will be known to you later."

"Shit, the yellow dog is running this way!"

"The LORD God has said that anyone who catches the yellow dog will get a chance given by God."

"Shit, is that serious?"

"Ha ha, I saw the rhubarb dog. This chance is mine..."

Suddenly, there was a riot on the road ahead.

I saw that those who had been taught by the gods had gone back and forth, among them there were countless powers. In front of them, there was a yellow shadow which was like a sharp sword.

"The yellow dog is running to the right. Let's keep up!"

"Come on, don't let it run away..."

Seeing countless powers running past him, Chu Xuan couldn't help feeling a little sad and laughing.

"Well, let's go." Then Chu Xuan looked at the direction of the crowd leaving and said to them.

As for rhubarb, Chu Xuan didn't mean to worry at all.

Rhubarb claimed that he was a wolf before, and he would be very angry if he was called yellow dog. But now that so many people call rhubarb dog, he doesn't have the slightest look of anger.

And with Chu Xuan's eyesight, he clearly saw the excited expression on his face just now.