But just as they were about to leave, a bright yellow shadow suddenly appeared on the edge and rushed over.

"Boy. Wait for Ben Wang Rhubarb stopped at Chu Xuan's feet. He said with his tongue out.

"Yes! Talking big yellow dog

After hearing the words of rhubarb, Jiang Hao can't help but stare. Pointing to it, I stammered.

Jiang Hao has never seen the mutant beasts that can speak. They are only heard from the legends among the mercenaries. Moreover, these mutant beasts have the strength to easily destroy a small human base.

Now such a mutant beast appears in front of him, it's strange that Jiang Hao is not nervous.

"What a fuss, little one. Is it strange for me to speak? "

At this time, rhubarb doesn't care about being called a rhubarb dog, but he still can't help but look at Jiang Hao, and some of them are not dissatisfied.

Jiang Hao sees this. The face suddenly became a little white, and the body couldn't help shaking slightly.

"All right, all right." Seeing this, Chu Xuan could not help saying. "Rhubarb, don't scare him."

"Qi, it's boring. It's just the same people that are fun. " Rhubarb hears speech, immediately bared teeth to say.

"Do you know Chu Xuan?" Now. Jiang Hao finally recovered. The startled and uncertain eyes swept over the body of Chu Xuan and rhubarb.

Chu Xuan nodded with a smile. Jiang Hao could not help but appear a little surprised look on his face, and then said with a bitter smile: "to tell the truth, I feel that all this is like a dream."

Chu Xuan nodded and then looked at the rhubarb beside him. "Rhubarb, didn't you say that you didn't make trouble?" he said

Rhubarb hears his speech. "I can't help but retort:" I depend, this king is hungry, want to find something to eat, and then casually find a place. "

"Anywhere?" When Chu Xuan heard this, he said with a smile, "and then you touch the treasure house of God cult?"

Rhubarb sighed and said angrily, "is that a broken place also called a treasure house? There are few fruits of the Lord level mutant plants in it. I just ate half full. "

"You are..." Chu Xuan wanted to say something, but finally he could only shake his head.

"Yes." Rhubarb suddenly thought of something, his eyes brightened, and said, "boy, I found something in that place. It looks good and then I take it back."

Then rhubarb shook his body, and immediately dropped a metal block the size of a palm from the hair of its neck, and made a crisp sound after falling to the ground.

"What is this?" Chu Xuan picked up the metal and asked in some doubt.

The size of the metal block is about ten centimeters square. The whole body is cold and silvery white, and it has a little bit of gold. It is not an ordinary metal at first sight.

Moreover, on the surface of the metal block, it is also depicted with dense and mysterious patterns, which makes people dizzy just by looking at it.

Unfortunately, there are some traces of fracture on the side of the metal block, as if it were broken from it.

After that, Jiang Hao and an Yunlan also took it to look at it for a while. Naturally, they didn't find anything.

"System, do you know what this is?" Chu Xuan asked in his mind.